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12:11 AM
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 20 vs. 25 David. So far, David is winning.
Hello, @Paulo :)
@yo' Hi Tom! :)
@egreg: around? :)
12:33 AM
@egreg I see. Thanks.
gotta go, good night
@yo' night, buddy!
@PauloCereda gn, too :)
8 hours later…
9:00 AM
@egreg You mean 'left in the input stream' of course :-)
9:16 AM
@JosephWright It seems that managed to escape from its destiny as a synonym for , could you please merge the two? Or should I retag it manually (it's 17 questions)?
Q: Tags for Springer-Verlag classes

yo'A user introduced a tag svmult in this question. I thought it's too specialized and changed it into broader sv-classes. Then I found that there exist svjour3 for one of their classes. I think that since we do not need multiple sv-foo tags, the tag svjour3 should be a synonym of the broader sv-c...

@yo' Should be sorted
@JosephWright good, thanks. (At first, the sentence "should be" gave me the impresson of "should be in the future", so it confused me a bit. But it's fine now, I recovered :) )
9:42 AM
@JosephWright svn email seems to work (xetex:-)
@DavidCarlisle Cool: I spot a few oddities so am sorting them at the same time
hello everybody
@moose Hello
something seems to be broke with latest TL update with tex4ht. On the new PC, Linux 64 bit, htlatex does not find the user configuration file (.cfg) when it is in the home directory, but find it when it is in the current directory. Same set up works ok on my other linux machine. Something very strange is going on.
is $HOME correct on your new machine?
9:54 AM
I've got (once again) a question related to my symbol recognizer.

@DavidCarlisle suggested I could drop MathJax as I only need it to display single symbols by directly showing the unicode symbol.

I currently add the information to my database by searching for the symbol on http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/03f5/index.htm
However, for some symbols (like \varepsilon and \epsilon) it is a bit tricky to find the right one (and it is a tedious task to do this for 1111 symbols).
Is there an automatic way to do this?
get unicode.xml from w3.org/2003/entities/2007doc and look in the unicode-math field (or equivalently in that case look in the uniocde-math tex sources) but unicode.xml has lots of other useful information:-) (save the file, don't look at it in a browser)
@moose ^^^ that is the entries like: <mathlatex set="unicode-math">
@DavidCarlisle Very nice! Thank you very much :-) I was prepared to spend about 7 hours only searching for the right unicdoe code points. Now I think I will get it in the database in about 1-2 hours. You just made my day :-)
@moose unicode.xml basically has everything I have ever known about unicode since 1999 or so:-)
@DavidCarlisle yes. I checked. THis is very strange. I have a feeling the process that gets spawned to process the htlatex command does not find $HOME. This always worked. I send email to tex4ht mailing list. May be something broke in tex4ht latest TL update I did 3 days ago.
configuring tex4ht is always a nightmare. tex4ht.env file is like black magic also. I never understood this file.
10:16 AM
Hi guys. What's the best way to specify French quote characters? Using latex commands or the quote character direct from the keyboard?
It seems the text needs to be separated from the mark with a non-breaking space (fine).
Using "some text" would be easier. I specified a french style to csquotes and included babel with frenchb, but got no changes.
@Nasser the only method of configuring tex4ht that ever worked for me was to ask Eitan for a configuration.
@wget doesn't babel french take care of the spacing (it redefines a lot of punctuation characters to adjust spacing)
I even tested with << some Text >>, and there, I got the good result, but didn't get a non breaking space between the quote characters and the text.
@DavidCarlisle The american quote keys "some text" are not replaced by Frnehc one, despite babel should indeed take care of this.
@wget is csquotes (ctan.org/pkg/csquotes) eventually what you are looking for?
@moose Would be my plan
@wget I never really use csquotes (normally use of " is an error in latex of course) I just had a quick look and it seems to have commands to define language-specific quote behaviour so you could specify ~ and \guillemotleft/right as needed?
10:24 AM
@DavidCarlisle You know that the 'competition' use mark-up based quoting, yes?
@JosephWright I know nothing
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@moose As I said, I'm already using csquotes right now ;-) but this does not solve anything :-(
@wget No?



\showoutput shows there are no breaks allowed
@JosephWright I've my own class file, and I'm thus not precising the language as a class option to article, but directly to babel. But yes, indeed enquote works fine.
But where does this command come from?
10:31 AM
@wget Yes: that's the core point of the package!
@FaheemMitha Red outline? There is no red outline anywhere. With pdflatex I get a gradient fill, from grey at the top to white at the bottom. With xelatex I get just a grey bar at the bottom, no gradient.
@wget \quote is already taken in LaTeX2e as it defines the quote environment
@TorbjørnT. I could have sworn there was a red outline.
@wget You can do active char tricks but for full flexibility a proper markup approach is really needed
10:33 AM
@FaheemMitha No, it's just that the gradient doesn't work.
@TorbjørnT. Oh, never mind, that was synctex doing its thing.
It sticks a red border around stuff that is in "focus". My bad.
@TorbjørnT. Right, I get that. And why does that happen?
/me wonders why "shut up" has 6 upvotes.
Maybe I should upvote it too?
@FaheemMitha People seem to want @JosephWright to say less.
@FaheemMitha Don't know the details, the driver doesn't support it I guess. @JosephWright may be able to explain better. (Why TikZ shadings doesn't work with XeTeX.)
@DavidCarlisle Ah.
@TorbjørnT. Isn't shading done using a PDF directive that isn't available going via xdvipdfmx? I've not checked all of the details but certainly classical EPS-based routes are limited in this way
@DavidCarlisle Indeed
10:38 AM
Jeez, you hit rep cap already. What has it been? Like 10 hours?
@FaheemMitha Well I did so ...
@JosephWright That's too bad.
@JosephWright I have no idea to be honest, I know very little to nothing about the low-level stuff.
Anyway, thanks for the example @TorbjørnT. and for the clarification @JosephWright.
@FaheemMitha It's best to have hit rep cap before you log in in the morning.
10:39 AM
@TorbjørnT. At the moment I've not pursued this one but will have to at some stage (cf. clipping for XeTeX)
@DavidCarlisle Does that usually happen?
Are there any PGF devs on this site?
@FaheemMitha not usually, but not uncommonly
@DavidCarlisle oh
Now, if only they were baked goods...
@FaheemMitha you see, the world is in fact round.
@DavidCarlisle yes, I think I heard something about that.
Ok, nap time. Laters.
10:46 AM
@DavidCarlisle I am starting to think may be linux mint 7.1 is broke ;) I just found that my makefile on this new box does not expand wildcard, like this

rm -f $(wildcard *.htme)

which works fine on my other linux 32 box. (not same mint version). So I end up having to delete all these files by hand afterwords. This is very strange. May be I should switch to fedora linux
On the terminal I just see it doing this

rm -f

and that is it.
@Nasser that's gnu make syntax as far as I recall, have you got make in some "compatibility with traditional make" configuration?
@DavidCarlisle No, this is all new installation, brand new, from DVD. installed new linux mint downloaded from the web. 7.1 did not change anything.
@DavidCarlisle Michal just answered me on mailing list. I need to set $TEXINPUTS !! for htlatex to look for .cfg (which I deleted). How do you like that.
@michal.h21 thanks for your help with .cfg issue. I deleted my $TEXINPUTS earlier and forgot it is used by htlatex.
@JosephWright I wanted to define my class file to make my documents like it was a markdown-like, so with less markup as possible. But, yes, \enquote did the trick.
I assume any way we can switch languages in the document if I had to write English text in some parts of it.
@Nasser hmm probably it ought to be compiled against the tl libraries (as you found for dvisvgm) so that it uses the default TL search paths set in texmf.cnf and not need an environment (unless you mean you just need to set it as the cfg is not in adefault texmf search tree)
11:02 AM
@DavidCarlisle good idea. For now I do this in my home .bashrc


and now both tex4ht and latex are happy. But this is again one more thing a user has to configure each time.
11:19 AM
Which one have I to use when writting programmation languages names? lstinline or verb? What's the difference btw?
@Nasser but why put the tex4ht config files directly in your home directory rather than in the default tex search path? Do you put latex packages there as well?
@wget verb is standard latex so doesn't need any packages. lstinline comes from listings package and does syntax highlighting
@DavidCarlisle well, I guess I always put the .cfg in my home folder. I did not know better. But will look into using the default tex search path. good idea. thanks
@DavidCarlisle Thanks.
11:46 AM
@FaheemMitha Christian Feuersänger and Mark Wibrow both stop by from time to time, cjorssen has also done some work on PGF/TikZ. They don't frequent the chat though.
@moose have you tried to css-link the font rather than have it installed in your computer?
@yo' No. How do I do that? (Alternatively: Do you have a good resource to learn about this topic?)
@moose I don't have a really good resource, but I just found it somewhere on the web, gimme a sec
I use ttf and woff and I seem to be fine
@moose you need the font to be in web font format and served from somewhere you really don't want to mess with classically encoded tex fonts on the web if you can avoid it, using a unicode font like stix will make life much easier
1:01 PM
@DavidCarlisle Thanks for the hint! I now got it to work locally. Does stix have the Pluto symbol I showed in stackoverflow.com/q/28674012/562769? If not, I need to use the marvosym. What is the problem of using it on the web?
@moose this looks good as well: w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_font-face_rule.asp But other than that, of course you should use the proper unicode positions for the symbol. @DavidCarlisle knows them all.
@yo' I just went through the unicode.xml and searched for 'pluto'. There seems to be only this one (martin-thoma.de/write-math/symbol/?id=1110), but I want that one, too (martin-thoma.de/write-math/symbol/?id=1139)
@yo' This made it work for me. Do you want to post it as an answer on SO? If not, I would make a community wiki answer
@moose it's a dupe on SO
@yo' but that's the problem an 8bit font line marvosym probably just (ab)uses the latin1 slots and doesn't have unicode associations ♇ is pluto but that doesn't help if marvosym doesn't think it has that slot
@moose which formats are you serving?
@DavidCarlisle What do you mean?
1:07 PM
@moose you should have at least TTF/OTF and WOFF files uploaded and linked
@moose what font format do you have marvosym in?
@DavidCarlisle I have marvosym in TTF. I converted it to WOFF. I am currently writing an email to Martin Vogel to ask if I am allowed to upload the WOFF file (as I could not find any license on marvosym.de )
@moose good point about the licence :)
marvosym faq says this which doesn't really count as a licence these days sadly: Why is your font free?
Because I just wanted to have a bit of weekend fun dabbling at font design! I didn't think anyone other than me would want it, and I am a bit surprised at the download count. :-)
1:35 PM
Martin Vogel just answered (that was fast!). marvosym is licensed under SIL Open Font License (scripts.sil.org/OFL). This is stated in the readme of the ZIP file (I have downloaded it from another source where it was not stated)
@TorbjørnT. Ok, thanks.
@moose it's not obvious to me from the licence whether you are allowed to create a WOFF version of the fond. Maybe ask him?
@yo' I didn't ask directly, but I explained him what I wanted to do. He didn't directly tell me that it is allowed, but indirectly by asking me to inform him if the conversion to WOFF worked. I hope it is ok this way.
@moose he seems to be avail on email, just send him the WOFF version of the font and ask for direct approval? He may appreciate that.
I am pretty sure it is allowed: "It enables font authors to release their work under a common license that allows use, bundling, modification and redistribution."

I think that is covered by 'modification' and redistribution, isn't it?
1:45 PM
@moose but there's a "rename if you modify" clause somewhere. So it's not clear whether you can call the WOFF file still Marvosym or whether it has to be "Moses' Marvosym in WOFF" :D
@yo' Ah, ok ... god, I hate license stuff (that's why I put almost everything I do under CC0 / MIT license). I will ask him. Thanks for pointing this possible problem out!
@moose yw
@moose CC0/MIT do you mean both or one of?
@DavidCarlisle one of I hope, they seem highly incompatible :D
@DavidCarlisle CC0 for images and MIT for software. Basically I only want to say for my stuff: "Use it if you like, give credits if you like (although I appreciate it), don't sue me if something breaks"
1:51 PM
btw, achievement: our university thesis class will be LPPL-licenced, just the logos distributed along with the file are of course private.
@moose oh OK, note latex used not to have anything like LPPL, but it meant people could (did) edit in place, so your expectation that a document that worked in one place would work somewhere else broke. So such a licence is Ok for software people just run transiently (like editors) but doesn't really work for software that has an expectation of producing the same results on different installations.
@yo' yes but you can dual licence things. That is often needed because the licences are incompatible.
@DavidCarlisle like that the user can choose which licence of my product he uses?
@moose -- stix should have pluto (U+2647). there's a table showing what's in the stix fonts linked from ams.org/STIX . some cleanup is needed since the locations of "extra" symbols in the pua aren't properly identified; part of that code range was rearranged without my knowledge or participation. (it's on my list.)
2:06 PM
@barbarabeeton U+2647 (with stix) looks like martin-thoma.de/write-math/symbol/?id=1110, but I want martin-thoma.de/write-math/symbol/?id=1139
This is how I compile my latex+tex4ht files now: I copy the files from windows PC to stick USB, take the stick to the Linux PC, read them, compiles them on linux, copy them back to the stick, move it back the windows PC and replace my old folder with the new build. On linux, the build takes 20 minutes. On VBox under windows, may be full day.
I feel very productive now.
@yo' yes I have some code on googlecode that is mit/w3c/Apache tripple licenced:-)
@Nasser years of education and training and your role is now to act as a network file access protocol:-)
@DavidCarlisle It's not encouraged!
@moose Are you/Have you considered doing a removal of, uhm, not so serious drawings (cf. martin-thoma.de/write-math/symbol/?id=1139)?
@DavidCarlisle this is just a temporary measure, until I can figure a way to share my data more easily between windows and linux PC. Currently, the window PC is my living room and the linux PC is in my kitchen, so it is not too much walking for me. But it saves me lots of time doing it this way.
2:22 PM
@TorbjørnT. Woops ... yes, I did a lot of cleanup. I should probably point out that \Pluto is not one of the 369 symbols my classifier currently recognizes, so I did not focus on cleaning it up.
@moose I see.
@moose -- ah, okay; i was looking at the wrong link. i think the symbol you want isn't actually in unicode. however, this is a situation where unicode almost certainly would accept a request for a second version, albeit perhaps using a variation selector. if you can provide a reference to its use in document published by a "recognized" publisher, i'll be happy to submit it.
@TorbjørnT. I just cleaned it up. Thanks for mentioning it
Wow, that's cool :-) I'm sorry, I currently can't give you any documents with that symbol. On my todo-list is parsing the arXiv. When I do this I will very likely have plenty of references for all kinds of symbols. But I am sure it will take at least 2 months to get there.

Should I write you an email when I have the references? (What is your address?)
@Nasser you should set ssh server on your linux computer, copy your files using scp and control the compilation from your windows machine.
@michal.h21 thanks, will look into that. The speed difference is amazing though. With your help in optimizing the build and with using Linux directly instead of vbox, what used to take 4 days now takes less than 30 minutes.
2:33 PM
@moose -- it takes me a while (obviously) to get around to finishing some things too. when you have something to report, feel free to send it to me; e-mail address is on my profile page.
@Nasser or use dropbox, that would at least save you from the neverending "Safely remove USB drive"
@JosephWright depends who's doing the encouraging. If you have some code even if it is very unrestricted (mit in my case) then if someone wants to incorporate it in a larger project (eg mathjax apache2 licenced) then either they need to start listing which files are licenced under which licence or you agree do dual licence it under apache so they take it under that and keep the project under a single licence.... then mozilla wants to use part of it in firefox...
@DavidCarlisle Or you as copyright holder simply hand over the current code 'as is' and they can do what they like under a single license
@DavidCarlisle I have the issue with beamer: Till dual-licensed it so I am stuck
here is the current web page of the build: all done using latex+tex4ht. Used SVG for the math now, which makes the math looks better, and it seems to load faster in the browser also compared to .png for some reason. Which is a extra benefit that I did not expect. 12000.org/my_notes/CAS_integration_tests/index.htm
@JosephWright I can do that but then it is harder for the accepting project to be obviously conformant, as the files they are copying say MIT licenced on them, It is much easier (since they dynamically pull in any upstream updates) if the files they are pulling say they are apache licenced.
3:03 PM
It's time to eat something. Thank you for helping me again!
3:26 PM
@JosephWright you'r in the latex3 team, can you fix \@ifundefined{chapter} not to define \chapter :)
Q: Sectioning and Chaptering in AMSart not working at all w/example

HirekI am wondering why AMSart which reputedly supports sectioning and chaptering doesn't compile my chapter headings at all. I have a non-working example here which shows that neither the section nor the chapter command works. Can someone help figure out how to put chapters and sections in there? Tha...

3:40 PM
@DavidCarlisle, @egreg -- i want to go back to this one: amsbook improvement. (how do you manage to get the actual question to show up here???) problem: when the problematic code is patched with \patchcmd, the result is good, but when instead i insert the entire updated definition in the test file, the \chaptername comes out lowercase. i guess the timing may be interaction with babel, but i'd like some guidance here.
@barbarabeeton if the only thing in the post is the link, it shows up:
Q: amsbook improvement

SigurToday it was the first time I tried amsbook class and I noticed a (possible?) bug (or should I say incompatibility?) babel with brazil option translates Chapter to Capítulo. So note the accented letter. Well, amsbook class produces CAPíTULO. Checking line 990 in amsbook.cls we find \uppercas...

(actually, you can include the reply prefix :12345678 (or hit the gray arrow) to make it as a reply to somebody, but you can't ping them directly by @somebody)
@yo' -- aha! thanks! (i guess i should go back and look for instructions.)
@barbarabeeton we just discussed in the Music room that SE engine has a lot of features, too many to be well documented really.
@barbarabeeton you mean if you change \uppercase to \MakeUppercase in amsbook source?
@DavidCarlisle -- yes, exactly that.
3:48 PM
@barbarabeeton odd let me try
@DavidCarlisle Well the team did say several years ago we'd require e-TeX: a nice easy fix :-)
@barbarabeeton Let me try.
@JosephWright we could add \let\whatever\@undefined in the true branch (or play with local groups) in classic tex:(

\def\@makechapterhead#1{\global\topskip 7.5pc\relax
      \leavevmode \hskip-\leftskip
      \rlap{\vbox to\z@{\vss
          \vskip 3pc}}\hskip\leftskip\fi
     #1\par \endgroup
@DavidCarlisle Isn't the point that \@ifundefined is expandable: there are easy fixes using groups in other cases
3:57 PM
@barbarabeeton The above example prints well.
@JosephWright ah
@barbarabeeton I would guess you did \MakeUppercase\@xp{\chaptername}\enspace\thechapter} but either you need an extra \@xp at the front or no \@xp at all.
@DavidCarlisle and @egreg -- using pdftex, tex live 2012, with dvi output, but i don't think that should make any difference. (but i know you'll let me know if it does.) what i'm looking for here is a "permanent" fix, for when all these document classes finally get upgraded. and i'd really prefer a fix that allows the \'{\i} input since our production system is still based on bibtex and dvi (the latter so that graphics can be checked automatically; can't do that once everything is one big pdf).
@DavidCarlisle -- okay, let me try with an extra \@xp.
@barbarabeeton That's what \MakeUppercase does
@barbarabeeton With \MakeUppercase the \i should become I automatically.
@barbarabeeton that will work but having neither does the same thing
4:07 PM
-- okay, removing the `\@xp` does have the desired effect. thanks much. but how come this worked (it didn't remove the `\@xp`): \makeatletter
@barbarabeeton It can't have worked:-) in \uppercase\expandafter{\chaptername} the \chaptername is expanded once then uppercased. in \MakeUppercase\expandafter{\chaptername} the argument to \MakeUppercase is just \expandafter so not much happens, then {\chaptername} is typeset as it is.
@barbarabeeton egreg's answer to that question has
so he is removing \@xp
@DavidCarlisle -- okay; i managed to space over that part of the answer. but the "simplified" version did work when i tested it here. honest! would the fact that i added \usepackage{etoolbox} have made that difference?
@barbarabeeton No:-)
@DavidCarlisle -- okay then. i'll just have to assume that something unidentified has changed since tex live 2012. my present task is just to compile reliable test files to be applied when the time does come. everything will have to be retested then anyhow. thanks.
@barbarabeeton I tried with TL 2012 and the result is the same.
4:24 PM
@egreg since MakeUppercase hasn't changed since 1995/06/06 I'm not surprised:-)
5:24 PM
@egreg -- although i can't figure out what i did when i tested it earlier, i did find that the timestamp on (what i thought was) the "authoritative" test file was later than the output with the correctly uppercased \chaptername. so, case closed. thanks. (and i do now have a good test file.)
I recommend looking on the new profile page thingy on the main meta. If anybody sees particular concerns that can be communicated through the post, I'm willing to do that if they don't feel so: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/249951/… meta.stackexchange.com/users/189976/yo
Q: Help us test the shiny new "User Activity" page! (Plus a bunch of new features.)

JaydlesToday, we're shipping the new "Activity Page" of the Profile here on Meta SE, so you can test it out and hopefully share some feedback and suggestions before we ship it network wide. Hate words? Assuming you're signed in, just click your face up in the top bar, and you can see it right now. Or,...

5:40 PM
@yo' The improved badge progress views are great!
@Werner they "need some lots of work" tho
@yo' Oh? In what respect? Visually or is the information being displayed incorrect?
@Werner there are badges with: "positive score on something (the score being hidden)", "has at least 25% of something" etc. This is not well reflected in the progress bars.
6:06 PM
@DavidCarlisle We should switch to my version ;-)
6:17 PM
@JosephWright does it work?
@DavidCarlisle Of course :-)
@DavidCarlisle Did you try it?
@JosephWright yes but not really stress tested it yet
@DavidCarlisle Minor proviso: I've not covered accents such as \' 'out of the box' so they need to be made engine robust or I'd need another test to pick them up
1 hour later…
7:19 PM
Daily vote limit reached; vote again in 4 hours. -- hasn't happened to me for a while ... on Meta.SE :)
7:29 PM
@yo' With the new profile page answers?
@Werner not only I think, I've been active last night as well
@DavidCarlisle Sorry, too late.
What is the standard extension for auxiliary files of a class? def? tex? inc? @DavidCarlisle @JosephWright Please....?
@SeanAllred @DavidCarlisle What did i click to get the following?
@yo' .def or .cfg, usually
7:35 PM
@Johannes_B that's the mobile version.
@yo' Seems like i changed it by accident.
@JosephWright so .def is fine? Ok, thanks. (I wasn't sure if it isn't only for like "configure files" such as "pdftex.def")
Can anybody give me a pointer where i can get the normal version?
@Johannes_B What about just refreshing the browser page... or closing the window and starting a new one.
Perhaps, if something got written in the cookies as being mobile (I don't know much about this), you should remove your most recent cookies.
@JosephWright and you simply \input them I suppose, there's no loading mechanism. (I of course start by \ProvidesExplFile)
7:41 PM
@yo' Yes, just load it
@JosephWright ok, thanks a lot
@Werner Done both, did not help :-(
@Johannes_B Double-check the URL. There might also be an m near the head of it to indicate mobile. At least, that's how it used to be.
@Johannes_B Scroll all the way to bottom. At the footer of the site, you'll see full site. Click on that.
@Johannes_B Sorry; I don't have anything else up my sleeve.
@SeanAllred You are my hero, thank you. <- @Werner
7:48 PM
@Johannes_B :)
Yeah, it looks like the full/mobile site status is held in some sort of cookie. There's no difference in the URL. Times are a-changin'.
@SeanAllred I feel relieved now, like a burden lost. Wow. That was strange.
@yo' or .clo
@DavidCarlisle Oh yes, fair point
@DavidCarlisle really? I thought the only clos are sizexx.clo...
@Johannes_B there is a "full site" option on the menu
7:52 PM
@DavidCarlisle Thanks, @Sean already helped me.
@yo' yes but it's just a name "class option" if you want [fobar] to \input{myclass-foobar.clo} it's there as a possibility
@DavidCarlisle not really. I basically just split the class file into smaller parts because the code is completely unreadable.
@yo' ah for that you can have multiple beautifully documented dtx files which unpack to the same .cls just as latex.ltx is generated from many separate dtx
@DavidCarlisle not that I really enjoy dtx, it seems to me that often the documentation gets a bit grotesque. I prefer a true documentation of the features, and a direct documentation of the sourcecode, one as a PDF and one as comments in the code.
@yo' Doesn't stop you using DocStrip to make one .cls file from several precursors
7:57 PM
@JosephWright or even cat
@JosephWright yeah I know. I may consider this.
@DavidCarlisle surely in the end I'll change the \inputs to the code of the subfiles by a script, there's no need for distributing the files separately :)
@JosephWright Is there any equivalent of leaders and rule in L3?
@yo' Not at present: we've not tackled this yet
@JosephWright ok, thanks
8:52 PM
@JosephWright Too broad?
Q: Best Practice: Adding packages to Journal Latex Template

skrI am using the INFORMS style file (https://www.informs.org/Find-Research-Publications/INFORMS-Journals/Author-Portal/LaTeX-Style-Files) . I need to write a algorithm and I found that the algorithm package is not included as a part of the style file and I wanted to use it. I could not find anyt...

@Johannes_B Probably yes
@Johannes_B Or OT
@JosephWright I am never quite sure, when it is such a borderline case. Where the only answer would be, we are not the guys to decide (OT?) or Oh no, possible, but don't do it!! (too broad). :-)
@Johannes_B Simply impossible to answer.
@Johannes_B That's why we have voting
@egreg Well, you could answer, call the editor and ask him, but that wouldn't be a saveable answer. :-) OT?
8:59 PM
@Johannes_B Yes.
@Johannes_B Closed
@JosephWright @egreg Thanks
someone ate my spaces!!! :(
@yo' Ouch
@JosephWright ah, they are back. \ProvidesExplFile's \ExplSyntaxOn setting slips out of \input of course, if it's not inside another Expl file.
can I change the default font size after \LoadClass{book} ? By simply \input{size\myfontsize.clo} ? Is it unsafe?
9:12 PM
@yo' why not \loadclass[\myfontsize]{book} ?
@DavidCarlisle because I wanna do it in the preamble? (And please don't tell me it's a bad idea. I know.)
@yo' you will trip over \newcommand\small{% with \small already being defined unless you undefine it first
@DavidCarlisle ah damn. That sucks. Ok, let's not move this one particular option out of the class options.
@yo' but other than that mostly sizex.clo are fairly satndard definitions.
Actually, if I understand it correctly, you're the one to blame :-)
9:15 PM
@yo' just about the one place the latex sources use latex syntax:-)
@yo' Johannes did most of the 2e classes (pulling in the ilatex versions with the \xxxxname convention for easy translation)
@DavidCarlisle but it seems that I could \begingroup\let\newcommand\gdef\input{sizex.clo}\endgroup and hope :D
@DavidCarlisle no, to blame for this problem. It has something to do with the commas in \documenclass[lang = {slovak, czech, english}]{myclass}
So I ended with this:
%	fontsize=11pt,

	mainlanguage = english,
	titlelanguage = english,
	secondlanguage = czech,
	otherlanguages = {slovak, english},
	title-czech = {Moje bakalářka se strašně, ale hrozně dlouhým přelouhým názvem},
	title-english = {My Favourite Thesis; Just the Title is Soooooooo Looooong},
	doctype-czech = {Bakalářská práce},
	doctype-english = {Bachelor Project},
	faculty-czech = {Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská},
	faculty-english = {Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering},
where \ctuprocess actually loads all the necessary packages and does all the stuff.
@yo' oh yes I was wondering (but then forgot) whether to leave the unmangled option list in some macro for you to pick up in the class wasn't I....
@DavidCarlisle and I decided another way, as you can see.
@yo' yes but there are other latex users to worry about, whichever way you went;-) But...
@DavidCarlisle yeah, I know, these strange non-systematic design decisions always have butts.
9:24 PM
@yo' actually your example has accents all over the place which means not supporting that in the class options is a good idea. You need to have `\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} before that or things will go very wrong, and it's a bit unnatural to have that before the document class options
@DavidCarlisle well, I know, that's one of the reasons why I decided to restructure it, and hope users will issue \ctuprocess at the riight place. If not, L3 error will explain them :-)
@yo' you could load inputenc in the class?
@DavidCarlisle that's what I do of course :-) actually, the class itself currently loads only couple packages:

\ProvidesExplClass{ctuthesis}{2014/01/18}{0.1}{Class for typesetting CTU theses and alike}

... (a lot of stuff here) ...

% Load the report class
\LoadClassWithOptions [,
	\tl_use:N \g_ctuthesis_fontsize_tl % fontsize option
	] { book }
all the rest of the stuff got moved into \ctuprocess.
and no one will moan and say they want latin1 or 2 or whatever the previous Czech encoding was?
@DavidCarlisle ummmm, maybe? I actually thought of getting around it somehow. I don't have that much Czech text directly in the class (basically just names of the faculties and departments), so I could "\\' \\v" them. And then test whether inputenc has been loaded, and if yes, don't load it again. These people could then use \RequirePackage[cp1250]{inputenc} \documentclass{ctuthesis}
9:40 PM
@yo' if you make all the 8bit characters active and \let to their non active selves , then you could use accented letters in your setup keys before or after inputenc, so long as inputenc was loaded by the time you typeset anything.
@DavidCarlisle is there any benefit over using \'{a}?
@PauloCereda Quack!
@yo' in the class you should use \' but I meant for a user doing doctype-czech = {Bakalářská práce}, in the document.
@DavidCarlisle well, as long as [utf8]{inputenc} works fine, I'm happy.
@yo' if your class doesn't load inputenc that will be very wrong if inputenc is loaded after the setup unless the class has already made the characters active
@DavidCarlisle I do load inputenc. I just say I will opt for \@ifpackageloaded{inputenc}{}{\RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}} -- this will keep the option for the users to use another encoding, as long as I go stricly 7bit in the class itself.
9:45 PM
@yo' hi from SP! I am still stuck.
@yo' actually I think simplest is if you load [utf8]{inputenc} as now and document if someone wants cp1250 they use \inputencoding{cp1250} in the preamble (rather than use inputenc again)
@PauloCereda stuck duck.
@DavidCarlisle that is possible? I didn't know. C'est cool ça!
@yo' yes
and it will work correctly with my utf8 texts in the class file?
@yo' yes most likely (but I wouldn't risk it:-) I'd specify [utf8] in the class file but use \' :-)
9:47 PM
@yo' there is a plan for us to go to Lourdes!
@DavidCarlisle ah ok
@PauloCereda where?
@yo' he means Lords, the home of MCC and of cricket
I'm still lost (maybe because I'm at 11pm at work, huh
@DavidCarlisle A curious error

  \csname otherlanguage*\endcsname{greek}%


Η Αθήνα είναι η πρωτεύουσα

It gives ! LaTeX Error: Command \textEta unavailable in encoding LGR.
@egreg yes is that a simplified version of the question on site earlier about ltablex? I was looking at that but got distracted by some output routine questions from Frank:-)
9:52 PM
@DavidCarlisle Yes, it's probably as minimal as one can get.
@DavidCarlisle A timing error, because \textEta is provided in encoding LGR
@egreg \halign preambles could have been simpler :(
@DavidCarlisle :)
@PauloCereda What is the L[[lower]]+ thing about?
@DavidCarlisle Only the first letter gives problems.
@egreg so if you add \relax before it, it's fine? ...
9:54 PM
@yo' Yes, but…
@egreg ok
@yo' get @PauloCereda to explain the difference between lords.org and en.lourdes-france.org
@yo' If \Xgreektext is at the start of the cell text it's OK, but the cell should be typeset in Greek without the need of adding the token manually each time.
So @Paulo is coming to the Pyrénées?
@DavidCarlisle -- and here i was thinking that @paulo was in search of a miracle.
9:59 PM
@egreg yes looks like it's expanded while looking for omit decides to make an error but by the time it actually makes the error the current encoding is LGR so it says LGR in the error message (and shouldn't have made an error at all...)
@barbarabeeton The English cricket team is in need of a miracle
@DavidCarlisle -- which is why i thought lourdes might be a logical destination.
@barbarabeeton unfortunately they are down under at present
@DavidCarlisle did you really get 9 accepts today, or do I misunderstand the display?
@FaheemMitha yes, he did.
Ah @Paulo is not at home and Psmith sleeps
@FaheemMitha looks like it
10:10 PM
@FaheemMitha But he's still 200+ behind @GonzaloMedina. He's just trying to hide his displeasure for the England cricket team.
@DavidCarlisle Ok. I thought maybe I was hallucinating.
@egreg we won the last match (v scotland)
@egreg they play a lot of cricket here too. Never figured out why. And it's terrible weather for cricket here. Hot, sunny...
@Joseph can an l3key be .meta and .tl_set both at once? Or should I have another key as a meta-meta key for that?
@yo' One or the other!
10:23 PM
@JosephWright ok, thanks.
@yo' If you want more complex behaviours you'll need to do it by hand (.code:n)
@JosephWright no, I'll use this:
mykey .meta:n = { mykey#1, setmykey = {#1} },
mykeyA .whatever,
setmykey .tl_set:c = l_myclass_mykeyvalue_tl,
@yo' Well provided both mykeyA and setmykey make sense on their own ...
@JosephWright that's the difficult part. Somehow they do, but the behaviour may be strange if the user tries to set them directly.
@yo' In that case I'd avoid having them as keys: really each key should in itself form part of a sensible interface
10:30 PM
I'll think about it, because I'm afraid I mix setting the keys and doing the action that depends on them. I should probably just use .tl_set:c and sort things out after each \keys_set.
it's quite complex, because it was requested to be very versatile.
@egreg vvvvv
@DavidCarlisle Oops
@JosephWright So you tell me that having "hidden and undocumented keys" is a bad style?
@yo' Yes
@yo' Keys are really an interface thing: anything complex should probably be a .code:n pointing to some function which handles the 'stuff'
@DavidCarlisle Where?
@JosephWright egreg's greek example above
10:34 PM
@JosephWright ok, I'll try not to do it. THe problem is that they are somehow "semi-hidden": If you write faculty=4, it automatically sets the name of the faculty F4 in all supported languages. Now if your faculty is not pre-defined, you need to be able to do that by hand.
@DavidCarlisle 4s/letter/other/
@yo' works either way:-)
@DavidCarlisle yep I know. But :)
@yo' but I'll change the version I just posted on site thanks
@DavidCarlisle yw
I go catch the last metro.
@DavidCarlisle OK, it shouldn't have many side effects; but what about some UTF-8 characters in \protected@edef?
10:42 PM
@egreg yes once you start adding \protected the logical conclusion is to add them everywhere, if all the active 8bit characters were \protected you'd be back where you started. But anyway without etex the feeling back then was you had to accept bad behaviour at start of a cell or define \protect in a way that it leaves \relax and breaks ligatures/kerning
@DavidCarlisle The patch cannot be acceptable: try adding \tableofcontents and
\section{Η Αθήνα είναι η πρωτεύουσα}
@egreg Hmm I don't need to try, I can guess:-) I wonder if I can get tabular to make that change but revert it in every cell, so it's only active while looking for \omit....
@DavidCarlisle Best wishes. ;-)
@egreg @JosephWright is so happy he can claim he only has to worry about characters that are really supported by the engine, not the smoke and mirrors of inputenc:-)
11:18 PM
oh my! diving ducks on the local news! they cannot get food because there's too much ice covering where they would normally dive. :-( @PauloCereda the news anchor instructs: "If you see one of these ducks wandering around your neighborhood, please report it to the Humane Society."
Is there an easy way to have a \vrule extend symmetrically on both sides by a given amount? I mean, if I have the following code, how can I get the thin rule to extend, say, 10pt above and below its "natural" height?
\vrule\ \rule{1cm}{4cm}
@GonzaloMedina The height of a \vrule, if not specified, is determined when the paragraph is split into lines as the height of the box that ends up with it inside. So, no.
@GonzaloMedina nothing easy, in that case you know the 4cm is controlling the natural height, so you could just use a fixed \rule again but otherwise not much you can do
I suspected so. Thanks @egreg and @DavidCarlisle.
@GonzaloMedina What you can do is to use \ht\strutbox and add the desired height. The “natural height” doesn't make much sense anyway.
11:26 PM
@egreg Surely I am misunderstanding your comment. Do you mean something like this?
\vrule height\dimexpr\ht\strutbox+10pt\relax\ \rule{1cm}{4cm}
@GonzaloMedina Yes. But of course it doesn't work with extra high material.
@egreg But this doesn't give a rule 4cm+10pt high.
@GonzaloMedina Of course. I think I know what you need it for: measure the section title and build the rule afterwards.
@egreg Yes, I thought that was what my code was doing, but I must have the height and depth all wrong. Will keep trying.
@GonzaloMedina If you are in a position where you have access to the list above the current line eg at start of a paragraph you can use \pdfsavepos\write\@auxout{..\pdflastypos} ...\rule...\vadjust{\pdfsavepos..} then the aux file has the y pos above and below the line so you can draw a rule next time (or \tikzmark is the same thing)
11:32 PM
@DavidCarlisle Yes, for a moment I considered \tikzmark but methinks this can be done without TikZ.
@GonzaloMedina yes you can use the \pdfsavepos primitive and a primitive \vrule

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