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I don't see the domain being associated with any malware
@YiJiang'sEvilClone How do I do that?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone No mention of qcksrv in the source code
I can't check. okcupid, which is what threw the warning, isn't even loading for me right now, even though everything else is
If you're using "View Source", that'll only get you the HTML that's being loaded from SE, which we already know doesn't contain anything (unless the malware operates on the network stack and modifies incoming packets, which would be pretty sophisticated)
nothing in gaming.SE source that has that
likely means local or man in the middle injection of the code
Open the Developer Console and look at the DOM instead.
@Ktash It could be your ISP, yeah.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Nothing in the DOM, either
ISP is unlikely, but your router might be compromised or something else might be compromised along the way
False alarm from Chrome, perhaps? I just visited the site itself on Chrome and nothing happened
Or, you have a local compromise that detection isn't hitting
@YiJiang'sEvilClone yeah, that seems like the most likely candidate right now
In chrome, I don't have an issue with loading any sites
post urls if you want me to test
What does "Details about http://www.qcksrv.com" tell you?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I got rid of the error, and I can't get it to come back
Yeah, the bad url is in there: qcksrv.com/support/www
It's blacklisted, but Google's own diagnostic report is clean
Uh, does Windows have a wget equivalent?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone The URL itself just asks for a login, then gives 403 when I don't give a correct one
So it's marked as suspicious, but Google doesn't know why.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone looks like it
It could be because it's being randomly injected into pages where it doesn't belong, except we can't actually see it being randomly injected, and we don't know how it's being injected
I am getting it for so many sites now
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm really wondering why it affects anything else on the internet, since it seems to be a login only admin page
Here, threadless.com, OKC, twitter....
Basically everything I look at right now
@AshleyNunn Sounds like your machine might be compromised and this might be getting injected into any page you load
@Ktash So me running a scan on my machine is a good idea, then.
I don't see it. It does sound like your machine is compromised
(I have MSE running a full scan)
Either that or your ISP or someone in the middle of the chain is doing this
Weird, I haven't done anything out of the ordinary....
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I share internet with my landlords upstairs. Could there be a problem there?
Here's something interesting
A compromised ad network, perhaps? But I don't think all of the sites uses the same ad network
@AshleyNunn ... Maybe but it is unlikely
@Ktash Okay. I just want to eliminate sources, so if the scan doesn't get it, I know what my next steps potentially are
It is possible your router uses Java or something, and a hacker used the new exploits to scan IP addresses and play man in the middle with routers
makes a face
Usually they go for machines rather than routers though
Could also be the DNS server
I mean, a lot of possibilities once we eliminate the local machine
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Maybe...
I know that to connect to my wifi, I have to load a webpage and then enter password data. Could there be an issue there?
My apologies if I am asking stupid questions. I don't know anything about this stuff.
This is definitely something that's only started happening recently. A lot of forum posts about it are popping up
@AshleyNunn @murgatroid99 Do you two share an ISP?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I use Rogers, I think.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I have the CMU ISP. She can't have that
Right, but up one level? They might still be connected in some way.
@murgatroid99 Carnegie Mellon??
@Ktash yes
@murgatroid99 @AshleyNunn Try connection with a mobile device or tablet to check if it's your ISP
CMU is too far from Ashley, they wouldn't share a common server for ISP even if they had the same
Yeah, I know
It's a good guess though, right? :/
Considering the number of people hitting it, sounds like a bot network just went online
Seeing it on another other browsers?
@Ktash neeeeeergh
There's someone in the Google Forums thread that says he uninstalled Chrome just to be safe, heh
heh, yeah.. ignoring the problem will make it go away for sure lol
Ashley, are you mac or PC?
I can't make the error appear on my phone
@Ktash PC.
well, I guess either of you
Errors don't appear on my phone, and IE seems to be okayt
Win 7?
IE doesn't use the same blacklist as Chrome I think
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It doesn't
Even visiting the actual "compromised" URL
Open up the start menu, and in the search dialog, type cmd and hit enter
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Its the only other browser I have
@Ktash then what?
type ping gaming.stackexchange.com
hit enter and paste in here what is displayed
@Ktash why
I don't think ping is what you're looking for?
Looking to see if the DNS is getting rerouted or if it is page injection
Have either of you actually tried loading a 'compromised page'?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone yes. They all load fine
No trace of script injection or anything like that?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone nothing noticable
I'm really thinking it's just a compromised ad thing
Then where is the warning coming from? Look at the Resources tab of the developer tools, it should show you the resources being loaded by the page
@YiJiang'sEvilClone If it is a DNS redirect, then it may load from that url and transparently redirect it to the proper page
Injecting in between or logging stuff
Right, but the resources tab must show something from the malicious domain being loaded, or else the warning would not be tripped
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I can't find anything
@Ktash If it was a DNS redirect, how would Google know where it's actually coming from
@murgatroid99 DNS info to redirect to the compromised URL, then transparent redirect onto the page
Basically, I'm trying to rule out if the hosts file is compromised or if there is someone hijacking the DNS server
@ktash I cant get it to copy
@AshleyNunn Right click and select mark. Then you can select it and copy
well, when you select it, it does copy
qcksrv.com appears to be some sort of ad server I think
I cant get that to work.
Will screencap.
The Google Product Forum thread is getting flooded
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Sounds like a bot net or timed compromise then
or Google just added that to their filter list lol
take out the competition
stopbadware.com says that the site was added today, yesh
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah, right now my favorite hypothesis is a compromised ad server that is used by a bunch of ad networks
or ad server service or something
@AshleyNunn Looks like the right info, so it is getting injected in the page
Is that good for me, or bad?
Neither, really, just eliminating possibilities
We still don't know what is happening or how it's being done, so, bad :P
Let the MSE scan run and see what it says
compromised ad server isn't crazy though
It must have been a huge network though if it is hitting Twitter and Arqade
Twitter... yeah, no. Twitter doesn't use any ordinary ad server
Have you guys tried using Ad-Block on the domain in question and revisiting?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone They use like 7 or something lol
@Krazer I'm pretty sure Ad-block works after the page loads, so it wouldn't affect Google's warning
@murgatroid99 Firefox's blocks the resources before the page itself is loaded. I think Chrome's extension framework isn't flexible enough to allow that, so they're blocked after the page loads
@Ktash Twitter seems unaffected now
Arqade, OKC, some blogs still are though
I am going to likely crawl into bed now, though, and leave the MSE scan overnight
Probably not a terrible idea
@Ktash makes a sleepy face
@Ktash Yeah, like that, with less beard
@Ktash Ah, that is closer to the cuteness that is me :D
@AshleyNunn I know ;)
@Ktash blushes
Haha nice
also funny considering I was just looking at Patrick Stewart's twitter lol
Q: How do I get through the south exit from Laying The Foundation?

murgatroid99In the room Laying The Foundation I have been through every exit I could find/reach, but the map still shows that I have not taken the exit to the south. There is an area in the center of the room with those flying ball things, but I have never managed to get inside. So how do I reach the south e...

Hello, extremely quiet Bridge.
Hello unquiet user
Yes, I'm here to disturb the peace.
Do try harder.
@winterswift I preferred last year's
@Krazer At least last year we didn't have that horrifying GoDaddy commercial.
@winterswift Clearly! PHP in a commercial?! Come on!
@Krazer sigh
But still... the legs on that guy...
they told him he could be anything, so he became a helicopter
@Krazer He's probably a l33t hax0r.
It's either that, or he successfully gained root access to the human body.
The Bridge is strange when I should be sleeping.
@winterswift Nah. Lord Genome has that covered.
@AshleyNunn 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) 〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜 (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 This is all a dreaaam~
@krazer you know, that would make sense.
1 hour later…
Q: Sound indicator shows as muted after playing game. How can I fix that?

PatrykAfter trying to launch QuakeLive with QLPrism in new X server I noticed my sounds have been muted with the following icon: Although all sounds keep playing (music/videos), I somehow get bothered this. How can I fix this?

Q: What is the logic behind the expansion of red blocks?

wokWith the red gun, I can expand red blocks. The result is either vertical (wall/stairs) or horizontal (floor/ceiling), but I cannot tell beforehand which of the two structures an expansion of red blocks would result in. What is the logic behind the expansion of red blocks?

Q: How do you earn Utopium in game?

HenryHeyI've found out you can get Utopium by tapping on trees and by buying it with real money. Are there any other ways?

Hi @kalina
you do realise I now have to start working on that 7 day idle time again, right?
I hope you know how special you are for me to respond at all!
@kalina Oh. Is that a thing?
@kalina Aw
I have some disturbing news
@kalina Oh dear
EVE Online is actually a good game once you get over the first month of learning enough skills to do anything
oh and... I made a spreadsheet
@kalina Really? I was amused with BoingBoing's warning on their post about that EVE battle
@fredley yeah, it's a really in depth and complete game
Caution: EVE Online is a more exciting game to read about than to play
@kalina It looks like the kind of thing I'd enjoy, if I had time
yeah the time requirement is rather high
and the game is boring as hell until you understand that you can do what you want with it
@kalina That having been said, my gf goes travelling for 3 months on Wednesday...
it's no good for people who have no motivation to do their own thing
@kalina I play Minecraft
@fredley point taken
@kalina How much is it?
like 9.99/month
might be 15
I know that if you sign up for the free trial and then just subscribe your account you don't have to buy the game
@kalina Eh, quite a lot. I want to replay ME first
or at least that's how it seems, owing to me not buying the game
I have started building ships in EVE, but currently my skill level means I only just break even
@kalina Sounds fun
more fun than it is, it's just clicking a few buttons and waiting for a period of time
@kalina Like FarmVille?
flying around with a cargo hold full of ships is more fun though, since every single gate I pass through I get scanned
@fredley I've never even looked at FarmVille
right now I am farming faction reputation, so that I can build my own structure in space to do research on
which is exactly like farming in any other game, and becomes tedious really quickly
compounded by the fact that I'm doing it for a faction that I didn't start as, so I'm missing quite a bit of rep from the starter missions
@kalina Neither have I, but I know the premise.
@kalina Sounds like a massive time-sink
@fredley depends how badly you want it
I could take months over it and it would just happen as part of playing
@kalina Yeah, I know. I've done the grind thing before
but since I need said research slots to improve my resource usage on ship building...
Although I'm trying to remember what in
Oh yeah, this site
and there are NPC research slots, but they're always all in use with a ~20 day waiting queue
@fredley yeah I'm bored of that now
@kalina I've reached 20k, there are no more rep goals.
I can't even be bothered with reaching 20k :p
in fact, the only reason the site is open right now is because of habit
@kalina Haha, it's not worth it. The extra privs are pretty lame compared to the jump at 10k
@kalina Wooo habit
It's like addiction, but ... different in some way?
244 days of habit is just some psychological thing, I just keep finding myself randomly hitting F5 to see if any new questions have come up
Q: Is it ethical to cast 15 downvotes in only 24 hours?

Carlo_R.While we are in Beta, is it ethical to cast 15 downvotes in only 24 hours, especially after having casted only 15 downvotes in 10 days? I'm asking because there is an user here that has shown that behaviour just in the last 24 hours.

and then go eugh, why did I do that
@kalina The site doesn't notify you by magic javascript?
@kalina That was a highly starrable post
the javascript updates don't take into account stuff that gets deleted or w/e
@kalina Wow, that is quite a serious habit you've got going there
@fredley happens
@kalina I think I get bored much too quickly. I get hooked on things quickly, fall out of them quickly and move on.
(Apart from Minecraft for some reason)
well this is where I see danger in EVE
there is part of my mentality that can justify keep paying for EVE without playing it, because of the skill training system
and then another part going NO DON'T DO THAT
@kalina I think the face I don't pay for MC is the reason i can keep sinking hours and hours into it.
If I was, my frugal side would bitch-slap me into stopping paying for such a waste of time
My frugal side is quite forceful...
@fredley well, the money sinking is no issue for me, all I've done is replace multiple WoW accounts with two EVE accounts
@kalina 2?
I was given one by a friend
that's ~3-4 years old
and thus has 3-4 years of skill training on it
@kalina Handy
yeah, otherwise I would have quit by now I reckon
little mining ship -> massive battleship with lots of guns made a difference
@kalina Yeah, starting from scratch in a mature ecosystem like that seems tough
@fredley it is very tough
Looking forward to Elite in like, 2 years though
especially since there isn't really a way to catch up
@fredley yep, me too
@kalina Quite, everything's time-limited, and there are always people playing more hours than you
they don't have spam you with emails though
@fredley playing more hours isn't an issue in eve
@kalina Ah ok, does it do stuff passively?
training happens whileever the account is subscribed
you don't have to be logged in
@kalina Ok.
Sounds like sniff glitch
but it happens at a fixed speed based on your attributes
so people who've been playing for years (a) have more actual time passed training and (b) have higher attributes due to usage of high end implants
@kalina So you're screwed either way
Unless you pay $10k for a mature account?
well yes and no
A lot of the skills are just rubbish unless you do that specific thing
like corporate management, lets you have more people in your corporation
@kalina Ok
but if you're not the CEO of a corporation, it's wasted points
or like refining, which increases the yield from refining ores
Have you read ReamDe?
@kalina It's a good book, partly set in a WoW-like online game
I need to avoid anything WoW-like
otherwise I'll end up playing WoW again
@kalina It's not that much like WoW
Reamde is a technothriller novel by Neal Stephenson, published in 2011. The story, set in the present day, centers on the plight of a hostage and the ensuing efforts of family and new acquaintances, many of them associated with a fictional MMORPG, to rescue her as her various captors drag her about the globe. Topics covered range from online activities including gold farming and social networking to the criminal methods of the Russian mafia and Islamic terrorists. Plot summary Reamde begins by introducing two members of the Forthrast family who reconnect at an annual family reunion: R...
why is American TV so unpredictable
so many random weeks where they don't show the next episode
@kalina Probably so that they can get you hooked on something else before the season ends
eugh, I appear to have lost my ability to undo stars
@kalina How awkward
meh, not really
@fredley at 200k you get a picture of a unicorn signed by Joel!!!!111one
there was probably a reason, and I care so little about stackexchange at this point that the reason becomes irrelevant
I got a nice email from somebody from SE with 'vice president' of something or other though
@badp Really?!
At my current rate, that will take 18 years
Well. Jon Skeet got one for his 200k...
morning badp
@kalina Wow
@fredley this account I was given, for a comparison, has more points in "missile launcher operation" than I have in total on my new account
@kalina Handy for launching missiles I guess
Q: ingress not getting any extra points from portal hacking

130490868091234It seems like I am Stuck with 1130XP points and I don't get any more from hacking portals I have hacked in previous days. Is there a limit on the experience points one can receive from certain geographical areas or is it that hacking is limited in the XP points that can give?

@fredley and lots of them, in various shapes and sizes
@kalina Is blowing other people up good?
@fredley I don't know, I haven't tried going one on one with anybody yet
@kalina I guess the risk is quite high
the first time I attacked anybody the fight was over quite quickly
@kalina Who won?
but my knowledge of the game is still rather limited, and I was told afterwards that the fight I picked was unwinnable
well, the kill board said I did
but it didn't feel like a victory
@fredley You only risk your ship (and maybe the implants in your clone). You can PvP for cheap
@kalina Have you tried the newest and trendliest Diablo 2 clone yet?
@MadScientist I attacked a maller in a manticore I could only just use, while less than 10km away
@badp path of exile?
bored of that already
'kay. I was just wondering; that is all.
@kalina And you won?
@MadScientist no, but the maller got blown up shortly after
and I didn't get podded
so I was technically still alive and took part in the fight
A Stealth Bomber is not a solo ship (though it is possible, but really, really hard).
I know this now
It's pretty hard in the beginning if you have no idea of what the various ships are capable of. And there's still enough rare ships where the name doesn't tell me anything, there are just so many different ships in EVE
right now I'm flying around in an arbitrator
since I make enough isk per day to replace them at will when they get blown up
@kalina That is a pretty mean ship now against anything with turrets
and now my corporate standing with Amarr Empire is 4.1
only 0.9 to go -.-
The most annoying standing requirement is the one for jump clones, which is at 8 or so
I just want to set up a pos
so I can do material research and time efficency on these blueprints
@kalina Point of Sale?
@fredley player owned structure
I never did any POS stuff, or industry in general
But it's not exactly cheap to keep it fueled, from what I know. And you might have to defend it if someone wardecs you
@kalina Oh
@MadScientist I am deeply disappointed that I can't fit a bunch of turrets on it in high sec space
but then I was going to set it up in a 0.4 and decided against that
@kalina You can't? And better than turrets is ECM, far more annoying
0.4 or lower for turrets and ECM
0.3 or lower for moon mining
Guns on a POS are also just an annoyance, they don't stop anyone from killing your POS.
I've never built or used a POS, but I have attacked a few
well that setup has plenty of resists and ECM
and an advanced mobile lab
@BoltClock Excellent
@BoltClock Welcome to the bridge. It's space, here.
@fredley You dont say?
and this is why you don't ask people why they should get the job in interviews
@badp Interviewing this guy would be hilarious
@fredley "So, in short, Mr. ██████████, you're the goddamn Batman. Is that correct?"
@badp Too smiley for Batman, possibly Joker?
@badp @fredley Na,The Riddler. Check the clever grammer usage.
@Ender Maybe this resume is actually a riddle?
So it costs $110 to get a passport in Italy for 10 years
I wonder if it's worth it.
@badp Sounds similar to UK price.
@Fredley Clearly it's a Bomb Threat written by a mind more clever than my own.
It definitely sounds expensive.
@badp Leaving Italy is probably worth it.
@fredley European Union means I only need my ID while travelling
@Ender Could you tell the difference between a raving genius and a raving lunatic?
@badp Not UK!
even as UK pulled out of Shengen, an Italian ID is sufficient AFAIK
@badp Nope, you need a passport to get in here.
(PS: boo to UK for pulling out of Shengen)
@Fredley Genius and Crazy are technically the exact same thing, the only difference is the publics opinion of you.
@Ender True that.
@badp Eh, it wouldn't have worked.
@fredley What "wouldn't have worked"?
@badp We are an island, it's much more complicated.
@fredley Oh please.
You're not fucking Siciliy
@badp The difference is nobody wants to go to Sicily for economic reasons...
lol, have you ever heard of this thing called "Africa"?
turns out there's quite a lot of migratory pressure from that general direction
The closest non-EU immigrants to UK by boat would come all the way from Russia.
@badp Britain is a lot closer to Africa than Italy is.
Also it would upset the commonwealth if Frenchmen could get in more easily than Australians.
@fredley What the hell are you smoking?
@badp You missed a bit (of Britain)
@fredley Please insert a blank, angry stare here.
@badp Haha. That's the thing though. Unlike the rest of Europe, we still have quite a lot of overseas territories and the awkward remains of a global empire.
Sell 'em! Like, for money. Two birds, one stone.
Customs are literally the worst thing ever
bbl lunch
@YiJiang'sEvilClone So you're /u/mediumdeviation reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/17tay2/the_pinkie_network
Okay, customs aren't literally the worst thing ever
They're still pretty stupid.
especially if the justification is "Gibraltar"
also, information about whether or not you need a passport is contrasting; I think the most authoritative I can find is this
(supported by what's here)

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