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@Fluttershy after 2 months I bet food tastes amazing
@fbueckert I don't mean that because it's illegal makes it dangerous. I'm saying that you shouldn't break the law.
@Ullallulloo pff, I have held conversations with Canadian police officers while smoking a joint
in Fredericton, NB
@kalina omg yes. That's like... The one thing I've noticed from quitting.
they couldn't have cared less
@Ullallulloo Not doing something only because it's illegal is a pretty flimsy argument.
@Fluttershy fooooooood om nom nom
Not that I advocate smoking pot; far from it.
@SaintWacko A tautology is something that is true for all cases.
@fbueckert No it isn't. That you should abide by the rules is not a flimsy argument at all.
everybody I know that has quit smoking has started eating more food though
@fbueckert No, it isn't.
Also, marijuana isn't illegal in Washington, California, or Colorado. Sure, federal law says it is, but state law doesn't! Woo for smarter states!
@OrigamiRobot Ah, that's right
I always forget how to define it
@Ullallulloo I disagree. But it's not an argument I want to have right now.
@Ullallulloo Do you own an emulator? Have you ever downloaded a pirated copy of a movie?
@fbueckert I don't want to argue about it either, but in the interests of expressing my own opinion; not liking the rules does not give someone the right to ignore them.
@Ullallulloo I agree with @fbueckert - just because it's illegal isn't a reason not to do it
I wish I could find that picture. =(
@Ullallulloo Have you ever broken a speed limit?
@Fluttershy Emulators aren't illegal, no, and people can do things that they regret later.
Breaking speed limits is worse than breaking the law by smoking weed - breaking speed limits can kill innocent people around you
@kalina Not on purpose.
@GnomeSlice Actually, that's exactly what civil disobedience is.
@Ullallulloo Emulators aren't, but ROMs, at least if you don't own a hard copy of the original, are.
@Fluttershy They're legal if they're from older systems
@Fluttershy Technically, even those are illegal.
@Ullallulloo that is the poorest argument I've ever heard. If (god forbid) it did happen, do you think the victims family would accept "sorry I didn't do it on purpose" ?
I think Gamecube ROMs recently became legal
Unless you rip them yourself.
@SaintWacko I've never heard of ROMs being legal at all, unless ^
@fbueckert Is Civil Disobedience a right?
@SaintWacko Not even SNES ROMs are legal; got a source for that?
@Fluttershy I would download a bear along with the car I downloaded and I would have an illegal download circus with an illegal bear in an illegal bearcar
@fbueckert I thought I read that a while back, something related to Dolphin
@BenBrocka Thank you. =3
@GnomeSlice The hundreds of people who light up on the legislature grounds would say yes, it is.
But of course, it could be wrong, there's no way for me to know
@kalina I'm saying don't break the law, which I don't purposely do.
Nintendo's legal page says roms of their stuff are illegal - I think copyright is like 70 years isn't it?
@fbueckert Alright then, but as I said, it's just my opinion, and I don't want to argue about it.
@Ullallulloo ok, fortunately I don't really care about the law. I use my own moral judgement
@GnomeSlice We will disagree on these points, then. I'll add it to the list.
In other news, I was gonna pirate Cloud Atlas, but then I remembered it was one of the greatest movies I've ever seen, and I really wanted to support it. Plus it was a 30gb file.
@Fluttershy I feel the same way!
@fbueckert Don't get me wrong, I break rules all the time.
I'm a hypocrite.
I finally saw it a couple night ago, and it was the most incredible thing I've seen
@Fluttershy I really want to see that, is it good?
Plus I kinda have this thing about pirating movies... In that I won't do it. >_>
Stupid question based on what you just said.
@Fluttershy 30GB? What was it a Blu Ray rip?
@Fluttershy 30gb movie? That must be some quality.
Normally I pirate movies, but I intend to buy the movie, the soundtrack, and the book now
@GnomeSlice ... You caught yourself before I could say anything. =P
@BenBrocka High five for same train of thought!
@GnomeSlice It's amazing. Just absolutely incredible
@fbueckert 1080p rip of a 3 hour movie.
@Fluttershy Ow. Three hours? That's long.
@BenBrocka It could be a digital recording of a film copy too.
But I doubt it.
@SaintWacko I wish more games offered soundtracks. Especially of older games. Whenever I want a soundtrack I find it was only sold as a physical CD in limited quantities (usually 20 years ago in Japan only for thatm atter)
If we get into discussion of movie piracy, I'm going to have to recuse myself; I have extremely strong feelings on it.
Dunecat's little sister
@GnomeSlice sock kitten!
@fbueckert What are said feelings? I won't offer an opposing opinion if I disagree, I'm just curious.
Also, I only ever Pirate music if I absolutely cannot find it anywhere I can buy it. And by 'Pirate' I mean I never use torrents or any of that shit, so I just find somewhere I can download it.
But yes, @GnomeSlice Cloud Atlas is, in my opinion, the best movie released in 2012, horribly underrated, and should be watched by everyone. It is one of, if not my number one, favorite movie.
@RonanForman There is a lot of stuff in this cave I do not recognise.
@Wipqozn If Hollywood can't be arsed to provide legal, full quality, unrestricted copies at a reasonable price when said movie is released, then they don't deserve my cash.
new song + our first music video everrr!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vc3JWo2iiGc ♡ Pete, Ary, Luke, James.
@fbueckert Just so I understand... Released meaning the DVD release should coincide with theatrical? Or... Am I confused?
@BenBrocka That sort of thing I just pirate
@Fluttershy Yes.
@fbueckert Yeah, I have similiar views. Movie piracy has more to do with Hollywood not meeting customer needs, and overpricing their products, than anything else.
@BenBrocka Wheeee Anamanaguchi music video!
@GnomeSlice Same here. Unfortunately that means I almost always have to get video game music that way...
@Wipqozn Exactly.
@fbueckert I can agree with that. The technology is there to do it. I still won't pirate movies, but I can understand why people do.
@Fluttershy I think it's so underrated because a lot of people don't have the attention span to keep the stories, and the links between them, straight
I haven't pirated a game in a long time either
@SaintWacko me either
@SaintWacko It was handled extremely well, I thought. =P
@kalina And all the games I have pirated, I ended up owning
@Wipqozn I agree, but I'll just wait a long time and get the DVD.
They believe their online offerings justify their ability to scream bloody murder, when they offer broken, limited crap.
@SaintWacko ...Isn't that how pirating works?
@GnomeSlice You don't own stuff you pirated.
@Ullallulloo I know. :P
@Ullallulloo He means he bought it later on.
@Fluttershy I've always loved books that switch between different stories, and then bring them together in the end, which may be why I liked it so much
@SaintWacko I did that with Borderlands.
@Wipqozn Exactly
The fun part was that on release date, it couldn't be bought for love or money.
@fbueckert I bought it for $5 in a Christmas sale
@Wipqozn Try to justify it all you want, people just don't want to pay for things they can get for free.
Gotta love Canada.
So, I pirated it. Until I COULD buy it.
But I pirated Oblivion, then bought it
@GnomeSlice SOME people.
@fbueckert People who pirate movies and shit.
Although, to be fair, most of the time I use it as an extended demo for games.
and pirated CnC: Generals: Zero Hour, then ended up buying every CnC game ever made and playing them all, and preordering new ones as soon as they're announced
@GnomeSlice I have stated my feelings on this.
We disagree.
I wasn't paying attention.
but now that EA (the bastards) has the IP, I'm not doing that anymore :(
The only time I pirate stuff pretty much is when I buy something, but then can't play it due to DRM.
I just don't like it when people say that '___ overprices their shit, so I'm going to pirate it instead and that is okay', because it isn't. You don't get to determine what they charge, it's not your product.
@GnomeSlice When did I say I pirated? I don't pirate. And not everyone pirates for the same reason. Such a statement is ridiculous. Some just don't want to pay and will pirate, yes, that's neveR going to change. But there are plenty of people who pirate for other reasons. Maybe they want a digital copy, but the publishers refuses to release one. or maybe the publisher refuses to release a copy in that persons region. In thos situations the publisher lost a sale due to their own incompetence.
@Wipqozn You said 'movie piracy'.
@Wipqozn I sometimes pirate a game so I can play it without the CD
@GnomeSlice How about, "They treat their customers like thieves, and lock down and limit whatever they offer. I want a product that allows me to do WHAT I want, WHEN I want, with it."
@GnomeSlice and...? What does that have to do with what I said?
@GnomeSlice Actually... I think the consumer should have quite a bit of say in pricing. If something is overpriced, I'm sure as hell not gonna buy it.
@Wipqozn An incompetent publisher still doesn't give you the right to steal their shit.
@Fluttershy But that doesn't give you a right to pirate it either.
@GnomeSlice You're misunderstanding my point completely, and I really don't feel liek wasting time trying to make you understand.
@StrixVaria Oh, I know. I don't pirate. =P I was just sayin'
If you don't want to pay the price set by the publisher, than you shouldn't have access to that thing.
@StrixVaria Piracy can be viewed as a form of civil disobedience.
@Fluttershy The publisher tries to set a price that will get them the most profit. Make it cheaper, and more people will pay for it, but will pay less. Make it higher, and fewer people will pay for it, but pay more. It's all about what value they think will get them the most profit.
@Wipqozn Lol, you said 'when did I say pirated'.
Face it; piracy is something that WILL happen. There's no way to prevent it.
@fbueckert This is true.
@GnomeSlice I never said I pirated. I don't pirate.
@StrixVaria Yes, that's what I'm saying, we agree on something.
@fbueckert Diablo 3 did. =/
But publishers see it as theft, and Steam sees it as needs not being met.
Guess who's being successful?
Piracy is a symptom of a problem not being solved.
@Ullallulloo Yeah, and ran off all their players
@fbueckert Regardless of what Steam says, it's theft. Besides which, the games industry is not exactly going bankrupt.
@SaintWacko Yes, I'm definitely not endorsing that.
@GnomeSlice Tell that to THQ.
@Fluttershy THQ is not an entire industry.
@Fluttershy Poor THQ :(
@GnomeSlice I'm not getting into this argument. We disagree.
@Fluttershy What, are they going bankrupt? THQ is not the industry.
@fbueckert I'm not arguing with you specifically.
But yes, we disagree. =]
Oh, I'm sorry for thinking an industry was made up of individual businesses.
@GnomeSlice They declared bankruptcy a few weeks ago.
Yay, got my GBA emulator working!
@Ullallulloo That's a shame. =[
But THQ is not the entire games industry.
@GnomeSlice Selling off now.
@Fluttershy Most of them are doing fine though.
@GnomeSlice Theft isn't inherently wrong.
@GnomeSlice Their IP isn't dead, they've claimed everything currently slated for production/release will get made
Anyone here use a DS emulator?
Upcoming album is titled ENDLESS FANTASY! Coming out in spring!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc3JWo2iiGc&feature=youtu.be
Sweet new album too
@Ullallulloo Should we stop worrying about the nation's unemployment rate? Most people have jobs...
@SaintWacko I used one briefly
@GnomeSlice Very few things are inherently wrong, and are often depended on the consequences, motivator factors, and many other things.
@BenBrocka Which one, and was it any good?
THQ's either has to sell off either their whole company or individual titles, whichever gets the most profit.
But only if you're Christian, I guess.
Oh good. Religion gets brought into it.
@GnomeSlice A religious argument for what's "wrong". Wow
Which seems like a shitty reason to argue that you don't have to play nice
@GnomeSlice Please don't use your faith to justify something because you can't come up with your own argument.
@SaintWacko DeSmuME, it was alright, just didn't run at full speed on my PC (but it probably would on my gaming PC now). This was like 2 years ago though
There are a lot of religions in the world. Yours isn't special. You're welcome to use it to form your own beliefs, but don't use it to argue a point.
@BenBrocka Ah, that's what I'm looking at now
@Fluttershy No, but it's ignorant to say that piracy or DRM is what drove THQ to bankruptcy.
Guess I'll try it out
@Wipqozn Saying 'Oh, that's a religious thing' seems like a shitty reason to justify that you don't want to play nice.
You'll never save all businesses or reduce all unemployment.
Wasn't the Golden Rule in the bible too or something.
@Wipqozn @GnomeSlice This
@SaintWacko ?
@Ullallulloo I never claimed to know what drove THQ to bankruptcy.
@GnomeSlice Sorry, that
@SaintWacko It seemed alright. I was kind of surprised to see DS/PSP emulators running with apparently high compatibility already. Granted they consume lots of resources but that's almost unavoidable
Hit the wrong button
@BenBrocka How well does a DS emulator work on the computer, with the touchscreen? Is it easy to use?
Anyways, I'm going to go play some chivalry before this degrades into something nasty.
@Wipqozn Try the vanguard!
@Krazer Much better
@Krazer ...Okay?
Saying "religion says X" isn't an argument. IT's a logical fallacy. That was my point.
@Wipqozn Except for like in war or something, I would disagree.
I wasn't trying to make it into a religious argument, but my point was that if people thousands of years ago could determine that you shouldn't steal, it's probably bad.
@Wipqozn And that was not my argument at all.
Just because one religion says that stealing is bad, doesn't mean that stealing must be FINE, because religious beliefs aren't arguments.
@GnomeSlice People thousands of years ago married prepubescent girls. Does that mean it's okay?
That also seems like a logical fallacy.
@GnomeSlice People thousands of years ago could also determine that slaves were okay, and that strange women should be stoned to death
@SaintWacko Well, yeah.
Now people just determine that strange women should be stoned cough @kalina cough
@Ullallulloo Extreme example: I hoard all the food so that a village can't eat, and will eventually starve to death. I've also cut off all communication and transportation to and from the village. My only reason for doing this is I want to laugh as the villagers starve to death. The only way they would live is to steal the food I'm hoarding. In that case theft is obviously justified, and not an evil act.
@SaintWacko What you did there? I seen't it.
I don't cough
only hot smoke makes you cough
Yes, that's a crazy ass extreme example, but it shows my point. Theft itself is not wrong, but dependent on the factors surrounding it.
@kalina Oh. Do you only smoke iced marijuana? <_<
In other words:
Whatever, this argument is getting tense and I have work to do. In my opinion, anyone who tries to justify piracy or say that stealing for personal gain isn't inherently wrong (except maybe in a life or death situation) just doesn't want to admit that they're doing a bad thing.
I'm going to go back to work.
Utilitarianism is a theory in normative ethics holding that the proper course of action is the one that maximizes utility, specifically defined as maximizing happiness and reducing suffering. Classic utilitarianism, as advocated by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, is hedonistic. It is now generally taken to be a form of consequentialism, although when Anscombe first introduced that term it was to distinguish between "old-fashioned Utilitarianism" and consequentialism. According to utilitarianism the moral worth of an action is determined only by its resulting outcome although there ...
@Fluttershy water bongs most of the time
@SaintWacko Slavery then was a lot different than what it is now though, and the latter is just false from what I can tell.
@kalina No, no, I was coughing
@SaintWacko you should see a doctor if you spontaneously start coughing in the middle of a sentence
@Ullallulloo What the whole witch thing is false?
@GnomeSlice I never said that. At all. All I said was that your argument is invalid.
@SaintWacko Like...in the middle ages and stuff?
@kalina Got a bit of pretzel stuck in my throat
@Ullallulloo No, in the bible
@SaintWacko shouldn't talk with your mouth full
@kalina But these pretzels are really delicious, and I couldn't resist the bad joke!
@SaintWacko You just use the mouse. You can use a touchscreen if you have one of course
@SaintWacko Oh, witchcraft?
Since the DS' touch was very basic it's not really that bad on emulation
@BenBrocka Do you have any of the Gravity Rush DLCs?
@Ullallulloo Right
That's what I meant by strange women
@Wipqozn My argument was that stealing is usually bad juju.
@BenBrocka Any games you'd recommend?
@SaintWacko Strange women means trying to summon the dead?
@SaintWacko Technically, witchcraft wasn't the only reason for stoning. Jesus prevented the stoning of a woman thought to be a whore, if I recall correctly.
@Fluttershy Haven't gotten any yet
@GnomeSlice I'm not referring to your conclusion, but your premise. Just because the premises are wrong doesn't mean the conclusion is, but since your premises is invalid your argument is unable to justify your conclusion.
@StrixVaria That's as far as I am going with it! <_< Worry not!
@BenBrocka Dang...
@SaintWacko Not that I'd recommend without also buying the cart :P But Megaman ZX Advent is great as are most of the Kirbys (and ZX Advent requires little stylus use)
@Fluttershy nah, I love the MAA.
@Wipqozn Then as a society, like get him for attempted murder, I guess.
@StrixVaria Have you been able to play any more Batman?
@Ullallulloo Among other things
@Fluttershy Makes my point even more
@SaintWacko I can actually discuss this if you want, but The Bridge is probably not a good place to.
@Fluttershy Not in about a week :/
I get into these funks every once in a while where playing games seems like too much work.
@StrixVaria Dang. But I know that feeling all too well.
@Ullallulloo True
Well... Guess I need to get back to work. If anyone knows any good DS or 3DS games, ping me with them! >_> I need more.
@fluttershy have you exhausted my list?
iOS |genre = Adventure, Puzzle |modes = Single player |ratings = |platforms=Nintendo DS, iOS |media = |requirements = }} is an adventure game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo DS and iOS. Ghost Tricks story centers on the protagonist Sissel, and his ghost's struggle to discover who he was when he was alive and who killed him. The player assumes the role of this ghost, who has the ability to perform various Ghost Tricks to solve puzzles and navigate the world around him. The lead development was handled by Shu Takumi, creator of the Ace Attorney franchise. The game is published by Cap...
@Fluttershy And include me on DS games!
@AshleyNunn Not yet. Gonna be picking some up this week.
@Fluttershy Lost Magic
Custom Robo Arena, known in Japan as , is a science fiction action role playing game for the Nintendo DS. It is the fifth title in the Custom Robo series. The name was announced on May 9, 2006 at the E3 convention, and released in Japan on October 19, 2006, then later in the United States on March 19, 2007. Later, on May 25, 2007, it became the first Custom Robo title released in Europe, and on September 20, 2007, it also became the first title of the series released in Australia. In the game, the player participates in Custom Robo tournaments and tries to earn money to buy parts to use...
I should look for another copy of that. You can only have one save file, and I want to play it again but not lose all of my robo setups and poses and shit.
@Krazer This.
This this this.
Anyone who owns a DS and hasn't played this is no longer my friend.
@Krazer Ah, I never got to play that. =[
@GnomeSlice Excellent DS game. The iOS version is too easy.
@Krazer I remember reading a lot about it in Nintendo Power.
@fbueckert I have bad news.
@OrigamiRobot Eh. You don't like proper pancakes.
I think your friend member card got revoked months ago.
@fbueckert Proper pancakes are pure buttermilk pancakes. You like heretic pancakes.
@OrigamiRobot Pure pancakes without fruit in them are too dry.
@fbueckert That's why I use more syrup than is safe for human consumption. Good thing I'm a robot.
@GnomeSlice It has one of the best uses of the touch screen for the DS
@Krazer How so?
XBLADecember 10, 2008 |genre=Puzzle |modes=Single player, Multiplayer |ratings= |platforms = Nintendo DS, Mobile Phone, Xbox 360 (XBLA) |media=Nintendo DS Game Card |requirements= |input=Buttons, touch screen }} is an action puzzle video game for the Nintendo DS portable gaming system. The name of the game comes from the English word meteor, transliterated to "meteo". The game was developed by Q Entertainment and published by Nintendo and Bandai. The game's producer was Tetsuya Mizuguchi and game designer, Masahiro Sakurai. It was released in Japan on March 10, 2005. The North American re...
|genre=Platforming |modes=Single-player |ratings= }} Wario: Master of Disguise, known in Japan as , is a platforming video game developed by Suzak, and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console. The game was released on January 18, 2007 in Japan, and was released on March 5 in North America. The game's Japanese title refers to the fact that he has seven "forms" (other than his normal "Thief" form). It is the first Wario platform game since Wario World, released in 2003. Gameplay The player maneuvers Wario with either the directional-pad or the A, B, X and Y ...
Funny thing about that Wario game is that a lot of critics didn't like it, but it's one of the few games I've gone back and played again 6 or 7 times.
|genre=Role-playing |modes=Single-player, multiplayer |ratings= |platforms=Nintendo DS |media=Nintendo DS Game Card }} is a role-playing video game developed by Grasshopper Manufacture for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It was published by Marvelous Entertainment in Japan on March 30, 2006, by Atlus in North America on October 19, 2006, and by Rising Star Games in Australasia and Europe on January 25, 2007 and February 6, 2007 respectively. Plot The story begins with a scientist known as the Professor flying through space, fleeing from a mysterious enemy known only as the "CosmoN...
Anyone else here played Contact?
@Krazer You maybe?
Hotel Dusk: Room 215, released in Japan as , is a graphic adventure game for the Nintendo DS. Originally announced on October 5, 2005 as Wish Room, the game made its first public appearance on May 9, 2006 at that year's E3 convention. It was released in North America on January 22, 2007, before being released subsequently in other regions. The game supports the Nintendo DS Rumble Pak accessory. The game was later republished in 2008 as part of the Touch! Generations line of DS games. The game was developed by the now-defunct Cing. Gameplay The player, as Kyle Hyde, moves around and inte...
@OrigamiRobot You equip pins in this game that give you powers, each power is tied to a tough function like tap, swipe, even the mic
@OrigamiRobot I found the pacing to be a bit boring and forgettable, the presentation was nice
Lost in Blue is a Nintendo DS video game which is a continuation of Konami's Survival Kids series. Lost in Blue makes extensive use of the system's touchscreen and microphone features as two young teenagers, Keith and Skye, struggle for survival in a deserted island. The player will have to learn to use the island's natural resources to create a makeshift home away from home. The sequel, Lost in Blue 2, was released two years later. A third installment of the series, Lost in Blue 3, was released on December 20, 2007 in Japan. Due to an undershipment, the game was difficult to find in the ...
@Krazer I just remember it making good use of various features of the DS.
Okay, first games I'm getting: Advance Wars: Dual Strike, and Spirit Tracks
@SaintWacko Spirit Tracks is no good IMO
Neither is Phantom Hourglass
I think I have that one
The pirate one, right?
@SaintWacko Yes.
They're Zelda games; I quite enjoyed them.
@fbueckert I liked Phantom Hourglass
I'm going to have to at least try Spirit Tracks
I found them both to be horrible.
Never even finished them.
@GnomeSlice I found it to be okay, nice effort but sloppy execution. I found it to be a bit mundane, and repetitive. It tries to be Earthbound, but it doesn't quite hit the mark.
Okay, should I start with Spirit Tracks, Dual Strike, Black/White, or FFIV?
@Krazer Yeah, it's good, but very repetative.
@SaintWacko If you haven't played FFIV, you're missing a classic.
@ThomasMcDonald You trying to sneak onto the server before it's up?
@Fluttershy Let me know if you want DS stuff as well, I can send you a separate list of that :)
@SaintWacko Spirit Tracks is like PH in the sense that tehy are both pretty repetitive.
@AshleyNunn In the worst way.
Also, Mario Kart DS. Easily the best Mario Kart game.
Also, I'm fucking amazing at it.
It's like Skydrift.
@GnomeSlice Yes, but not on an emulator
@OrigamiRobot Very much so.
I only lost to people with hacked cartridges.
The fun of Mario Kart is multiplayer
|genre = Turn-based tactics |modes = Single playerMultiplayer |ratings = |platforms = Nintendo DS |media = Nintendo DS Game Card |requirements = |input = Face and shoulder buttons, touchscreen }} Advance Wars: Dual Strike, known in Japan as , is a turn-based tactics video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld game console. It is the third installment in the Advance Wars series (first on DS media) and was released in Japan on June 23, 2005, in North America on August 22, 2005, in Europe on September 30, 2005, and in Australia on March...

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