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I have big problem, I hope someone can give me a hint. I have a pdf file, included as an image using \includegraphics[]{image} then I run pdflatex. When I look at the report.pdf and go to the page where this image is, I find the quality of the image is much worst than it is in the image.pdf file. I am not able to find why. The image.pdf file, was created by visio drawing program. When I open image.pdf it says at the top "you are viewing this document PDF/A mode" But the image is very clear..
... there. It only shows bad in the report.pdf, after \includegraphics{image} any idea why this would happen?
dealing with images in latex is a really a nightmare for me
I found the problem ! I had an image.png in the same folder, which was bad quality. It seems the order was to load .png before .pdf, so it was loading .png not .pdf image. When I deleted the .png and recbuild it, now it looks good, since now it loaded the .pdf version of the image
3 hours later…
Why do publisher distributed cls and bst files suck so much?
@mmdanziger They often get built up over many years and only have to work for that publisher and their workflow
In recent weeks I've encountered contradictory natbib options throwing errors in the sample file from oxford's complex nets, author year sorted numerical references when the published journal uses purely numerical references (complex nets and springer LNCS), broken options (titlepage from PNAS)
@mmdanziger Which one bothers you?
And nobody's bst seems to deal with arxiv well
@mmdanziger I've no idea what 'well' here would mean :-)
@mmdanziger Probably not updated for several years, and based around older support packages
I would consider well anything that prints the arxiv id or url
also "collection" is not supported at all in springer lncs's bst--which is funny because they publish tons of "collection" type products
@JosephWright, what do you do when you get bad biblio items from a distributed cls/bst pair?
@mmdanziger I guess that depends on you being a physicist: to me arxiv just sounds like 'unpublished' :-)
@JosephWright guilty as charged...
@mmdanziger If the class loads other packages, it may make assumptions about behaviour which are no longer true
@JosephWright possibly... but not supporting "eprint" or "collection" in bst is not that kind of problem, in the j complex networks they have numerical and author year citations. but then in the class file, after switching to the numerical case they called \bibpunct with an "a" in the middle, which confused poor natbib which was loaded with sort&compress. Changing it to "n" makes it compile without error. Though to get actual numerical order I had to patch their bst with the aps-revtex file...
Also, I noticed a lot of overprinting of URLs. Just because there is a URL or DOI tag does not mean it should be printed in the bibliography. hyperref linking would be nice but I don't want to junk up my reference list with all these random URLs. So I just deleted format.url from my bst...
@mmdanziger arxiv never runs bibtex
@tohecz submitting to arxiv is obviously not following a particular style, so you can choose a bst that you like, copy the bbl and everything's ok. my problem is with citing arxiv articles (fairly common in physics)
anyway, i've turned it in to a proper question tex.stackexchange.com/questions/162465/…
a little bit vague but hopefully i can get some helpful suggestions
@mmdanziger ah ok, I missed that. Well, arXiv is either @misc or @unpublished, never @article
I would go with deleting all URL fields in the .bib file, and putting NOTE = {preprint, \href{http://arxiv.org/abs/0000.0000v0}{0000.0000}} for arXiv preprints
@tohecz Really?
@tohecz but what if a current or future bst wants to actually use the url field to href the references (which is presumably what it's there for)?
also arxiv considers its articles as @articles: adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/…
@JosephWright Well, it has no journal name, for start
@tohecz 'arXiv'?
@JosephWright not a journal (with my Copy Editor hat on)
@tohecz I can see that: I've no experience of citing arXiv, so I've really no idea what's 'normal'. (In chemistry, submission to such a site would prevent publication in a 'real' journal.)
@JosephWright in physics, though, it's extremely common. it offers an easy way to parallelize your work. you could be waiting 6 months or more for an article to be published and you may have other work that needs to cite the queued article. are you really supposed to wait until one is published before you submit the next?
@JosephWright yeah, not the case in math/CS, fortunately. We seem to be on the progressive end of "open access science". However, I don't blame anyone of course
@mmdanziger 'Manuscript in preparation'/'submitted'/'in press' are the 'classical' ways to handle this
@mmdanziger In any case, 6 months between submission and appearing as ASAP is nowadays pretty rare
@mmdanziger well, then you [1] J. Doe. Private communication, 2014, or what @Joseph says. However, then you get in the review: "[1] is inaccessible"
@JosephWright you mean that it usually takes longer or shorter?
@tohecz Shorter, assuming you get accepted without too many changes. Most of our publishers will make the 'raw' submission available quite quickly after acceptance (normally a PDF version of the Word original)
@JosephWright ah ok. That significantly differs from math. The only sumbissions (pre-)publlished within 6 months are basically conference proceedings. For articles, it varies between half a year and two years.
@tohecz Goodness that's a long time: what are they up to?
@JosephWright "private communication" "in press" are really crippling though. They're completely unverifiable and thus cannot play a significant role in the support of the article.
@mmdanziger that's why you have arXiv ;)
@mmdanziger Depends. You can usually submit a draft to the reviewers if it's really required, but in my area it's unlikely you'd have two papers which were so inter-dependent and try to submit the second before the first was accepted.
@JosephWright no theory articles? theory articles come in waves
@mmdanziger I'm a lab-based scientist, so my interest in the 'theory-only' papers is limited. They tend to be more at the physical side of chemistry, so they may well have a different approach (some go to physics journals)
@JosephWright well, example: Article sent 2013-12-01, review recieved 2014-02-20 (pretty fast, needed to say) claiming "major revision needed". I've got 4 months for that, but it'll likely take me less, so v2 will have been sent probably by 2014-04-30, second round review is often quick, so 2nd review recieved 2014-06-15, then I'm off for 1 month, so final version sent 2014-07-30, and published as e-first 2014-08-20.
@tohecz That's pre-acceptance: I thought you meant 6 months to 2 years after it was accepted
@JosephWright yeah, pre-acceptance is what I mean. Because during that time, the result is finished, but not published, so without my personal webpage and arXiv, nobody would see it for a long time
@tohecz In my case that's exactly what I'd expect :-)
However, you do have journals, when you recieve the acceptance notification, but the article is not even pre-published or announced for more 2 years. This annoys one my friend, since he can't really write "accepted" in his thesis List of works
@JosephWright you mean the time? Yeah
@tohecz No, I mean 'until it's accepted, no-one sees it'
@tohecz what is that? a journal for ants?! but seriously, that's ridiculous
@mmdanziger well, our research group sent there one article, and it's first one, as well as the last one :)
@JosephWright yep, but that's stupid in maths. We probably simply need much more to communicate then other people do. So things like conferences with no extended abstracts are pretty common, since it allows you to present the results and to publish them in a journal later.
@tohecz I guess you don't have the problems of (1) patents (2) people quickly repeating the work and scooping you
@JosephWright no. (1) doesn't exist and (2) is quite impossible, the communities are small and the ethics are high in some sense.
@JosephWright how is (2) a problem with arxiv? Every submission (and its version) are very clearly timestamped.
@tohecz I suspect we'd actually be OK on (2) in the main, but publishers rules are quite clear
@mmdanziger Not actually published though, is it (i.e. no peer review)
@JosephWright I can review your paper, then it will become peer reviewed. :)
@mmdanziger As I say, I think this is at least in part down to how our publishers work, and that's historical
@JosephWright @mmd yep, that's issue of "originality of research", therefore the copyrights, access fees, profits, ...
@tohecz Copyright yes, profit less so: quite a lot of chemistry stuff is published by our societies rather than commercially
Although of course that does bring in cash for the societies
@JosephWright well, that's a first step to open access, and eventually to pre-publishing
@tohecz From what I pick up, while the move to open access has support (with some issues), there is no sense that this also means moving from the current model of requiring peer review before making papers public. There is talk on archiving 'raw' results, but even there probably with embargoes until publication.
@JosephWright well, there is a difference in math between citing arXiv or a real paper: You shouldn't rely on theorems in arXiv versions of papers; well you can (I do that), but the other paper needs to be accepted so that yours is. Still, you can start the peer-review process and cite arXiv at that moment.
@tohecz Makes sense
It's difficult for me to envision a system that would actually be better than a peer-review + arxiv type publishing model. You need both for QA and access, respectively--though $2000 publisher fees and ridiculous paywalls are a bit much when the most exclusive part of the labor is being outsourced to starving scientists anyway and the rest is increasingly automated.
@mmdanziger well, ever seen thecostofknowledge.com ?
@tohecz Indeed, abuse of the model is possible and needs to be protested. But I can't think of a better substitute for the model itself.
\includegraphics{duck.png} \implies paper automatically accepted.
@mmdanziger jounrals published by the universities, being credited for their quality? Or anything in between, for instance there're jounrals which are issued by Cambridge UP, but all editorial work is done by a scientific institute. And here in France, the institute puts it into the annual reports and it is recognized as a contribution to science.
@PauloCereda but presumably only if \author{Paulo R. M. Cereda} ;)
@PauloCereda if only you'd made more silly duck comments we might have made it to this BBC list of useful internet sites: bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26343700
@tohecz awww <3
@DavidCarlisle Oh my!
@PauloCereda we should sign @egreg up to the counting site
Asking a question on math.SE, cross your fingers for me and borrow me your sword
@DavidCarlisle This won't work because egreg will cheat by using a recursive function named successor and writing a proof by induction. :)
@tohecz Go Tom! The army is ready here.
@PauloCereda or ask his co-coleague to use a co-recursive co-function named co-successor and co-write a co-proof by co-induction :)
@tohecz /shaking our fists with anger COALGEBRAAAAA! :)
The check from DEK has arrived. :-)))
well, gotta go, we have a seminar today :)
@egreg TeX Hall od Fame! I suppose you're not gonna claim it ;)
@tohecz Sounds a bit like most chemistry journals: published by learned societies
@tohecz Later an image. Now I'm trying to tame students so they don't cheat by looking at their neighbor's paper.
@egreg Really?! That's awesome! :)
@egreg: this would be a great blog post!
@PauloCereda Well, it's just for an error in the documentation. Frank has several of them!
@egreg :)
German friends, is this correct? Ich möchte nach Deutschland zu gehen - courtesy of Google Translate.
@PauloCereda It can't be right: it has as many words as the English version, surely you can miss out some of those spaces.
@DavidCarlisle :)
@PauloCereda I'm not a native speaker, but I think 'gehen' means by foot usually. And modal verbs don't use 'zu'. And the motion verb can be implied, so I think you could actually say 'Ich möchte nach Deutschland'; if you wanted a verb 'Ich möchte nach Deutschland fahren' would probably be better.
@AlanMunn Oh thanks! :)
@PauloCereda see: less words (and hide the verb)
@DavidCarlisle :)
user image
Accompanied by a Dilbert strip!
@egreg Yay, congrats!!!
@PauloCereda I'm looking forward to the vim version of my latest answer
@DavidCarlisle Hey!
any one here uses Lyx by any chance? I have the most simple question on it. But not able to find an answer. I'll ask any way: In math mode, I wanted to write sin(x), it turns out, one has to use the menu to select "sin" function ! typing "sin" as is, produces a text sin, not the math sin, even though I am in math mode. In SW, when one in math mode, typing "sin" produces the math "sin" ofcourse. I am not going to use Lyx if I have to use the menu to type "sin"
@Nasser one day you will wake up, see the light and use emacs:-)
@DavidCarlisle I am getting close to that point :) But on the Lyx issue. I am sitting here shaking my head is dis believe. honst. If one has to use the menu to enter a "cos" or a "sin" or a "tan" each time, this will be most ridiculous. So I am hoping it is a configuration thingy. In SW, I just type, right away, and it is all math (when in math mode). I hardly ever use the menu except for special operators
@DavidCarlisle boo!
SW is actually very nice. Only problem is one has to fix the code alot to add things later on.
@Nasser but could it add a ~ after all one letter words that are not in math mode or verbatim?
@DavidCarlisle sorry, not following you. in SW, when in math mode, everything typed is assumed to be math. In Lyx, even when in math mode, I have to use the menu to enter a "sin". If I just type "sin" using the keyboard, it comes out as the text "sin" (i.e. no \ before it). I can show you the latex output if you like. I do not know anything about Lyx. Just started using it today
I mean, what is the point of having "math" mode, if one can't just type "sin" and have come out as \sin ?
@Nasser After I had looked at LyX for some minutes, I removed any trace of it from my machine.
@egreg Time machine brought you back to happier times without LyX. :)
@Nasser I don't use LyX, but type \sin(x) (start with the backslash).
@TorbjørnT. yes, this worked ! But again, this makes no sense to me (coming from SW). I am allready in math mode! So when I type "sin" it should be the "\sin" and not the plain text "sin". If I have to type "\sin" when in math mode, then what is the point of a GUI? I can type "\sin" in emacs or vi just as well? The point is, one does not have to know Latex to use it.
And if one has to use the menu just to enter a "sin" this makes it very annoying. I type many sin/cos/tan all day (I am an engineering student) and do not want to use the menu each time and scroll down looking for the "sin"
@Nasser It's a choice the developers have made I guess. Theoretically you could have three variables s, i and n, and their product will be sin. By using the backslash you can distinguish between operators and normal text.
@TorbjørnT. Ok, it is a design choice. But wrong choice IMNSHO. How many times one uses s*i*n as variables? any way. I think in this case, SW is still the much easier GUI to use for generating Latex compared to Lyx from what I have seen so far. Well... got to go to class now. Thanks each one for the feedback
@Nasser I don't know the exact reasons, so I cannot speak for the developers. You could always add a feature request at lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome for automatic detection of common operators.
@Nasser was a reference to the answer I'd just made on site: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/162413/…
Vade retro emacs!
2 hours later…
@TorbjørnT. that's not a theory, been there done that, only to annoy the editors :D
Fixed my nobreak, now I'm back. :)
I was wondering how I could modify the answers to this question to put the name of the file on top of all pages.
Q: Writing TeX file name at the top of the processed document for article class

Faheem MithaConsider the following MWE. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{textpos} \newcommand{\insertname}{% \begin{textblock}{2}(5,-0.5) \bfseries{\jobname.tex} \end{textblock} } \begin{document} \insertname Some text. \end{document} This places the name of the LaTeX file at the top of the out...

Should I create another question, or modify this one?
This applies to LyX as well I think:
A: Why doesn't TeX/LaTeX have reasonable defaults in certain cases?

toheczWell, to answer your question. The behaviour is reasonable, because it is consistent. I use, besides \log, the functions \det, \tr, \tg, \inv, \abs, etc. If you made the "most-used" ones "backslash-less", then you don't know which ones have backslash and which don't. As well, some of us generate ...

@FaheemMitha ahem my answer does that, doesn't it? (Or is there a bug in the answer? It's possible, I didn't test it)
@tohecz Possibly, but your code broke for my actual example. I didn't post that update.
It works for a toy example. I like the general idea - maybe it needs some tweaking.
@FaheemMitha ah ok
The eso-pic answer is what I have been using. Maybe it can be modified to automatically add the name on top of all pages.
However, dalef wrote: "If it just has to go in the very first page I'd just use eso-pic and \AtBeginDocument". So maybe not.
@FaheemMitha well, there's the everyshi package and \EveryShipout command
@tohecz Ah, thanks.
@FaheemMitha but using the shipout phase is a dirty thing in LaTeX
@tohecz Why?
The docs for everyshi say "An example application for this package would be a package for adding
text to the bottom of each page. Such a package does exist: prelim2e[2]."
@FaheemMitha well, most importantly, it doesn't work for a lot of things :p
@tohecz Ok. So, should I post a separate question, then?
For multipage documents, have the name on every page helps to keep pages together.
@FaheemMitha I dunno really, the problems seems too close to the original one.
@tohecz Ok.
Any other opinions?
Can't you just add \today into the \title and \authors ?
@tohecz I don't see how that helps.
I don't have a title and authors, anyway.
@FaheemMitha why mess with shipout rather than just adding it to the page head (either directly or with fancyhdr)
@DavidCarlisle Like @tohecz's example?
@DavidCarlisle well, that's what my answer does, but it seems not to work in the @Faheem's real case
@tohecz: help? :)
@FaheemMitha dunno just saw the conversation go by, not read the question or answers:-)
@PauloCereda hit me!
Yes, I had problems with my actual example. Since I had a version that worked, I didn't follow up.
@tohecz user error:-)
@tohecz Thanks! :) Which do you prefer: r_i \ne r_j \in R or r_i, r_j \in R, r_i \ne r_j
@PauloCereda the latter
@DavidCarlisle Me too, but I'm trying not to be too verbose. :)
@PauloCereda If you set things up right you can omit the \in R (eg by saying up front that all indexed variables r_i are in R ) then you can have just \sum_{r_i \ne r_j} ... or whatever the operation is
@PauloCereda The second one, the first one is ambiguous
but I would likely use $r_{i,j}\in R$, $r_i\neq r_j$ or ... two distinct $r_i, r_j\in R$
@DavidCarlisle ooh I'd like to sum them! $R = \{ \text{eggs}, \text{bacon}, \text{spam} \}$
@tohecz Tom, you'll be the spiritual coauthor of this paper. :) <3
@PauloCereda stick to the spam
@DavidCarlisle definitely!
@tohecz Lovely spam, wonderful spam!
We are quoting MP, where's @JosephWright? :)
@PauloCereda Yo!
@PauloCereda “Not too verbose” doesn't mean “not too clear”.
@PauloCereda you're a wizard!
@JosephWright :)
@egreg Oopsie.
Keyval providing rep points as so often
I found out yesterday I get a mention in the kvoptions docs :-)
@PauloCereda The first notation you proposed is not uncommon, but not really clear.
@JosephWright yes, you do :)
@egreg my impression, too. People do it, but it's abmiguous
@egreg Actually, you have a strong point. :) Sometimes I repeat information because I fear things to be unclear, but I'm also afraid of saying the very same thing over and over. :)
@egreg You are absolutely right. :)
@PauloCereda And are the subscripts really necessary?
@egreg Sadly they are.
@tohecz for the record, the version I tried was:
because I don't otherwise have anything in my header.
@FaheemMitha should be fine -- what error do you get?
As far as I can tell. This is with the letter class.
@tohecz Oh, I don't get an error. I just don't see the header in this case. Should I post an example, and if so, where?
@FaheemMitha ah ok. Try moving \pagestyle after \begin{document} ?
@PauloCereda I say it because one often sees "Let $A=\{x_1,\dots,x_n\}$ be a finite set and let $x_i\in A$” where “Let $A$ be a finite set and let $x\in A$” would suffice.
@FaheemMitha \pagestyle{fancy} should go before setting \fancyhf{} and so on.
@egreg Ah yes, I'm avoiding subscripts when they are redundant. But there are cases in which I need to keep them. :(
@egreg Ok, I'll try that.
@tohecz Ok. Thanks.
@FaheemMitha it helped? Because I don't know if it works
sorry, I got back from a 3-hour discussion with my supervisor, and I'm making corrections in the paper we write while I chat here
@tohecz I'll try both your suggestion and @egregs. Haven't yet.
@tohecz It must be nice to have someone to talk to. Productive talk?
@FaheemMitha quite. But he's a tough guy, it's not really easy to catch with him. Tho, he's very friendly and stuff, so it's fine.
@egreg: just a quick hint: does $\mathcal{P}_{2}(A)$ include the subsets with cardinality less than 2?
@tohecz Tough? How so?
@FaheemMitha Of course there will be no header in the first page if \maketitle is issued. For that you need to issue \thispagestyle{fancy} after \maketitle
@PauloCereda If you so define it. There's no law about the meaning of that symbol.
@egreg I actually don't want that. :P
@PauloCereda Typically no, that would usually be $\mathcal{P}_{\leq2}(A)$
@egreg I'm not using \maketitle here. I'll try to bear that in mind.
@FaheemMitha However, this works for me
@tohecz ooh! <3
@egreg: let's hope I get a nice reviewer. :)
@egreg Thanks, I'm trying it now.
@egreg well, there seems to be a problem with the letter class
@egreg You said "\pagestyle{fancy} should go before setting \fancyhf{}"?
@egreg: how's the L3 book going, by the way? :)
@FaheemMitha Actually it doesn't matter
@egreg Ok.
None of those suggestions seem to make a difference. Let me try with a minimal letter example.
Is there a fast way to create a letter template?
@Paulo: How's the L3 book going? -- @egreg: It doesn't matter.
@tohecz I was replying to Faheem
@egreg I know, sorry for that, bad joke
@PauloCereda Thinking to the book's plan
@egreg \chapter{XOR}\label{chap:waitfordavid} :)
@PauloCereda \chapter[label = wait-for-frank-and-david]{XOR}
@JosephWright \chapter[label = wait-for-frank-and-david, fallback-option=wait-for-joseph?]{XOR}
\chapter{XOR}\relax [The text of this chapter has been gobbled by an errant output routine]
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle Probably about right
@JosephWright I didn't have the \relax to start with but wasn't sure whether a space before the [ is enough (today)
First the xparse stuff, case changing, strings, weird catcodes, then XOR :-)
@DavidCarlisle Chapter doesn't have a trailing optional so we are safe either way!
@DavidCarlisle You are good at writing chapters. :)
@JosephWright well, I would like it the other wat around: First good two-column float placement, then whatever else :)
@JosephWright ah but the L3 version might:-)
@tohecz Have you read xor?
@DavidCarlisle True
@tohecz The algorithm in xor works, we just need to get things production-ready
Hence prodding people
@JosephWright no, I'm fine with tigers, but not with ferocious lions :D
@tohecz xor is supposed to be tame and easily controlled
@DavidCarlisle yes, but we're waiting for heros like you to tame it ;)
@tohecz Your method doesn't work for a simple letter example. Pasting here.
\address{Sender address}
\signature{Some person}


\begin{letter}{Recipient address}

\opening{Dear Sir/Madam,}

Some stuff

\closing{Thanking you}

Or should I delete it here and paste in the question?
@FaheemMitha letterclass uses lots of page styles eg \opening does \thispagestyle{firstpage}% so you'd need to define that one as well
@DavidCarlisle Eep. No idea what I need to do.
Anyway, posting to the question. Why not?
@DavidCarlisle you think this is a better way than the others posted for that question?
@FaheemMitha well, make a new one, letter seems special.
@tohecz A new question?
just stop the class resetting the page style after you have set it
You might try \pagestyle{fancy} and then \renewcommand\pagestyle[1]{}\renewcommand\thispagestyle[1]{}
damn, @David was faster :)
@tohecz Ok. Thanks. and also David thanks.
@tohecz I tested it as well before posting:-)
why does the class reset the page style? is this something peculiar to the letter class?
@DavidCarlisle that was the first time doing so, wasn't it?
@tohecz shall I still post a question?
@FaheemMitha if it works for you, prpobably not
@FaheemMitha classes always do that, report uses \thispagestyle for \maketitle and \chapter for example, and for teh blank page thrown by \cleardoublepage and....
@tohecz It does.
Is this a general solution, or only for letter?
@FaheemMitha well, it's a solution for the case where you want it really on all pages and you don't care about anything else in the headers and footers
@tohecz Ok. Thanks. No, I guess I don't, in this case.
@FaheemMitha well it works in general but may not do what you want. The intention here is that the first page (and in particular a one page letter) doesn't get a page number hence a different style on the first page. If you don't mind all pages having teh same style it's fine, otherwise you have to modify each style to add whatever you want
@DavidCarlisle Ok. And this is preferable to methods like the everyshi package or whatever it is called?
@DavidCarlisle I'm not seeing a page number in this one page example.
@FaheemMitha well it's much safer using a hook that is in latex for the purpose, but because it is part of the documented api, things access it eg chapters doing \thispagestyle[plain} everyshipout just hacks text in at a much lower level so it is invisible to the rest of the system, good for watermarks that you want to underly the text but here you would have to take care that wherever you put the text didn't over-print normal text
!!/choose finish xor, write L3 book
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great oracle says: finish xor
@DavidCarlisle I see. So it is a tradeoff.
@FaheemMitha no but you did fancyhf{} so you won't see page numbers on a longer letter either
@DavidCarlisle Oh.
!!/choose David will finish xor, Joseph will finish xor, Frank and Joseph will finish xor, no one will finish xor
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great oracle says: David will finish xor
@JosephWright: ^^ HOPE
@PauloCereda Phew
@PauloCereda How much do you bribe him?
@tohecz :)
Hello guys. I just started closing Hyperlink to Excel file as duplicate, the OP agrees with this (cf. comments). I voted for Link to open a LaTeX file as original, but there is another one, too. Can someone be so kind and vote with How to link from my pdf to a txt-file using hyperref as original? So both will appear in the duplicate box.
!!/eightball is it safe to use xor as it is now?
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: lalalala can't hear you now lalalala
@Speravir Done. :)
@DavidCarlisle The fancyhf just clears stuff, so I have to add page numbers back in manually? Is that command really necessary, or is the issue that the preexisting headers can mess things up?
Also: Can a TeXShop user add a remark somewhere in the originals, cf. comments either. Perhaps below Will Robertson answer.
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Let's take a look at the last cricket results:

- Matabeleland Tuskers 89/4 &  279/10 * v Mountaineers 435/10
- Southern Rocks 196/10 &  361/10  v Mashonaland Eagles 57/1 &  336/10 *
- Business Management School 115/8  v Royal Institute of Colombo 117/3 *
- Sri Lanka A v England Lions 302/5 *
- Canada Under-19s 169/10  v Papua New Guinea Under-19s 158/10 *
- Namibia Under-19s 173/10 * v Scotland Under-19s 178/10
- Bangladesh 279/7  v India 280/4 *
- Australia Under-19s 150/10 * v South Africa Under-19s 230/9
@PauloCereda THC THX.
@FaheemMitha don't manually number anything in latex:-) you can add the page number to the foot using fancydr commands, but if you want nothing on first page you either need two page styles defined or (perhaps simpler if this is the only difference) use something like \ifnum\value{page}=1 \else\thepage\fi in the footer defined by fancyhdr
@DavidCarlisle I didn't mean manually in that sense. I meant saying after the fancyhf command something equivalent to turning page numbers back on.
@FaheemMitha yes \fancyfoot[C]{\ifnum\value{page}=1 \else\thepage\fi} if I recall the syntax correctly
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 275 vs. 260 David. So far, egreg is winning.
@egreg: ooh close! :) ^^
@DavidCarlisle I'll try that, thanks.
@PauloCereda if @FaheemMitha had asked the above q on site and given me the 15 points....
@DavidCarlisle LOL
home time...
This is the fancyhdr package syntax. lots of latex syntax. wish there was more unity.
@DavidCarlisle What question was that?
What do you think about Which Times-like package provides better typesetting for text and math?? IMHO this is either to be closed as opinion-based or as duplicate of Suggest a “nice” font family for my basic LaTeX template (text and math). (linked by Mico in first comment).
@PauloCereda So long as it's above 243 (my current average), it's good.
@egreg :)
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 275 vs. 260 David. So far, egreg is winning.
Hi guys!
@kan 'ello!
@PauloCereda You should add Gonzalo to the battle. Like in the final scene of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly".
@egreg Good idea! :)
Finally, after egreg's help with biblatex to bibtex, I finished things up: arxiv.org/abs/1401.7696 :-)
@PauloCereda Hi, Paulo! How are you?
@kan In a hurry, as always. But fine. :)
@Speravir well, it's so old that whichever way you zap it, it's fine IMHO. I would say Unclear
@tohecz It was recently updated. So I noticed.
@Speravir well, that was just a shameless bump and should be ignored
@tohecz You may be right.
@Speravir sorry, but after 10 months editing a 1-letter typo? that's nothing else than a bump
@tohecz No, made 3 edits today. But this makes it a duplicate even more IMHO.
ah damn, I missed that. Well, still, the question is questionable
I'm probably just too tired to make any decisions
@tohecz I just initiated closing as opinion-based.
@JosephWright Oops, the mod hammer :-)
Question: I have an algorithm environment which is referenced from an \item. Should I put the whole block inside itemize or leave it outside? I'm doing the latter.
@JosephWright: I'm using the Spam sketch in my paper. :P
@PauloCereda is it a float or a static environment?
@DavidCarlisle I believe it's float.
Actually, definitely a float.
@PauloCereda well it doesn't make much difference then, may as well put it as close to the reference as possible
@DavidCarlisle Got it, thanks. :)
I would like to organize a beer evening in Berlin (DE). Two questions: 1) The Berliners among you: Are you interested? 2) How should I advertise it? Meta or main site?
@PauloCereda: I guess in GRU ;)
Make sure to set the tone of the beer thingy to TeX-related, then I think Meta is fine. :)
Or a blog post, if you feel like. :)
@PauloCereda: Regards from the duck!!!
@Dror Meta site or blog, since it would not be a TeX topic
@StefanKottwitz Hey I said that. :) But since you are German, I wub you. <3
@Dror awwww <3
!!/answer Distance from São Paulo, Brazil, to Berlin, Germany.
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

distance | from | São Paulo
to | Berlin, Germany
10228 km  (kilometers)
6356 miles
10228 km  (kilometers)
1.023×10^7 meters
5523 nmi  (nautical miles)
aircraft  (550 mph) | 11 hours 35 minutes
sound | 8 hours 20 minutes
light in fiber | 48 ms  (milliseconds)
light in vacuum | 34 ms  (milliseconds)
(assuming constant-speed great-circle path)
0.26 ~~ 1 / 4
I could go via fiber.
@PauloCereda: Beer is ready!
@Dror Oh no, fiber is not fast enough. :)
@percusse: sir, there will be beer. Avenge me. :)
@PauloCereda: It's Germany; there's plenty of beer. Don't worry!
I tried to organize a TeX-related bungee jump event in the Eiffel tower, but no one was interested. :)
@Dror ooh! :)
Das Bierhaus!
Ich trinke ein Bier, bitte!
@PauloCereda I was slower than you :-) well, see the repetition as an upvote then ;)
It's a pity that I have to go when you discuss beer, but I'm still at work
Und ein Mineralwasser.
!!/answer time in Paris
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

current time in Paris, Ile-de-France, France
8:59:40 pm CET  |  Wednesday, February 26, 2014
+4 hours

8:59:40 pm  CET
Wednesday, February 26               Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

4:59:40 pm  BRT
Wednesday, February 26
3 hours 20 seconds
7:59:40 pm GMT  |  Wednesday February 26, 2014
Enten ist sehr cool.
05:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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