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@BenBrocka It's SuperbOwl, right?
you Americans care more about Earl Grey tea than we do about the super bowl
@BenBrocka Superb ones at that.
@SaintWacko He caught the ball 8 yards back in the end zone.
The Superb owl is a baseball thing, right?
@SaintWacko Caught at the near end of the opposite end zone. Start from there.
Oh hello autocorrect
@GraceNote Wow, nice
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yes, and when the ball goes in the net you score 2 points if you were close and 3 from far away
That's impressive
be funny if there were an American Football team called the Superb Owls
@tiddy Ah, I had thought it said 109. Shows me for only vaguely paying attention to the TV at the time.
@GraceNote They said 109 for a quarter before they corrected it.
They rolled it back after the initial announcement
@JasonBerkan Ah, I was asleep for the last quarter. That would explain it.
I liked the part where power went out for a half hour.
ok im off. bye.
@StrixVaria That's when I turned it on.
if the power went out how were they still broadcasting?
@badp Power went out in half the stadium. Very odd.
@StrixVaria That was amusing, yeah
@JasonBerkan The bar's set pretty high for a power outage in that particular stadium though. :P
@JasonBerkan Length-wise, if anyone was curious.
something bothers me about that screenshot
@StrixVaria I cannot imagine the panic the workers in charge of the lights were having.
@Jez Aren't you guys the country that shuts down for a wedding?
@kalina vERY NICE
@JasonBerkan Yeah that must have been intense.
@SaintWacko HIGH FIVE
I remember a similar thing happening at a Devils game and they couldn't get the lights back on.
@OrigamiRobot HIGH FIVE
But that was just a regular season game, so it didn't really matter.
@kalina what do you use to clone the taskbar?
@kalina Are you... talking to yourself?
@BenBrocka nothing, standard feature of windows 8
@FAE the chart is a thing of beauty too
@badp no
@BenBrocka Yyyyyyeah...
I have an entire monitor being wasted where an additional EVE client could live
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Nice swiftkey layout, was unaware that was an option
@fredley Only in the tablet version
@kalina maybe you could play a DIFFERENT game there. Just to mix things up
@fredley Tablet
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I have on N7, but maybe screen is too small
@badp you know, I did try three WoW clients
but I didn't like that
and I would play Guild Wars 2 but I got replaced so there's no point
No, I meant, Eve + Eve + Solitaire
or something
why Solitaire?
I'm not boring like you
@BenBrocka Being a successful black hat businessman, I don't care about politically correctness.
"or something"
something turn based to fill on the dead moments
Can't tell if serious,
Windows Pinball!
tbh, EVE feels pretty close to turn based at times
I'd have mentioned nethack but it doesn't sound like your kinda game
@YiJiang'sEvilClone this
@BenBrocka @Jez @YiJiang'sEvilClone people like you are why this article needed to exist.
@badp Your PC can run nethack? Did you have to turn the graphics down?
@BenBrocka yes. I can only render one room at a time.
Q: How does a higher XP level help me progress in Borderlands 2

Saif BechanSo the basic rule is, if the game get's too hard, it's probably because your XP level is not high enough. I am wondering why, and I will illustrate it with an example. I started bl2 a few weeks ago, and I had some ups and down. Sometimes I would die a few times, but just taking my time and plann...

Q: Why does the Origami Killer leave his victims near railroad tracks?

Steve V.At the beginning of the game, Jayden learns that the Origami Killer always leaves the corpses of his victims near railroad tracks. I never found an in-game explanation for why the killer did this. Was this just a red herring for the police or was there a clue somewhere in game that I didn't unc...

also I had to turn off colors.
@StrixVaria Ray Lewis is a linebacker for the Ravens. He is also one of the most insufferable human beings on the planet, and, because this Super Bowl was his final game before retiring, the broadcast would not shut up about him.
He also murdered two people a decade or so ago and got away with it because he is rich and famous.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You know, you don't have to be a gamer to not know about US football
When asked about this murder in an interview before the game yesterday, he insisted that he could not have done it because god would not have made a murderer good at football.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I found his opening comment after the game dumb - why would God care about a football game?
@badp No. But you do need to be a gamer to have a smug sense of superiority about the whole thing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz hEH
@JasonBerkan Because Ray Lewis is GOD'S CHOSEN FOOTBALL PLAYER and his instrument on this earth.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I wasn't aware gamers were the only people who have a smug sense of superiority about the whole thing. There's also people who don't give a fuck about football.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nah, even if I wasn't a gamer, I'd still have a smug sense of superiority because I am a robot. Also, football is the worst game ever.
@OrigamiRobot I agree, soccer sucks
@tiddy I think I'll take some popcorn now.
extra butter?
@badp There is a difference between 'not giving a fuck' and 'actively feeling the need to tell everyone how much you don't give a fuck'.
@tiddy Pour over butter.
@JasonBerkan That just seems to be the sort of thing it's hip to say. "Because JAYZUS made me good at sport/profession/president"
@LessPop_MoreFizz It depends by the amount of people around you who can't shut up about it. See also: me and MLP in this room, which has nothing to do with me being a gamer
@BenBrocka No, it goes well beyond being trendy for Ray Lewis. He makes Tim Tebow look like Alice Cooper the way he invokes god.
He claims he Laid Hands on the dude who ran for 108 yds before it happened.
@BenBrocka But he implied God helped the Ravens win the game, not that God made him good at football.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow. Someone's full of themselves
@badp Notice how little I go out of my way to tell Pony people what I think of their dumb cartoon.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's a surprisingly good introduction to American Football. I do wish the author would stop using mixed metaphors though
@LessPop_MoreFizz Uh, they're called BRONIES
@LessPop_MoreFizz and I only do around the third hour of discussion or when yet another people changes their avatar to identify with one of the cast
@tiddy Man-mares. The correct term is man-mares.
@badp brb, changing my gravatar to a tree from MLP.
I wish there was a character I could type to indicate I'm laughing during the entire length of typing a sentence
@OrigamiRobot That would be original at least :P
@badp Not really. @Fluttershy is a tree
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Your facial recognition engine might be incompatible with @Ronan
@Oak is a tree.
Also I'm pretty happy with Fluttershy's (or yours) new gravatar because at least they aren't screengrabs
so fuck mad right now
That's disgusting and doesn't mean what you think it means.
@badp What's wrong with screengrabs?
I got the crystal stasis pod, and then managed to somehow hit like no shit 10 or so beacons BACK TO BACK hostile encounters.
including 3 suns in a row
the game just wanted me dead. period.
@OrigamiRobot I'd suggest a robot but I'm not aware of any
Not exactly, but as close as you can come.
A power puff girls robot might be sufficient
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is that a snake taking a dump?
@murgatroid99 In small doses, not much. However people just tend to stick to the same few screengrabs and... things get repetitive fast. It's always the same few ponies in always the same few poses
@BenBrocka I clicked this a while ago, but I just got around to actually looking at it, and oh god Jim Thio has another website.
(I don't give crap to Mana for his screengrab of Karkat because he's the only Homestuck avatarred guy I've seen on Arqade)
(If suddenly everybody switched to troll faces I'd be still pretty annoyed... I suppose; I haven't yet found myself in such a situation)
@tiddy It's a Sarcmark.
I have to go. I'll be back later
@BenBrocka sweetie bot
@badp Stop giving us ideas
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hah, do you even know what "troll faces" means in this context?
New game: What can I change my gravatar to to most annoy @badp?
@OrigamiRobot Did I mention I find annoyance to be pretty confusing? It clouds my judgment, it's true!
@OrigamiRobot Ask on Meta
@Ender wHAT GAME?
Will my gravatar be closed as Confuses badp?
@Ender Ah, figured
@murgatroid99 To be slightly more specific, Sweetie Bot from the Friendship is Witchcraft fansub series, where every one of the main cast is voiced by a single VA
@Saint Really REALLY pissed me off. Had to close it for a while, take a break
@Ender The roguelike giveth, and the roguelike taketh away
WTF 3rd party databases
Yea no kiddin.
@OrigamiRobot If you have to ask, it's probably bad!
There's a table named "IDS" that's just the numbers 0-1000. It's not dependent on anything and there's only one column
Looks more like zombadp
@OrigamiRobot That remaining tinge of yellow... yeah, what @YiJiang'sEvilClone said
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That'd be green. Jeez.
17 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That'd be green. Jeez.
(also, as a general reminder: Gray Snote)
@OrigamiRobot That's racist!
Also, yellow?
It might be f.lux subtly kicking in
Yeah it was.
allows f.lux to resume kicking in
oh oh oh I know.
I'll change my gravatar to GnomeSlice!
@BenBrocka Like Python (I think) the database caches small integers!
@OrigamiRobot It'll probably get removed, then you'll have to post a meta asking why
There's a language that caches small integers. I can't quite remember which (or why for that matter) language it is
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Java, for Integer objects
also Python might do this
Java certainly does though
Oh yeah, Java
>>> id(1)
>>> id(2)
>>> id(1)
>>> id(1+1)
>>> id(256)
>>> id(256)
>>> id(257)
>>> id(257)
@YiJiang'sEvilClone They're immutable. It does it to save memory, so most Integers tend to point to the same memory locations if they store the same values. You can force it to do this manually as well.
Jumping on LoL -- Anyone wanna join?
@StrixVaria that one works on string objects too right?
-logs out-
like, all the literals you use in your source code and everything you pass as an argument to a function I forget the name of
intern() maybe?
@agent86 @badp - Would one of you mind migrating my latest question to Science Fiction and Fantasy? I've asked in their chat, and they seem pretty open to it.
@badp Yeah.
@badp Yeah
sigh, have to reopen and re-close then
@badp Yeah, I dunno why @RavenDreamer closed it as NC after I flagged for migration.
@badp Oh god an extra mouse click how horrible.
Q: Was there any backstory or purpose for the Cryogenics Pods on the Normandy?

IsziThe Cryogenics Pods seem like a big ol' Chekov's Gun on both the SSV Normandy and the Normandy SR-2. However, I did not see them being used in any of the Trilogy games nor did I notice any entries in the Codex. In fact, there's little to no mention of them even in the Mass Effect Wiki - they're...

@badp Thanks!
@LessPop_MoreFizz :|
@Iszi I've already put in an edit suggestion to retag it
Q: Weird Java Boxing

Joel(Sorry if this is a duplicate, I have no idea how I would even search for this) I just saw code similar to this: public class Scratch { public static void main(String[] args) { Integer a = 1000, b = 1000; System.out.println(a == b); Integer c = 100, d = 100; ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Given that on Arqade migration is a mod only thing (and in general migration to any site is a mod only thing) you'd think it'd be possible to decouple it from the action of closing questions - that is why I'm sighing
With an answer from Jon Skeet no less
@badp Oh god how horrible mods have to click the mouse more times this is such a horrible burden you have been elected to carry.
The integer cache goes from -128 to 127
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You act as if that was a rare thing :D
@badp Sorry. Missed that while I was doing my own edit to re-tag. Was wondering why it gave me an error saying I needed to improve it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Please don't give me that crap
@Iszi uh, no worries
@CruelCow Out of a few million questions? Yeah :p
@badp Do you want to slap a featured tag on the charity discussion?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's already pinned on chat; do you think the questions deserve more visibility than that? (serious question)
I'm kind of nervous about "random people" seeing and voting on what the few people that actually should do during the marathon
@badp Well we need know know what people want to watch.
Well, on the one hand you can't call it a "community" even if you don't get the community to participate in every stage of the process
@RonanForman We also need to know if those who actually run can do what people want to see and want to do it to begin with
@YiJiang'sEvilClone oh, but I'm not blocking participation; I'm just kind of worried about overexposure.
@badp All publicity is good publicity as long as they spell your name right.
On the other hand I guess if they don't go to Meta regularly then they don't really belong to the group we're trying to engage here I guess
(Remember that the two current questions are pinned in chat with no additional star from other people)
@badp Why do they need staring? They're already pinned.
Why is the other pinned stuff starred?
@badp You'd have to ask the 8 people who starred them.
Why do I keep repeating myself? Must be an effect of being up at 2am
@RonanForman Well, then. I've given you my rationale for not slapping featured on them. You'll have to ask the other 4 people who also have mod access (or any SE employee) if you still want the question to be featured.
@badp Is that what we're talking about? I just got here and can't look up.
uh, yeah, that's what @YiJiang'sEvilClone proposed.
@Fluttershy That lucky robot.
@Wipqozn Robots don't have beds.
Whew. Two meetings before lunch, about my two biggest projects. Productive Monday!
@RonanForman Max 8, min 4
Q: How does my choice affect the ending?

SSH ThisSpoiler alert, please don't hover over this is if you haven't finished the game yet Thanks!

Q: Minecraft Server: Everyone spawns in the ground

GabeIn the MC server I'm in, every player experiences a spawn issue; players spawn in the ground and start to suffocate. After a second or so you then spawn where you would normally spawn.The length of time in the ground depends on the connectivity to the server (the laggier the server, the longer yo...

Wow, Bridge is dead. OK, who killed chat?
@OrigamiRobot New rule! No robots allowed!
@OrigamiRobot I feel like this should be pinned
@OrigamiRobot Hey, you're the one who decided there was a new Bridge. New Bridge, new rules.
I never did that!
You declared the bridge dead!
3 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
I declared it dead.
I didn't declare there was a new Bridge.
I declare the Bridge undead
@fbueckert That's what "Long live the bridge" means, though
@SaintWacko Exactly!
@fbueckert What else is there to do when things die?
@fbueckert Oh, wait, I was thinking you said that
@badp Oh no! Kill it with fire! Or maybe heal it?
Nevermind, yeah, @OrigamiRobot said there was a new bridge
@OrigamiRobot Apparently make it undead.
@fbueckert Phoenix Down
@fbueckert That's the stupidest thing you've ever said. You don't set zombies on fire!
@SaintWacko Too bad that only works in some of the FFs.
@OrigamiRobot Works well in FF V!
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy is now 66% off on Steam.
The only thing worse than a zombie is a flaming zombie.
I guess 66% is the right amount of discount given the bad port this game is :(
@OrigamiRobot Poison Headcrab Zombie
Or the throwing ones
Mmmm, Naev
@badp It was amazing for PSP.
It sucks that the port is so shitty.
@fbueckert Yeah. Princess 30 is unplayable :(
why the heck @gnome's account got suspended?
@badp What's stupid is that the devs are going, "If you want Half Minute Hero 2 to come out in North America, the original needs to sell better."
When buying the port essentially encourages them to do a shitty job on the second one.
@Michel Mostly because he was being himself.
@fbueckert Ok that's a good reason =) *flies away~
41.5817045% 49.5122327% 8.9060628%
*Fly away!!
These three percentages all add up to 1
but... if you round them to the closest unit they all get rounded up - 42% (up), 50% (up), 9% (up) summing up to 101%
I didn't even think that was possible
@badp It's possible, just probably extremely dangerous.
As pressurized cabins tend to be mostly oxygen, I would think.
@fbueckert I imagine the airline will sue them for any costs they had to endure due to the smoking.
And by imagine, I mean hope.
No, I mean, I didn't even think it was possible to split 1 into three fractions that get all rounded to the nearest hundredth in the same way
@Wipqozn They had better. The airline put up all the passengers, and that's a huge cost.
By rights, they should be thrown in jail until they cough up the total cost.
I mean, if you round to the tenths of percentage you have 41.6 (up), 49.5 (down) and 8.9 (down), summing up to 100%
@badp Why do you round the second two down?
What i meant is 41.5*8* (up), 49.5*1* (down), 8.9*0* (down)
By rights, all those should be rounded up.
Oh, you're looking at the hundredths digit.
But then you round off another digit
41.*5* (up), 49.*5* (up), 8.*9* (up)
@fbueckert You know that people smoked on planes for decades
@tiddy Nope, didn't know that.
Can I use a game from Steam on iPad ?
Yeah, why else would the "no smoking" signal on airplanes be a toggleable light?
@badp Yeah, and that makes it = 101%.
If it'd always be like that, you could very easily install a sticker instead.
I mean, some game available on OSX
@fbueckert and you can't fix that.
then people say "OMG WHY DOES IT SUM 101%"
@badp I bet that used to be allowed, but is no longer.
Smoking was banned on US flights in 1998
@RavenDreamer ?
S'all good. :D
@fbueckert It's unbelievable just how asshole-y some people can be.
Yes, that's the best word I could come up with.
Also @fbueckert I finished Hero of Ages. I want to say that I didn't like the magic system for about 2.5 books, and then it finally started to come together at the end.
@StrixVaria They are entitled to do what they want, and then get indignant when the world doesn't bow to their whims.
@StrixVaria He finally started explaining how they all hang together.
@fbueckert Yeah. I'm still not a huge fan of the way Allomancy works, but I am a very huge fan of how everything in that book made sense.
@StrixVaria Think you'll read Alloy of Law now?
He explained almost every question I had by the end of it, satisfactorily. That's really rare.
@fbueckert It's not out of the question, but it's not on the short-term list.
@StrixVaria What series?
@OrigamiRobot Mistborn
@OrigamiRobot Mistborn.
@OrigamiRobot Mistborn.
I won't get into any spoilers, but the end was actually very satisfying. I'm kind of used to Stephen King books so that's a rare feeling.
@StrixVaria I didn't see the twist at the end at all.
How many books is it?
@fbueckert I'm not sure what twist you're talking about. Maybe we should make a private room to include spoilers?
@StrixVaria Who the Hero of Ages was. If you want to make a room, we can discuss.
@OrigamiRobot 3
Is it over?
Yeah it's complete.
3 is not a bad number. I may just read this.
Although he plans on writing two more trilogies set in the same universe.
@OrigamiRobot It's definitely worth it.
@fbueckert Yes but the first trilogy is complete, which is important.
@fbueckert I'm ok with that. I like multiple separate stories set in the same universe. I just don't like one long story.
@StrixVaria Indeed.
Although the stupid Dresden Files sounds awesome.
@OrigamiRobot One's supposed to be set ~modern times, and one in the future.
Alloy of Law is set in Western times.
@OrigamiRobot They are.
I love Western settings.
I don't know of any other series where the main character threatens to bill God for saving the world.
@OrigamiRobot Have you seen the newish Steampunk ARPG?
City of Steam, I think?
@fbueckert About how long is each book?
@Fluttershy ARPG?
@OrigamiRobot ~500 pages or so; maybe a bit more.
Mistborn keeps you reading, though; you'll blow through them without trying.
Not too bad.
@OrigamiRobot Action RPG. Like Diablo.
@Fluttershy I have not. Is it a diablo clone?
@OrigamiRobot Once you finish, though, read his latest epic; Way of Kings. It's a 1000+ page monstrosity that's incredible.
@OrigamiRobot There are 3 books in the initial trilogy, which is complete.
The fourth book is part of a separate story that happens to be in the same world.
I'm too lazy to find the appropriate Princess Bride reference.
@fbueckert I don't like books I have to destroy to read.
@OrigamiRobot Get over it. The book is worth reading. And it's only the first in a series.
@fbueckert But the spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
@OrigamiRobot Buy two copies. One to read, one to display.
Also, I don't want to read it if it's not complete.
@OrigamiRobot Find a library.
@fbueckert That's still the same number of ruined copies.
13 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert That's still the same number of ruined copies.
@fbueckert He needs to finish this series immediately.
@StrixVaria Yes.
@Fluttershy Can't see. At work.
Now that he's finished Wheel of Time, the next book is supposed to come out this year.
@OrigamiRobot Oh hey. It's an MMO. Nevermind. <_<
> City of Steam is a 3-D MMORPG set in a steampunk-inspired universe years in the making. No tired fantasy tropes here! No dragon rides, no flaming swords, and no enchanted forests. If any of our elves live in trees, it's because they're CRAZY!
@Fluttershy Every Steampunk MMO I have tried is doing it wrong.
@OrigamiRobot Where did they go wrong?
And then they have horrible controls and/or bad gameplay.
It's like the whole budget for the game was devoted to making sure you never forgot how steampunk this game is.
@BenBrocka Jinx.
Q: How to get the best gaming experience with 3D projector?

AshleysBrainI've got a 3D projector, bought some DLP-link glasses, and finally got everything set up to run Black Ops 2 Zombies in 3D mode from a PC. The effect looks OK standing still, but while looking around the experience feels like having each eye pointing in a different direction - extremely unnatural...

Q: What skills can be cast on allies in Diablo 2?

user1306322What skills in Diablo 2 can be cast on friendly players, summoned creatures and hirelings?

Q: How to set-up Random Board in WordFeud

Barbara BergersenHow can I set up a random board in WordFeud? I just started playing, and my board is the traditional arrangement of tiles. I looked in my "settings" but didn't find an option for board set-up. Thanks!

@OrigamiRobot How do you feel about this?
@Krazer I have this. It is very good, but issues are few and far between.
I have 30 freaking upvotes on my single meta.SO answer. In two days.
I had forgotten about this album cover.
It is a classic album cover.
@OrigamiRobot How do you think Steampunk MMOs should go?
@Krazer That question underlines the problem. Steampunk is not a genre, it is an aesthetic.

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