ich denke man kann das so sagen (ist aber ein bisschen ungewöhnlich) - pass auf, denn zerfließen hat hier einen negativen Beiton, den man vielleicht bei Mitleid für jemand nicht so beabsichtigt.
@Vogel612 Oh, really good, as a matter of fact I'm starting to learn German, I'm pretty serious about it, I'm decent in English and I want to learn German and improve my English.
@Vogel612 Okay, also the only thing really scared the hell out of me was German writing and words, they're pretty long and for me pretty ugly.Are you comfortable with those long words?do they have any kind of rule or something which facilitates writing process, as a matter of fact, I love french more but I've found it won't have any use for me in the future than German.
Thanks god, therefore I won't have any difficulties, I asked a friend who was from Belgium, he told me not to learn German but to learn Dutch.He said there is a big difference, my main purpose is to be able to read scientific papers and really think hard on my field of study.What's your idea?
I know, I'm physics student but I'm sure you know what it would be like to read the main paper in the author's language rather than reading it's translation.In this way I can get much more power of understanding and improve my communication skills.
@Vogel612 I knew there is a chat room in stack exchange but wasn't patient enough to find the link and chat with people, I've just discovered the community and I think it would be really better than IRC.