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He hasn't lost as much reputation as I expected
my second favourite one is "Used to be obsessed with rep; now not so much."
Rarity and her stupid false eyelashes
there is nothing wrong with false eyelashes, they have an important purpose
Do I want to know?
probably not
I'm going to assume you're talking about makeup
some people have naturally long and thick eyelashes
and some people don't
for those who don't you can use mascara or you can use fake lashes
would you like me to continue with a conversation about makeup in a room full of guys?
didn't think so...
Where is this thread? I'm so confused.
Makeup... sigh
/me wants to be a beautiful man
Let's see... her tail need to be adjusted so that the white bits can actually be cut out easily.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I like this
new EVE online patches
I think we're all overqualified for papalship here
/me thinks over his past lives. Yup, count me out
I just got a private message from a GM in EVE
about whether I'm enjoying the game
that was a bit surreal
@kalina Did you AFK mine or something similar? Or at least something that could look for an observer as if you were a bot?
How many GMs does EVE employ?
@MadScientist no, I had just logged in and was in the middle of the automated warp that happens when you log out in space
I don't AFK mine in the systems we're in
the CODE alliance suicide gank miners that don't pay their fees in these systems
Hmm, starting a conversation is one way to find out if a user is a bot, as they usually can't reply meaningfully
Ha, a Turing test
and as such all of our mining ships are procurers and skiffs with lots of EHP
Q: What are the space requirements for a tall Jungle Tree trunk?

SF.Can I dig a deep 2x2 shaft in the ground, plant 4 saplings on the bottom, give them light and bonemeal and have the tree grow to the very surface? Or does the space requirement mean there must be free room around the trunk? I read there's no upper limit on the height of Jungle trees. Can I force...

Q: Does Ruunans Hurricane and Twitch ultimate Synergize?

WertilqDoes Ruunans Hurricane work with Twitch ultimate? Most of the time Ruunans isn't worth it, unless you're running a full on-hit build. I was pondering if it would be useful with Twitch ultimate.

Q: What is the quickest way to get gold?

LadinekoThere are alot of ways to gain gold in World of Wacraft. However some items costs like 120,000 Gold to get. What is the quickest and legal way to gain Gold and reach the 120,000 target in World of Warcraft : Mist of Pandaria?

@Lazers I'm actually disappointed this isn't spam.
Q: How can I earn lots of gold?

garbagecollectorWhat are your most effective way of earning lots of gold in World of Warcraft? Should I be farming materials for my trades or to sell on the Auction House? Or should I be doing speed runs on the daily heroics? Any suggestions?

@YiJiang'sEvilClone How so?
Thats an old expansion and does not apply to MoP
Does this site have a tag?
just World-of-wacraft
Well, what do you think that tells you?
That you only look at tags instead of questions.
3k lost out of nowhere :(
> Everyone should want a Chromebook Pixel — I certainly do. But almost no one should buy one.
@Ladineko Edit the old question to make it up to date, and/or put a bounty on it for attention.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Can't you just wipe Chrome OS and put in whatever?
@badp I think you can, but the hardware limitations still stands
64GB hard disk isn't going to get you very far
not everybody in the world is a bad person
what, the new chromebook is named after me?
Morning Folks =)
oh, it's expensive, looks pretty, functional, but ultimately broken
it even sounds like me
who would pay 1300$ for a PC that doesn't work unless its connected to the internet
@kalina Marry me <3
@Michel lol
@kalina You can install any other OS. I dunno if it'd run anything useful, but...
@badp I wonder if you can replace the disk with something bigger than the storage in my mobile phone
@YiJiang'sEvilClone yes, but DOES IT FIT IN AN ENVELOPE?
@kalina Well, that's not entirely true. A lot of the intended apps work fine offline. But you have to have made the choice to use said apps in the first place, so it's certainly not right for everyone (and I'd have a terribly hard time justifying that price tag regardless. I do however own the first commercial Chromebook for whatever reason)
@TimStone if its price reflected how useful it was offline, I'd probably buy one just because it looks nice
I think Presentations is the only Google Docs app that doesn't work offline
@badp let me rephrase that to "how useful its offline functionality is to me"
@badp I think they added support for that recently
considering I don't write documents or use spreadsheets or make presentations
Does Code9 work offline?
theres news that they have something to compile apps to run in a browser, at pretty much 99% speed...
@LessPop_MoreFizz RIP
@LessPop_MoreFizz Moderation: for weaklings.
I'm worried about the 6 of 9 people found it useful.
@djsmiley2k Maybe 4 of them wanted to read minds, and another 2 found it helpful because now they know not to drink 22 of them out of a big gulp.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, I suppose it isn't too hard to read in the mind of people staring in horror at your face
haven't people recently died from drinking the 5 hour energy drink things?
@kalina It's not common, but there have been cases
Then again, people have died from drinking cola
that cola woman in NZ.... sigh.
She died from being an idiot.
@kalina Some woman drank something like 10 litres a day.
People have died from drinking water too
@kalina not exactly
oh right
@djsmiley2k Yeah, that one
Water poisoning is a thing that exists
so she died from over indulgence
it's like how you can die from eating chocolate
like 250kg in one go or something stupid
or coffee
@badp yeah you can drown yourself by drinking too much water
or beer....
Hahahah I broke the spam limiter
@djsmiley2k careful, in about 8 hours you might get banned without warning
@kalina That's not water poisoning but oh well
too much oxygen? Death!
@kalina huh?!
@djsmiley2k That's actually not too surprising
@kalina You can burst all your cells from drinking too much water.
@badp no I was referring to another water related stupidity
Too much rat poison? Death!
@RonanForman yeah it causes the process of osmosis to fail
@badp @kalina the lack of salt thing?
@djsmiley2k Too much death? Death!
@kalina Fail outwards
@YiJiang'sEvilClone citation needed.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone TOO MUCH LIFE? Death
I can't stop laughing.
Hmmm, you can only die once, right?
I just can't.
Too many goats? Death
It's almost 9.
I need to leave for work.
@kalina I was just typing that.
9 goats?
And all I'm doing is sitting here laughing at goats.
@RonanForman sorry
@djsmiley2k 9:00 AM.
Too much laughing! Death!.
Dear Pirate Bay, what should I watch today?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone death becomes her?
best twenty-three?
why the best twenty-three?
@badp I'm surprised there are 23 at all
@YiJiang'sEvilClone actually if you've not seen it, black sheep.
@badp I know, this is worrying for two reasons
First of all, there are twenty three they can call the best
@badp Because there are only 23 good ones.
Second of all, there are more than 23, for there to be 23 they can classify as best
I had no idea that this was A Thing. But now that I'm watching these, I can't imagine a world in which this would not be A Thing.
Dear Pirate Bay, your taste in movies is... surprisingly good, actually
@YiJiang'sEvilClone first watch teh goat link, then watch black sheep.... the world becomes a wonderful place anytime you then see a sheep or goat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz LOL
Zero Dark Thirty, Argo, Skyfall, mmhmmm. Although I do have to knock a few points off for Twilight
Twilight is good if you just remember it's all a trick to trap bella.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Generally, within a month on either side of the major awards, you'll see a lot of nominated films because academy screeners are very frequently ripped/pirated.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Doesn't Pirate Bay generally have...all the movies?
@LessPop_MoreFizz wait what
@StrixVaria I'm looking at the "Top 100" list
It's a pretty good indicator of what's popular
@kalina Do you have the mount i mensioned in the question? is it worth it to buy that one instead of thundra mount?
@badp .... whats wrong?
@Ladineko its just an updated person of the tundra mount
and I don't play WoW anymore
I'd say it's a far more interesting list than the box office numbers for evaluating the popularity of movies
I haven't for four months
I'm still in my withdrawal phase
@kalina Ah i see.
still desperately resisting signing back up
eve has you now young one.
@kalina I had that too, untill my GF just said.. Just do it... and if your tired of it you cancel it again.
@badp What game is that badp?
@badp Looks...........interresting... in a weird way.
If I sign back up to WoW, my life is over for at least the next year
@kalina Keep resisting! :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz didn't you say something about going to work?
@kalina Too busy laughing at goats.
@badp Looks like a remake of... whats that game called.........Happy wheels?
@Ladineko ಠ_ಠ
@badp just a bit...
Morning, Bridge
@kalina Wait, do you mean alongside EVE?
@SaintWacko I don't know, I don't think there are enough hours in the day
@kalina Yeah, that's why I'm surprised
@Ladineko Ahahahahaha
Taking over askubuntu, one edit at a time
The Pirate Bay's top 100 music list is filled mostly with chart toppers, but if you scroll down a bit you'll find a torrent for The Beatle's Greatest Hits
@kalina I'll probably create an account there once I start using Touch Ubuntu on my N7
Which will be once they have one stable enough to be a daily driver
touch humanity to others does not make sense
Okay, this is weird. I'm getting the "Suspicious Request" error on my desktop too
Good morning, Bridge
@YiJiang'sEvilClone your request is suspicious
@fbueckert good afternoon
@kalina Good evening
@YiJiang'sEvilClone good night
"and in case I don't see you..."
@kalina What?
Oh, is that what Ubuntu means?
@SaintWacko Yup
@SaintWacko ubuntu = "humanity to others"
There's also Ubuntu Cola, entirely unaffiliated to Canonical
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Huh, didn't know that
@badp Keep practicing.
I need coffee, my hand-eye coordination is failing
no shit sherlock :P
So apparently "Popemobile" is a word
What's so weird about touching your humanity to others?
And one which BBC newsreaders are allowed to use
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yep
It's the actual name of the Pope's car
Somehow that made the Batmobile sound a lot less sexy
I never found the batmobile sexy, in all honesty
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sign it up for Pimp my ride...
@Ladineko Spinners, hydraulics, underlighting...
@kalina but but but but something something male power fantasy something something fast cars something something chicks dig sweet rides something something.
Disco ball inside the Pope dome
@LessPop_MoreFizz yes but it looks ugly
@SaintWacko Your feeling me bro!
@LessPop_MoreFizz And flamethrowers, don't forget the flamethrowers
@Ladineko what? @SaintWacko is touching you up?
@kalina Oh the humanity
@kalina Haha!
@kalina Not just that, I'm touching his humanity to others
Somehow i think he would lose hes hands.
Er, is his right?
@SaintWacko Haha, starred.
oh god, this conversation is derailing, it's derailing so fast and it's going to a nasty place
@kalina That makes it sound even more nastyer
@LessPop_MoreFizz Am I the only one who thinks that looks more like an upright undertaker's car than anything else?
@kalina Aww, do you want your humanity to others touched, too?
@fbueckert no you're not
@SaintWacko no
I hope that is an innocent statement and isn't full of euphemisms
@kalina I don't think it is, but since it's mostly nonsense, I really have no idea
@badp Six for the charm?
@kalina I don't know about you but my brain's taking me places
@YiJiang'sEvilClone erm... "places" ?
If it's not a euphemism, it should be
@kalina Yeah, places.
@kalina The gay bar.. :P
Oh dear, look what I've started
Where Saint and i are spreading the humanity to others
This is getting a little creepy, people.
Reminds me of the Song, "Let me take you to the gay bar" xD
@fbueckert Really? It seems pretty mild compared to the last few days as near as I can tell.
@kalina Humanity is LOST!!!
sorry I couldn't find one that said abandon chat
@SaintWacko What's this anime?
Basically, @Grace's The Bridge Dating Sim is writing itself
@kalina I declare you the winner.
@Michel I have no idea, but I ran into the image macro on 4chan and it greatly amuses me
@SaintWacko I think that's Angel Beat.
@kalina Thread abandoning failed
yep, now my RDP session has slowed down to a single refresh per second
@badp indeed
...why is this room filled with "ABANDON THREAD" animations?
@GraceNote People are seamish about their humanity to others
Sorry, there's a street which I used to pass by every day on my way back from school called Sixth Avenue.
@badp Yes, sew very seamish
@GraceNote we couldn't find any "abandon chat" animations
The association between the two words are permanently ingrained into my head
it all started when @YiJiang'sEvilClone said the current topic of conversation was taking his mind places
@kalina I like that one alot.
Best one so far.
Good alot. pets alot
@Ladineko Which one alot? This one?
@kalina =(
@Ladineko Yeah, that's a good one
DAMN YOU @RonanForman
@kalina If you give me some time I can make one
I think that alot needs a good brushing.
@kalina You did it earler to me.
About right for here too. "I'm going to leave now." "Nope!"
@RonanForman I like you, alot
@djsmiley2k You mean it needs alot of brushing?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Funny enough, your mention of avenue just made me think of a place off Ocean Avenue.
@kalina I'll pass on your regards.
@RonanForman Alot of attack speed!
@kalina Which really looks more like alot of chocolate milk
Alot of alots
That'd be King Alot.
@SaintWacko mind... blown
All these alots sound like weird idols.
@badp So, alots are like slimes in how when a lot gather, they join together to become royalty?
brb work T_T
I know about the alots @kalina
@GraceNote That's the surprising thing about them!
@SaintWacko Do they combine like power rangers?
I'm from the internet.
@djsmiley2k from the internet?
@GraceNote Oh god. I was playing Crawl yesterday and ran into a group of slimes in a small corridor. They joined into a titanic slime and killed my orc warlord ally :(
@djsmiley2k Me too.. :P
@djsmiley2k I come from cyberspace, the new home of the mind
@SaintWacko I actually didn't know Crawl slimes could do that.
@GraceNote Yeah, the little green ones
Thankfully the big acidic ones can't
@SaintWacko Runner2
That would be a nightmare
@GraceNote Ah
I came just after it stopped being the world wide web.
Anyone freaked out by the dolphin yet?
seventh attempt
yay, finally
@djsmiley2k You can't be from somewhere if you arrived there first.
@djsmiley2k Pretty sure we're all neteran enough to not be affected by that kind of thing.
@RonanForman after being there, I was here.
@GraceNote very well...
25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5y7j4RM jesus thats even doing my head in.
At this point the risk is approaching headache or worse, not freaking out.
Yeah, I recommend not doing things of that ken or beyond.
yay 1024×768
@djsmiley2k try stare at it for an hour.
Dont forget asperines...
@djsmiley2k Hehehe
hovers mouse over the flag icon
@badp o_O
@badp what have I done wrong now?
@kalina you work with what exactly?
@Michel say what?
I work with humans
a full office of them
pitiful humans
@kalina Are you sure
This is what you are doing wrong =)
They might be aliens.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I am the most alien thing in this office
Go work with robots and Aliens. they are awesome =D
Or zombies. Yes, definitely zombies.
some of them could be zombies
Nah, they eat a lot
Q: What beats an ADC/Support combo?

ViparI wanted to find out, if there was a counter to the current LoL Meta that consists of 1 Top player (often Bruiser) 1 Mid player (often AP Carry) 2 Bot players (often AD Carry and Support) 1 Jungler The part of the meta that I want to try and change, is the bottom lane. Playing AD Carry/Suppor...

To be honest they aren't very good except for Fluttershy, because the trace isn't made from them actually being squashed
I think Applejack's need tweaking
@YiJiang'sEvilClone but what about twilight?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone pinkie pie is good
@kalina Someone else has already made one dm29.deviantart.com/art/Squashed-Twilight-Bookmark-348896588
It's what gave me the idea in the first place, actually
@kalina Who do you think smashed them in a book?!
@BenBrocka interesting
@YiJiang'sEvilClone where is rainbow dash?
@kalina Oh, the same person also made a RD one, but he hasn't released the template yet
@YiJiang'sEvilClone mk
your pinkie pie one is really good
I am now going to go and get laughed at by the whole office while I print one out and laminate it
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hah
@kalina Pinkie Pie's is made from mashing up a trace of her exploding at the ending in A Friend Indeed and this image
@kalina Just mumble "You're next" as you covet the squashed bookmark
along with a nice "that doesn't look very work related" conversation
You have an office laminator?
yes, her name is Karen
that's basically all she does
oh and she fetches chips from the chip shop on Fridays
Uh, I thought laminators are machines
yes, she uses a machine
she's even going to cut it out for me
Please don't downvote my answer for being incomplete. I need eat something

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