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@Daminark If you draw the picture for the $\pi_2$ case and think about it hard enough everything will become clear.
@Daminark >:(
Ok, I'm awake.
That was supposed to be sleeping?
@Fargle I know this already; I recently listened to Byrne & Eno's my life in the bush of ghosts
this album is from Byrne? darn
Is Remain in Light the one with 'same as it ever was' on it? For some reason I thought it was.
@Semiclassical Yup yup. Once in a Lifetime.
oh, of course.
love that song
Seen and Not Seen is my favorite.
@Daminark do you want an explanation for abelian-ness of $\pi_n$?
I remember asking about that too.
@Fargle "Dirty Old Town" (off of Rei Momo)
You're back?
@Justwinbaby me?
Yup. Protip: Space Mountain is not the first roller coaster I advise for your four year-old who hates loud noises and is afraid of the dark.
ugh, space mountain
@Justwinbaby Thanks =)
I did not appreciate that as a kid.
@Fargle I'm onto it.
Huh. Looks like (Disneyland's) Space Mountain was the first roller coaster with tubular steel rails? Cool.
I have $ E \in \mathbb{R}^2$ such that $E=\mathbb{Q}^2 \cap {[0,1]}^2$. Is the boundary E : 1 open ? (no). 2.closed (yes) 3. compact (yes) 4.connected (no). 5 $E=bd E$ ?
On Monday i have a topology exam :)
hahah, this is fantastic. exactly what i'd expect from the 80's
@PawełKusz is not the boundary $[0,1]^2$ itself?
how is it then not connected?
water flowing underground man
I'm getting Regiment tunes from Houses In Motion
Hey @Balarka, I think I have it now that I know precisely how spheres are just boxes mod the boundary
box / boundary = ball / boundary sphere = sphere :)
the reason the commuting logic does not work for $\pi_1$ is because that [0, 1] has not enough dimensions to shift [0, 1] cup [1, 2] to [1, 2] cup [0, 1], however
First time I heard "Once in a Lifetime" was randomly on the radio
I heard that and was like "this is awesome"
it's brilliant
then looked it up and realized it was older than I was. "How did I not know this existed?!?"
i dunno if that's especially weird
seems about the same as it ever was
I think it's got a similar tune to a bunch of stuff in Byrne-Eno's "Everything that happens will happen today"
@Fargle I think my favorite from this album is "Listening Wind"
@BalarkaSen It's a really good one. A surprisingly relevant song in a post-9/11 world.
the last track is a good stoner music too
@BalarkaSen If you want more in the vein of the last track, check out Joy Division.
Oh I have been recommended that
(by Mike)
I should check it out
They had never heard that band before, but they read a music critic talking about them and tried to emulate it from that critic's description.
They got really close.
any idea why the wolfram alpha estimate is so off? It's going to sum to $\ln(2)-\ln(\pi)$ wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sum+n%3D1+to+infty+%28-1%29^n+ln%281%2B1%2F‌​n%29
might want to do that enclose that link with []
right now it's not linking properly
why does everything Brian Eno has to do with sound awesome?
how does he even do that
Not sure.
I really just want to know how the hell that synth guitar solo from Born Under Punches came about. Adrian Belew is a master.
@Sophie here
I'd say that's a pretty good estimate.
It doesn't succeed in getting a closed form, but that doesn't mean one doesn't exist.
that said, $\ln 2-\ln \pi\approx -0.451827$.
Which doesn't match terribly well to the numerical value it gives of $-0.449095$.
given that it converges quite slowly
I thought it would only show the digits that it's sure are correct
Also, note that using the "more digits" option changes the numbers
and indeed continues to do so as you keep pressing it, getting closer and closer to the exact value (but still rather slowly). so presumably it's something to do with how WA actually does numerical summation in such cases.
@Fargle Some groovy shit, that
It does seem to match with mathematica, though.
I didn't realize it was guitar solo until you mentioned it O_o
It sounds more like Stevie Wonder's synthesizer work
Yeah I didn't know until I looked it up.
It sounded like a guitar having interplay with a synth, but it's actually something called a synth guitar.
I am trying to hunt down for a latex error in the following code pastebin.com/n9MeQUxd
I can't find it :S
where is it ?
no, i mean, what command is that?
it is for drawing diagrams
this is supposed to be some 4-by-4 matrix?
it suppose to be a diagram of arrows
wait I will show you how it should look like
not seeing an obvious error, alas
it suppose to be like this in the end
yeah me neither
test: $A_{id_{X^{\prime}}}$
maybe that is causing a problem
let me try to delete it
no, that looks fine.
no still error
It is telling me run away argument
but I closed all parenthesis
maybe try doing it line-by-line?
yeah I will write it up line by line :S
i.e. cut out everything past the first \\ and see if it still throws an error
tedious, but sometimes there's no way around it
(my guess is that there's a missing } we're not seeing but that's always hard to spot)
I know what is the error ! it is stupid spaces
which causing the problem
extra space
what the hell
how is everything @Semiclassical
are you almost done with your phd ?
eh, things are fine.
quite saturday night
sorta yes, sorta dunno? it's complicated and I'd rather not talk about it.
yeah I am just writing stuff for my professor
Each time I am understanding something he want a latex write up for it
it is tiring to do that sometime
oh okay
yeah, latex can be damned tedious
is the stuff now working, though?
Q: Proving a specifc case of $\frac{1}{\lim \sup_{k \rightarrow \infty}|a_{k}|^{\frac{1}{k}}}$

ZophikelIn the text "Function Theory of One Complex Variable" Third Edition by Robert E.Greene and Steven G.Krantz. I'm having trouble proving the following case of the root test in $(1.)$ $(1.)$ $\text{Lemma 3.2.6 (The root test)}:$ The radius of convergence of the power series $\sum_{} a_{k}(z-P)^{...

^ this is a trainwreck anyone got answers for this one :(
2 hours later…
Fractured my elbow a little bit today. Nothing serious but the pain meds might make me a little loopy. So if I start claiming the complex numbers can be ordered or spheres are Euclidean in terms of geometry please give me a little nudge. Other than that I just have to type one handed.
Typhon Lannister
My little brother
The Lannisters are a creepy bunch, but we always pay our debts.
Sounds like my type of people
@ALannister wait... you have a family member named typhon
anyways.. anyone doing any neat math?
@AkivaW Got anything clever upon your sleeve?
can I save the animation I get in desmos and use it in a tex file ?
any help!
why are you writing the word removed?
I'm gonna have to call the room's lord
I only kneel for god
And Riemann
an body injured? call BAYMAX :)
by using @BAYMAX
I'm gonna call @anon
Guys, in term of hard studying are any of you able to do it for more than a few hours a day?
you don't know @anon cause you're new to this site
Alright, now I feel ignored...
how old are you?
watch inspiring movie @Zee
I'm much smarter than you are
you have watched Hdden Figures ? @Zee
you may be as smart as I am when you get to be my age, but you're not there now
Ya it was alright
you're not as smart as I am in one finger
@Twink you are delusional my friend
are we understading each other?
on your BEST day you're not as smart as I am on my worst day
@BAYMAX it's not about motivation, as much as trying to figure out if people get tired after a few hours like I do
I can study 25 hours without resting
@Twink ok, here is a gold star, go to bed now
why? it's morning
Poor fellow, so dumb.he can't tell the time
What happened? Are you buffering?
Not enough processing power?
I was being kind to you sir
this is not gonna be a happy day for you, I want you to remember that
I want you to remember the day you met me, to realize, this is as close to real intellect you will ever get
don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining
Your like a fish trying to do measure theory , and am like Grothendieck trying to fish
If you live to be a hundred and fifty, you're not gonna be as smart as I am in one finger
Lol does not realize that intelligence and old age are inversely correlated, poor poor man
I eat morons like you for breakfast
to reiterate
Well maybe you should start eating smart folks, couse eating morons is turning you into one
You are what you eat...
have you ever heard of the K.I.S.S. principle? 'Keep It Simple, Stupid
Have you ever heard of conversations? Couse it seems you don't understand them
Before you were just an idiot... now 5 people know you're an idiot
@Twink did I hurt your feelings? It's ok, you'll learn to think twice before insulting people next time
Last night dream is again weird. But it is integral and ordinal free
Believe me, you are NOT that eager for me to embarrass you
And this time, probably due to trying to take notes for 3 times during the dream, it allow me to recall 80% of this theorem I saw in the dream.
@Twink now you are being boring
I lost interest in you
The remaining 20% has something to do with the specifics of the word "side" which unfortunately I forgot
I'm not here to entertain you
As for what I am doing during that scene in the dream, I was trying to find a counterexample of that theorem, which I suspect will involve drawing a right triangular prism in some weird topology so that such a line cannot be found anymore
You're gonna be crying before this is over
Reality check will inform you that such theorem is too vague or incorrect
For example: That shape drawn there is really not a prism, because the base and the top don't match. It's more like some kind of frustum
and secondly, that vertical line drawn is not the height of this thing, rather it looks more like a median height or something
Given how we knew recently that my dreams is probably a Makov generator, it is kinda surprising such coherent nonsensical stuff can be generated from it
If this trend continues, perhaps eventually I can use my dreams to solve maths problems
You mess around with me, and I'll wipe the floor with you. Do we follow each other?
@Secret Oh, well! That's, like, the Eighth Wonder of the World, isn't it!
Well my dreams are weird, and the whole chat knew that. sometimes it is coherent enough to discuss about it, other times, it does not make sense
Anyway, what's your maths field specialty? cause it will be good if your speciality had something to do with the field I had questions on
I'm the one who makes the questions here. I ask questions, you answer the questions, are we understanding each other?
Yeah same, could you please repeat that actually?
Well then, in that case, you need to tell me what field are you take you questions on, so I can get myself ready if it is some unfamilar field
The cool thing about questions is that some of them are interesting enough that the discussion is more important than the answers, and I am looking forward to that
I want you to answer my question
my question is:
do you take any prescribed medication sir?
I have a chronic organ inflamation, thus yes. Next question:
did you see a doctor?
of course, why will patients with chronoic disease not see a doctor?
I love the truth. If you don't tell me the truth, you're gonna be eating your shoes
Well, that's the truth, I have no reason to lie. I ether tell the truth or I refuse to answer
@Twink why are you so irritated?
Unless I'm looking at you for an answer, do not type. Are we understanding each other?
The answer would be Yes or No
Nah I'm still confused
I'm not talking to you sir
@Daminark philosophy is nothing more than anxiety
I'm nevertheless confused
(Guys, I am still waiting for a maths question from this conversation)
@Secret What did I just say?
Philosophy's just a byproduct of anxiety, you would never do philosophy without anxiety
I ask the questions and you answer the questions. So far, you've answered the questions and you've gotten most of them wrong
@Zee He doesn't have to listen to you! If you want someone to listen to you, you should go to a psychiatrist!
@Zee I think there's something more
I don't see how could someone knew the answers to the personal questions of someone else
@Daminark it's simple
I don't believe it! That never happens!
Philosophy is just a matter of taste, good taste is honest taste, honest taste is self honesty, self honesty follows from anxiety
And anxiety follows from suffering
@Zee Not necessary, some metaphysical questions don't follow from anxiety, but rather, from curiosity
@Secret and I would argue that all philosophical curiosity is a result of anxiety
Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It doesn't work and it annoys the pig.
I dunno if I totally agree with that
A happy man is the worst philosopher
@Secret What do you do for a living, sir?
Currently a 1st year PhD student in chemsitry, no work yet
how many speeding violations have you had?
I had not even started driving yet. That will come some months later. So the answer is 0
do you have siblings?
2 siblings
Sexual partners?
who pays the rent of your apartment?
me and my siblings
do you have a television set?
depends on what type
what type of television set do you have?
Typical ones in most househoods nowadays (Are they called LCDs or Plasma TVs ?)
NB ( rhetorical quesitons marks are not questions)
when did you go to jail?
I have not been to jail, my record is clean
what happened in April?
Let me check my calendar...
that is not an answer
that is indeed not an answer, because I am still checking. Give me a sec, April is kinda far away
I'm 10 steps ahead of you. I'm a lack older than you are. You may be as smart as I am when you get to be my age, but you're not there now, so when I ask you a question you'll give me an answer
Seriously, why is math chat full of strange people? We get like one every day
One of the big events in April is the march for science protest, of which I had not join because I am too lazy
@LeakyNun I've been here for more than 3 years. Get a life
@LeakyNun Well... (insert suitable sentence or phrases)
and indeed Twink is an old user dating as far back to the Integral Ages
@Secret you take any other kind of medication?
Jun 21 at 19:02, by Akiva Weinberger
Also, I must admit, I was surprised when I looked at the questions you asked on this site and saw that you looked pretty sane
@Secret Not only are you not a very nice person, you're also a slob
I guess this can apply here
nope except those for my organ inflamation
like, do people have issues with mathematicians?
the hate is strong
@Secret and how much do you earn a year?
My siblings never told me, so I don't know
@Secret one last question, do you like Judge Judy?
Never heard of that, thus I have no idea
Hmmm then watch this video so you know what I'm talking about
and this one too
(Guys, I think I started to have some idea what this weird conversation is all about, though I am not sure why is Twink immitating Judge Judy)
(Do tell)
I suspect Twink somehow get affected by watching Judge Judy, and then proceed to immitate her. why I have no idea yet, I guess the video may contain clues...
honest question, no offense meant
literally what has been going on for the past hour because
@Fargle imagine going through this with a different user every day
@LeakyNun I don't have to imagine, I'm a user of MSE chat
seriously, what is wrong with this chatroom
Sounds like a very elaborate prank attempt
I think if such thing happened next time, and the user don't explain what is going on (that it is a prank in motion), I think it will be flag worthy for chat disruption
can we discuss a system of ODES :)
Any maths is welcome given how we are being **** by a prank an hour ago
See above for extremely weird non mathematical conversation pulled out by Twink
$\dot{x} = 1 (mod 1) , \dot{y} = \omega (mod 1)$
yes I was there
but not when prank started
ok friends relax as I am BAYMAX :)
mod 1? is that a valid mod?
Like $\dot{x} = 1$ and I think mod 1 means that the solutions $x$ starts from 0 and ends at 1 but never crosses 1 and its periodic!
but then your field will end up having only the element 0, which is weird...
also what is $\omega$ here, is it an ordinal?
no no
just omega a constant here
Oh you mean basically considering $\Bbb R/\Bbb Z$, I think.
I am in doubt
I think some unit circle stuff
so it repeats again
thus periodic
perhaps you are going in right direction @Fargle
It's a common convention to refer to $\Bbb R/\Bbb Z$ as "the reals mod 1, though maybe not standard.
is that a circle?
It's homeomorphic, yeah.
so how can we proceed
like here is such of a kind
I'm not sure, to be honest. This isn't my area.
it's ok
Hmm, what qualifies as a constant function in a unit circle, the radius?
If that way of thinking is correct, then this ODE system will solve into a torus of major radius 1 in the xt plane and minor radius $\omega$ in the yt plane
Mar 4 '15 at 0:18, by David Wheeler
If your walk 1 mile south takes you to where a complete orbit around the south pole is 1 mile, then that's the answer
I don't know what you mean with "function in a unit circle"
But anything more than a point is probably not constant...
According to Fargle, Baymax's ODE seemed to involve $\Bbb{R}/\Bbb{Z}$ as the underlying field
Since $\dot x$, $\dot y$ have no dependence on $t$, it suggests the derivative is a constant function in this field
So I am guessing the solution might be a periodic function in $\Bbb{R}/\Bbb{Z}$ that behaves analogously to how a linear function in $\Bbb{R}$
2 hours ago, by BAYMAX
$\dot{x} = 1 (mod 1) , \dot{y} = \omega (mod 1)$
Is $\Bbb R/\Bbb Z$ a field ?
sorry mistake, it should be a group, not a field
It is isomorphic to the circle group
Yeah, it can't be a field--it has no multiplicative identity.
That is, $\overline{0} = \overline{1}$.
What about $\Bbb R/2\Bbb Z$ ?
@TedShifrin I just spent some time reading Hirzebruch's talk at the 1960 ICM; he discusses Chern numbers of almost complex manifolds and gives an explanation of some theorems that Milnor apparently proved about them. I'm wondering whether you know what paper of Milnor describes these results (I don't think it's "On the Cobordism Ring $\Omega^*$ and a Complex Analogue, Part I" though it certainly involves cobordism).
@BAYMAX $1 \pmod 1$ is just $0$.
I thought that too
but there is some convention
it is what secret and Fargle talked about
The $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ convention?
Sure, that can be described as "reals mod 1"
Doesn't change anything, though.
In this case, it just means the derivative of $x$ must be an integer.
And the derivative of $y$ must be $\omega$ plus some integer.

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