The stereotype is one of a closed, insular patriarchal honor-based culture where by "honor" they mean "never work, ever." According to stereotype, they don't care much about the place they live in, its laws and its commons; they don't register their children, don't send them to school and instead send them to beg.
I don't know how close that's to the real thing, but it's rather nasty stuff.
@badp Yes, although it's a difficult life here at least. There are designated traveller zones in different counties, but they're not big enough for the communities, who often spill out into neighbouring farms, and often get forcefully evicted.
Dale Farm is a plot of land on Oak Lane in Crays Hill, Essex, United Kingdom.
Until October 2011, it was an unauthorised and illegal encampment of travellers which had been established without planning permission. The site is owned by members of the travelling community and is located within the Green Belt.
In October 2011, to give bailiffs safe access to allow a clearance order to be executed, some residents and activists had to be removed from the Dale Farm site – this action gained international press coverage.
At its height, Dale Farm, along with the adjacent Oak Lane site, hou...
The blurb for the Shocking Gem says
Shocked targets gain a stackable immunity rate
Does this mean that shocked targets start becoming immune to all attacks? Maybe it only refers to being shocked (ie after being shocked you're less likely to be shocked again)? Also is it temporary or permane...
I dunno, SE hired a few people whose first task was changing question titles into proper questions and one of the things they did was changing "How to X" in "How do I X"/"How can I X"
ok english isn't my mother tongue, but it sounds weird... plus the guy of How To Basic would probably be very sad to hear something like that...
@Anto eh, they're typically around the start of each level. I don't think it's possible to make one generic answer that's not like "In the prison, it'll always (?) be on the lower floor, east; in the underwater passage, it'll always (?) be on the lower floor, south"
@badp for instance, in Act 2, the 3 maps with the bandits camps have the waypoints right in from of the camps (which are never at the entry of the area)
I picked a Marauder because I really don't care about ranged attacks and stuff
I spent 50% of the prison with a bow in hand
I took Brutus down 100% with ranged attacks
The area right after that features both jumping goats (awful for ranged people) and exploding tigers that set the ground on fire (awful for melee people)
Path of Exile mentions that death carries experience penalties on high difficulty levels. Can the experience penalty incur in a level down? What if you already had allocated your passive skill point?
The venue sponsors also provided beer and pizza (though I don't drink). Topics discussed included IndexDB, Hyperlinking REST APIs, using state machines for front-end MVCs and this thing:
Being in a situation with several potential players for the same iPad, I would like to know if Little Inferno on iPad supports multiple profiles.
World of Goo had such possibility, and Little Inferno was made by the same people, so I would expect the same kind of setting.
Is it possible to have...
@SaintWacko I'd recommend it, although you do have to solve a lot of headaches.
If you're not careful, you'll have dozens of chests of cobble cluttering up the place.
It's very easy to overflow quarry storage.
My quarry output is pretty much balanced now, but it took a long time, and I still overflow the dirt recyclers when mining the top few layers in a new quarry
@fredley That was one thing that was nice about EE2, you could filter the output and convert all the junk to EMC, then convert that to coal/lava to run the engines powering the quarry
How do I forward mail that was sent to me in my Wii mail to another Wii?
I want to send letterbomb to my friend's wii without using a mac address. I have all the files on an SD card for him, I just need the letter to be sent.
> Interestingly, in Lords and Ladies there is a passing mention of the Elves raiding the pub in Lancre town and stealing anything edible or potable; Terry remarks that "a couple of rogue cheeses in the cellar put up quite a fight"
@fredley Or y'know, you could live in a real city and not the middle of nowhere. I can easily get 'real cheese' anytime I want at dozens of different places.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aye to this. I happen to live in an unfortunate location for my foodlikings. The nearest cheese place is... quite a distance of drive. Though they have really nice cheeses. And I guess wine, for those into that kind of thing.
There's real cheeses in my grocery store, but selection is generally limitted to Boar's Head, so it's mainly gouda, gruyere, provolone, colby jack, and varying many kinds of swiss and cheddar and muenster.