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@YiJiang'sEvilClone I know. The world map is funky though.
sob uncontrollably
Nathan is freeeee! He is victorious!!
@Johann I am not saying this to benefit myself at all, but you know a really good and easy way to get reputation on stackexchange is to suggest good edits to other people's submissions
@LessPop_MoreFizz wat
@Fluttershy Terraria on Xbox gets a world map? Pfft, back in my days...
@agent86 You decided on Terraria yet? >_______>
22 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yep. It's just like the one you get if you use the one for Terraria.
@LessPop_MoreFizz something's wrong with chrome
Anyone know if mods can pre-emptively protect an answer from being auto-turned into a community wiki? I have an answer that I may be editing again a few more times, and I think it's gonna be auto-community wiki'd.
And what do you need iron for anyway? If you're working with shadow armor already you shouldn't lack iron
Okay, having the Master's Drums as my FB alert on my phone? Freaked the crap out of my just noew
@galacticninja I don't think so but if you can justify the editing then the CW can be reversed
you might not even need to justify it, you might just need to ask nice, but I don't know the rules
bribing with bacon will definitely help the cause though
I think as long as you're not abusing editing just to bump the post up its fine
editing bumps the post...
BRB edits every post
@kalina How did you not know this?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I did, it just didn't click
so this is why everybody goes crazy when I murder a tag in a few minutes...
"Ladies, Father’s Day is just around the corner"....its barely April!
@kalina Making strategically timed improvements to a post is a good way to polish off rep cap.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have never abused the system in that manner
In other news, I'm 20 days away from my epic badge
@kalina You, uh, never noticed?
@kalina It's not abuse if they're quality
@kalina yep
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I never ever go to /
always /questions
I know I improved a few 9 score answers to get them to 10 and such the last time I cared about a promo contest.
@LessPop_MoreFizz zomg advertising your exploits
it was less about 'if I make this answer better, maybe someone will vote!' and more about 'If I make this answer better, more people will see it.'
@kalina The best exploit is still the one that got me a TV from the ME3 promo, which I haven't mentioned yet.
I never seem to experience any issues with getting to rep cap on the days I put effort into rep capping
@kalina I'm concerned about the precious rep points that might be lost if someone upvotes an answer while it's community wiki'd.
Where do the rep points go if someone upvotes a post while it's auto-community wiki'd, then a mod reverts it back to non-community wiki status?
in fact, pretty much every day I rep cap, I overcap significantly
@kalina Protip: Write good answers to gain massive rep on Arqade!
@galacticninja Think you'll get the reputation back after the next rep calc
@YiJiang'sEvilClone starred for accuracy
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm gonna be adding info on the answer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz there has never been a competition for any game I'm interested in since I joined
@kalina I don't think they would. Besides, recalcs don't exist anymore
the first time there is though, I'll go all RavenDreamer on you and take everything
@kalina ME3 got me a big screen tee vee
if I had been here during the ME3 stuff I would have done very well
I had already completed the game on insanity within 20 hours of it being released in America with the good ending
@LessPop_MoreFizz Seriously, do you have exploits for everything? :P
@kalina My 'spoits would've beaten you.
@LessPop_MoreFizz not likely
@AshleyNunn I was a top ranked WoW raider. So, Yes.
@kalina I'm going to assume "insanity" is the difficulty level and not the state of mind you were in when you played the game
@AshleyNunn Exploit early. Exploit often.
@LessPop_MoreFizz so was I, I didn't exploit though :p~
@LessPop_MoreFizz Fair enough. tips hat
@YiJiang'sEvilClone both
well, both as of the moment I got to the space magic part
in fact, it's for the best I wasn't around
@LessPop_MoreFizz STAHP
I'd have systematically made enemies with the entire bridge by going WHAT ZE FSCK at the ending quite publicly
@LessPop_MoreFizz ......NO
@LessPop_MoreFizz besides, my favourite method of ensuring I reach rep cap has always been tag wiki edits
I can say that now that I can't get any more reputation from them
oh wait, now I can do tag wiki edits without authorisation
@Johann Do you see the button above your shift key? Press it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz tab?
@Johann Yup.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wow it worked
@kalina and with that sudden realisation, you have doomed us all
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I just realised that 20k = unstoppable force of nature
@kalina This alarms me :P
just so you all know, you should all get 1k reputation worth of editing done from a mixture of post editing (before 2k rep) and tag wiki edits (before 20k rep)
I'm saying this because I still need to approve 200 more edits before I get a gold badge
but I'm really thinking of all you guys
@kalina How considerate of you
@YiJiang'sEvilClone you're welcome
for optimal efficiency you should make sure your edits happen while it is daytime in Europe as well
@kalina since you seem to have unlimited power can you tag this as needing a good answer. gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/113317/…
that's not how the tagging system works
Well dammit. Bioshock isn't working at all on Windows 7.
@kalina how does it work?
@Unionhawk What seems to be the problem? I had trouble with sound
@Johann as a system of categorisation, the functionality to achieve what you're wanting is "bounties"
@Unionhawk That sucks
@kalina ok i meant bounty
sorry test post
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's hanging at loading screens. I think
The issue is highly inconsistent, so it's hard to say
@Unionhawk Do the usual update graphics driver, update system, try applying compatible mode, look around to see if the game generates a crash dump, etc.
you can have as many as you want and they're permanent but you can only have one active at once
where does it say they are permanent
@Johann it doesn't use the word 'permanent', but I would expect it is implied by the fact you can have more than one at once and the fact it details you having to toggle them
oh come on it isn't exact though
and I want a screenshot
well I'm not going to buy the game so that I can find out for you
@kalina ummm. its free
just search bloons tower defense 5
ok let me rephrase, I'm not going to play the game so that I can find out for you
I have "the best FPS of all time" installed and haven't started it up
what makes you think I want to play some random tower defence game instead?
@kalina very good question
@kalina But you really should, shouldn't you? :p
anyone else
@YiJiang'sEvilClone they lied in the advertising, everything that happens next is going to be a disappointment
besides, the best game of 2013 is obviously tomb raider
and I've already completed that
@kalina Spoiler alert: Infinite's a pretty good game. Advertising aside.
@kalina Euro Truck Simulator 2013
@Unionhawk this is what everybody who has played it has told me
seriously though, SimCity for goty
@FEichinger was going to answer my question first, but then our relationship...*soured*
@Johann maybe you should kiss and make up
@kalina Maybe, if they rewrote the game from scratch by the end if the year
@kalina I try to stay out of physically impossible things
@Johann That's not how I'd phrase it. I'd say you pissed me off, a lot.
oh you
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I guess this is my fault for not enclosing my text in <sarcasm>
SimCity was such a disappointment, that I spend longer playing the beta than I did the release
@kalina Seriously, though
@Johann I might take a crack at it, if I weren't bogged with school, which is more important
Just try it once and you'll be hooked.
@Johann you can say that about a lot of things
like crack
it is one of the most addictive games i've ever played
I've tried them before, not really my thing
I saw a shop selling the European building set DLC in physical form
Couldn't contain my laughter
@YiJiang'sEvilClone what a waste of materials
seriously, the DLC is like 8mb
It think it might just be a piece of cardboard with the download code sandwiched in there.
well...any takers
It's designed to be the same size as other game jewel cases
Irrational took on board the feedback about their box art being crap, and released eight more alternative box art inserts for those who own a physical copy of the game
Yeah, I saw that those are great. Resistance for the PS3 has a really neat alternative cover which is printed on the reverse side of the retail cover
didn't mass effect 3 do that too?
reversible femshep insert
or were they two separate releases
It also removes some of the logos and ESRB ratings which are required by law
hardly matters, you have to print out the replacement insert yourself
@kalina CE definitely had that, not sure about the standard retail version.
my copy is represented by a little picture in Origin that says nothing other than "N7" on it
My copy has ... nothing, because I don't let Origin anywhere near my computer.
Origin isn't that bad
I bet you have Java installed
far worse than Origin
I'm well aware of Java's problems. But I also know how to avoid them. ;)
yeah, don't install it
That's the poor man's solution.
so is avoiding Origin
Nope. Containing Origin requires cutting it off from everywhere. Which isn't possible due to the nature of the "service".
Java, on the other hand, can be contained fully.
Not installing java?
Origin is fine
oh no, Guild Wars 2 patch
@OrigamiRobot I am making a grumpy face at you for no reason other than I can
It's ok, I make grumpy faces at you too ;)
Star and close.
Good, good.
Ugh, "survey" people cold calling my prepaid mobile number. Idiots.
In other news, I just logged into GW2 and you're not online
@OrigamiRobot Give me a couple thousand rep and I'll close-vote. :P
@FEichinger I covered the easy way to do this earlier
@FEichinger brb, bountying
@FEichinger wait... so mods can just give people random rep
@YiJiang'sEvilClone you seem to be getting a lovely variety of annoying phone calls
make 20 suggested edits per day while I'm around and you get 40 reputation from it
@Johann no
@Johann A) He's not a mod. B) No.
@Johann yes
@kalina I like ... convincing people, rather than gaming the system, you know? :P
the moderators give reputation to people they l ike
AAAAAAAAAh conflicting views
@kalina oh you
have to side with kalina

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