One of the first cartoons I watched.
A man in black clothing (like red outlining) throws three rock cubes, with red writings on them, and a gigantic metal/rock monster appears.
Maybe he gets his arm taken off and replaced with a blue metallic one.
story-identification is a big tag. I've read How to write a good story-ID answer? and How to ask a good story-ID question?, but neither answers my larger question: how to find a good story-ID answer.
I've answered three story-ID questions, but two were based on others' answers and comments and t...
Is there any way to research an identify this story question? We have 391 unanswered questions and almost a third of them are story id questions. I wouldn't mind putting in the research effort, but I have no idea where to start short of reading every single short story anthology ever published. S...
story-identification is a big tag. I've read How to write a good story-ID answer? and How to ask a good story-ID question?, but neither answers my larger question: how to find a good story-ID answer.
I've answered three story-ID questions, but two were based on others' answers and comments and t...
A film or theater about a traveling salesman who want to sell a little atomic bomb to a family to destroy their bad neighbor.
Anyone can tell me the name of that film/theater or story of that please?
Synonymization's goal isn't to prevent but to cure; basically if for years people have been using two tags with the same meaning (for instance origins and history-of), then it can be a good thing to synonymize the two
so basically can't be done if one of the tags don't exist to beginn with
furthermore I think SE policy is to always have US Eglish in tags name unless explicitly British (such as HP1)
Tag names: English.
Tag names are important, because we can only put one name there (perhaps adding others as synonyms). We should use the English name there, because we're an English-language site. As for what kind of English: in general, network-wide consensus is to use US English for tag name...
Does SOFU have an accepted standard on language and spelling? Which is it?
For bodies, no. For tags, US-English.
Titles don't actually need to be consistent (tags absolutely do!), but if you think anyone might want to search for a question then you would do well to use the more common spel...
@Stormblessed approved; although I'd suggest you add add original title per to your edit reason so you don't risk people rejecting it for "no improvement whatsoever"
I mean they could still reject it if they want but if it's backed by a mod on Meta then it's backed by a mod on Meta
Until this feature is implemented, you can use the following SEDE query to search in tag names, tag descriptions ('excerpts') and tag wikis.
SELECT t.TagName, 'Tag', ''
FROM Tags AS t
WHERE t.TagName LIKE '%' + ##query:string## + '%' collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_ai
@Stormblessed that seems redundant, there's already the Boku No Hero Academia thing
In the opening scene of "Whom Gods Destroy", Captain Garth (posing as Dr. Cory) says to Kirk:
"Garth of Izar, a starship fleet captain."
Was this intended to be a real Starfleet title, or a production mistake (i.e. by a writer or actor) that has been later retconned into "canon"? The phras...
@Stormblessed I went to Alex's profile to look to see his answers then changed the number on his main profile to my number and found another user named Alex.
story-identification is a big tag. I've read How to write a good story-ID answer? and How to ask a good story-ID question?, but neither answers my larger question: how do users here find the answers to story-ID questions?
I've answered three story-ID questions, but two were based on others' answ...
@Jenayah - In this case (frustratingly) it's cached by Google but not accessible. The site comes up when I search for the word "Cling-mine" in quote marks, but the cache button is greyed out. — ValorumDec 25 '18 at 21:21
The total vote count (score) is denormalized, but the individual up/down vote counts are not.
So to display it on every post would incur 2 vote table queries * number of visible questions / answers. Our DB is fast, but the vote table is pretty massive, and not doing a query is always faster than...
Thousands of years ago, Kree experimented on primitive humans to create first Inhuman Warriors. Later, the program was abandoned and some Kree Reapers were put in stasis to forever orbit the solar system, in case the need arose to kill the Inhumans. And, its activation system was put on the Earth...
I'm looking for an animated TV show bast on King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. It came out some time in the 80s or early 90s. It centres around the table and the knights. All the knights would place there swords on the table. In the intro they showed the building of Camelot. Lifting ...
I believe it's only the mom and the daughter who move to a new house. The house though is haunted by a teenage girl who died there and now she want to possess the daughter. The ghost ends up succeeding but the mom figures it out though when she asks her "daughter" where she came up with her name ...
The OP seems somewhat confused. I asked them to edit in anything else, they said "magic/monsters" I said okay great edit it in and then they said I put in everything haha
The football one, that the one with justice in its title?
It kept dominating my search results so had to filter it out haha
Unfortunately, though, this ghost house crap is about the majority of horror fair released. Since this way you can make 500 million with a cost 5 million.
@NapoleonWilson I liked Purge, Purge 2 was also not bad. 3rd one was I have seen it all already + election but I was happy purge is canceled and all happy . But then they made prequel film and prequel TV show, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I like horror when it presents an interesting and engaging story apart from the simple horror moments. The film ought to work as a gripping thriller even if you don't want to just get scared or whatever.
I don't find most horror films too scary anyway. Though, the last time I was genuinely scared probably was Oculus indeed, I guess.
> Find me a show about X, please post guess as comments, so that I will be able to post a self answer stating "got it!" in your place if by sheer luck you manage to find it.
The infamous Babadook, from the film of the same name (albeit carricaturized based on a ridiculous joke played by and on the Twittersphere that apparently developed a life of its own).
Yes, the White Walkers couldn't swim, but during the winter, water gets frozen.
What prevented White Walkers from assimilating every single human being from Westeros?
Hmm... I improved my Kaijudo answer (this one). The current dupe-target for this series is which is a terse question and kinda terse answer. @FuzzyBoots, do you think it's reasonable to change the dupe-target to the new question?