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Idk why you like philosophers, they are second rate thinkers
I know, I am one
oh no zee
I have an urge to argue with that
Second rate compared to whom? And by what standard?
Ok, I am a first rate thinker
Just in terms of producing useful or "dank" ideas
I mean, dankness is necessarily a subjective notion
Everything they have produced was probably known to some caveman a million years ago
And useful depends on the context
I have to say though that since I have been accepted to university, I am happier than usual. When I am depressed I usually still seem "happy" but also seem very stern. When I am happy I feel happy x 30 and usually am overwhelming. Because of this I haven't been chatting here as much...
But, I can assure you all that you would find me annoying.
@Dodsy don't worry, you'll get depressed again once you settle in uni
true, I agree.
I just don't feel like myself at the moment.
Have been depressed for 4 years.
I'm pretty sure cavemen did not have a notion of morality as being derived from reason. I'd wager that some linear combination of the ideas of human origin a la social contract thinkers likely held for them
Well you gotta find out weather it's justified or just all in your head
@Dodsy Watch a movie dude
you're in UWO now
party hard
true haha
thanks balarka
@Daminark Kantian morality is not based on pure reason
drinking a couple beers today
then back to work tomorrow.
I want to be as smart as you guys before I go to uni.
I mean you always have the "is-ought" problem to worry about and in reality I'm currently doubtful of Kant
You guys are good friends :}
@Dodsy :P
@Dodsy Planning to learn something?
I was going to read Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics (am I broken record? vote now!) and then read Spivak's Calculus.
When is it true that an algebra is generated by its invertible elements ?
@Dodsy wee
Meh ignore that I'm going to bed
I am upset.
I have been going on a chat for my school
and somebody used a word that I don't agree with
and now everyone is disagreeing with me saying that it should be allowed to be used.
and it is making me upset.
way to crush overwhelming happiness
haha yes
I guess I'm just wondering that given how many situations could arise, either it is never the case that an action necessarily violates the categorical imperative, or I should be able to generate a situation such that the only options cannot be universalized
Like I think some amount of specialization is needed
@Dodsy :/
and then someone told me not to be a social justice warrior
and I said then I just won't come here
"Pro"tip: these sorts of fights can never end up well, just drop them like they're hot
I think all of us here though would take up the fight with me.
And the best thing really is to not start them, like I have never seen a case before of someone using a word and then getting jumped on, and that person actually changing his/her mind
I mean
Aside from if someone has the disposition to not use that sort of language, and merely echoed something without knowing its connotations. If it's deliberate, there's nothing good to be gained from fighting, so just don't
@Daminark I will hereby use the word "Danteglumspookdiblub". I dare you. I double dare you.
You cannot stop me.
@Balarka I thought you had STANDARDS
I have, you Danteglumspookdiblub
How dare you descend so low and bring this filth, cease this madness immediately!
shakes fist
death metal screams
I mean
they are 18 year olds
I am 23
but you are right, I can't fight these sort of things, I won't change them.
I mean, for what it's worth, when it comes to moral questions, I think attempting to invoke age difference would weaken your position, but again, I'm sticking to my original position that the result of such a fight would be wounds and nothing more
Darn I made a typo
You're right Daminark.
It's just, these people are university students
I expected beter.
especially since their roommates might be gay.
I usually don't meddle in these stuff. I would not use that word, but it is not my responsibility if someone else uses it in a social gathering. I do not approve of it but I have better things to do than to oppose it's use.
In particular I have no business telling adult people what is appropriate and what isn't.
This girl on the server messaged me and said that there are 1000 people like him online that don't actually have the balls IRL to be a bigot and that I should just let it go. I think she's probably right.
there are millions of people like this even in real life
you're not going to be able to do anything about it
maybe they are not saying it in public, but thinking about it. being on internet just guarantees a form of anonymity so they can let it out.
People are cowards
moral degeneration is not a new issue, and not something that can be easily resolved
you guys are both right.
they are basically kids, dont have any experience, have never spoken to a person that is gay or left the place they grew up
they dont even know what they are saying
Anyway, let's talk about happy stuff!
I am happy
me too
I will be a university student come september
nothing to really be depressed about anymore
I was thinking infinity-topoi but sure let's talk about Balarka
So, how is a Balarka formed?
Daminark did you hear about the Dodsy conjecture?
@Daminark Topoi are good stuff
Nope, do tell
so you know the collatz conjecture?
well for any interger equal to or greater than 2 , if n is even $\frac{3n}{2}$ if n is odd $\frac{n+1}{2}$ n will eventually equal 2.
Is it the sequence that loops 4-2-1?
well for the collatz it will always reach 1
for the dodsy conjecture it will always reach 2
Well I mean, if it reaches 1 the next step is 4, then 2
the collatz conjecture is if n is odd $\frac{3n+1}{2}$ if n is even $\frac{n}{2}$
It reduces immediately
true right.
the dodsy conjecture would go (2,4,2,4)
I believe.
anyways you get it
I have clearly been drinking.
basically I have found a similar (function?) thing to the collatz conjecture
in fact
akiva has found that it is essentially equivilent to the colatz conjecture.
Am I not making sense?
I can explain it, especially with the advantage of sobriety :)
The Collatz map is usually written as $f(x)=x/2$ if $x$ is even, $f(x)=3x+1$ if $x$ is odd.
I'm gay too
However, if $x$ is odd then $3x+1$ is even, so the next step in the map give $(3x+1)/2$.
@BalarkaSen Topoi are awesome.
So I'll amend the map to have $f(x)=(3x+1)/2$ if $x$ is odd.
I actually bought a book called geometry Sheaves in "Geometry and Logic: A First Introduction to Topos Theory".
It is super good
With that in mind, the Dodsy map is given by $g(x)=3x/2$ if $x$ is even and $g(x)=(x+1)/2$ if $x$ is odd.
and then akiva found that it is equivilent
hi @Daminark
it's actually a single unit off per transformation
And how's it going @Adeek?
Yeah, I'm trying to write it like that explicitly.
good @Daminark. Just learning more about the homotopy category.
So basically prove dodsy conjecture prove collatz conjecture.
And vice versa.
@Adeek a category of homotopies? Or, how does it work?
I don't like the kindle version of math books, it's better to read them on pdf :)
@Dodsy nice
Kindle math book does sound odd
@Semiclassical I figure there are an infinite number of these conjectures though.
@Daminark given the category of complexes $((X_i),d_i)$ where A is an abelian category we can form the homotopy category
whose objects are complexes
Right: $f(x)+1=(3x+1)/2+1 = 3(x+1)/2 =g(x+1)$ if $x$ is odd
and whose morphisms are morphism under the equivalence class of being homotopy equivalent
in the following sense
$(f)_i,(g)_i: (X)_i \rightarrow (Y)_i$ morphism of complexes, then they are said to be homotopy equivalent if there exists a sequence $(s)_i : (X)_i \rightarrow (Y)_{i + 1}$ such that
And $f(x)+1 = x/2+1 = (x+2)/2=g(x+1)$ if $x$ is even.
So $g(x+1)=f(x)+1$.
$$(f)_i - (g)_i = d_{i + 1}^Y \circ s_i + s_{i - 1} \circ d_{i}^X$$
so that just proved that there are an infinite number of these conjectures?
so really my conjecture is trivial.
Should be, yeah.
I see.
Okay so wait, I've heard of a complex in the CW case, what is it more generally?
probably won't lead to a breakthrough then.
I'd have to think harder to see how to generalize that in order to preserve the sequence, but I don't feel like it.
@Daminark you know what an abelian category is ?
the problems that you discuss here are very strange
a complex in an abelian category is the same in the CW sense but objects and morphism come from an abelian category
I don't understand them
such that the differential d satisfies $d^{2} = 0$ @Daminark
@Twink yeah I felt that way too before.
Abelian category is like, you've got the kernel and cokernel, then mono/epimorphisms are the kernels of other morphisms, right?
Which is neat. That's basically the relevant property
Yeah yeah, alright
If I write $T(x)=x+1$, then the original relation can be written as $g(T(x))=T(f(x))$.
I think I sorta get it. Hopefully Peter will do more of that stuff with us soon so I can follow along better, right now I'm following my nose
i.e. $g\circ T = T\circ f$.
Which is something which should make others in this chat perk up, since that means there's a commuting diagram here.
Beat me to it
If I ignore the $\circ$ for simplicity, it also implies
Peter may @Daminark?
@Daminark Yes, basically.
I'm going to his atop talks
$$gg\cdots g T = gg\cdots T f = ggT\cdots ff=gTf\cdots ff = T f\cdots ff$$
that is awesome @Daminark your lucky.
@Daminark I could send you my paper I am giving to prof soon on how I understand certain stuff.
It contains an introduction to what I am doing
+ proofs
Yeah he's fun. A bit tricky to follow since he just defines things in rapid succession, so there's not always time to absorb it properly. Still
So doing the shift first and then doing multiple iterations of the $g$-map is equivalent to doing multiple iterations of the $f$-map followed by a shift.
Oh that could be interesting, yeah!
(Also, Eid Mubarak!)
Thanks @Daminark Altough I am atheist though
@Dodsy (Don't take any of this too seriously, the commutative diagram bit is more just me sounding like I know what I'm doing)
lmfao no problem
just thinking atm
@Daminark do you have fb ?
and listening :)
facebook *

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