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@badp Eh, maybe you can use an ID card then
@badp It'll probably slow you down though
Just try not to look/sound Romanian
@badp I like their reason for coming to Romania:
> Half of our women look like Kate. The other half, like her sister.
Very hard not to read that in a Borat voice
@fredley It must suck for non-Romani Romanians.
@badp Why?
because they're people that exist, and not quite the problem
Also, they have nothing to do with Rome from what I can see
@badp Yes. Didn't realise Romani was such a thing. Quite an interesting Wikipedia article
The stereotype is one of a closed, insular patriarchal honor-based culture where by "honor" they mean "never work, ever." According to stereotype, they don't care much about the place they live in, its laws and its commons; they don't register their children, don't send them to school and instead send them to beg.
I don't know how close that's to the real thing, but it's rather nasty stuff.
@badp We have a lot of Romani Gypsies here, that fits a certain stereotype.
Hay everyone =D
It's not even much about being "gypsy" because you can be a "gypsy," like, lawfully and stuff right? or is it a required part?
@fredley So how close did I get?
@badp Yes, although it's a difficult life here at least. There are designated traveller zones in different counties, but they're not big enough for the communities, who often spill out into neighbouring farms, and often get forcefully evicted.
@badp To what?
@fredley to reality
@badp I'm sure it's the case for some, but not all.
anyone knows where can I find the "Hey, listen" from Navi?
@fredley This is not entirely unlike what goes on in Italy, but I can't say it for certain; i'd need to do more research.
@Michel Have you tried searching "hey listen 10 hours" on youtube? :P
@badp There was a very high-profile eviction here a couple of years ago. It verged on a military operation
I was thinking in a mp3, so I can put it in the cellphone =)
Dale Farm is a plot of land on Oak Lane in Crays Hill, Essex, United Kingdom. Until October 2011, it was an unauthorised and illegal encampment of travellers which had been established without planning permission. The site is owned by members of the travelling community and is located within the Green Belt. In October 2011, to give bailiffs safe access to allow a clearance order to be executed, some residents and activists had to be removed from the Dale Farm site – this action gained international press coverage. At its height, Dale Farm, along with the adjacent Oak Lane site, hou...
Q: In GemCraft Labyrinth what exactly is the stackable immunity rate of Shocking Gems?

StertyThe blurb for the Shocking Gem says Shocked targets gain a stackable immunity rate Does this mean that shocked targets start becoming immune to all attacks? Maybe it only refers to being shocked (ie after being shocked you're less likely to be shocked again)? Also is it temporary or permane...

How to commit suicide? http://gaming.stackexchange.com/q/103757?atw=1 #pathofexile
I guess i'll try to "borrow" the mp3 from this video =X
I don't know what's more inappropriate: the tweet, or the question title ^
...I think my switch died. Again.
Besides, at least in normal mode, "committing suicide" is precisely the same as pressing "Log out" and then "Login"
(at harder difficulties you also lose experience)
@BoltClock It seems like it's already become slightly infamous.
12 hours ago, by murgatroid99
user image
"how to verb" isn't proper grammar apparently!
besides, see @RedRiderX's image just above
since when ? oO
I dunno, SE hired a few people whose first task was changing question titles into proper questions and one of the things they did was changing "How to X" in "How do I X"/"How can I X"
then again ELL is full of "How to X" titles
I changed "How do I X?" to "How can I X?" the other day
ok english isn't my mother tongue, but it sounds weird...
plus the guy of How To Basic would probably be very sad to hear something like that...
@badp It doesn't log out: it just brings you back in town, like any "regular death"
...and probably logout also invalidates your current instances
@badp i'm not 100% sure about that
Path of Exile is rather aggressive about cleaning up instances
it happened to me to get "kicked" (back to the loggin screen) and my instances didn't change
being AFK for 2 minutes is certain death
@badp yep you are right about this
being in town for too long cleans up the instance and wastes your portal scroll too
(which really pisses me off)
@badp that's why I asked this question: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/102923/…
that's why finding waypoints is my top priority in a new area
@Anto eh, they're typically around the start of each level. I don't think it's possible to make one generic answer that's not like "In the prison, it'll always (?) be on the lower floor, east; in the underwater passage, it'll always (?) be on the lower floor, south"
@badp I totally disagree
@Anto I'll be happy to read your generic answer
@badp for instance, in Act 2, the 3 maps with the bandits camps have the waypoints right in from of the camps (which are never at the entry of the area)
I said "typically", in italics, then wrote of two counterexamples myself.
ah, generic for all cases, no, it's probably not possible
you have to know the topology of each area
It's a job better left to a wiki then
They can do tables and stuff.
We can't :(
in the meantime, the answer is ok to me
also this game is cruel
it's vague, but it's the right answer
I picked a Marauder because I really don't care about ranged attacks and stuff
I spent 50% of the prison with a bow in hand
I took Brutus down 100% with ranged attacks
The area right after that features both jumping goats (awful for ranged people) and exploding tigers that set the ground on fire (awful for melee people)
@badp And BOTH are bad for summons.
what's worse, I'm stuck with the most basic of bows because I have 30 dexterity to my 100 strength
with no dexterity bumps through the skill tree close by
I'd be equipping the hell out of some of the long bows I had to sell, rather than chip away health awkwardly.
why don't you reroll then ? it looks obvious that you have a better feeling with bows...
I don't want to use bows
I have to which is different
there must be some others workarounds
I have a very awesome gem for laying down fire traps
and a few other very shitty skills like fireball and ground stomp and corpse explode
Fire trap is the only one worth using though
but isn't it a green one ?
well you'll have to drop it sooner or later
...why? :(
well i suppose you don't want to buy passive dexterity with a marauder...
Can't I just stop upgrading it should I stop meeting the required dex?
yes you can, but it will become weaker and weaker
I imagine the red gems will have caught up the slack by then
@BoltClock Yeah. I'm not exactly creative with usernames
Oh, and the JavaScript meetup was really nice
because all of them so far are frankly very shitty
@YiJiang'sEvilClone JavaScript meetup?
at least in comparison
@badp it might be a good question; how to deal with ranged foes with a Marauder ?
That's not quite it. The tiger that sets the ground on fire isn't a ranged foe
I have to admit that I have no idea
I don't know how to phrase it better in english
Mostly I needed the bow in the prison to spam arrows beyond the border of my screen where the ranged lightning firing skeletons wouldn't notice me
it doesn't help obviously that a simple left click means "run up to this guy's face and then shoot an arrow"
with the maraudeur, how to deal with foes that you DON'T WANT to deal with?!!
"A: potion of speed"
Q: Can you level down?

badpPath of Exile mentions that death carries experience penalties on high difficulty levels. Can the experience penalty incur in a level down? What if you already had allocated your passive skill point?

(I have one speed flask. It only holds up 2 uses for a grand total of 10 seconds.)
there's a red skill to jump at the enemies I think; I have a friend who's playing that and he's faster than my ranger
The venue sponsors also provided beer and pizza (though I don't drink). Topics discussed included IndexDB, Hyperlinking REST APIs, using state machines for front-end MVCs and this thing: leapmotion.com
(because you can go up/down any cliff with this skill)
Also I've taken a look at the outermost skills within my reach and none of them sounds awesome
like "Make all the spells consume health instead of mana"
I guess you can spam more spells this way, and kill yourself accidentally too
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Huh. I hadn't heard about it
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I don't drink either. Except I avoid any event that involves drinking even though I won't be forced to
It's fine. The meetup location is in a startup company's office, not a bar
They say they plan on having something like this every month. A bunch of short, 10-15 minute talks followed by some time for the people to mingle
What's wrong with a beer?
Nothing, except that it's quite expensive here
Alcohol is heavily taxed in Singapore
Like, how expensive?
A can is around... S$3?
That is not expensive
> 6 cans of beer Tiger is $15.00 a pack.
Beer bottles are in the €1-€1.5 range
That's S$1.6-2.5
Can, as in, 330ml
...in a supermarket
In a supermarket, yes
> 1 Singapore Dollar equals 0.81 US Dollar
That's alot for a beer can
I think the $15 in the quote is US dollars. That's from an expat forum
@YiJiang'sEvilClone google.co.uk/products/…
At any rate I only really consume beer in pubs, that's €3/€5 depending on the size
(the screenshot isn't a complete one, but a representative for most "common" beers)
@badp An evening spent drinking beer in front of the TV, is not an evening well spent, but an awesome one nonetheless
Wait, that's wrong, I usually also consume beer during meals
but that... doesn't count, in a way :P
@BoltClock Do you play with RoR? There's also a Ruby meetup group
@TimStone Holy crap is that real?
I'm sure you poured it up just to show off your glass
@fredley Yup, SE used to sell those
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Damn I want one
So much SE swag, so few beer glasses :(
@TimStone what's that brand ? it that home brewed ?
@badp It was the first time I had reason to use it, as I usually buy things in smaller bottles.
That was actually SO swag rather than SE swag
(as you can see by the overflow lines)
Also, the beer isn't accepted.
@badp Yeah. We should make an Arqade one
That's a clear issue.
@TimStone Ow, they produce Moinette :)
@badp Then it must be Down(vote)-ed
I love this one
@TimStone when you ask for beer you should accept it, or at least upvote it!
Morning, Bridge
@SaintWacko Afternoon @SaintWacko
@badp I always accept beer
@badp I had to wait some minutes first, according to the error message.
@fredley LAVA THIEF!
@SaintWacko What?!
@TimStone oh. then wait for your beer to warm up I guess!
@fredley I saw your sign on the minecraft server lol
Oh the volcano
brb, stealing all @SaintWacko's lava
It didn't contain much lava :-(
@OrigamiRobot Too late, it's already gone
I am now systematically draining the nether of lava
It's gotta be somewhere
@TimStone are you belgian, by any chance? :)
@fredley Ah, well, I use solar power anyways
I just use one bucket of lava to light my tower and generally look badass
@SaintWacko 6 geothermals powering a mass fab. I have nearly 100 stacks of UU
@Anto I am not. I have been to Belgium briefly, but that's about it.
@SaintWacko You been playing more recently?
@fredley I saw the pipes with the scrap flowing through it
@TimStone Ok ok. Well, cheers then !
I just didn't see the point in FTB
@fredley I hopped on last night for half an hour or so
@SaintWacko Yeah, all hooked up with ender chests
@SaintWacko Ah cool. I kind of mined the mining world a bit
@fredley a bit?
@SaintWacko Yeah...
I thought my connection was bad and chunks weren't loading!
Until I saw the bedrock at the bottom and realized what had happened
@SaintWacko Yeah sorry about that. Might have to move the book bit
@fredley Actually, it's kinda nice
Gives easy access to all levels of the ground
@SaintWacko Once I've gone all around I'm going to quarry out the underneath of the platform so it's just floating there
@fredley lol
@SaintWacko Assuming you have a gravichestplate
@fredley Or a ladder...
Do you have a grav plate?
@SaintWacko I suppose electric jetpacks are pretty cheap
@SaintWacko Yes
@fredley Nice!
@SaintWacko Even with all the materials, took a whole evening of just crafting
So many cooling cells
@fredley Lol yeah
I hadn't quite gotten to it on the other FTB server I was on
Pity I can't get the ultimate solar helmet, since advanced solar panels haven't been added to the modpack yet :-(
@SaintWacko So much tin and copper it's unbelievable
@fredley Heh
Diamond cost could be met using minium stone to make up the difference, but goddamn you need a lot of tin
I noticed you have quite a storeroom
@SaintWacko Yes. I've had to use extra-dimensional barrels for a lot of things
@fredley Do those have unlimited storage of a single item?
I ought to secure that place actually, put some arcane doors in
@SaintWacko 1024 stacks
@fredley close enough lol
I'm already over 200 on a couple though
I guess I could stop quarrying, but what would be the fun in that?
@fredley Do you really need to secure it? There seems to be enough there for the whole server :P
@SaintWacko Haha, I guess. I could build everything I have again and more with the supplies there
@fredley Lol yeah
Quarries have a massive ROI
'later guys
Q: Are there user profiles in Little Inferno on iPad?

GnoupiBeing in a situation with several potential players for the same iPad, I would like to know if Little Inferno on iPad supports multiple profiles. World of Goo had such possibility, and Little Inferno was made by the same people, so I would expect the same kind of setting. Is it possible to have...

@SaintWacko Yeah, I built one on day one. It was a good move.
@fredley I've never actually built one
@SaintWacko I'd recommend it, although you do have to solve a lot of headaches.
If you're not careful, you'll have dozens of chests of cobble cluttering up the place.
It's very easy to overflow quarry storage.
My quarry output is pretty much balanced now, but it took a long time, and I still overflow the dirt recyclers when mining the top few layers in a new quarry
@fredley That was one thing that was nice about EE2, you could filter the output and convert all the junk to EMC, then convert that to coal/lava to run the engines powering the quarry
@SaintWacko yeah, EE2 was a bit of a game-breaker in that respect :-P
EE3 is much more sensible
although still pretty powerful, i.e. ender pearl for 4 iron is very powerful
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Nope I don't
Ah well. I'm thinking of doing something using Ruby. The host I'm using allows RoR apps in addition to PHP
Soon RoR will include openttd compatibility. You write your program with signal logic in OpenTTD and boom you're on the webs!
Jan 31 at 15:26, by Yi Jiang's Evil Clone
"Oh shit half our site went down because a creeper blew up the traffic balancing node"
It'll make it very easy to think about concurrency and race conditions!
Only if your data is moving as slowly as the trains in OpenTTD
Simply use the INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY template
Hmm, actually, that might not be a bad idea. Though in most cases we're going to be stretching the metaphor a little too far
Plus, understanding signals is probably harder than understanding concurrency
user image
Just watch out for the floating CDs
and then...
CHOOO CHOOO mothafacka
This is what the information superhighway looks like
@YiJiang'sEvilClone -1 you haven't reached Mom yet.
Q: how to forward Wii mail to another Wii?

user41953How do I forward mail that was sent to me in my Wii mail to another Wii? I want to send letterbomb to my friend's wii without using a mac address. I have all the files on an SD card for him, I just need the letter to be sent.

@badp this is a good game
oh wow, World of Twoo sounds to be shaping up to be hyper!
Image not found is best cheese
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Mmm, cheese
I am a big fan of cheese
@fredley Me too. Especially goat cheese
@SaintWacko Yes, love me some mature goat's cheese
Also Cornish Blue is a stonking cheese
@fredley I bet this is based off of that
@SaintWacko Yes, although there are many regional blue cheeses around the UK
That's a cheese that, at feasts, has to be staked down to prevent it from attacking the other cheeses :D
> Interestingly, in Lords and Ladies there is a passing mention of the Elves raiding the pub in Lancre town and stealing anything edible or potable; Terry remarks that "a couple of rogue cheeses in the cellar put up quite a fight"
@fredley Yep. Lancre Blue is awesome
Terry Pratchett?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yes
Morning, Bridge.
Cheddar Cheese is best cheese.
As sharp as you can eat.
@OrigamiRobot Wrong. Havarti is best cheese.
@Fluttershy Havarti as in "not Cheddar"?
@OrigamiRobot Yes. I do love me some cheddar, though. I just prefer havarti.
Cheese is overrated.
@Fluttershy Well, if Havarti is not Cheddar and we have already established and proven that Cheddar is best, it follows that Havarti is not best.
@OrigamiRobot We haven't proven anything.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Incorrect, how can something so perfect be overrated?
@Fluttershy Everything I say is fact.
@OrigamiRobot Cheddar is the best.
@fredley I actually don't really like cheese at all. Outside of Pizza I won't eat the stuff at all.
Crumbly, mature-as-fuck cheddar
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sacre Bleu!
@LessPop_MoreFizz You've clearly never been party to good cheeses/cheese courses
@fredley I had cheddar so sharp once that I couldn't eat any more cheese for a week.
@fredley My mother and sister love love love cheese. I have had my fair share.
Do not like.
(Yes, Britain has a multitude of stupid place names)
I'd be concerned as to what sort of cheese results in a Wobbly Bottom Farm
@fredley where are these from?
@BenBrocka The Internet
Psh on cheddar.
@fredley Just add Triscuits
@GraceNote No! Cheddar is sacred!
It's good. Best? Not so much.
Cheese? Is that the thing like, they put on pizza and stuff?
@GraceNote It's havarti, right? RIGHT!?
@GraceNote Fine, bring it.
@Origami @Fredley is a porkchop, the food gravatar has already been claimed
@GraceNote I've some yummy brie from Jochem's grandfather in my fridge right now!
@Fluttershy Havarti is okay.
@Ender People can be my friends...
Brie is pretty nice.
@Fredley its your glory to share as you wish.
@GraceNote Pah to your woosy French cheeses.
Actually they had some really nice baked brie at the last wedding I was at.
@GraceNote Baked camembert > baked bried
We had a really good munster cheese last week too.
and baked chevre > both
I'm personally somewhat partial to gruyere these days.
@fredley Alas, I haven't had the fortune of getting any baked camembert. Or chevre, for that matter.
I've never had baked camembert, only brie.
It's ok, all I have to so is replace all these names with Cheddar and I agree fully.
@FAE Just buy a whole camembert, stick it in the oven for 10 mins. Proceed to eat with some kind of stiff bread product
@OrigamiRobot s/cheddar/turtle
I really dont much like cheese. I'm very picky about where it goes and how much.
So I started watching Friendship is Witchcraft
@fredley You lack a general temperature there!
@GraceNote Thin slice of baguette, slice of chevre, cracked black pepper, olive oil. Bake.
@fredley Not much available in these parts.
@FAE 180 will do fine
@GraceNote :(
@fredley Very sadface indeed.
@GraceNote Where can one live that cheese is not available?
@fredley America. >_>
Land of "cheese product"!
@fredley Cheese is available in a lot of forms around these parts. Just not all the nicest forms.
@Ender I am picky about it too. I don't really like cheese on things. Just cheese by itself.
@FAE Hey. We have cheese.
@FAE Surely you can get real cheese from a delicatessen?
Good morning, Bridge
@fredley I can get it from my local grocer.
You have to basically go out of your way to fancy events to get real cheeses.
@GraceNote Can? Spread? Bar? This is not cheese.
@fredley I do none of those.
I have, in rapid succession, trained a client, organized the project, and got my writer up to speed.
@fredley You have to go out of your way, like Grace said.
@GraceNote This is the main reason I could not live in the USA.
And I've been at work for less than two hours.
Well, technically some of the blocks could be likened to bars, but they're still no less of a real cheese than a wheel.
Mmm... the last wheel I bought...
@fbueckert Yay! now talk of your love for cheese
@fredley Just live near a Amish place. All the cheese you can eat.
Suddenly your client explodes into bees
@TrentHawkins Cheese! Love cheese.
The older, the better.
@BenBrocka Honestly, if that happened, I'd be happy to write 'em off. Less work for me.
@fredley Or y'know, you could live in a real city and not the middle of nowhere. I can easily get 'real cheese' anytime I want at dozens of different places.
@OrigamiRobot Eh
Good morning chat
@LessPop_MoreFizz Irony: you hate cheese.
@fredley Yes. But I was just pointing out that @GraceNote's experience is not representative of America as a whole. Just large portions thereof.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aye to this. I happen to live in an unfortunate location for my foodlikings. The nearest cheese place is... quite a distance of drive. Though they have really nice cheeses. And I guess wine, for those into that kind of thing.
@fredley The cheese I linked you is made by Amish people.
I can get real cheese (albeit a small selection) at my grocery store. Mind you, I don't live in the US
I have corrupted @TrentHawkins into enjoying real cheese.
There's real cheeses in my grocery store, but selection is generally limitted to Boar's Head, so it's mainly gouda, gruyere, provolone, colby jack, and varying many kinds of swiss and cheddar and muenster.
@MBraedley The convenience store at the end of my road stocks over 20 types of cheese. The big supermarket 10 minutes away has a whole aisle.
Can I have a quick flash poll regarding Ni No Kuni? Yay or Nay?
@tiddy What's your opinion on JRPG's as a genre?
I have amazon prime lock and loaded
@fredley well my grocery store has a good part of an aisle for cheese, but it isn't all real cheese, and most of it is cheddar, mozzarella, and marble
I'm pretty green regarding the genre. I've only played and beat FFX and 13. And I don't even know if those qualify
@MBraedley What's marble?
@fredley cheddar and mozzarella mixed. Or sometimes white and orange cheddar mixed
Since we're Ocado-using poshos, this is our cheese counter. Not a bad selection.
@MBraedley :-S
@fredley it's good, I swear
I loved Shining Force 2... and phantasy star iv
@MBraedley Not convinced

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