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@badp You missed.
@GraceNote I missed what? My own sulking?
anybody I want to be able to contact me has my mobile number
I said naught about making a fake profile.
@kalina i have a fake one on fb, as i said, just for spotify. no posts, no friends, no nothing.
Q: Sold vile armour before getting vile set

user44377I think I must sold the vile armour - and, guess what - now I need it! What can I do? Thx I've been back to the tree twice but not won it again... It's not in the store ...help?

@SamueleMattiuzzo You don't need a facebook account for spotify
@SamueleMattiuzzo I don't see the point in that
I do recall the circumstances behind your own ban, after all.
@badp i know. i have spotify since the beginning, when fb was needed, and didn't bother to change
so are you now a paying customer or are you limited by the 10 hours/week thing?
wrong button :|
@badp i'm a paying customer, why?
@SamueleMattiuzzo just wondering about the undocumented six month cutoff
what's bothering you about it?
everything is bothering me today
there there
it's because the moment I arrived at work I got accused of not completing something I wasn't asked to do, after I spent until 10pm lastnight on the customer in question's system reconfiguring
laser eye them.
ever since then I've been in a terrible mood
@kalina happens here all the time, I add a feature to our software and they always reply "great, but where's this X feature?"
and most of the time, trying to raise a point will is just useless and totally unhealthy for you :/
I am intolerant to stupid people criticising my work
and by the time I've finished with the person in question, she will understand never to blame her own incompetence on me
Uf. That is ill.
Needless to say, but in every workplace you'll have to deal with people like this. I've put up a lot of fights and eventually decided it's not worth it most of the times
@fredley I borked the server last night
@OrigamiRobot :(
@OrigamiRobot What did you do?
I just walk away
"here is the email you sent me".
@fredley Mystcraft
@OrigamiRobot Making many ages?
Then again, as it administrator, I have an over view of many things others don't know about :D
@fredley I only made one or two :(
The server just never came back.
@TimStone can I have access to the server so I can restart MC when necessary? It's usually me who manages to take it down in the first place...
@fredley Or the one who is around for people to complain to
@OrigamiRobot I'm basically either in here or on the server for all hours of the day that I'm not sleeping
So I had to submit paper work for my university admission today. I had to prove to the university that I suffered from asthma.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Why?
@fredley I have no idea. The "disabilities and special needs" section of the application form listed asthma as one of the diseases which I need to declare, so I did
Java Update Scheduler is probably the most annoying thing I've ever come across
And after submitting that form they told me I need to submit documentary evidence that I actually have the condition
randomly UACs you because it wants to, and then pops up a bubble in the tray telling you exactly the same thing again when you click no
This involved paying $10 to go to the clinic of the same university I'm applying for, since my mother work there, waiting for 45 minutes to see a doctor for 3 minutes while he typed out a letter explaining that I indeed have asthma, then walking across campus to the admissions office and dropping the letter into a box
@kalina jusched.exe is a virus
it's not really, but it's as annoying as one
And of course me being the idiot I forgot to make a photocopy of the letter. The next university that I'm applying to demanding "evidence" will get my inhaler sealed in a ziplock bag
@kalina It kinda is. It prompts you to download woefully insecure software onto your computer, and is now adware too.
@kalina Anything that tries to install the Ask toolbar is a virus.
@fredley They've been bundling that for quite a while now
@fredley I wouldn't know, I never install java on my own pcs
@fredley Would you like to install the Ask Toolbar?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I know. WTF Oracle.
I would rather catch aids than install java
and this is coming from somebody who has Origin installed
@OrigamiRobot has become infected. He should be shut down, mounted safely and cleaned thoroughly.
OrigamiRobot needs to be mounted thoroughly?
@kalina You accidentally some words there. Or deliberately some words.
@fredley those are the words from your sentence that I processed after reading
Ewww, you've got your unicode all over my ASCII
@kalina origin is not that bad, you can use it to play Mass Effect... sometimes you got to do everything it takes no matter what, to save the galaxy.
suddenly, a wild flag appears
You guys are no fun.
The Zalgo text got flagged?
you're about to set a new precedent, people got banned from the bridge and I wasn't one of them
Hey, wasn't me
wasn't me either
@tombull89 The Math is creeping in, slowly
Wow, I can't believe I forgot to turn off StickyKeys on this computer
see, it was @ManishEarth
he deleted all of the things
No, I just deleted the last one
@fredley Meth, more like. I don't even...what.
Another mod did the other two
I am surprised that nobody got banned
@ManishEarth I deleted my own when someone flagged it.
Spam? Nope. Offensive. Barely. So...flagged?
@SamueleMattiuzzo don't forget building a city
@tombull89 the fun police turned up and stole all of our fun
@kalina Fun the police
Well, two were deleted by a mod who wasn't me
@ManishEarth @badp?
@ManishEarth proof required
@kalina I hereby invoke Godwins law - more like the fun Nazis. There's a sister unit to the Grammar Nazis.
@kalina It's the next day so i can star you again. Contract fulfilled.
Sorry guys
That wasn't the deal, dollface.
@kalina I can confirm that it was not Manishearth who deleted those
@kalina Comments dictating exactly when you want to, and do not want to be starred will be starred
@MadScientist I pressed "delete" on one, but I thing the poster deleted them first
@MadScientist TREACHERY!
@MadScientist I believed him, he's new here though so doesn't know that I'm joking
@MadScientist I blame mods for everything
@fredley Makes sense, we blame users for everything
@kalina Ah :P
@MadScientist high five
@ManishEarth Looks like I need to update the poster...
2 mins ago, by fredley
@kalina Comments dictating exactly when you want to, and do not want to be starred will be starred
:8611662 So we just have to wait 5 minutes before starring your comments?
Do I need to ask balpha to put a cap on daily deleted messages? :P
This comment has no stars.
@ManishEarth Nice try
@MadScientist if that tactic gets employed, I will just stop chatting
@MadScientist wasn't it 2?
@fredley :( Wanted to explode the universe
@ManishEarth Your reverse psychology will get you nowhere here!
@OrigamiRobot That can be remedied
2 4 7
@badp No idea what the exact value is
I am going to run out of stars by lunchtime at this rate :(
@OrigamiRobot There, now it is kalina. :P
@MadScientist it's 2 for chat and 5 (for editing) on main, I think
Feb 24 '12 at 22:54, by OrigamiRobot
When I run out of stars, I'll just take screenshots and do freehand stars. Then I'll post the screenshots for other people to star!
I'm risking a ban by posting unicode, but here goes:
Unicode? SO LEWD
@badp LEWDnicode
@fredley ♥
5 secs ago, by kalina
@fredley ♥
@kalina Filthy unicode
Everyone shut up so I don't miss anything star worthy while I go shower.
Doctor who :)
on that note, cya tomorrow
woooo got my one x now backing up ;D
@ManishEarth Not freehand
Or unicode
be seeing you
@kalina has gone, that's it for today's starring
why do all painted items look like crap
@badp Because you're the one doing the painting?
I mean, your MS Paint skills are great and all, but...
@fbueckert: 23 hours since Tuesday.
@OrigamiRobot I often feel the same way. It's so selfish of people to do things amusing when I'm not around.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone it'd be awesome if my painting skillzors shined (shone?) through TF2 but alas no.
@Wipqozn I just mentally specified "people" as "my parents" and "do things amusing" as "have sex".
@djsmiley2k That looks more like a cyberdog than a "cyberpony"
My parents are totally selfish like that too.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That is definitely a horse face.
Q: Recover save games in Far cry 3

BGovindI completed Far Cry 3 around 60% and I had to refresh my windows 8 pc due to some internet issues. During a refresh all desktop apps will be uninstalled but no files will be lost. So I thought the save files won't be affected. But after the refresh, I installed Far Cry 3 and I get no option to co...

Q: Where's my Zen Garden?

ZoeI finished a whole first adventure of Plants vs Zombies, but NO ZEN GARDEN. How could that be? I have Quickplay, some awards, a key to Crazy Dave's shop, but no Zen Garden. Is it because you have to have a certain device to get the Garden? I'm confused. Do you unlock it in the second adventure? T...

I hate coding hipsters.
They're that group of software developers who call everything they do "hacking" and think that coding is the same as art.
Why can't I do this?
@Sterno I know one of those.
@StrixVaria You don't know the ghosts' positions
@badp I meant I couldn't figure out how to get it to link with text.
@Sterno I hate you too
@fredley Flagged!
@StrixVaria ...like that?
@Sterno :(
@badp Wow I had it completely backwards.
@Sterno "Hacking" is where you quickly hack together some code for a specific purpose without regard for speed, maintainability, proper design or if it works anywhere but on your development machine. There's a time and place for that, but if all they do is hacking instead of proper software design, they aren't software developers. They're kids with a compiler.
I've done this a hundred times. Why did I just forget how this morning?
@StrixVaria Have you been editing Wikipedia lately?
@badp No, I have no excuse.
@MartinSojka Or scientists. Scientists code like that.
just pretend you have
[http://blah is how Wikipedia does external links]
@Sterno coding IS art. Especially when you do it on your typewriter from 1975
@MartinSojka Seriously though, it's not this black and white. It's not proper software engineering vs. hacking. There are degrees of hackiness, and pitching it right for the task at hand is important.
@fredley you know you're just hacking if you don't have a sealed proxy factory memoizator singleton in your codebase
@fredley ah, good ole com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.strat‌​egies.IsEvenlyDivisibleStrategy
Q: Where can I find Word games and puzzles for Ubuntu

SueWhere can I find downloadable word games for Ubuntu?

Save the word "hacking" for the awesomely-bad 1995 film Hackers, or GTFO
@GamingTopicsFromOutside Google
@badp I prefer src.main.java.com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.in‌​terfaces.factories.StringStringReturnerFactory
Or, alternately, save the word "hacking" for things like "I was hacking that dead hobo apart with a machete so the body was more easily disposed of"
badp has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@fredley NOPE.
@fredley That is not the hipster use of hacking.
We're probably going to get a rage meta question about this.
The hipster use of hacking is "Yeah, I spent all weekend hacking on <some stupid pet project> with my buddies I met at a CodeJam meeting!"
@fbueckert But for understanding that concept you need a brain which many narrow minded people don't posses.
Thanks, a daily dose of drama is the perfect way to start the morning
@Sterno You should've seen his last comment.
Boo. Deleted comments should show up for 10kers
Or, really, just for me.
Essentially, he took great offense to DeutschZeid voting to close it.
@Sterno Not really, far too many crappy comments exist for that to be useful
@MadScientist I don't want usefulness. I want entertainment.
Even mods don't see deleted comments inline
@Sterno I'll take a serving of that.
@StackExchange Have I mentioned that you are my 2nd favorite Mod?
Not enough drama in chat this morning. Step it up, people.
@Sterno Three flagged messages and deleted messages isn't enough?
@tombull89 No. ALSO, that was before I got here. I can't see the deleted messages, and therefore to a latecomer like me, it's as if the drama never happened
The worst drama is the drama that happens but that you don't get to know about.
@Sterno oh, post some Zalgo text then.
@Sterno Yeah. You want to step it up? Zalgo.
I'm not familiar with Zalgo. Googling just turns up something that doesn't seem particularly drama worthy.
@Sterno Zalgo text generator
@Sterno Generate Zalgo text, paste in Bridge, ??????, PROFIT.
Conspiracy Theories

Proposed Q&A site for conspiracy theorists trying to prove a point, anti-conspiracists arguing against conspiracists.

Closed before being launched.

Console players

Proposed Q&A site for console players, Xbox360, Playstation 3, Wii etc.

Closed before being launched.

Video Game ideas

Proposed Q&A site for people who need help getting ideas for video games or people who have really vivid imaginations and have ideas to offer.

Closed before being launched.

Amusement parks and theme parks

Proposed Q&A site for visitors of amusement and theme parks, where questions about prices, locations, rides etc. Also includes water parks, and fairs, and may include other attractions like circuses.

Currently in definition.

Not Q/A just fun!

Proposed Q&A site for me and my friends!

Closed before being launched.

See also this SO answer.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Who are you?
That should be called @NOPE instead.
@StrixVaria I think it's some kind of joke, along the lines of @GamingTopicsFromOutside
@fredley Yeah. I still don't get how that's drama-worthy.
@Sterno Try it
@fredley Let me guess... it somehow breaks chat and then you get banned for it?
@fredley Well the feed looks for proposals "tagged" (or however it works on A51) "entertainment".
@Sterno Nor me, but, hey.
@Sterno No
Doesn't break anything.
@StrixVaria Categories, not tagged, but yes.
@Sterno Just wait till someone flags this

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