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Except when I do it.
@GnomeSlice I've never been interested in competitive MP
except in Halo, that's fun
@SaintWacko With the bonus edition of the game you could play as an Akrid in a small team, against a larger team of humans.
Damnit, Chat, I am not spamming!
Y'know what game I miss? Chromehounds...
@GnomeSlice Whoa
It's making me wait 5 seconds between messages -.-
What's even better is that sometimes you'd get the LARGER versions of the akrid...
Like the giant fucking four legged thing with the spiky ass thing.
And the rolling akrid, and the scorpion things.
Lots of fun.
@GnomeSlice Can the humans use the grapple/shotgun combo on you?
I love that combo
@SaintWacko Yeah, I think so, but you can shake them off.
Hang on a sec
@GnomeSlice So LP2 is good?
@SaintWacko Yeah, it's fun. Got some awesome new gear, an upgrades system (sort of), and awesome environments.
@GnomeSlice I'll have to find it on sale
Does the PC version work with a controller?
I can't find a clip where someone is playing the akrid.
@GnomeSlice at work
But the akrid in that clip is being played by someone.
@GnomeSlice Indeed.
Only problem with the akrid is that they're really hard to maneuver.
But you can fuck up a VS pretty quick with any of them.
@SaintWacko also you get to play as a bunch of different people.
There's this one female type you can use online that has these two long hair things, and if you spin in a circle really fast the wonky physics make her hair stretch out really long.
I have downloaded a copy of Microsoft Excel, to fulfil the prerequisites for EVE Online
@kalina Good choice
@OrigamiRobot I saw spugsley had started playing, it's fine that I am so easily replaced
@kalina Also download Evemon and EFT
I don't wanna
@kalina Trust me, they're incredibly useful
I played EVE for a couple years
@MichelAyres No sir.
any game that requires me to download/run multiple other applications is not worth my time...
I never had to do it with WoW!
@kalina :P
@kalina Add-ons count, I believe.
You don't have to have them running during the game, they're just for testing builds and planning skill training
@fbueckert I was referring more to simcraft etc
There's also a useful Android application sorta like Evemon
Also, you're making me want to start playing EVE again :(
I want to play Lost Planet 2 again now. And I can't, because school. =[
Also, LP2 has the best graphics I've ever seen in a game.
@GnomeSlice As much as I don't like his attitude, it is a valid answer that answers the underlying reason.
@GnomeSlice upvoted
Good answers can provide alternate solutions, beyond just the base question.
@fbueckert It tries, yes, but what I'm getting out of it is 'if someone is better than you, just accept it and get better'.
It needs to be cleaned up, at least.
I don't think it should be DELETED.
@GnomeSlice So clean it up. I just tore out the cruft.
@fbueckert You're asking me to clean up a post. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha.
@GnomeSlice If you feel so strongly about a post, fix it.
@kalina DON'T MIND IF I DO
I wish you could reply/ping people in caps.
I don't find internet people attractive but if I did, your whining would make you less attractive
Maybe you should think about that!
@kalina Well, since I know her IRL, you never had a chance. She is a lot more fun to make fun of.
@kalina I do. Every day. I'm lonely.
@OrigamiRobot It's fine, I can handle rejection.
@GnomeSlice Except the second to last level is in the middle of blizzard.
@Ullallulloo Right, whatever.
@kalina Hey, credit where credit is due. He can't cast delete votes, so he's doing his best to fix it anyway.
@GnomeSlice everybody can flag
So has anyone mentioned that Valve is doing the steam box for reals? (according to RPS)
You shouldn't have rejected it.
@GnomeSlice You can't fix an "answer" like that.
Reject is the correct course of action
It is "not an answer"
giving people rep for changing capital letters to lower case on a post that is going to be deleted is wrong
@RedRiderX Awesome, is this like a Steam console?
@GnomeSlice Pretty much.
@kalina If they're trying to help, what's the harm in giving them the reps.
@GnomeSlice Steam + Big Picture Mode + Controller
@GnomeSlice because rejecting with a reason telling them they're wrong IS helpful.
@OrigamiRobot old....
@kalina I suppose.
@GnomeSlice Part of trying to help is educating new users on what is and isn't acceptable.
@OrigamiRobot grumble 10k grumble
@RedRiderX That is an extremely tiny box
@OrigamiRobot Wait, what, she has more rep than me?
@kalina is now blog-famous.
Editing what clearly will be deleted is not kosher.
@GnomeSlice Now, stop this madness, you've put me in a situation where @fbueckert and I agree with each other.
I don't gain rep any more. =[
@GnomeSlice Slacker
@kalina That's terrible, okay.
@OrigamiRobot Not for lack of trying.
@TimStone boooo
@kalina Over 1 year old in fact.
@TimStone I mean, representing Arqade! Wooo!
@TimStone Where's my our soundcloud onebox
@TimStone Even though none of you wanted me to post that many questions and answers
@GnomeSlice Over there! runs
@TimStone Wait, for real?
@BenBrocka Yeah, it's supposed to be grapefruit sized or something.
A steam console would be awesome.
...Unless I had to re-download all of my shit high quality merchandise.
@GnomeSlice you would, sorry for you
@GnomeSlice No
@OrigamiRobot What, why? I could play my Steam games from the comfort of my living room.
@kalina =[
@OrigamiRobot shield your eyes, there's a lot of ports here.
@GnomeSlice Because then all Steam games would be designed for a specific set of hardware.
Aarthi Devanathan on January 08, 2013

So. We’ve torn through the advent calendar, tossed aside all the wrapping paper, and (hopefully) obsessively screencapped our gravatars wearing various kinds of silly hats. As of last Friday, Winter Bash 2012 is officially over!

This event was awesome. We had a total of 46,710 users participating across 76 sites, and we gave away 108,924 hats total. The most common hat was the And I Feel Fine hat, which 23,171 users earned for activity on December 21st. The least common hat earned was I Do Say, which was obtained by Bohemian, on Stack Overflow, and kalina, on Arqade for posting an epic 30 …

woo \o/ fame
@OrigamiRobot I don't think that's what this is doing. It just means that everyone with the Steam box will have the same hardware.
@OrigamiRobot A specific set of underpowered hardware in this case
Unless of course they've made the most advanced CPU and graphics card of all time which generate almost zero heat
@GnomeSlice Think about it for a second.
@OrigamiRobot I have... just because the Steam box exists doesn't mean games will all be designed for it in the future (although some of them probably will be). It might mean that some games will offer a specific graphics setting optimized for the Steam Box, which would be excellent.
professor layton chocolate FTW
I knew that 30 upvoted questions hat was worth getting
also let's all slip into something a little more comfortable (cc @AshleyNunn why can't I ping you omg)
@kalina Are you the only one who got it?
@GnomeSlice there were three of us on the whole of stack exchange
@kalina Ooo, can I have your autograph?
@GnomeSlice no, you'd publish it on the internet and/or try and steal all my monies
God, I hate Hat Dash.
@GnomeSlice plus my signature is readable, so it would be like telling you my real name
@kalina No. =[
@agent86 I raise you some expensive Ghibli Zippos.
@kalina A signature of your screen name is acceptable.
and while I think you are awesomely funny at times, you are not going to be the first person on the internet to find that out!
by funny, I mean to laugh at
@kalina Figures.
At least that's something, right.
@kalina That honor is reserved for @fbueckert
@OrigamiRobot never
Fuck, I just failed the Paypal survey.
I don't know where you got this thing of me and @fbueckert having something between us
As soon as I selected 'not working' I got 'that's all the questions we have for today'.
You two are so cute together.
for a start, he's not my type
So much for entering to win $1,000
@kalina Neither do I.
and you know, I feel he thinks the same
@kalina You smoke pot. Very much not my type.
that is so shallow
> Works of testimony and opinion, and artistic works, don't have to be free as in the four freedoms, but their users should have more freedom than now. I think people should be free to share them (noncommercial redistribution of exact copies), and to remix them. [...] I use CC-ND for my statements of my views, including this one. -RMS
@kalina Welcome to the internet!
@fbueckert Hey, that's a skill. Pot is hard to smoke.
Then again, I've only tried it once. And I almost died.
@GnomeSlice I wouldn't know.
And it didn't get me laid.
Such is life.
I'm a very straight arrow.
@fbueckert I don't even drink.
OrigamiRobot becomes the first robot to become permanently stoned and drunk
@kalina I can't wait for hometime. I can't believe I've only been at work 2.5 hours
This day is going by far too slowly
@fbueckert tautologically*
@fbueckert second*
@OrigamiRobot Can someone explain this word to me, I can't focus enough to figure out what it means every time I look it up.
And I'm supposed to have a wide vocabulary and I hate not knowing words.
@GnomeSlice Well, a tautology is sort of a self-referential definition
I'm not quite sure how @OrigamiRobot is intending it in that case, though...
Okay, then, I don't get what he means with it there.
I thought that's what it meant...
@GnomeSlice Yeah, neither do I
Okay, good.
Best word: Floccinaucinihilipilification!
Also, I can't access Crawl :(
brb, restarting
@SaintWacko It's not even the longest, you stink.
@SaintWacko "OrigamiRobot becomes the first robot to become [...]"
It's not a traditional rhetorical tautology but that's the best I can make of it.
New IndieGameStand deal - Rico: A Tale of Two Brothers
@GraceNote By the way, I've been meaning to ask you; are you familiar with War of the Human Tanks?
Seems like it might be your kind of thing. But maybe that's just because of the art.
Ooh, Pokémon X & Y and then presumably Z, like axises in 3D which it is now.
In which case I apologize if it isn't.
@GnomeSlice Nope, not familiar, but thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Also, simultaneous international releases!
@GraceNote All of the reviews I've read about it have been extremely positive. Was just wondering if you had played it. No problem! ^^
@GraceNote Oh, I see. I was thinking rhetorical tautology
@Ullallulloo @OrigamiRobot We made it past that part in Conclave! Woo!
@Fluttershy Yay!
@SaintWacko It's not really a logical tautology either.
Can someone download Pixel Window for me and send it to me via dropbox or something? It's tiny.
Since reinstalling my laptop, not a single Adobe Air download will work.
And I can't figure out why.
@GraceNote Yeah, but I think that's the closest we'll get to making sense of @fbueckert's remark :P
Well, that's depressing. They seem to have done something here that makes it so I can't connect to webtiles :(
TOME looks nice. Any roguelike fans have an opinion to offer on it?
@Ullallulloo That's what I suspect too. Though gen v didn't have any "third" games, they had the weird version 2 thing
@RonanForman Did everything work okay? I've launched the server in a screen session.
some mates came down to have a look at a couple of problem sheets
@SaintWacko That way lies madness.
@fbueckert I'm sure I've said this before, but I don't go around telling people who drink alcohol that they're disgusting, smell, destroying their liver and act like complete retards under the influence
Don't see why people classify weed as worse than alcohol, alcohol is proven to be far more dangerous
@kalina I don't; I drink. But my experience has shown that people who smoke weed, since it's illegal, tends to be the rougher crowd.
I heard a rumor that the "Piston" isn't going to be the only Steam Box.
That, and they also tend to be barely functional idiots, so I stay the hell away.
@fbueckert tbh, people who smoke just weed are generally lazier, rather than rougher
@fbueckert This is not true of a great number of people who smoke weed.
@kalina I would like to point out the massive population of native americans in Winnipeg.
A lot of people use it to relax.
So, that tends to reinforce the double stereotype.
@fbueckert I'd like to point out how the same massive population react to alcohol
@kalina That's a good point.
I'd like to point out this kitten
I've smoked pot and I've been drunk. I definitely feel more productive on the former. I'm not advocating either one, and I'm not talking crap about either one, just felt like pointing it out. Both are fine in moderation, and pot should be legalized. My issue is with people who advertise regularly.
@kalina Fascinating kittens, there
@SaintWacko He looks so saaaaad!
@SaintWacko what*ever*
Hmm. I don't have a response to that. I'm not a fan of mind-altering drugs in general, but I drink, so that's sort of hypocritical of me.
@fbueckert I'm in exactly the same boat
@fbueckert It's been my experience that Marijuana is the least destructive of drugs that people use recreationally. Including booze and caffeine.
@Fluttershy don't take this mini discussion as advertisement, it was in response to somebody else
@fbueckert tbh, alcohol has more of a mind altering effect
but, nicotine is far more dangerous to everybody
@kalina Hence why it would be hypocritical of me to just go, "Mind altering substances are bad!"
@kalina Oh, I know. I just felt the need to clarify due to my poor manner of expressing past advertisement annoyance. <_< So... Yeah... I QUIT SMOKING!
@Fluttershy Grats!
That's definitely something to be proud of.
@Fluttershy Yay!
@Fluttershy WOOHOO!
@Fluttershy ah well if you quit smoking then people talking about smoking is not nice at all
@fbueckert The fact that it's illegal is kind of a good reason not to do it though.
@Fluttershy Congratulations dude, that's awesome!
@Ullallulloo it's not universally illegal
and if you look at the history
I see it's rehab day in The Bridge again
it's America's lack of education that made it illegal
@Ullallulloo It's becoming less and less illegal
@kalina I'm not too worried about people talking about smoking. Hell, people can still smoke around me. I just no longer feel the need to join.
and America's "do everything I say" attitude that made it illegal everywhere else
@kalina Yeah, but it is where @fbu and I live.
@Ullallulloo That's a strawman, at best.
@Ullallulloo in Canada?
It nearly wasn't, it would have passed if America hadn't threatened to close trade relations
another example of how the majority of American politicians need to drop dead
@kalina Yeah. =[
Oh wow! It's been almost two months since my last cigarette. <_< I did not realize how quickly time was flying.

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