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5:00 AM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone looking good
I need to be careful with the tail because if I draw it wrongly the tail will be impossible to cut out
Cutting Fluttershy's tail is still giving me nightmare
I still don't know how to fix that
The curl at the end. It's distinctive, which means you can't leave it out, but it's impossible to cut neatly when printed out.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone xacto knife, on one of those scrapbooking mats?
Relative of @Ravendreamer's?
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I used a penknife to cut it out. It still didn't came out cleanly.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hm.
5:07 AM
This is why we need 3D printers. This specifically. Hard to cut out pony things
@BenBrocka Lasers. Because.
You can't print lasers
@BenBrocka Lasers can cut stuff.
printing already cut stuff > cutting stuff out
@BenBrocka Don't 3D printers use lasers to cut materials?
But you don't have to manually use them
This is how big the blade is compared to the tail. As you can see it's rather hard to cut.
@BenBrocka Robotic cutting lasers. Even better.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hm,. yeah, that is a bit big for that
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Box cutters are not the most precise instrument
5:11 AM
my sister has some tiny little paper knives
He said, wiping blood from his jacket
Speaking of 3D printing, a few 3D models have been popping up on r/mlp
Went through all of CodeAcademy's HTML/CSS/JavaScript tutorials in 2 days as a sanity check before getting started on JQuery. JavaScript is stupid.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's 3D printed? I assume hand painted?
I think the color is in the stone itself
5:13 AM
Oh, neat
@StrixVaria Oh it's not too bad
@BenBrocka wipe blood? If I'm using lasers, either everything goes awesome, and I'm not covered in blood, or it goes horribly wrong, and somebody had the bad taste to bleed all over me.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's not awful, I guess. The way you define "classes" is a joke, though.
I kind of like how functions are just treated like any old variable.
Constructors are functions, yes. That's kind of odd.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone On the other hand, this is terrible
5:15 AM
@fbueckert I was referring to the box cutter. Ideally lasers would cauterize the wounds they cause, no?
@TimStone Wait, isn't LiveScript the name for the first version of JavaScript that was originally included with Netscape?
@BenBrocka You'd think.
Yeah, they mention that
> LiveScript was one of the original names for JavaScript, so it seemed fitting. It's an inside joke for those who know JavaScript well.
We ARE talking about robotic lasers, though.
Hey everyone let's learn Dart and make that a web standard.
5:15 AM
@StrixVaria It's not an OO language
The problem is that jokes are supposed to be funny, and that just makes me feel ill.
@BenBrocka It kind of tries to be, though. I guess my dislike comes from the fact that it can't make up its mind.
Alternatively, don't use classes, use prototypes?
So is defining Whatever.prototype actually ever a good practice?
That almost seemed like layered hacks upon hacks.
@StrixVaria Yes, of course.
5:17 AM
There's a reason most people like jQuery. And crap like Coffeescript is a pain to mess with IMO. Compiling scripts feels wrong
I'll read through some of my company's JavaScript stuff tomorrow. I have always stuck with the backend stuff in the past but I want to expand.
When you spawn a new jQuery object, for instance, the jQuery object inherits all the methods and properties of the jQuery prototype
Discourse recently compiled all of its CoffeScript to JavaScript as the target source. I was so happy.
If you need to add a function to all jQuery objects, which is what most jQuery plugins do, you just add it to the prototype, which is jQuery.fn
snickers @StrixVaria's expanding backend
5:19 AM
@BenBrocka sigh
You waited just long enough so I couldn't edit it.
The most fun part about learning CSS was when they said, "Now you made your own beautiful web page!" as I looked at the page using only the colors #FF0000, #0000FF, and #999999, causing my eyes to bleed.
nice round RGB values rarely make pretty colors
@BenBrocka I did learn this.
I'm teaching my dad this too. Sent him some color scherme generators to get him some RGB values that dont' suck
I think I'll just stare at these for the next half hour imgur.com/a/KzFmD#0
Yeah the very first result I got for color scheme generator is doing amazing things I could never dream of figuring out manually.
5:33 AM
I love JS. It is non-stop awesome
you just have to know how to use it... which not many people do
@StrixVaria colorschemedesigner.com is lovely
I have about 8 of them bookmarked
@StrixVaria Color theory is fun to learn
Q: game pushed down to bottom of screen top half black

colleenmy games is pushed down to the bottom of the page and it iswhen I try to close it,the button to quit is down far enough to see but not to press it. how can I fix this?

I think part of the reason I dislike javascript is 1) we use Mootools instead of JQuery at work and 2) it's impossible to find the DOM elements you're referencing if you don't already know what you're looking at because of the way our code is organized.
Refer to items by ID/class only unless absolutely required. Makes dom manipulation much easier
5:35 AM
This "max contrast" stuff is very nice.
Preferably ID
@StrixVaria Sounds like poor coding practices, not a poor coding language ;)
@Ktash I didn't write it.
Haha, wasn't blaming you for it, no worries
some of our JS at work is a little... odd
I'm trying to learn it right. I'm also trying to find a new job, where hopefully their JavaScript stuff is in a better state.
5:36 AM
It's always funny. You can tell what language people come from by how they code JS
@StrixVaria Don't count on it
@Ktash I'm not holding my breath.
very few people really understand JS
Even though the spec is only like 10 pages long
My main language is Java, so when they told me that JavaScript "classes" are defined by some "constructor" function with no real special syntax, I cringed for a good ten minutes.
@Ktash JS does have a bunch of weird complexities
I forgot MMX had such bad box art
5:38 AM
Like as Strix is saying how its entire object system is a POS
Capcom still hasn't really figured out localization 20 years later
@BenBrocka And yet, it's still such an awesome game.
@murgatroid99 May mean you don't understand it
prototypes are dead useful
@fbueckert I have never played it . Should I?
@fbueckert the JP version had fine boxart
5:38 AM
@Ktash No, I mean that it's a POS.
@AshleyNunn Yes.
@murgatroid99 Why?
Might take some decent reflexes in certain parts, just FYI.
Japanese developers seemed to flip their shit at the idea of having ANIMUUUU on an English released game so they decided to make it look like crap instead
Megaman games are very unforgiving, in my limited experience.
@BenBrocka No one on this continent likes Anime.
5:39 AM
@fbueckert Good to know. I have noticed, though, that my reflexes are slowly getting better since you have made me branch out and play games I don't normally ;)
Megaman games are hard, but the controls work. That can not be said about most similar games
@AshleyNunn Training! Get better! cracks whip
@fbueckert ....*bites back inappropriate response*
@Ktash Oh man, it's been a long time, but I think it was a combination of the weirdness of inheritance and the non-standard way prototypes are accessed
I have to wake up for work in 6 hours but I really have no desire to go to sleep at all right now. This is probably going to result in a less than productive day tomorrow.
5:40 AM
"We need to localize this game!" "Should we make sure the English writing makes sense?" "No, just get that damn anime off the box art and ship it!"
+ a 10 line polyfill if you want to support all browsers
@Ktash How is Rectangle.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype); different from Rectangle.prototype = new Shape();
I learned the latter syntax.
@StrixVaria I'd recommend the Megaman Legends and Megaman ZX series. They're more like Metroidvanias. And MM ZX has difficulty levels ranging from easy enough for noobs to harder than most other megaman games. The originals are a bit hardcore to start out on
@BenBrocka I like the idea of difficulty levels for noobs, because those are what I usually play on always
@Ktash OK, that version of JS literally appeared 3 months ago
5:43 AM
I really like the idea of Metroidvania games. I just have never actually played one really.
I actually haven't used/entirely relearned JS since last summer, when I had to use it
@murgatroid99 Uh, Object.create has been around for a while now
@StrixVaria Multiple inheritance is allowed. Also, in the second instance, your instantiating a new version of that object. There is a difference in what you are actually inheriting. In one you get Shapes prototype. In the other you get a new shape as a prototype
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Oh, wait, maybe I just misunderstood something then
@Ktash That sounds like one of those subtle differences I won't fully understand until it ruins my day.
5:44 AM
Oops, read the wrong thing
@murgatroid99 The warpper has been around for a while. The way to do that has existed since JS first came up
@StrixVaria Most of the time, it will never ruin your day. The difference is one you should know if you want to really understand the language (which most people never do)
@Ktash I don't think it's worth my time to not really learn a language I ever intend to use.
I'm one of those people who talks about pointers when I'm using Java even though they're all implicit.
JS is a language that is so forgiving, you don't need to understand it fully to use it.
@Ktash I consider this a downside.
I want a language to yell at me if I'm doing something dumb.
@StrixVaria You may want to learn it then. Which is good. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of great resources at the moment
5:47 AM
@StrixVaria Grab JSHint
@Ktash It also casts things when you don't expect it
Pass all your code through it
JSLint is a little too unforgiving
@StrixVaria JS lets you do "dumb" things because it assumes you want to do it that way. It lets you do what you want
@murgatroid99 When do you not expect it to cast and it is?
Noting of course this is not a type-safe language
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Neat. I'll play with this after I learn JQuery and I make some crappy game just to test what I've learned.
5:48 AM
JSLint is also Douglas Crockford's way of coding JS, which isn't for everyone, is very opinionated, and isn't always good coding, imo
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Eventually, you need to collect all these up so I can print them all and have the best bookmarks ever ever ever
@AshleyNunn That's my plan, yes :D
number plus list casts to string
5:49 AM
@murgatroid99 What did you expect that to do
@murgatroid99 That's not a list, or a object
That's a... uh... block. Which does nothing.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone oh, right. Well the list thing is still kind of weird
ahem that would be nice
Sorry, that was two different examples
5:50 AM
The + operator being too overloaded is a valid complaint. But that is something you just need to be aware of, I think
plus, it have very set rules on when it casts
As in, you can stick code inside blocks of curly braces, but there's nothing interesting about that because JavaScript doesn't use block scope
you just need to learn them
I've seen suggestions to use them for code organization, but frankly that's a terrible way to do it
> []-[1]
Lists casting to number, except when they cast to strings
Yeah, those kinds of oddities aren't unique to JavaScript unfortunately. Ruby and PHP also have some fairly weird behaviours like that.
Sidenote: that's like the second or third time we've seen that this week, I think.
@murgatroid99 Well, weird edge cases appear when you look for weird edge cases. The correct answer to this is don't do that!
@TimStone Which is why I use python. It has at least a mostly reasonable set of casts, and reasonable errors when you do something nonsensical
@murgatroid99 Python???? Really?? Python yells at you if you don't indent the right way!
5:53 AM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's not one of them, but there are cases where you can be screwed over by not getting an error for typos that create nonsensical code
@Ktash Yeah, so use an editor that indents correctly.
The best JavaScript errors are the ones caused by missing commas.
@Ktash That doesn't excuse bad language design
@TimStone Or extra commas *cough* IE *cough*
@Ktash Wait, that doesn't have the casting rules
@murgatroid99 How does that make it bad language design? It's all spelled out and open, you just got to learn it. I agree + has too many overloads, but I don't agree JS is bad language design
5:55 AM
A: elections.stackexchange.com not working in IE9 (Vista x64)

Tim StoneFor some reason the fix for this bug has been reverted on the live site. I'll figure out what happened and make sure it gets re-updated. Once that happens everything should work correctly. For some reason I've gone completely crazy and imagined that the fix for this bug had been deployed, but it...

@YiJiang'sEvilClone also console.log. Which kills JS only in IE. And only when not debugging
@Ktash Good design != good documentation. The language does unintuitive things with your code and you have to read the spec to know it because it doesn't tell you in an error
@murgatroid99 No, you have to read the spec because no one has taken the time to learn it. Other than the + operator, I have no complaints about JS
The breakdown isn't that crazy most of the time. The language has 5 types
@Ktash I've always thought that the constructor syntax is really unintuitive. You stick a new in front of a function, and somehow that creates a new object. Somehow.
6:00 AM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's pretty standard in the languages I've used...
Oh, you mean using a function as an object?
@Ktash I think most languages have new Class()-> object
@Ktash Except that other languages have actual class definitions and you can tell whether something is a constructor or not by the syntax.
as opposed to new function() -> object
It's because JS is prototype based, not class based
@Ktash Using a regular function as a constructor. A function that can also be called as not a constructor, and will do something weird
6:02 AM
I think that is JS's biggest problem. Everyone tries to use class based models on it
What is the preferred syntax for creating a new function? Is it var x = function() {}; or function x() {}?
@StrixVaria Either. Depends on what your coding convention preferences are, and what you are trying to do with it mostly
Is it just a style choice or is one of them actually "better"?
@StrixVaria The second one. Well, it depends on what you want.
@StrixVaria I'm pretty sure they do something different with scoping or namespacing or something
6:03 AM
@StrixVaria For the first, if you try to call x before the definition you'll get an error. The second won't.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Oh, right, that's what it was. Hoisting
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Ah, that's a pretty important difference.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Well, it will call undefined, which will throw an error. But if you try to access it, it is just undefined because variables are hoisted
Time to see what I can do for Rarity.
@Ktash That I think is also weird. The behavior of accessing a variable can depend on whether it is declared later in the code
6:05 AM
@murgatroid99 That one, granted, is odd. But can be useful in Async code on occassion
@Ktash Oh, I'm sure it can be useful. It just seems kind of unexpected. Though actually that makes me think of another thing I hate about JS: the number of ways they have of saying a variable has no value
Huh, somehow 70 or so "Image is truncated or corrupted" errors just appeared in my console
@murgatroid99 I have a good link to the spec on my work computer, and can send it to you tomorrow
undefined, null, ReferenceError
@murgatroid99 The last one is an error, the first two are types
and mean different things in the code
which can be very useful actually
6:07 AM
@Ktash OK, it's really just the fact that there's an undefined and a null.
@murgatroid99 That's not really very odd. Most languages have all three of those.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Name one
@murgatroid99 Null and undefined have different meanings, and differentiating them is good
SQL actually has that issue where null is overused and ambiguous (that's where I hit it most elsewhere)
@Ktash I don't think they need to have different meanings. Why do we need a value for "this variable has been declared but not yet given a value"?
@murgatroid99 Well, most languages have null defined, and trying to access an undefined variable will give you... well, something. Setting a variable to null doesn't unset it, so it's clearly not the same as undefined
6:09 AM
@murgatroid99 null in an object means it has no value. This is different from "I haven't set a value yet"
I want to know if no value was set, or if the value is null
@Ktash why should "does not have a value" be different from "does not yet have a value"
How is that useful in code?
In Java, all objects default to null until set otherwise.
@murgatroid99 SQL is where I hit this issue most often. If I have a column with a set of values, I want to know if that value does not exist, or if it exists and should be "nothing".
@Ktash I don't see the difference
I'm trying to think of a realworld example I've hit... give me a sec lol. I last did major SQL stuff a while ago
6:11 AM
@Ktash You could put a blank value in the cell instead of leaving it at null, if that's really important to differentiate.
@StrixVaria But a blank value is also a valid value
and is different sometimes
AHHH!!!! Web one!!!
the DNT header
This is a huge problem that there is no Null
A binary unset value does not exist, so there is no way to differentiate between a user who has no preference, and a user who has not set a preference
@StrixVaria That's not entirely true, attempting to access an undefined (uninitialized) local variable is a compile-time error.
this is why IE 10 DNT header is being ignored, really
@Ktash Except if you're using Oracle. shakes fist angrily
@Ktash I'm not saying there should be no Null. I'm saying there shouldn't be two
6:14 AM
@murgatroid99 There isn't two. One is a value, the other is no value
it just happens that the value is null
@TimStone Ah, right.
I'm fairly certain class-level fields default to null, though, if not explicitly set.
@TimStone Wait, does oracle have multiple nulls?
@Ktash You can set things in JS to undefined. You can test for equality with undefined. You can convert it to a string. That makes it a value
@StrixVaria Right
@Ktash No, Oracle considers the empty string to be equal to NULL.
@TimStone ಠ_ಠ
6:15 AM
@TimStone OK, that's just bad
@murgatroid99 undefined is a type. And undefined is just a variable name, can be set to something other than undefined the type
undefined is only a type
null is a keyword
@Ktash types are values in javascript.
@murgatroid99 you're mixing up types and keywords
undefined is not a keyword
@Ktash No, I'm not. I'm saying that they are both values, which is a more general idea
@murgatroid99 Yeaaaah. Oracle's stance is "Well, we had this behaviour before NULL was standardized, so...we're going to stick with it", but really I think Larry Ellison just enjoys being evil.
6:17 AM
open up console, and type in var undefined = 'a' and then check the value undefined
@murgatroid99 undefined is not a value. It is a lack of value
null is a value
typeof null == 'object' for a reason
it exists, it is there, it is just nothing
@Ktash I just tried that. If I set undefined='a', it still outputs undefined when I type that in
ewww... FF console is overriding that :(
oh, what are the consoles doing!!
Yeah. I actually stopped caring about this argument about 10 minutes ago, so I'm going to stop now. Suffice to say that I prefer Python to JS
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What language are you talking about?
6:23 AM
> Starting in JavaScript 1.8.5 (Firefox 4), undefined is non-writable, as per the ECMAScript 5 specification.
And with that, I'm done
What have they done!
also, ECMAscript 5 was cancelled... wasn't it? What are they doing implementing that
JavaScript is evil, so who cares? :D
Heh, well, I maintain JS is just misunderstood lol
but I'm out for the night
g'night bridge
7:03 AM
Time to do Rarity. Her mane is going to be the death of me.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Good luck!
R.I.P. @YiJiang'sEvilClone: killed by fictional pony hair.
1 hour later…
8:35 AM
*yawn* Hey, I'm still alive
8:46 AM
I'm not.
But seriously, Rarity's hair is stupid. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong.
There must be a better way to draw this.
So I pulled out someone else's vector to check, and nope. There isn't a better way to do this.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone so everyone does them as vectors?
9:03 AM
In general, if you want to work with them in any way it's best to trace them out first
9:19 AM
Well that wasn't too bad
9:41 AM

With all that re-tagging nonsense, a bit sad that no-one took the chance to correct Minecract to Minecraft....
@YiJiang'sEvilClone ok I might not get the mlp thing, but thats quite impressive.
Nah, not really.
fine :P
Each control point takes at most a second or two to set and tweak. MLP characters are very simple, compared to other cartoons
@deworde re-tagging nonsense?
10:08 AM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone somehow I doubt Rarity would be smiling had she just been flattened
Yeah, I'm re-doing her face by hand
well in that case then good job so far
Q: Step by step High Elf build for Skyrim beginner

drlI'm a novice in Skyrim, recently bought the game and love it. I don't have any DLC yet (I want to complete the original first). I've started a High Elf lady, I'm currently level 13 and thinking of going for a mage build based on destruction. Can anyone provide me with a step by step guide for u...

@kalina All those pocket minecraft answers bumping up because someone got a bumper load of (possible) sockpuppet votes in the mail. Pay me no mind, just a stupid quip.
I'm not convinced that votes bump the post
10:26 AM
The eyes are a bit too close together and a little too big
@YiJiang'sEvilClone and different colours
that is the right sort of facial expression I'd expect though
Oh that's just the gradient.
needs to be pulling a facial expression like :S
eyes dont need adjusting that much though tbh
Well, Applejack's expression is pretty much that
I wish I could do vector art
10:35 AM
I don't want to reuse faces though
@BoltClock Oh I would hardly call this 'art'
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hmm yeah, why do people refer to them as simply "vectors"?
You understand the difference between raster and vector, right?
So these are vectors. As in, traced from scenes in the show.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone mk fair point
10:37 AM
I guess it's like how people call something a painting or a watercolor
I'm so glad I redeclared my vegetarianism
It's okay, there are other uses for ponies. You can send them to the glue factory too.
Q: Is Spigot more lightweight than a vanilla minecraft server?

Jonathan MilfordIs Spigot more lightweight (in terms of memory and cpu) than a vanilla Minecraft server?

rofl, I just got in trouble for "not being in the office"
10:45 AM
Looks like I'm gonna have to preorder Tomb Raider even though I'm confident I won't get to run it until I upgrade my hardware
because Microsoft Lync stopped responding in the middl eof the night
I think I should've done this face instead
... did my pet just level up from visiting Coltzan's Shrine again after last visiting it 3 hours ago?
"I vant to be alone! To wallow in whatever it is that ponies are suppose to wallow in!"
I thought it employed a 12-hour timeout rather than a once-a-day limit
10:52 AM
@YiJiang'sEvilClone that is perfect imo
11:14 AM
I'm on this customer site, upgrading them
They've rebooted the server repeatedly over the last 30 minutes
sent a console message to the other person logged into the server
apparently even though this work has been planned for 4 weeks, nobody knows its happening
so all of their users have been complaining the system is down
I just got asked "how long will it take?"
and I responded "twice as long as it would have, since you rebooted the server while I was upgrading the database."
Q: Valve Linux games that are not FPS?

130490868091234I have seen that Valve now has a bunch of games available for Linux, but most of them are first-person shooters, which I don't really like. Does anybody know how to get the list of Valve Linux games that are not FPS?

o_O I thought the only game so far as tf2?
Anyone play some conclave with me?
I'm in an inactive party atm ;<
11:30 AM
> Square Enix trademarked Deus Ex: Human Defiance
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I like the sound of that
I hope they don't go all invisible war on us
@Lazers apparently my assumption wasn't liked, such a sad day
revolution followed by defiance, Nice.
I wonder how far along the development process do companies start applying for trademarks
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Blizzard applied for the MoP trademark about ~6-9 months before it was released
I currently have a customer screaming at me for taking down their live system, after it had been agreed with several levels of their management. Their IT department have corrupted their database by rebooting the server I was working on during a database upgrade, and now I'm caught up in politics which is preventing me from doing anything about it
Time to get some management around here involved so that this customer can learn their role and STFU
Great, so now I have three different versions of Love is in Bloom on my playlist. I think I should just remove everything except for the instrumental version
11:39 AM
I just told this IT department that I could probably fix the database issue with diskpart
he was fine with it
I'd like to know how some people get jobs in these kinds of roles
Did some files on the hard disk get corrupted?
nah I'm just restoring the backup I took before I started
it's not going to stop me from making this IT department feel like irrelevant wastes of space though
@kalina lololol/
time to pop some vnv nation on
the drilling here in the office is doing my head in.
Odd, this scene has two colors for her mouth, yet the color guide only lists one
11:56 AM
So Videopad is slow. Really slow.
"I am the creator of www.kittywarriors.com. I really want reputation and am trying my best to earn it."
what kind of repuation? ;)
the kind where you get 16 upvotes in 2 minutes

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