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@ÍgjøgnumMeg Let me try and prove that now
@Perturbative the fundamental theorem of arithmetic is your friend
@TobiasKildetoft what is the signifcance of the T thing?
I don't know what twisting means
@LeakyNun Ahh, we have a homomorphism $f: G\to G$ and a representation $\varphi: G\to GL_n$, so we can get a new rep by composing the two to get the twisted representation $\varphi\circ f: G\to GL_n$.
So now each $g$ acts as $f(g)$ instead.
when you say "twisting" I think of "conjugation"
go on then
@ÍgjøgnumMeg what means the $\to$ here?
@Alucard ignore me it was a shi**y joke
Now, it is not obvious from this, but all of these $L(n)$ are irreducible, and all irreducible $SL_2$ representations have this form
ah ok^^ @ÍgjøgnumMeg
@Alucard are you aware of the notation $f : X \to Y$ though?
So the main thing left is to try to understand these better
@TobiasKildetoft wait, if you generate an invariant subspace with one vector, isn't it guaranteed to be irreducible?
@ÍgjøgnumMeg yeah
a mapping
@LeakyNun Not necessarily. Think of the subspace generated by the neutral element inside the group algebra of a finite group.
@Alucard that's what I meant then
that's too many words
ok I get it
why not though
ah ok
because we're generating it as a vector space
not just considering its orbit
Right, we might have some linear combination of the generated vectors itself be invariant
But in this case, it works out with this specific choice of vector
a 3d object with zero height is no 3d object i guess...
now what
Now, we also know that for $n < p$ we have $L(n) = \nabla(n)$, and we might feel like we understand these $\nabla(n)$ better (it is for example very easy to find their dimension, whereas it is right now not so obvious what the dimension of $L(n)$ should be for large $n$)
And this is where Steinberg's tensor product formula comes in and saves us. It states that if $n = a_mp^m + a_{m-1}p^{m-1} + \cdots + a_1p + a_0$ is the $p$-adic expansion of $n$, then $L(n)\cong L(a_0)\otimes L(a_1)^{(1)}\otimes\cdots\otimes L(a_m)^{(m)}$.
@Alucard $(x, y, 0)$ is an element of $\Bbb R^3$
@ÍgjøgnumMeg ah, i see
And this is again isomorphic to $\nabla(a_0)\otimes \nabla(a_1)^{(1)}\otimes\cdots\otimes\nabla(a_m)^{(m)}$
did you say p-adic
@LeakyNun I just mean base $p$
to me, the p-adic expansion has Teichmuller coefficients
(should have)
So this immediately gives us the dimension of $L(n)$
as the product of the coefficients? this doesn't seem right
Steinberg's tensor product theorem is btw now specifically for $SL_2$. It just needs some more setup to explain what it means for arbitrary semisimple groups
no, as the sum
@LeakyNun Product of one more than each coefficient
(which means that it is ok to add $0$s to the expansion)
that sounds rather unnatural
but ok
You can work out the case $L(p+1)$ to see it in action if you want.
so L(p+1) is supposed to be L(1) x L(1)
Right, except with the second factor twisted
ohh, and tensor product, not direct product
I guess I don't know how to work it out...
the natural thing to do is to send X otimes X^p to X^(p+1)
this should be it
So check if that works out with $Y$ as well and the multiplication
I mean, I can see why it works
a00a^-1 sends X^(p+1) = X * X^p to a^(p+1) X^(p+1) = aX * a^p X^p
just like the one with the tensor product
Right, but you need to use that $p$ is the characteristic of the field at some point to see that this works out
(otherwise it will not)
can we continue
So now we have a complete description of all irreps of $SL_2$ as certain tensor products of twists of these representations on homogeneous polynomials
I need to be off to bed soon though, so we should probably stop here for now. Next step would probably be something like tilting modules, which I am less sure of a good description of in these terms
@TobiasKildetoft then how do we get GL2
Right, let $Det$ be the $1$-dimensional rep where a matrix in $GL_2$ acts by its determinant
All the $L(n)$ we defined before lift to representations of $GL_2$ (define them the same way).
And now any irrep of $GL_2$ will be of the form $L(n)\otimes Det^m$ for some integer $m$
And these are still all distinct
what is det^m?
acting by $m$'th power of the determinant
do we really need tensor?
Not sure what you mean by "need"
can you write it without tensor
sure, this is essentially twisting by that power of the determinant, like we did with a hom from $G$ to itself
or rather, not really twisting, but multiplying by that scalar in addition to the usual action
So if $g$ would act as the linear map $f$ without the $Det^m$ there, it now acts by $Det(g)^m f$
Ohh, and if we want representations of $GL_2(\mathbb{F}_{p^r})$ (still reps over the algebraically closure of that finite field), then we just take the $L(n)$ with $n < p^r$ and the $m$ with $0\leq m < p^r-1$
@LeakyNun Anyway, now I really do need to be off to bed. Cya
thank you very much
see you
so can someone tell me what kind of rep is this
I don't think this is just group rep
but "homogeneous polynomials with deg n" isn't really a scheme
@Perturbative how's it going? :P
@ÍgjøgnumMeg I got the trivial direction, didn't manage to get the other one yet :p
@Perturbative the trivial direction being if $p^2 \mid n$ then... ?
I'm not sure if this is correct, but $p^2 | n$ implies $p^2 k =n$ for some $k$, then $p^2k^2 = nk$, then $(pk)^2 \equiv 0 (mod \ n)$ so $\overline{pk}$ is nilpotent
If that is hogwash I'm sorry
I'm way too sleepy to be doing any sort of math now :p
Right, and also $pk \neq 0$ in $\Bbb Z/(n)$
(so this is a non-zero nilpotent element)
Thanks for the help @ÍgjøgnumMeg
I'll take a look at the reverse direction tomorrow
Alright, no problem :P
I'm off to bed now, night everyone!
@LeakyNun i didn't read the above convo so i could be wrong - but is $L(n)$ just hte vector space of homog. poly of degree $n$ (and $0$)?
(also, the answer is that, if $n = p_1^{a_1} \cdots p_k^{a_k}$ then the nilpotent elements of $\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z$ is the ideal generated by $(p_1 \cdots p_k)$ @ÍgjøgnumMeg @Perturbative)
@loch it's the invariant subspace generated by $X^n$
@Leaky claps slowly
@ÍgjøgnumMeg I mean, that's what he initially asked, isn't it
@Leaky sure but "the answer is ... " is not particularly helpful :P
@LeakyNun ?
@loch $\nabla(n)$ is the vector space of homog. poly of degree $n$ (and $0$) equipped with the action of SL2
$L(n)$ is the invariant subspace generated by $X^n$
maybe we are just a product of a bufferoverflow, drinks water
oh ok i skimmed through it now - it's some characteristic $p$ stuff!
@loch it's rep of GL2
@LeakyNun anyway i suspect the reason why Tobias mentioned AG is because $\Lambda(n)$ is the global sections of the line bundle $\mathcal{O}(n)$ over $\mathbb{P}^1$
@loch I asked KB, and he says that in this context, rep of GL2 means a group scheme morphism GL2 -> GLn
here K is alg. closed so we can recover this from the map of K-points, GL2(K) -> GLn(K)
i.e. from reps of GL2(K)
@loch anyway what the hell is this
it's a fancy language of saying "homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$"

essentially when you work in projective space it's quite natural that people consider things like zero locus of homogeneous polynomials right --- analogous to the affine case

but unlike the affine case where polynomials are really "functions to $k$"

you cannot think of homogeneous polynomials as "functions to $k$" (because it's not well-defined if you define it the naive way) -- in fact it turns out the only regular functions on a projective variety are constants (say / k algebraically closed)
in a sense sections of bundles give you "generalised functions"
but anyway i'm not 100% confident if that's what he said related to AG - probably it's better for you to talk to him when he's back haha
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… if you look at the example it's basically what i said
How rapidly is the field of statistics changing? I just started a statistics course (lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/HumanitiesSciences/StatLearning/…) and I wonder how different the content would've been, say, ten years ago
is this a simple algebraic problem? suppose a benevolent dictator wants to build a house for every human in the world, would there be enough space?
to me it is
@Alucard there's no such thing as a benevolent dictator
@LeakyNun it is hard to think about a 1 government world

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