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Have no fear everyone, I am finally home and able to play Diablo again.
Q: Does Torturous Grounds prevent Cull the Weak

PyrodanteCull the Weak increased damaged on slowed enemies, but Torturous Grounds causes the first two seconds of Caltrops to be an immobilize effect. Does this override the slow for the first two seconds and thus not grant the extra damage?

@TimStone My friend, you are not in the google doc!
Who has time for documents when there's questing going on?!
But, true, one moment.
Remedied, for Great Justice
I shall have to hunt you in game once I finish writing emails and graduation thank you notes.
Level 20!
Anyone wanna take a Diablo 3 break and play Catan with me and @FAE?
@StrixVaria in Vault of the Assassin, I've found a Vampiric Fire Chain, Mortar Horde, and Shield Horde
@IanPugsley :(
I'm still pretty sure Frozen Arcane is the most bullshitty.
@StrixVaria I have died as many times here as I have in all of NM, probably
oh wait yeah, I forgot shield arcane
also in this zone
Frozen Waller Arcane Mortar.
That's what Inferno will be.
@Fluttershy waves both hands
@Fluttershy I will, if y'all are still looking for more
@RavenDreamer We have room for you to join. Give me a couple of minutes to get the game made.
@Fluttershy Oho.
@RavenDreamer @FAE @AshleyNunn Game is up. password is gamingse
Trying to get in. Java is crap out on me.
are we mumbling for this?
I'm willing if you are.
@RavenDreamer You're always willing..
Not sure if mics work on my laptop, though.
Q: Does the damage bonus from Disruption affect itself?

ShinraiMy Disruption rune says "Targets hit by Arcane Torrent become Disrupted for 6 seconds, causing them to take 15% additional damage from any attacks that deal Arcane damage." Does this bonus include subsequent hits of Arcane Torrent? I find this skill very impractical to use unless I'm in a spot...

@OrigamiRobot I can't talk! I'm only on to listen! =P
Okay, I'm in.
Once everyone hits Start, it should go. =P
... I feel like the king of accidental innuendo tonight.
I hit start
I just got a skill called "overpenetration"
I find that hilarious bahahaha
@spugsley ow
@FAE I know, right!
@spugsley I'm keying up, I'm assuming you guys can't hear me...
@FAE So I hear you can publish blog articles.
@bwarner Sup
@FAE nopes
it would be the girls who say ow in response to that.
that makes sense.
I think my article on the Diablo 3 auction house is ready to go.
@Mana Some guys might also.
@spugsley That sounds like less fun and more pain
@bwarner that's true
hm. do I not have mumble on my laptop?
@FAE Do you think you could get it push that out for me?
@bwarner Shall give it a once over first, though I think I saw in backlog people apparently have checked it out? When would you like it out?
@FAE Yep, definitely look it over, I tweaked a few thing tonight. Its kind of timely so the sooner it goes out the better, I don't know if we normally do it at the same time of day or what.
@bwarner Usually do it circa noon UTC but I can push tonight if it's timely
@bwarner I did mean min level, and that works out to substantially more than the amounts that NickT was talking about. (Not sure if the reply I typed to this earlier sent, was on a bad connection using bad mobile chat, etc.)
Crap. @FAE @Fluttershy @AshleyNunn omw back in
@RavenDreamer No worries.
@RavenDreamer It shows you as back in on my screen
@bwarner Do you have a banner image or something you can put at the beginning?
Does that work? Its from the official auction house page.
@FAE I can't find the gaming blog room to unfreeze it.
@RavenDreamer It's... not letting me enter it...
can you get there from there?

 Gaming Blog Editor room

Wherein we leverage the leak power from our lazers to do this ...
I melted it.
Also, where is the mumble info?
@FAE Either way is fine with me.
OMG I HATE SKYRIM FOLLOWER QUESTIONS!!!! gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/67472/…
A: How can I change the installation directory to drive A?

zacstrong text Cats in a MICROWAVE*emphasized text*Cats in a microwave

@OrigamiRobot Don't try to understand it. Just burn it out of it's misery.
Q: Swiching Servers

LaToToI swiched for Euro server to US server last night, and I think this made me lose my character. If I was to change back to Euro server whould I get my character back. Or is there anyway to get my character back?

Q: What can I do to get my follower because I killed him and now i cant get a follower. What do I do?

billlololololololol_trollSo I need my follower to get ebony mail and followers help but a had to kill some dudes and he was wearing the same stuff and he was the same race so i accidentally killed him so now it's glitched and I can't get a follower. And if you need to know he is a companian like the warewolf dudes so if ...

Q: How can I farm Ultima?

Ben BrockaIn FF VIII I want some more Ultima magic for Junctions but I've already killed Ultima Weapon. I know he (and Omega Weapon) are great places to Draw Ultima from, but neither is readily available. I'm on Disc 3 with the Ragnork, most Subquests completed. Pretty sure I've claimed all the one-shot Ul...

Q: Why can I equip a sword as a demon hunter in Diablo 3 if I can't use it?

hopping_cowsI'm confused about my demon hunter character. I can equip non-ranged weapons, but it doesn't seem like it can use them because the LMB and RMB are bound to ranged attacks. What am I missing?

I found the story for D3 pretty disappointing. I'm not really demanding much. I just thought D2 was a lot better in that regard
@Sterno I was a bit disappointed with what they did with Leah's character D:
Q: How can I put gold in my stash?

spugsleyIn Diablo 2, I always kept a fair amount of gold in my stash as a way of saving for expensive items. It was gold that I wouldn't touch because it wasn't freely spent from my inventory. In Diablo 3, can I put gold in my stash? If so, how? Do any of the stash upgrades include a way to save gold?

Q: How can I determine the quality of a socketed gem?

OrigamiRobotSince learning that unsocketing destroys neither the gem nor the item, I have been socketing like it's my job. Unfortunately, now I don't remember which quality gem went in which item. I'd rather not spend 420 gold just to learn I can't yet upgrade the gem. Is there any way I can tell which qua...

Q: Where is the gambler?

spugsleyDiablo 2 had a gambler where you could purchase items before knowing what magical properties they'll have. I'm about halfway through Diablo 3 and have yet to stumble upon a gambler. Has anyone found him? If so, where is he?

Q: Will a higher level Staff of Herding open the lower difficulty Wimsyshire?

KexloxSo I know that there are multiple levels of the Staff of Herding, and they get significantly more expensive as you go up in difficulties. I play with a lot of people who have varying amounts of time to play, and will be at vastly different levels. I'd like to be able to go into the unicorn leve...

Q: Can Frost Nova with Shatter result in more than two Frost Novas?

Ian PugsleyThe Frost Nova ability freezes all enemies around the Wizard for 3 seconds. Shatter reads: A frozen enemy that is killed has a 50% chance of releasing another Frost Nova. If a second Frost Nova occurs, does that instance also have Shatter? That is, if I kill an enemy that was (only) hit by ...

The ending was bit abrupt imo too
@bwarner Throw your banner in and I'll push it out
@AshleyNunn Ashleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
@FAE Innuendo everywhere!
@Fluttershy ahaha, didn't even mean that one
54 mins ago, by bwarner
@FAE Do you think you could get it push that out for me?
Even more ambiguous!
Would anyone want to get in Catan and help us finish this game?
@RavenDreamer I haven't played Catan before, but I'll give it a try... I need a break from Diablo
@Krazer We're looking to substitute in for someone who dropped, throwing you in in the middle of the game would probably be kind of confusing :/
@FAE Alright. Another time then~ o/
@FAE @Fluttershy @Raven sorry, internet died
@AshleyNunn Welcome back!
Like epicly so
@FAE THanks :D
@AshleyNunn You on your way back in?
@Fluttershy Working on it. Things are a touch slow
@AshleyNunn Well, your seat is still open. =P
@Fluttershy :D
@bwarner It's scheduled to roll out in 5ish hours (I think... can't remember what timezone the blog's on...). You have until then to throw your banner in if you want to.
Q: romanceing liara in mass effect 3

riceroni-JabroniI romanced liara in ME1 and the lair of the shadow broker during mass effect 2, what would happen if I romanced someone else after LotSB but still in ME2 in terms of ME3?

Q: Can I link merchant items in chat?

RachelI tried to shift-click an item a merchant was selling in chat to a friend, however it doesn't work. Is there something special I need to do to link a merchant's item in chat, or is that not possible unless I buy the item?

Q: Is there any way to see other player's minion hp bars?

RachelI'm playing a Monk and my boyfriend is a Witch Doctor, and I was wondering if there is any way to see his minions hp bars so I can heal them if needed. I can see my own minion hp next to my portrait, and I can turn on player health bars, but I don't see an option to turn on player pet hp bars. I...

Yeaaaah, Catan is not working :(
@AshleyNunn arrrrrrgh
Sock puppet exited normally. Can you get in now?
@FAE yeaaaaah
@RavenDreamer Nope. Game still shows up as full and in progress
Yeah, it was like that when I joined with the sock puppet. But the thing is, you can still click "join" and enter the password
Are you trying that and it's still not letting you in?
@RavenDreamer yup
It wont even let me click the game
I have closed and reopened the window 3 times now
something is well and truly broken
sorry :(
@AshleyNunn We're gonna try one more hot fix. Error 37.
@AshleyNunn You select the game, press Join, what happens?
@RavenDreamer I cant even do that
that option is greyed out
Select or Join?
I see...
Okay, stand by.
@AshleyNunn Try now? =\
cross finger
No option to join or start
Tonight can go fall in a fire.
@AshleyNunn arrrrrrrrgh
@FAE Yeah, I am incredibly frustrated
I also apparently have a dead phone
so thats yay
sorry, guys
@AshleyNunn Try logging in/out one more time. Can you at least see an empty spot in the game again?
@RavenDreamer Still shows full game, no join or start option
I logged out, closed he browser, the whole works
nothing changed on login
I think the disconnect bugged you out :/
@AshleyNunn What's the name on the fourth player? O.o
@Fluttershy a bunch of gibberish letters
@AshleyNunn Yeah... That's bugged. x_x
@Fluttershy Oh, hoorah
sanother dsay then
@RavenDreamer yes for sure
Q: Is there any kind of practice dummy somewhere that I can test skills on?

RachelSome games have practice dummies (or suitable alternatives) that players can test skills or dps on. Is there anything similar in Diablo III that I can hit repeatedly without killing to test skills and/or dps on?

Q: What is error 3007?

StephenI have been thrown out of my game and shortly after error 3007 appears and I have to reconnect in order to continue. In solo this is beyond annoying because I have to restart whatever I was doing, in multiplayer I can rejoin, sometimes fast enough that my partner doesn't know I've left. I saw B...

Note to Self: Do not confuse "Anthropomorphic" and "Anthropocentric".
@RavenDreamer Teehee
@RavenDreamer It makes for some interesting Google results.
@lessPopMoreFizz Are you playing a wizard? I just unlocked Hydra. I think Hydra is kickass. Do you think it's kickass?
@RavenDreamer not yet. Asking for a friend.
@FAE It should be there now
Q: Are Demon Hunter pets valid targets?

PyrodanteMy spider I have from being a Demon Hunter does not have a life bar. Can they be targeted, killed, status effected etc.? Or are they just a dot on wheels?

Q: Does the Wizard Talent Conflagration work with weapons with +Fire Damage?

LessPop_MoreFizzThe Wizard Passive skill Conflagration causes enemies hit by fire damage to take increased damage: Fire damage dealt to enemies applies a burning effect, increasing all damage done to them by 10% for 3 seconds. Can attacks from spells that don't normally do Fire Damage trigger this effect i...

Q: Which Monk spirit-generator skills generates spirit the fastest?

RachelIn what order does the Monk's spirit-generating skills generate spirit the fastest? Both with and without all runes unlocked? I know that all 4 skills consist of 3 hit-combos by default, and that Fists of Thunder has the fastest attack speed, so generates the most spirit of the four without any ...

Q: What hints are we given about the events that happen after Act 3?

spugsleyAt the end of Act 3: During the game, there are many books and journals that give subsequent information to the plot. Some of these are from Deckard Cain. Are we given any hints about what's going to happen either through his writings or elsewhere in the game?

@bwarner Think I'm going to throw it above the text, if that's all right, then I can push it now.
Mmm, actually, I think I'll keep it for tomorrow, as it's kind of late now
@Fluttershy I have no idea what that is
@AshleyNunn Toonami was a 2 hour block on Cartoon Network that started at 3pm and played Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, DragonBall Z, and Gundam Wing. (They swapped out shows occasionally.) It was awesome.
@Fluttershy That does sound awesome. I never got Cartoon Network :(
Silly Canadia and their weird TV
Q: Where can I find Officer Dellk?

Doozer BlakeOn the Citadel, on the Citadel Embassies level, there is a listing on the map for an Officer Dellk. I've looked around the area marked 4 (Embassy Offices), and the entire level and haven't found anyone else to interact with by this name. Is the character there to talk to? What species are they? A...

Q: Can you buy and sell health potions in the Auction House?

Eric GustavsonDiablo 3 Auction House: title says it all. I haven't been able to find a way to get a bunch of potions (other than merchants).

Q: Why are inventory items occasionally highlighted?

Ian PugsleyWhy is it that items in my inventory are occasionally highlighted as shown below? This happens for items of any rarity, as far as I can tell. What does it mean?

@AshleyNunn If it makes you feel any better, I never got it either as my family did not have cable tv at the time.
welp, I'm off to read comics and go to sleep - night all
I just opened Mass Effect 3 thinking it was Diablo...
@spugsley Goodnight, Miss!
G'night @Ian and @spugsley!
@FAE Bonks You should be in bed.
@RavenDreamer I should
Alternative: hooked up to an IV of caffeine. Like me!
@Lazers Yay! More error questions......
Q: Error #543523 plz halp

Nick TDiablo III cleverly lessens the blow of blatant problems by providing users with an official error code and a brief summary of it (though it's oft non-descriptive). Seeing as there are over 300,000 errors, are questions of the form: "What is Error ###?" useful? What is Error 37? What does erro...

@NickT I can't really think of a solution.
I just recognize it as a problem.
Q: Can't get group without Destroyer's End achievement, advice

imaginativeI am not in a raiding guild but have achieved an ilvl of 390 on my rogue. I would like to do Dragon Soul runs outside of LFR to get higher ilvl gear. The problem is, no one will take a toon without the Destroyer's End achievement. What are some things I can do to get through a normal DS run to ge...

Q: Error #300001 plz halp

Nick TDiablo III cleverly lessens the blow of blatant problems by providing users with an official error code and a brief summary of it (though it's oft non-descriptive). Seeing as there are over 300,000 errors, are questions of the form: "What is Error ###?" useful? What is Error 37? What does erro...

@OrigamiRobot yeah
because there could be an error that is your fault, e.g. your firewall is configured all wrong
@NickT Such is the problem with a lot of
but then for a given game, (Diablo III) they could all be rolled up into one with an answer pointing to us.battle.net/support/en/article/…
@Fluttershy @OrigamiRobot My Steam is completely freaking out and crashing, need to restart it
@FAE I'll be around. =P
@FAE It's a sign.
296 more rep!
@OrigamiRobot I need a lot more.
Someone give me a bounty! Kill 2 birds with one stone.
Q: How does the Prism rune for Diamond Skin interact with spells that have a continious cost?

hkfDiamond Skin (Prism) Ray of Frost If you had Diamond Skin active with Prism, how does that affect the upkeep cost of channelling Ray of Frost?

G'night Bridge
I'm out too! Yay for work in 5 hours!
Things I cannot do:
Beat Belial while lagging.
1 hour later…
Q: How does the "spell combo" technique work?

sarmackieSometimes enemy great mages cast spells that trigger quite devastating "spell combo" effects having AoE impact. How this "spell combo" mechanic work and how to trigger it? Is there a list of spells that when cast one after another may lead into a combo? Or is it depending on unit that is targeted...

@Lazers you still play Age of Empires?
@ShyamK area of effect
@MarkTrapp lol silly me..
Morning everyone.
Have a question about activating D3.
Q: Does Wimsyshire have a boss?

BlemDoes Wimsyshire(the secret map) have a boss like the Secret Cow level in Diablo 2 has the Cow King?

If I have got a key and activated it, then I got: REGION: The Americas
But I'm in Europe myself.
@Eugene Just change it in the options menu in game
@Fabian it gave me error on authentication step during sign in
@Fabian if I change back to America, then I can't find any servers.
@Eugene Just try again, the servers were probably busy or offline
Hmm, log into battle.net and check if you see Diablo III on your account
Diablo 3 starter edition?
That must be the pass Agent gave you
@badp what about it?
It could very well be it's region-locked
just like the diablo beta was
It seems to me, that guest passes are somehow linked to the owner, and therefore to America with this key. So when I change region to America, I can sign in and when I change back to Europe, then authentication step woun't go throu.
That sounds unnecessarily complex
Darn. Did hope to try out the game.
well you can play normally on the US zone
I didn't have any problem during the beta
The assets between the game client and server do not match. So no, I can't.
Sounds like a bug you want to report to Blizzard then
Contact Support about it
> You’re either not allowed to view this thread or it doesn’t exist.
@badp maybe again due to region issue?
naaaaaaaaaaaah. I'm just not part of Blizzard Support
Ou. Well I thought, that tickets are public. But maybe later.
Q: How to transfer diablo 3 saved game progress

AlexIs there any way I can transfer my current progress in game from one PC to another. During day I am playing on my office computer and in the evening on my personal computer at home? Any ideea where the save files are located or how this works? Thanks in advance

Q: Hidden properties of skills?

OakPlaying with my Demon Hunter a bit, it seems like a lot of skills have hidden properties which are not mentioned in the skill description (even in the expanded one). For instance, Hungering Arrow ricochets off walls and obstacles back towards a monster, in practice giving it a higher damage. Eva...

dum de dum
claps twice entertain me! Schnell!
It is over 5000!
Time to approve or reject tag wiki edits!
Q: What is the use of Magnifying staffs ability?

pootzkoI did not complete the main story yet, but I have the detective robe due to the DLC. With that robe comes the Magnifying staff, and its ability is to zoom-in into a certain area. What is the use of this ability?

@blem suggesting flash games while I'm on my mobile? I'm faiirly certain that has to be a bannable offense! starts perusing the handbook
Seems like D2 didn't have so many errors and so often after release.
um, were you wearing any pants as you suggested that flash game?
@badp Yes, i'm at work
texan half-pants also count if used as a primary source of pants
@badp I work one of thous places where you have to have nice pants and a shirt on, tie is optional
are you saying the texan half-pants aren't nice?
@spugsley would look fine in them.
I have to get a suit, they want us to suit up if we go visit a customer :/
you seem to be dodging the topic! Later
Where do you work @Blem?
@Blem half life suit?
oh, that makes sense. Ammonia-breathing customers are customers too!
oh, that makes sense. Ammonia-breathing customers are customers too!
I think it's now clear Blem is actually the gman
@ShyamK I wish
@badp I work for a private company working on a project for the state and they want me to suit up... so close
Lunch time!
@Blem okey
Q: Whirlwind damage

FrançoisI am trying to understand how whirlwind works exactly, because the guide explanation is quite obscure... "Deliver multiple attacks to everything in your path for 110% weapon damage". Here are my questions: 1) each attack does 110% weapon damage, but what is the attack frequency? 2) does it deli...

David Jone, Australia
spam...of sorts?
yeh, 4 months... no questions on any of the sites he's on.
he's really spamming it up
Q: How do I get rid of error 3014?

AubergineWhile I'm still on the fence about supporting Diablo 3 with my money, I have no problem supporting it with my brother's money. Since he's away from his machine quite a bit, he told me to give the game a spin on his account. Since I wanted to avoid downloading the game, I decided I'd fire up the ...

Q: Is there a way to compare your currently equipped items with those in the auction house?

Ryan DetzelI'm not seeing a way to do this which makes it hard to decide if I want to buy something for my characters. Ideally I can see the item and then see what items my characters have of the same type almost like comparing and item in inventory.

Q: How can I see my latency/ping in Diablo III?

FabianIs there any way to display the current latency or ping in the game? I'm seeing some strange behaviour with my skills, sometimes they're not working at all and I'd like to verify that these problems are caused by lag as I suspect. It would also be useful to determine the amount of latency befor...

Q: Way to merge Blizzard battletags?

TZHXI seem to have two different BattleTags on battle.net, one that's used for Diablo 3 and the other that is used for Starcraft II. This is annoying the hell out of my OCD heart, can anyone tell me how I can bring uniformity to my online presence once again?

@Blem maaan blem, stop trying to steal @RavenDreamer's stars
16 hours ago, by Raven Dreamer
haha, it's actually still in the starred list :P
@Wipqozn then i have to look at what is going on over there, i will vote for the chat closing while i sleep to prevent things from happening that i miss
Q: Starting with the theives guild

ValamasI have found the raterun in Riften. I ventures down 3 doors and could not find how to join the thieves guild. I went all the way down to RatRun Warren. Thisis way past the bar where you find the guy who trains in sneak. How do i join the thieves guild?

Q: How do you build Monk to survive Nightmare/Hell/Inferno?

redAs you need a lot of single target damage and health, but also AoE, what attributes have you guys been building to survive reliably in the harder difficulties? I'm thinking going 50%/%50 Dex/Vita. I'm thinking of using Blind, Serenity as my main 'oh shi*' and doing damage with Mangle runed Cripp...

Q: Should I repair my items before I sell them?

OakFound and bought items always start with a full durability, but sometimes I want to sell and item I have already used for a while and is not fully repaired. For maximizing money gained, should I repair the item first, sell it without repairing, or does it yield the same total gold in both cases?

Q: How do I get out of the police car?

k0pernikusI am stuck at the very beginning after the car crash. It is said I should look around and find a way out of the car, but all I see are my handcuffs, a shutgun, and the dead police officer. I have no idea how to interact with my surroundings. How am I supposed to get out of the police car?

@Lazers Should this also be tagged ?
@Blem Yes, and done.
Q: Enchanting the Wuuthrad

Ashwin GaneshIn this link i came across the following statement You can add an enchantment to the Wuuthrad adding to its power. The enchantment will not be listed; it will continue to say, "Especially deadly to elves," it will, however, have the enchantment. Soul trap (for instance) works; the charg...

People will up vote anything, won't they:
A: Does the Wizard Talent Conflagration work with weapons with +Fire Damage?

sjohnstonSkills that state "% weapon damage" will deal the elemental damage from a weapon. Skills that state "% weapon damage as " will not. So the weapon's fire damage would come through with Spectral Blade, but not with Magic Missile or Ray of Frost. Some sources here, here, here.

That doesn't answer the question at all.
Why does this have four close votes?
Q: How long does it take to complete Diablo 3?

Mehper C. PalavuzlarIs there any official or inofficial information about how long it takes to play Diablo 3 to the end? I checked HowLongToBeat.com but there is no entry for the game. I only heard that someone has finished Diablo 3 already in 12 hours and 29 minutes, but I have no idea if it is quick or not.

FRom what I can tell we never reached a decision on completion time questions, and none of other ones have been closed.
Or we did, and the decision was decide on a case by case basis:
Q: How should we handle questions about game completion time?

SternoI've had my eye on this question for a while: How long is Mass Effect 3 on normal difficulty? I didn't think it was a very good question, but I answered it and pointed to HowLongToBeat.com and tried to explain in my answer specifically why a site like this is needed to provide a good answer to t...

@Wipqozn 1) The latter, case by case, yes.
@Wipqozn I thought in the absense of any conclusion, we just fight a close-reopen war for every question of that type, in addition to a 1000+ messages chat transcript for every single one.
2) The question is pretty unanswerable right now. Howlongtobeat has no information because the game came out 3 days ago and he news to chill.
3) Diablo 3 in particular is a... particularly unsuited game for this sort of question. It totally misunderstands the way a diablo game works in many ways.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, I'd agree with that, but then when do we re-open it? In a week? A month?
@Wipqozn See point 3. It isn't a good question for all kinds of other reasons too.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, I'm thinking about point 3.
@Wipqozn How long does it take to complete Nethack.
How long does it take to complete <insert MMORPG>?
I mean, I suppose 'how long does it take to clear normal mode' might be valid, but I still 1) don't like it, and 2) think it's way too soon to ask.
Well, I agree it should be closed as not a real question since "to the end" is rather vague for this type of game. Does he mean how long it takes to beat normal? how long it takes to beat Inferno (including all the earlier difficulties)? How long does it take to reach level 50?
Actually, the more I think about it I agree with you.
Is it just me that don't see Diablo games as games where you just have to kill the boss on the hardest difficulty or get max level? but more like a MMO where you have goals after reaching max/high level
@Blem It's not just you.
Grrrrr... what is this "Steam update" and why has it been stuck at 29% for the last 5 mins?
@YiJiang It wants you to suffer.
Q: How can I increase my monks maxium spirit?

FabianThe base spirit maximum of 150 is pretty low if you actually want to use those spirit-consuming skills frequently. It can happen easily that you don't have enough left when you're trying to use the more expensive skills for 50 or 75 spirit. The only way to increase the maximum spirit I've found ...

@YiJiang Bless you!
Oh goody, it's now 30%
@YiJiang It is getting there
Gah. They're resetting the servers again at 8am
Does Steam have a changelog I can look at?
A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the Steam menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

- Fixed overlay for games using older versions of DirectX
- Fixed startup failure on Windows XP SP1 ("unable to load library steamUI.dll")
Is this suppose to take, at this rate, two hours to complete?
These don't even apply to this computer
@YiJiang I don't know, but here is a picture of a cute kitten to calm you down while you wait
store.steampowered.com/news/?feed=steam_client works sort of like Steam's changelog
@Blem I think I'll load up erkie and shot that kitteh to smithereens
Seriously though, why could Steam be taking so long? At this rate it'll have downloaded and reinstalled every game I have in the library
@Sterno ಠ_ಠ
@StrixVaria grats on finishing NM!
I just got into it and so far it's been really easy
@Sterno Thanks! It was hard.
I wiped on the last boss fight like 10 times.
My barb has 3% life steal, 5 life per hit, 77 life per kill, and a bunch of skills that give back life, so so far it hasn't been bad
reddit.com/r/Games/comments/tsljr/… Oh looky, Bastion will launch without Steam. Wheeeeeee
*points middle finger at Steam*
Q: Diablo 3 multiplayer and quest progress?

Lasse V. KarlsenThere's plenty of questions here on multiplayer and questing, but I can't seem to find any answering this particular question. I just joined my brothers game to give him some items, and afterwards I have to kill Belial again. When resuming my own game, I was back at an earlier point in my quest...

Q: Automatic tree farm reconstruction

JeffreyI'm trying to rebuild by watching this video, the automatic tree farm that he built; which seems to be the most efficient. I'm at a very good point (I think I just miss a block or two): you can find the downloadable world here. But I'm stuck. The automatic farm doesn't work as expected in the vid...

bwarner on May 18, 2012

One of the most heavily discussed features of Blizzard’s eagerly awaited Diablo 3 was its introduction of an auction house to facilitate trading between characters.  The random nature of Diablo’s item generation system quite often left players with an item that would be useful to someone else, but not to them directly.  The auction house promised to replace the confusion and inefficiency of players trying to arrange direct player to player trades through chat channels dominated by ads and spam. …

So I decided to take this opportunity to move my Steam games somewhere else. I did that, launched Steam, and it's back to gawddamn !@#$% updating game client 30% again
Oh no wait, it's now 32%. Is that angels singing outside I hear?
Guys, anyone here from Europe and who could give one guest pass for D3?
Q: Do the parts of exploration achievements for each act reset between logins if you haven't completed them?

staticbeastOn my second time logging in to play (first play-through), on the quest to kill the skeleton king, I decided to also pick up the Act 1 exploration achievements, like A Nice Place to Visit and Thorough Investigation. I discovered that I hadn't received credit for any of the sections of A Nice Pla...

@agent86 gave me a guest pass already, but I feel, that issue I'm currently having is due to the diff. regions.
I am at work atm
Q: How do I save Clementine in the Drug Store myself?

k0pernikusI am in the drug store and Clementine is attacked by a Walker. I stumble down, and try to reach her, yet I am not fast enough and she is saved by someone else instead. Afterwards, there is a notice that Clementine will remember I did not save her. This makes me think it is possible to save her my...

Q: Why have I got low spawn rate for animals and mobs

Neil TroddenIn my server.properties, I have game mode set to 0 (survival), spawn rates set to defaults (1 tick for mobs, 400 ticks for animals) difficulty set to normal and we are harldy seeing any mobs or friendlies. We even have a mob-grinder which is failing to spawn more than 1 mob per-day. This is run...

Q: Does the Blizzard downloader download cross platform files?

Simon WalkerThe downloader downloads both Mac and Windows setup programs, which are both very small (< 3MB) and a lot of generic binary files. Are these binary files cross platform? Can I use my Mac and the Mac downloader to get the setup files, and then install on my Windows PC? I understand the need f...

Q: What are the strengths and weaknesses of each follower?

dpatcheryI've been playing mostly multiplayer so far, so I haven't had much experience with using followers. But now that I started a new character that I will be playing solo, I will surely need a follower to keep my squishy self out of harm's way. This has got me wondering: Which follower should I choos...

Q: Is there a way to tell the Inventory button to stop flashing at me when I pickup new items?

RachelI pick up new items from almost every pack of mobs, so the little Inventory button at the bottom of the screen is almost constantly flashing to tell me I have new items. Is there a way to stop it from flashing when I have new items in my bag? It's very obnoxious

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