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I had a quarterstaff... I had to look super magey so they'd target me
you're all sad people
@Sterno That's AD&D.
and old
did I say old?
I'm probably not much older than you...
maybe 20%?
we had the old conversation lastnight
I don't want to rehash it again
@MartinSojka I know. But we weren't specifically talking about OD&D anyway
I'm sure I'm not even 100% older than Kalina.
@MartinSojka your profile states your age is null, you cannot perform mathematical functions on a null value
@kalina My profile lies. They all do.
my profile doesn't lie, my age is actually null
@kalina No, I meant: All of my profiles lie.
you lie
@Sterno According to Wikipedia, the technical name is "bib-and-brace overall".
Obviously, sometimes. And I'm damn convincing at it.
Sounds like wearing dungarees is a lifehack.
And the entire world gasped in shock and surprise as James Gandolfini died of a heart attack on the crapper.
how old are you @Sterno?
@Sterno Memento mori.
12 hours ago, by StrixVaria
I'm pretty sure @Sterno is like 50.
that is why I am asking, are you 50?
For the purposes of chat, sure.
@Sterno shitty way to go...
Pretty sure my age is on my profile
12 hours ago, by Wipqozn
@kalina He's 34.
@Blem I figured he was like 50 too
yea, I am just happy I am not the oldest! ;)
When you're 20, 34 is like 50.
@BenBrocka what's wrong with it?
If @Sterno is 50, @agent86 is like a million.
Q: Borderlands 2 sanctuary slots

RyanIs it possible to actuaaly get 3 borderlands signs and get a orange weapon im presuming as the legs are blue and marcuses head is purple?

@Sterno I wish i was 20...
@kalina It's a $300 android console with a controller that looks awkward as all hell. And it's mostly controller, so that's not good
@Sterno pretty much
Good morning, Bridge.
I just assume anyone with kids is like 8,000 years old and may die at any time
hahahahahahahahah so the "Passerby catches falling baby" story from last night?
Turns out the "passerby" was Joe Torre's Daughter.
Oh sure, someone else catches a baby and it's news, I do it and my juggling act is declared reckless endangerment
@LessPop_MoreFizz I had to look that guy up. Famous baseball catcher? I guess it's in the genes.
@Sterno were they all born on january first?
Of users with over 5k rep, only 14 are older than me. Two of which are "93"
@MartinSojka More than famous catcher, he was also the manager of the Yankees during their 4 world series in 5 years run about a decade and a half ago. Basically, he is a local legend in NYC.
I'm actually the world's oldest man, I just pretend to be a prinny so no one offs me like they do the other world's oldest people
@BenBrocka Are you so old it overflows and becomes negative though?
@fbueckert is the winner of having given out the most downvotes
@Sterno ...I am?
convert the answer as a comment to the comment
@fbueckert Are you surprised? I mean, technically Community is beating you, I guess.
@Sterno Somewhat, yes.
I figured there'd be many people who downvoted more often than I do.
@fbueckert @LessPop_MoreFizz is close.
Wow @fbueckert has twice as many downvotes as upvotes.
MeatStare @fbueckert
@fbueckert ಠ_ಠ
@Sterno I've mellowed as I approach old age i guess
I downvote often, and liberally.
I used to have that title on lock.
@fbueckert You're also one of the 5 people (with more than 100 downvotes) who has more downvotes than upvotes
I thought I had a lot but @fbueckert has 2.5x my downvote count.
You are in the excellent company of danRuhl!
@StrixVaria To be fair, you have twice as many upvotes as I do.
@Sterno Who is currently banned.
For I dunno what.
danRuhl's got a 4:1 downvote:upvote ratio. You're only 2:1. Get on it.
Dan Rhul has a downvote to upvote ratio of 4:1
he also circumvented his ban afaik
Wow, all the way to November. That must be a year-long ban.
I have a lot of downvotes, but I think my percentage of 25% is pretty much right where it ought to be. I cast a lot of votes overall.
3337 up, 164 down
I am such a nice person
I am sure I have more than 164 delete votes cast though
@fbueckert Go get reps
If you keep at it, I'm sure you can beat System Folder!
@badp ...Tina?
Isn't that her name?
Yeah, totally.
anyway, the moral of the story is that based on user data, it does indeed look like I'm old.
I kept all the default names
@badp ...Terra.
Her name is Terra.
This... this could be a quirk of the fan translation I'm playing
what's her title? Mage?
@badp She doesn't have a title, not in the SNES version.
@badp Tina's the JP name
Morning, Bridge
@badp Yeah, her name is Terra.
Not Tina.
@BenBrocka The page did mention the translation was more adherent to the original
@badp Mash? Ew.
Also, it's Locke, Sabin, and Cyan.
What the fuck kind of bizarreo FF6 are you playing.
Anyway, I stole @fbueckert's reps and wrote an answer.
Unless @fbueckert writes a better answer
@badp Why are you playing a fan translation when the game was officially released in English?
@StrixVaria ...I could only find the Japanese version of the SNES version of the game
I figured it didn't release at all for the SNES in English or something.
@badp It did.
@badp I rarely trust fan translations that claim that. IIRC the "best" fan translation of FF4 is actually pretty bad and includes lots of totally incorrect/made up translations: legendsoflocalization.com/final-fantasy-iv/baron
Under, "Final Fantasy 3"
@fbueckert wait what?
@badp There's a GBA version with an updated translation too (updated as in the skill names aren't completely wrong)
@badp Welcome to the fun world of translations.
@badp early localization was a dark and stupid time
so Jap FF6 is US FF3? Fun!
The three NES versions never made it over here, and I don't believe our Mystic Quest was the same in Japan.
US FF2 = Jap FF4.
We never got FF5.
@badp Not any more. Since the PSX ports they've referred to them by their proper numbers ever since
US FF3 = Jap FF6.
@fbueckert yes we did
@BenBrocka Not for SNES, we didn't!
FF chronicles or anthologies has FF5
@BenBrocka eh I figured the GBA version would be all kinds of crippled
Not enough stars have been generated today
I never had them on SNES. Kind of glad I did'nt considering the fucked numbering scheme
@LessPop_MoreFizz I blame Ted Woolsey.
@badp It's...really not
@BenBrocka Yeah, forgot about that one.
@badp Aside from the aspect ratio, updated translation and extra areas it's not really different
I think it fixes a couple, but not all, of the bugs too
At any rate I'm 8 hours in the game and I don't think I'll be changing versions now
Anyways, I answered it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz you got FGITWed
@LessPop_MoreFizz Beat you by one second!
Also, if you had to keep going back to Magicite to equip them, damn. That's a lot of backtracking for nothing.
Ok so, an upgrade I did yesterday resulted in a system that wasn't working this morning
so I jumped in and diagnosed that, and then started today's upgrade late
The people I'm upgrading today just phoned up to say that their system is down
Apparently the dude I contacted to confirm taking the system is down has been dead for 5 months
even though he replied to his email and answered his phone
@fbueckert I honestly rather thought one piece of magicite was good for one character only, and you'd have to find the others scattered around the world
I really am losing perspective on which way is up at the moment
@kalina o.0
@kalina Lay down on your back. Your belly will point there
@badp First time I played it, I figured you had to summon the Esper every fight in order for the Magic Points to take effect.
That...got expensive.
(I don't even know what an Esper is!)
@Sterno the amount of 93 year old are there to make me the average age of all users with age on the site :D
@badp I preferred nose, my belly is flat
@badp One of the extra abilities you get by equipping Magicite is the ability to summon the Esper it came from.
@kalina You could be laying on your nose and cheek.
So it's essentially a single-use summon per battle.
@badp We're using the terms magicite and Esper interchangeably.
That would have the nose pointing left or right
@LessPop_MoreFizz ah
I doubt that if I lay on my back I would also be laying on my nose
Since magicite is essentially an "Esper in a Rock"
unless my neck had been snapped at some point and my head was on back to front
cheek, not nose
@LessPop_MoreFizz Dead Esper.
I guess the phrase "tits up" exists for a reason
@kalina But you could have your head sideways if you were laying on your back
@fbueckert fossilized into a rock.
You'd think, with Espers being creatures of magic, they'd hand Kefka his ass handily.
@kalina Ah, yes, a much better way of telling which way is up
Except, he tears them a new one without even breaking a sweat.
@fbueckert Didn't he have something that allowed him to counteract their magic?
@kalina you don't know what up is!
@SaintWacko When he was fighting Gestahl, yeah, he did.
See? The nose is not a reliable indicator of what up is
Kefka is an overrated villain.
Not before that, though.
Too cartoony, IMO.
@fbueckert It's been a while since I've played it, but I thought I remembered that
@badp If I were on my back...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is that the one that poured poison in the river, retroactively killing everybody at the Samurai town?
@kalina You could have your head twisted 90 degrees
or there will be tears
@kalina I dunno about you, but my head has roughly 150 degrees of rotation while I am on my back.
@badp yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz are you able to lay on your nose while you're on your back?
Okay, yeah, the names are better in the official translation
No. But my nose can point to the side while I am on my back b
I think I could have my nose touching the ground while lying on my back
@kalina This one actually derives from "belly up", via the military's always-present way of vulgarising the fuck out of every term they encounter. And it originally refers to ... dead fish in the water.
I'm at work, though, so I'm not going to try it
@saintwacko that's more neck flexibility than I have.
@ShotgunNinja Your wish is my command!
Q: Arqade Gamer IDs

WipqoznFeel like playing games with your fellow Arqade members but don't know their contact information? Fear not! Shotgunninja whipped up a spreadsheet for just this purpose! The spreadsheet contains the username/friendcode/whatever for various gaming platforms (Steam, PSN, Desura, et cetera). So fee...

Q: Should I repeat the trip to meet Terra with four non-magic users?

badpAfter Terra had a lovely meetup with the Phantom Beast, followed by a lovely trip bouncing around the world everywhere, the other 6 playable characters agree to split up because you can't have parties larger than four players to go find her. For this I picked the Mechanic, the Samurai, the Monk a...

Q: Do I have to check with Lyle to get Happy Room Academy rewards?

Ben BrockaIn New Leaf you get your HRA score by talking to Lyle instead of in the mail. Thus far I haven't gotten any rewards, so I'm wondering: Do I have to check with Lyle when I hit a thresh hold to get a reward, or will I get it by mail automatically?

Your whole team joins you at Tina's Terra's anyway
^ It's @SaintWacko!
making the question completely pointless
@Wipqozn Hm, I kinda liked that just being a Bridge thing
@badp Which is weird, since you struggled all the way up, and now those lazy bums just show up.
I have 9,666 rep >:D
@SaintWacko wake me up when it's 31,337
...a number I'm actually kinda close to
@badp One time when I was out to dinner, my check number was 1337
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I thought it was The Exorcist.
@Powerlord It is.
(I haven't watched the video, just going by thumbnail)
4 mins ago, by SaintWacko
I think I could have my nose touching the ground while lying on my back
So, anyway, what's this I hear about a ghost haunting @kalina's office?
@badp Why is your Wii friends code the emergency services number?
You'll want to call it the day I get a Wii friends code, because I'll have turned mad
Kalina seems to have difficulty understanding aging. Maybe the guy is like 60, and that means he's dead to her.
like even madder
@Powerlord Mine is 8675 3098 6753
@LessPop_MoreFizz His is 0118-9998-8199-9119-725....3
lol @ IT Crowd references
Couldn't they steal the "sell" screen from Chrono Trigger?
I don't know what's useless and what's being kept for other team members
@badp That's different than the SNES version, too.
@fbueckert ?
@badp It only has a single column.
eh, but does it have the character portraits with the down arrows?
Honestly, @badp You really should start over with the real game and not this bizarre fan mess, IMO.
@badp IIRC the GBA weapon shop is much better and shows stats
And choosing an item to sell shows it's related attack/defense power.
@badp For buying, yes.
@fbueckert Yeah, I need it for selling too
(I have it for buying as well)
Don't sell things, just throw them.
I gave Kefka's Tower a shot yesterday. Since many of my members are severely underleveled due to not using them, it didn't go so well.
@badp Shadow can throw things. Weapons work rather well.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Fan mess?
@fbueckert does that help me in telling junk from the piece of equipment I've just bought for the guy I've left behind?
@badp Nnnnope.
@fbueckert Were you familiar with @Ascendant at all in CoH? He played on Virtue, was fairly well known there, but I'm not sure how well he was known outside of it.
What @LessPop_MoreFizz means, though, is that there's no reason to sell weapons.
@FAE I am not.
I realize they sell for crap in terms of gil
@Powerlord He's playing some crazy fan translation where Terra is named Tina and Sabin is Mash and it's just generally awful from the screenshots he's posted.
I wasn't really much of a community member; I spent the vast majority of my time playing solo.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh.
In all fairness, those were their non-Woolsey names.
@Powerlord Because he couldn't find a Rom for FF6-US-SNES, because he didn't know it was called FF3.
But of course "Tina" wasn't exotic enough.
@LessPop_MoreFizz and he didn't just go with FF6 GBA?
@Powerlord Yes, but 1) The Woolsey names were better mostly, and more importantly 2) You know as well as I do what disasters these 'faithful' translations end up being.
@Powerlord He thought it would be 'crippled'
Of course, the last time I tried emulating that, my GBA emulator had a lot of slowdown.
@fbueckert Ah okay. He recently passed away. He was well known on the boards and to the devs for the fake telephone convos he would stand around having. He had an article on ParagonWiki and even had a cameo on the comics. Relevant Titan Network thread.
I figured the SNES would have a lot more horsepower and memory to go with than the GBA, so in the port they'd have had to cut corners or introduce bugs
like, it'd have been how Link Awakening is to Link to the Past
I've found Gameboy ports tend to be better than the originals




@badp The GBA is 32 bit and can run SNES emulators
@badp You're missing the part where the GBA came out like 10 years after the SNES.
@BenBrocka Not only that, but the GBA is a decade newer than the SNES.
(Did I mention I never really was into this whole "console" madness?)
Which @LessPop_MoreFizz beat me to mentioning.
@FAE That's a fun read.
@badp You can ask us these things, rather than finding out after the fact.
Yeah. The only crappy thing about it is the resolution, which doesn't really compare too unfavorably to most SNES games anyway
@badp GB was 1989, GBC was 1998, GBA was... 2001?
No, had to be before 2001 because the DS was 2004.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'd rather not go publicly flaunting that I'm looking for ROMs of games I've never bought
@Sterno Yeah, he'd just stand around at the phone booths ingame and do these scripts in local chat, just for entertainment and stuff.
(for comparison, SNES was 1991)
But yeah, other than the lack of buttons and some modified sounds, I didn't notice any real differences between A Link to the Past on SNES versus A Link to the Past on GBA.
@FAE That's sad to hear.
Well, other than eliminating the "backtrack through half the dungeon" bit in the Ice Palace.
@badp We don't judge dirty pirates here.
@Powerlord I was comparing it to Link's Awakening with the 14 heart containers and the murderous menu system and the shittiest message boxes ever
Still think the GBA should have had X and Y buttons... they didn't add those to handhelds until the DS.
@fbueckert Yeah, I didn't know him personally, but he was pretty famous on the server I played on. :/ I guess he'd been sick for a while, 'tis a shame.
@badp I know. The GB actually predates the SNES, which was part of the problem there.
@Powerlord oh.
Even the GBC didn't have that much better hardware.
GBC, GBA, what's the difference
@badp 12 years.
Windows XP is 12 years old!!
One uses an ARM9 processor, the other some 8-bit processor from the 80s
It's a huge leap from an 8-bit CPU to a 32-bit CPU.
(Not sure about their clockspeeds, but I recall the GBC only ran at 3MHz)
Wow, Wikipedia says GBA was only 16MHz.
Oh yeah, speaking of GBA, you should try the GBA Metroid games. They were pretty good and borrowed a lot of concepts from Super Metroid.
Q: Arqade Gamer IDs

WipqoznFeel like playing games with your fellow Arqade members but don't know their contact information? Fear not! Shotgun ninja whipped up a spreadsheet for just this purpose! The spreadsheet contains the username/friendcode/whatever for various gaming platforms (Steam, PSN, Desura, et cetera). So fe...

> Game Collector Badge: There's a new badge which will grant you XP based on how many games you have in your Steam library.
Zero Mission being a remake of Metroid 1 using Super Metroid stuff (basically) and Fusion was an actual sequel to it.
I didn't realize Steam added this.
@FAE When was it added?
I'm wondering how many Steam levels it bumped me up since my library has over 600 games.
(or so my profile claims)
Someone on my friends list is level 34. @_@
@Powerlord The 18th
@Powerlord They also fixed the game count to not count DLC for the same game and such.
@FAE Well, there goes that!
> Profile Game Count: The number shown next to the "Games" link on the new profile should now more closely match the number of games shown in the Steam library.
I think the last time I checked my profile was last week.
@Powerlord Steam says you're level 15
@FAE So it added... no levels? That's strange.
Ooh, what's my level?
@ShotgunNinja 8
I got the badges beta from someone and don't see any interface for it. Is there an option I have to tick?
The person on my friends list who's level 34 has over 1,000 games.
The interface was the only reason I even wanted to look at it
@BenBrocka Did you redeem the beta thing?
Bah. Booster packs only show up when you craft a badge, so you can't get one until you trade for at least a few cards.
@BenBrocka You have the new profile UI when I look at you
I don't know how to check my level. Or why I suddenly care.
@FAE Sweet.
@FAE I think so? I added it to my library
@BenBrocka You have it, your profile's changed, so.
Huh, I'll check it out tonight
maybe I hadn't restarted steam yet
for the record (whenever this discussion was, hours ago, probably) my real birthday is not in my profile, but it's close enough. I am only three quarters of a million years old
@BenBrocka You are level 8 btw
although twice recently someone assumed I was a new hire right out of college
@agent86 Were you flattered or insulted?
@FAE in one case flattered, in the other insulted. In one case someone was disbelieving that I had to have physical therapy for my back. In the other, someone remarked "I have shirts older than this guy"
@Powerlord Zero mission was a lot of fun. There was an awesome shinespark sequence to get a missile tank
if he wasn't some mucky muck, I would've wanted to reply "if you have shirts older than me, disco is dead man, and it ain't comin back."
@agent86 o.O
@agent86 hahaha
Seriously, this shinespark sequence contained something like 5 shinesparks, a couple of them precise, and a transition into and back out of morph ball mode
@Sterno It's 5.
It was ridiculous
Plus a couple jumps that you had to do without triggering the shinespark
It's pretty much based on this: steamcommunity.com/id/crysyn/badges
Oh look, they've added badges based on the amount of games you have
plus the amount of specific experience seems tied to how many games precisely you have
so 270 games = 452 XP
11 mins ago, by FAE
> Game Collector Badge: There's a new badge which will grant you XP based on how many games you have in your Steam library.
:9978158 Jinx!
Is it 11 minutes new?
@badp Update was 2 days ago.
360 games = 520 XP
I guess the cards are a more cost effective way to level up :P
@badp >_> That was mine, wasn't it?
goes all the way to 1,034 XP if you're a Valve cheater
I have 393 xp from that
for 191 games
11 mins ago, by FAE
The person on my friends list who's level 34 has over 1,000 games.
Huh, I thought I had more than that
@badp So that's not actual purchases this person made?
@FAE There have been some Steam prizes of every game on the platform.
I've got a friend with 754 Steam games. Most of them were $2 or less
@FAE Some Valve employees are marked to own ALL the things
I found the one in Powerlord's friends list and he had "1 game", a "1k+" badge and 1,034 XP
@fbueckert Oh yeah, I forgot about that too
@fbueckert A kingdom, some hearts and Donald Duck?
@badp Don't forget Goofy!
@fbueckert and Sora!
@Powerlord I'd say that's a given, but seeing some of the later games...
What about impractically large keys?
@fbueckert I wonder what kinds of online they're pondering, hm.
@FAE Reading that makes me want to complete KH 3DS.
@fbueckert I own that but haven't played yet because I need to finish BBS.
@FAE I'm pretty sure I finished that, but I don't think I've 100% finished it.

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