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Why can't my hotel have Ethernet in the room? I brought my wifi pineapple for a reason.
@OrigamiRobot Geez
I'll upvote it because I like muxes
I carry one in my coat pocket
I know, they're great!
@SaintWacko Wait, what?
@OrigamiRobot Well, a representation of one :P
While I was in my EE class, I found a purple foam trapezoid on the ground and stuck it in my pocket
Oh, nice.
My quest to earn the badge continues.
@SaintWacko The horror of wrapping my own coil is really putting me off the idea of making this a multistage coilgun.
@OrigamiRobot Eee, yeah...
@SaintWacko For my first one, I had to wrap a coil and a transformer.
@OrigamiRobot Lol
@Ullallulloo ಠ_ಠ
Just curious guys/gals
@OrigamiRobot 😇
Would you be interested in having a Gaming.SE turntable.fm?
We have wildly different music tastes in here.
That's perfectly fine
seems like
We're very sorry, but while we would love to let you in and rock out with us, we need to currently restrict turntable access to only the United States due to licensing constraints.

We are working very hard to try and get you in as soon as possible.

If you believe this is a mistake and you are located in the United States, please e-mail help [at sign] turntable dot fm

Again, sorry, and we hope to see you soon.

Billy Chasen
@Retrosaur fail
@MBraedley Would using something like tunlr.net help?
That's what I use to get access to Pandora
@AshleyNunn maybe. On iPad right now though
origami robot
can you climb stairs
@MBraedley Ah, no, it doesn't work for turntable. Works for Pandora, though.
@Retrosaur Eh? Why?
@OrigamiRobot You're gonna have to copy and paste for us non 10K.
@fbueckert Nah, I like to watch you suffer.
@OrigamiRobot was that your mux answer? Did you at least get your 3 upvotes?
@MBraedley No, my mux answer is awesome and will never be deleted.
@kalina Follow the rules. That's what makes us happy.
eugh that ping was loud
I think my ears just popped -.-
@kalina How nice of you to grace us with your presence :P
I'm not here
I'm busy running a ~50 quest "epic" arc in EVE
which in typical MMO "epic" quest line fashion, has sent me delivering packages
So in order to escape your WoW addiction, you turned to EVE?
and what an addiction this is going to be
this will be the addiction that kills me
you're all wondering why I'm not active on SE, blame EVE
@OrigamiRobot his new question is much more constructive, and well worth the upvote I gave him.
there was an underlying reason why I was going idle, but I had to forget it to make room for all the EVE knowledge I need
@MBraedley I saw.
@OrigamiRobot when are you going to start playing EVE with me?
@kalina I have a job, thanks.
surely you're getting bored of GW2 by now
I have heard about EVE and I will not let it consume me.
I wish you had warned me
because then we could have an "I told you so conversation" where I don't pay attention
@kalina I did tell you.
No you didn't
Did so. Right when you started.
ok so this epic arc is stupid
@kalina Yeah, I wasn't terribly impressed by the epic story arcs
It consists of ~50 missions, where ~10-15 of them involve jumping across 10+ systems
and jumping across a system takes 1-2 minutes
padding extraordinaire
@OrigamiRobot could you have been more vague?
@kalina You knew exactly what I was talking about.
Was I even present at the time?
Yes, you responded.
must have been present in body but not spirit
Jan 4 at 14:17, by OrigamiRobot
@kalina Do I need to block you? I cannot start playing Eve
you should start playing EVE
Jan 4 at 14:24, by OrigamiRobot
because then you can replace me with somebody else and hurt my internet feelings enough for me to never play it again
think of it like sacrificing yourself to save another
I just warped away without picking up my drones -.-
@kalina That's always annoying
Fortunately, you can warp back and reconnect to them
@Wipqozn Yes.....?
@SaintWacko my time is worth more than 4 t1 drones
if they had been t2 then I would definitely return for them though
@kalina Oh, yeah, T1s are cheap
@fbueckert re: the article you posted earlier
I always get them as loot from missions
about the famiyl smoking on a plane
I fly with T2s, though, and those you go back for
@Wipqozn Okay, yes, I remember.
fortunately I've pretty much broken the habit of leaving t2s behind
mining drones on the other hand, I bought a BP for them because I always leave them behind
Hiya, @kalina.
@RavenDreamer morning
Q: How many worlds are in the galactic map?

CodeMooseThe galactic map is large, and difficult to navigate quickly. Just looking for a summary of how many worlds I'd be hitting if I decided to see it all - are we talking dozens? Hundreds?

@Wipqozn Oh, derp. That was a link.
@kalina As per your gentle suggestions, I tried to look into past Simcity games.
@fbueckert Lol
did I suggest that?
I found my copy of 4, installed it to a flash drive, transferred it to my PC (which does not have an optical drive) and tried to play it.
wow my memory must be failing
Sorry, I'm multitasking.
And lo and behold, not a single string was to be found.
simcity 4 is ok
Nothing has a description.
It's all "########" and "Error, missing stringtext"
@RavenDreamer Your best bet would be to rip an image of the disc, put it on the flash drive, mount that image on your computer, and install it from that
I think you can get it on Steam
it was my most played game on Steam until my life was replaced by EVE
@kalina Yeah, but I don't want to buy it again. :3
@kalina How's that going, by the way?
and now I launch EVE using the launcher, because the hour count is getting embarrassing
my accounts are coming up for renewal and I haven't cancelled them
which is better than TSW
Grab an ISO off a torrent. To damn about the piracy and crap - you already own a license to the game; the source of the files aren't important
and its had more hours played than GW2
And anyway, I thought the game can't be launched without the disc being in the optical drive?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I got an altered exe to remove the CD check.
Those are my IGBTs
@kalina Plural?
so back to the embarrassing thing
3 mins ago, by fbueckert
Sorry, I'm multitasking.
Fined $500.
That's idiotic.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
@kalina I'M FAMOUS!
@OrigamiRobot of course you are
@OrigamiRobot I'm disappointing in you for not posting a link to a message where you said that before.
@OrigamiRobot Incidentally, I feel bad for @Fluttershy, now.
@kalina jealous
@RavenDreamer Why? O_o
@Wipqozn Happy?
@OrigamiRobot Yes.
@MBraedley of me losing my life to a game more than when I played WoW?
Man, now I really need Chain. @SaintWacko If you find one, sell it to me cheap?
I would have been better off sticking to WoW...
@Fluttershy Something about you, your mom, and 50 shades of gray.
@fbueckert I'll think about it :P
@RavenDreamer Oh. Yeah...
@RavenDreamer Thanks for reminding him.
@RavenDreamer Immortalized, mmmhmm
@SaintWacko Remember, I return favors.
@kalina no, just the multi monitors
@fbueckert Hmm...
@kalina At least you're still better off than if you were doing cocaine, yes?
@RavenDreamer actually no
Anyway @SaintWacko, those IGBTs are like $5 each and I got 5 of them for free!
I think cocaine would be better for my health than the amount of hours I'm playing EVE
@kalina ...*was*?
I mean, to each their own...
@OrigamiRobot IGBT?
note it was past tense
@kalina I wasn't going to say anything
The insulated-gate bipolar transistor or IGBT is a three-terminal power semiconductor device primarily used as an electronic switch and in newer devices is noted for combining high efficiency and fast switching. It switches electric power in many modern appliances: electric cars, trains, variable speed refrigerators, air-conditioners and even stereo systems with switching amplifiers. Since it is designed to turn on and off rapidly, amplifiers that use it often synthesize complex waveforms with pulse width modulation and low-pass filters. In switching applications modern devices boast pu...
It's like a FET + BJT
hey you can't have an opinion on something if you've never tried it
in other news, I reckon a month or so from now I'm am going to be saying WARP DRIVE: ACTIVE in my sleep
@kalina I wonder what's your opinion on death
@YiJiang'sEvilClone don't know, never tried it
in the extremely bizzare circumstance that I die and come back, I will tell you all about it
I am on a train to London in 6 hours, I am not tired due to really random sleeping hours over the last month, and I feel I will get tired around 5am
Oh hey. @kalina's back!
technically I didn't "leave", I just muted chrome
Nov 29 '12 at 3:18, by OrigamiRobot
I always read o/ as an unimpressed cyclops
@OrigamiRobot do you store these in Notepad or something?
No, I just remember saying them.
nobody is that quick with a search engine
Especially Stackexchange's search engine.
I just typed in "cyclops"
It was easy.
are you saying that you already have a search window open, at all times?
No, it's pretty accessible.
Aug 10 '11 at 0:59, by Raven Dreamer
Well, a Cyclops is one eye, thus a biclops is two eyes, etc. And then there would be Triclops and Quadclops.
I was unaware I had brought up such things.
@RavenDreamer Tetraclops*
@OrigamiRobot Quadraclops!
@fbueckert Just found a increased physical melee damage support gem :O
Starts out at +30%
brb, setting up another user script
@OrigamiRobot Dance!
@Fluttershy congrats on making the first page!
@SaintWacko I actually have some decent stuff to trade, if you find a Chain.
@OrigamiRobot Thanks!
@OrigamiRobot you've got user scripts for chat? Have you shared them on stack apps?
sudo @OrigamiRobot dance
@Fluttershy YES SIR
@fbueckert Alright
@MBraedley Why would other people want to respond to things directed at me?
@MBraedley They're very custom scripts lol
Now I'm not sure I want to see them
@OrigamiRobot we don't, we just want to adapt them so t hat when somebody triggers yours we all do it in unison and flood you
@fbueckert I wish they'd hurry up and release this next group of cosmetic stuff
@SaintWacko They're so custom that I posted it this chatroom
I'm waiting to buy any until they do that
@SaintWacko Eh. Don't care for cosmetic stuff.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone tbh I think @OrigamiRobot is getting too much credit for your work
Also, they aren't really mine to share.
@kalina I have no idea how much he changed them though.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I changed the trigger and the reply.
Please do remind me again the next time I try to do something like this how crappy chat's DOM is. I forgot all about it the last time I worked with chatmodification.user.js
@Ullallulloo 245 days, and this is actually the first time I've ever seen that search box
@kalina ...
@kalina Uh... wow
...And DC.
@fbueckert Argh why is my chaos resistance negative
Well, there goes my progress.
@SaintWacko Higher difficulties impose a resistance penalty.
what can I say, I'm here to chat
or was
I even had room owner for a few days and didn't break anything.
Next you'll be telling me you don't use the fantabulous userscripts!
Oh wait
which I am impressed about
nope, no userscripts
I don't even skin Chrome
everything is lilac, I don't care beyond that
I still use @YiJiang'sEvilClone Pinkie Pie script...
I used that for a day, it made my RDP laggy though
Oh god, how do you even chat with that thing on
if it hadn't messed with EVE, I would have kept it
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I love it! =D
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What is it?
If it's safe to ask?
@RavenDreamer Open your console
@RavenDreamer its an awesome animation of pinky pie jumping up and down, which fits in the chat box
@kalina My rampage took care of that.
$('#input').css('background', '#DDF5FF url(i.imgur.com/UmqzP.gif) no-repeat center center / 100%')
paste ^ into it. Press enter.
@OrigamiRobot I saw
@Fluttershy Buy me dinner first.
But add the http://
@RavenDreamer It adds this gif to your chat input box
Don't ask
It's awesome.
I think SE should troll everybody by making it standard for a day
@kalina Madame, have you considered accepting userstyles and scripts into your life?
I feel like I just went partially blind by clicking on that link
Do you feel the festive cheer now?
and I am ceasing to be a frequent user, it's a lot of effort for a casual user like me
@kalina I'll be sure to ping you all the time.
@OrigamiRobot I'll be sure to remute chrome when I'm "not" present
@YiJiang'sEvilClone dear god no
woo, final chapter
this best give me loads of rep, or I think I will actually cry irl
@MBraedley Which is why I said 'Oh god, how do you even chat with that thing on'
@kalina I think you have a rep addiction
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I think I want to put up a POS and can't do so in high-sec space unless I have a certain amount of faction rep
I also think if I really had a 'rep addiction', I couldn't have gone 2 days out of the last 3 getting 0 rep
I managed to suffer endure the Christmas chat theme for three days before turning it off
I don't think anyone else was foolhardy enough to try to beat that record
I was going to ask a bunch of EVE questions, and then realised that any EVE question I ask at this point will just get a URL pointing somewhere else
so didn't bother wasting anybody's time
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What Christmas chat theme? The sleighs?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's too distracting.,
Also, Pinkie Pie is stupid.
Q: The downside of reputation points (and why stackoverflow will die)

jgormleyI just read a question (what is database normalization) that asked about data normalization. If I had to guess, I would say that the person asking the question is not seeking an answer, but seeking to have their reputation points increased (see arguments below). This is the inherent problem wit...

[status-norepro] ahahahahhaa
@YiJiang'sEvilClone My eyes hurt now.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Ah, so basically festive hot dog stand.
The images of lights and candy canes are animated gifs, by the way
This is what one satisfied customer had to say
You are a dangerously insane person :P — Tim Stone Dec 22 '10 at 9:41
@YiJiang'sEvilClone ⁑(
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Beautiful
There is a show on Discovery about rednecks making moonshine. :(
my hot chocolate is no longer hot
this is a disaster for humanity
That's really cool, the entire reason I'm learning redstone in Minecraft is because I'm looking at being an Electrical Engineer as a job when I grow up (or at least as a hobby). — JesusPlusPlus 1 min ago
@kalina microwave ovens are a wonderful invention
@MBraedley but that means using autopilot and autopilot leaves me floating around in space ready to get killed
@OrigamiRobot The joke in his gravatar is terrible. o_o
how can I be here 40 minutes and get starred three times
you people must miss me or something
@kalina Just very very bored
Not me.
accepting my answer would have gone down better with your personal standing with me
but its ok, honesty works too
@OrigamiRobot Redstone is really excellent for learning EE
wtb a mod to clean up this mess
@SaintWacko Eh, in some cases.
What the hell is going on in here?
I'd clean it up if I was still an owner (cc: @badp)
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm sorry, we're using EVE's method of reputation calculation now instead of WoW's, you get 0.0001, and it gets rounded down, come back after another month of effort and you might get to something measurable at 2 decimal places
@OrigamiRobot Same here. Ya jerk.
3 mins ago, by kalina
how can I be here 40 minutes and get starred three times
@Fluttershy I think I provoked them
Whoever it is will run out of stars soon enough.
See, if @OrigamiRobot didn't remove my room ownership I could have cancelled all these.
tl;dr: This is all @OrigamiRobot's fault.
@Wipqozn if @OrigamiRobot wasn't a child in a man's body, I could have cancelled all of these
@kalina It's a cute body though.
@FAE I've only seen a picture of him in a steampunk outfit
@FAE Oh you.
@FAE ahem
@kalina Which was cute!
41 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@FAE ahem
I've seen better
He's so cute when he's shy.
and I like your new avatar
47 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
41 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@FAE ahem
@kalina It's okay, @Fluttershy agrees with me and that's what counts. :3
40 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
47 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
41 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@FAE ahem
@FAE I agree too if that helps
@kalina If you mean mine, thankies. It's a piece from a fantasy artist I like.
@OrigamiRobot you had best not be naked when I click this
I am a gentleman!
@AshleyNunn Mwahaha.
45 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
40 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
47 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
41 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@FAE ahem
@OrigamiRobot is that with @spugsley ?
@kalina Yes
I suppose he's cute
I like @GnomeSlice's new avatar too
2 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
45 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
40 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
47 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
41 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@FAE ahem
@OrigamiRobot innocent smile
@OrigamiRobot hey, you linked it, you was obviously fishing for compliments
@kalina I was just invalidating your previous claim.
I love invalidating things.
@OrigamiRobot my previous claim?
7 mins ago, by kalina
@FAE I've only seen a picture of him in a steampunk outfit
I had
just because you posted another doesn't mean anything
Right. And now that claim is invalid.
It wasn't invalid then.
Also, since when are you the kind of person to give people what they're fishing for?
I spent an entire week away from people whose main purpose appears to be to try and prove everything I say wrong
it allows me to reset back to being nice
I'll be happy to get you back to being mean.
doubtful, I'm not going to be around for at least another week after tonight

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