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why are people downvoting my question? :( It's a good question....and it's not a duplicate.
@spugsley This sames WAY too general reference.
@spugsley It was a duplicate, but the first person deleted their question after getting a bunch of downvotes for the same reason.
@spugsley I would maybe change the focus on asking when they start dropping.
I like that @RavenDreamer and I both linked the same axe in our answers
@OrigamiRobot There isn't a when, they can drop anytime, just like all other items.
(Other than the first few levels where most item types aren't even enabled)
@bwarner Yeah, but that's still a far better question.
@Aarthi I thought you ran out of questions :P you can ask anytime. I'm also working and off and on babysitting, plus I occasionally get sucked into playing a quick game.
This is like asking "Is there a Blacksmith in Diablo 3?" The fact that you can ask the question with the specific name shows that you already knew the answer.
And while I don't mind asking questions you already know the answer to, it isn't appropriate for things that are general reference.
@OrigamiRobot I did. Let's see if that helps
@bwarner I disagree with that. The only reason I know the name is because @IanPugsley plays right next to me. Otherwise, I'd have no idea. I think it could be helpful to other users
@spugsley too localized then!!
There's only so many people with Ian playing right next to them after all.
@spugsley How? Anyone searching for the term "Legendary" clearly already knows that they exist!
@badp You're right!
I guess its OK as you have reworded it, it just didn't make any sense to ask if they existed like that.
@bwarner I'll give you that. I think the reworded version is much better. Thanks @OrigamiRobot!
@bwarner Right. It is reasonable to assume they might start dropping at a certain point.
Q: When do set or legendary items start dropping?

spugsleyI am almost finished with normal mode in Diablo 3 and I have yet to encounter a single set or legendary item. In Diablo 2, I started finding items like this right away that were appropriate for my current level. Is there a certain time when they begin to appear (like in nightmare as opposed to ...

Q: Is there a way to choose the party size/type you want to join in a public game?

EBongoWhen joining a public game, is there any option to choose details of the party you want to join such as party size? Ideally I'd also like to also be able to only join games where my class is not yet represented, and where the game is fairly full. What options are available when searching for a pu...

Those item types existed in D2, so people might actually wonder if there's something above rare in D3. I'm in Nightmare Act 2 and haven't seen any legendary or set item yet.
blows up Sharepoint
@Fabian WOW! They must be super rare then O-o
@Fabian same here and my friend who is in normal found a legendary item and a legendary BS recepy
@agent86 WHAT. the gamer gets gamed? :P kidding, that's cool. have fun! and ask your babysitting questions on parenting :P :P (that's for @Beofett)
@Beofett INdeed.
@spugsley The difference is that D3 has no "uniques".
Which aren't quite the same as legendaries
@RavenDreamer that question is asking about weapon damage/speed and bonus damage of that, not how the two damage bonus classes work together
Okay. Who's upvoting and then un-upvoting my answers.
I did, because I thought it applied to my question, but it doesn't
@NickT The question is "How is damage calculated". His example restricts itself to attack speed. I go beyond that.
> Base Damage = (Weapon Damage Range + Bonus Damage from Gear) * (bonus from primary attribute [1 primary attribute = 1% bonus damage] + other class % damage bonuses).

Ability Damage = Base Damage * %Weapon Damage listed on the ability.
That's the formula you're looking for, yes?
The first one; but you keep saying additively
Because the 2nd half of that is (Bonus from intellect + other class % damage bonuses)
and that malus then gets multiplied by the damage range.
but that's wrong
What do you mean?
The two categories I showed in my screenshot multiply
after maths
Screenshot proof of what you're talking about?
Anyone here worked with Sharepoint before? I've been hammering at this same stupid problem all day.
@RavenDreamer (399.19-347.12)/347.12 = 0.15
@NickT Well, your question is wrong a bit too. It's not 100% base + , it's 100% base *
@badp Do they have a chat room?
Wait, they do.
I've got so many posts at 4 votes :/
@RavenDreamer huh?
...And it's not in any general use whatsoever.
I didn't include the 100% * in the second example because it's just 1
@NickT Where are these numbers coming from?
I kept "100% + " in the first so the numbers would be directly comparable
@RavenDreamer my game
when I'm swapping skills in and out
Afternoon all :)
@NickT Where are you getting the 399.19 from?
my damage while using glass cannon (+15%)
then without
@badp Heh. Touché.
I was hoping for something a bit more immediate, but I'll take what I can get.
@NickT Is there some "Total % bonus damage" stat not shown in your screenshot?
@fbueckert if you have a question it's best asked on the site, not in chat
@RavenDreamer no, there's just the damage on the main stat screen
that's that 3xx.xx number
@badp whaaaat
@IanPugsley "Answer your own question – share your knowledge, Q&A-style"
So you're looking at your weapon's DPS? I'm looking on your screen shot and it has "Damage bonus from intelligence" and "Damage bonus from skills". What happens to those two things when you select glass cannon?
with glass cannon the "skills" one is 15%, without it's 0%
@badp Oh, snap!
You're going to make me drag out my wizard and look at this myself, aren't ya? -_-;;
stand by...
@NickT Would you believe I happen to have a pair of +15 intelligence gloves? Ha! Serendipity
@RavenDreamer but that's adding to the primary stat bonus, not skills bonus
@RavenDreamer I edited your formulae
If it's additive, it's still 15%.
no, you're adding to the wrong number
e.g. you start with 1 (base) * 2 (primary att) * 1 (skills)
Boy, I wish the AH didn't only have one duration option
you're trying 1 (base) * (2+1) (primary att) * 1 (skills) = 3
I'm talking about 1 (base) * 2 (primary att) * (1+1) (skills) = 4
which is how it appears to work in-game (and how it must, otherwise skills' effectiveness would crater as you get better gear)
Q: Why can't I join all of my friends' Diablo III games?

SAGExSDXWhen I sign into Battle.net, it lists some of my online friends whose games I could join. However it doesn't list all of them. Why are some people not listed?

Q: What happens to an item that doesn't sell?

OrigamiRobotI just posted my first item in the auction house! It removed the item from my inventory, but where does it go if it doesn't sell? What if I don't have room in my inventory/stash? Does it stay unlisted in the auction house until I claim it?

Q: How can I mitigate the damage I get from the poisonous flying insects in Caldeum

SAGExSDXI am generally really strong against most enemies in Diablo III, but the flying insects in Caldeum that shoot those green poisonous things kill me really fast. What can I do to mitigate the damage I take?

Q: What happened to timed dungeons?

PyrodanteAt Blizzcon one thing they demoed was timed dungeons, (they would collapse after 5 minutes or so). I noticed they are not in the game anymore. Why were they removed? Or are they still there and I never found them?

Q: Do follower bonus stats affect loot that is dropped for me?

jlindThere are two stat categories that affect loot that is dropped - gold and magic find. If I give my follower items boosting these stats, does that count towards the loot I see? This is assuming an active follower.

@OrigamiRobot 10 seconds auctions are all the rage!
I wish there was a way to filter by duration left so I can see the stuff people haven't picked over
@NickT Well, Magic Weapon is screwing things up for me.
I notice I get a lot better/cheaper items that have the full "2d" left
It appears to be increasing damage by 20%
yeah, because that's adding to the skills category
which multiplies into the rest
Yeah, but Magic Weapon is listed as 10%.
Magic Weapon + Glass Canon is listed as 25%, but gives 37.5%.
what's it say in the details window?
are you runing it or something?
Nope. Haven't unlocked any runes.
So it looks like it's twice as effective as the tooltip claims
And, additionally, skills are multiplicative.
I always hated percentages.
I'm 399.19 with just GC (+15%)...
477.28 with MW and GC
(399.19-477.28)/399.19 ~= 20%
347.12 with nothing
I go from 187 to 226.26
420.01 with GC
with just magic weapon
(420.01-347.12)/347.12 ~= 20%
I think it's just magic weapon is bugged?
and skills multiply?
and 257.12 when I add in glass cannon.
Adding glass canon for my char added about 14%.
So they definitely multiply
And magic weapon is bugged
or C) the "damage" display is bugged and calculates it one way and the game another
@Lazers so is that a dupe of this: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/63738/…?
Let's not proclaim our correlation causative.
two sides of the same issue
Magic Weapon is giving 20% though, so that's verifiable.
in as much as that number is accurate
Why buy extended storage when you can just store things in the auction house?
Q: Can I abuse the Auction House to "increase" my stash size?

Nick TCan I put everything in my stash up for sale then quick cancel it before it lands on the block to give me more space in my stash? It's not as convenient (though exiting while in-town and logging back in is still fairly quick), but for longer storage it seems like it might be nice. In the "Compl...

@NickT Too bad I don't know what happens if you exceed 50 items :/
@NickT I don't know what happens when you hit 50, but it appears you can store things there indefinitely (at least as far as I can tell from personal experience and the FAQ)
@OrigamiRobot Interesting idea, but stash seems more convenient :)
I think when you hit 50, you probably can't list or buy at the AH until something moves out of your "completed" tab. maybe at some point I'll do the research.
50 pots
@agent86 I would wager this is true.
You can probably only have as many things listed as you have free spaces in the completed tab.
@NickT can't sell those on the AH
Oh wow. Apparently I've never voted 30 times in one day until now?!?!
Also, now I cant ask/answer anything else or I risk moving to the next act :(
@OrigamiRobot that's... bad?
@agent86 I would rather have the shirt than the headset or mouse.
@OrigamiRobot If you earn a higher tier, they don't force you to take a more valuable prize. They'll gladly let you "downgrade".
@OrigamiRobot well, if you win the higher tier, you can probably ask for the previous tier... I did that on ME3 :P
Agent86 got a PS3 instead of a TV.
I think also you're entered into the drawing for both
@RavenDreamer What a loser :P
getting another act means you get another drawing entry
you don't give up the one you already have
I misread what you meant.
@agent86 yes - 1/4 of the people who complete each Act will win prizes. Keep in mind that if you make it to Act 4, you'll be entered into all four lotteries. So, if your name doesn't get drawn for the Act 4 prize, you'll still have 3 more chances to win! — Lauren May 15 at 15:32
Too late, I already took it back!
@OrigamiRobot aarrrghhhh :( and I researched an intelligent retort!
@agent86 How foolish of you.
@OrigamiRobot I know :(
Q: Chances to get Rare Items

He HuiYou're probably expecting a 'rage' post about never getting Rare's, but it's the contrary. I've been playing for the past few days with a friend, and I seem to get a rare item on an average of 10 minutes per piece. Whereas my friend only gets rare pieces when it comes to boss levels. Being a DH...

Q: How do I skip the Intro on Binding of Isaac?

Shadow ZorgonI play the Binding of Isaac, and love the game. Though, I hate the very long intro. Is there anyway to skip it? Please tell me. Thank you.

Q: Can I cancel my teleport command in Diablo III?

SAGExSDXSometimes I will accidentally hit T while playing Diablo III (oftentimes when I'm trying to type a chat without hitting Enter first). Is there a way to cancel myself from teleporting?

Q: What affects resistances?

spugsleyIn Diablo 3, I haven't found any items with an "increase x resistance" attribute yet my character currently has +10 resistance across every element. How is that possible? What is affecting my resistance values?

Q: How do you resurrect Allies?

atticaeThere are two achievements that require you to resurrect an Allie in a cooperative game. I have played some coop matches already, but wasn't aware this was even possible. How can you resurrect people? Is it a certain skill, or available to all classes?

I'm kind of wondering if it's possible to move blues to a different difficulty, break them down, and then create items at the blacksmith... assuming the blacksmith on higher difficulties crafts better items, then move those items back
or even farm blues on normal, break them down on a higher difficulty for "better" reagents
unless it's smart enough to break them down into the reagents from the difficulty you find them on
@OrigamiRobot 5:00 is quitting time. But give me time to get into my fat pants too. Gotta be comfy
@spugsley I'm telling @IanPugsley
@agent86 Nope, they still give you the reagents from the lower difficulties
@OrigamiRobot everyone has fat pants
@Fabian :( but I waaaaant it... :(
@spugsley $1!
@agent86 it is - the reagents are based on the item itself
you'll be making lots of normal reagents in NM initially, because not everything you find is a NM-quality item
@IanPugsley d'aww
I am now disappointed
energy weapon is also annoying because it doesn't show you time left on it
Q: Wine doesn't load Steam Ingame Overlay in any game

GamerPieWhen i execute in Wine Steam, everything goes alright, except Steam Game Overlay I have check if it is activated in steam, if my hotkey combination is alright and everything, but I still don't get ingame community to work. Any help is apreciated.

@GamingnotonGaming lol, it's a wonder things work at all
@IanPugsley NO! Everyone has fat pants! THAT'S A THING
@spugsley Which pants are my fat pants?
@IanPugsley Since I told her about the Texas Half Pants she can't think about anything else
@IanPugsley your gym shorts
@spugsley Do I have fat pants?
@OrigamiRobot Robots have pants?
@badp Shh! It's a trick question.
@OrigamiRobot yes. Your pajama pants
re: Texas & pants, what are "crotchless chaps", I thought chaps are always crotchless otherwise they're just pants
That would make it unnecessarily inconvienent to access your connectors.
@spugsley Why are they fat?
@OrigamiRobot because you wear them when you're feeling fat
@spugsley Nope. I wear them when I am feeling cold.
@spugsley or when going to Wal-Mart?
@spugsley I'm afraid feeling fat is mostly a women-only thing
Or when I don't want to be wearing pants but am socially obligated to.
@NickT +1 for walmart pants. I have walmart/mcdonalds pants.
@badp sexist!
@agent86 everyone should
I don't need a 3d printer. I don't need a 3d printer. OH GOD I WANT A 3D PRINTER
@IanPugsley I'm sorry for trampling on your rights to feel fat. You fatty... adopted... fatty-fatty-no-parents...
@spugsley I am taking a nap. Call me when you are ready to play.
@agent86 dooo it
@badp Flagged as my-parents-are-deeeaaaadddd
@OrigamiRobot so all the time?
@agent86 3-D printing is old-hat, it's about this now:
Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is an additive metal fabrication technology developed by EOS out of Munich, Germany, sometimes also referred to by the terms selective laser sintering (SLS) or selective laser melting (SLM). The process involves use of a 3D CAD model whereby a .stl file is created and sent to the machine’s software. A technician works with this 3D model to properly orient the geometry for part building and adds supports structure as appropriate. Once this "build file" has been completed, it is "sliced" into the layer thickness the machine will build in and downloaded to...
I don't know that much about 3-d printers, but $500 seems super cheap: store.solidoodle.com/index.php?route=product/…
@agent86 as you can imagine there are huge differences in the precision and resolution of printers, as well as the types of materials they can use and the quality of the end product
my old employer that I'm now doing a small project for printed an entire vacuum chamber that can withstand full vacuum without imploding; it's both strong enough and has fairly low porosity
needless to say, not going to get something like that from every "3-D printer"
@spugsley Everybody except you is playing D3 right now!
And me. :( SCREW YOU, WORK! Who needs your income, anyway?!
You do
Q: When do the player data files update in Minecraft SMP servers?

YoshiyahuI'd like to know exactly when the <playername>.dat files are saved on the server. (I'd like to run a script that tracks the players' locations and inventories, and this is crucial to whether this script will work or not.)

foiled! I'm not!
I'd gladly give up my paycheck to be happier, but...that's another story. :P
@Sterno I was going to call you a bad name but figured I might get flagged for that so instead I'm going to sing a song made famous by Flight of the Conchords and you can figure it out: "Too many dicks on the dance floor! Too many dicks!"
@spugsley What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of all this demon slaying!
I came home from work early, loaded up Diablo 3, and... saw that my boss was already online playing Diablo 3.
@Sterno I starred this and then took the star away out of spite
If it makes you feel better, spugsley, I'm one of the only people at my workplace that isn't playing Diablo 3.
@TimStone Would you be happy with no money to buy games with
@GraceNote I can't imagine how that would possibly make her feel better. And therefore, I approve! :)
@GraceNote Slacking on the job aren't you!
Instead of documenting yourself for the post-promotion reports you're like filling paperwork and doing community stuff!
@badp I've saved up a decent amount of money for someone my age. Certainly not enough to live on for any extended period, but. :P
@badp Well, no, I was busy telling all the company folk "JOIN GAME ON IT'S DIABLO 3"
@NickT indeed. I'd just be getting one to screw around and make cool little plastic doodads. cheap/hobbist grade is probably better for me.
@GraceNote do you have a helmet of +5 to Diablo 3 Hype Resistance?
@Sterno the videos are even better. did you see those?
@agent86 +5% is very low bonus to an elemental resistance
What do you take me for, a chipped sapphire?
@GraceNote my sincerest apologies. everyone knows you are flawless
@GraceNote well, since you haven't been playing, you can't have farmed that much phat lewt. plus, I assumed you had high natural resistance.
the buff banner is such a frustrating "weapon" to use
@agent86 RE: "might occasionally decline multiplayer, on baby duty and need the PAUSE button :("
can you deny it?
you charge it up for five minutes wait for the right moment activate it hit a demoman he doesn't die and one shots you with pills
I have crashed some friends' games and there was nothing they could do
@badp I'm confused - I don't remember a Diablo 3 item called "The Buff Banner"
(I haven't had anyone attempt to enter mine to know how it works)
@badp Demoman isn't a Diablo 3 class...
@IanPugsley that's because you haven't got far enough in the game
@IanPugsley when you beat Hell mode you unlock team mode
that's where the actual game begins
@JuanManuel I don't think that you can, now that I've played a bit. I put my battle tag in there before I started.
My second ever Good Question badge and it's for a game I'm not even playing now...
Things look a little bit different but let me tell ya it's way much more fun!
@agent86 you can ask people to leave though
@JuanManuel I typically just mark myself as "busy" or "away" in the friends interface
@FAE you're welcome :)
@agent86 Hehe, thanks
@agent86 oh, there's an option
Options --> Social --> Friends and Chat --> Allow quick join
aw crap, only 5 votes left today, gotta start getting conservative
@IanPugsley your only choice is to give them all to my awesome posts :D
Q: How much experience is required for each level?

EBongoI looked around and I could not find a table of how much experience is required for each level. Various other questions and answers relate experience based on the number of levels gained - but it is hard to make an accurate comparison without knowing how much experience is required for each level...

Q: Why do I need a "screw trap component" for building a screw pump?

AnnaWhen I try to build a screw pump with bMs, I see the red text: Needs screw trap component I've already built seven pumps, and still have blocks, pipe sections, mechanisms and enormous corkscrews to go. Nothing is forbidden, and no burrows are activated. What could I be missing? Edit: It do...

Q: Does resurrecting allies prevent the durability penalty for dying?

BrysonicI just learned from this question that it's possible to resurrect allies. We also know from this question that the penalty for dying is a 10% degradation in durability. If you revive/resurrect an ally, is there still a durability penalty?

Q: What happens to the enemy's health after you die?

FoxtrotI have seen this post about death in D3 but it does not answer my question above. If you are alone or in a party, pull some enemy or enemies, then do a bunch of damage, but do NOT kill them, what happens to their health after you wipe? Does it get reset to full health again? or does something...

@agent86 let us know when there's one
A: Where are the 15 fallen members of New Tristram's militia?

agent86I explored the area around New Tristram, and I don't believe there are only 15, although this is a hard one to answer definitively. On Old Tristram Road, before you reach the ruins, I found 4 including one in a Damp Cellar. In the Old Ruins, I found another 4 At Adria's Hut, I found 5 corpses, ...

look at all those freehand circles!
they're everywhere!
Downvoted for self promotion
Diablo 3 is causing hand cramp. I'm suing!
Q: How can I avoid clicking quite so much?

agent86Diablo games tend to be very click heavy - click to move, click to attack, click to loot. Diablo 3 appears to be continuing this tradition. I find this problematic for a couple of reasons: Clicking is overloaded - I might move when I want to attack, for instance. Clicking hurts - I have a RSI...

@agent86 in all seriousness, I fear they'd get rollbacked (I already upvoted a few I found randomly)
Well, co workers want to get some beers... can't say no to that
@agent86 your Acts completion percentage is remarkably similar to mine at the moment
100% 100% 56% 27% vs 100% 100% 57% 26%
@Sterno if you think Diablo is bad, try Gaming.SE via mobile. Repetitive stress here I come.
It was really hard to not post that in my question. :(
Now I must go buy all the Mr T comics
@Sterno An internet reviewer I watch has reviewed a couple, they are kinda hilarity
@FAE I like how they spell "what" wrong on purpose there. It makes it feel so real!
@FAE Do you have a link? That sounds fun.
@Sterno Sure, gimme a sec
By the way, that image depicts Mr T's reaction to @spugsley punching the baby.
@Sterno you know what my reaction to Mr. T's reaction is?
@Sterno So… is.. is he going to wear the baby around his neck?
@Sterno Linkara reviews Mr. T #1 and Mr. T #2. I like Linkara a lot. I haven't read enough comics to always know what he's referencing, but he explains a lot. :)
@FAE ty
Q: How can I make my follower cut it out with all the jibber jabber?

SternoDuring the first playthrough, I enjoyed my follower's bits of dialog as we adventured since it was all new, but as I continue on through nightmare, I'm getting really sick of hearing the same things over and over again. We'll be running around the dungeon and the Enchantress will blathering on ag...

Q: What Follower should I pick to complement the skills of my class?

Fredy31With every class, what follower should I take so his general skills will complement mine? For example, as a Barbarian, I shouldn't pick the templar as a follower, because it would just be 2 melee attackers, so our skills are mostly the same. So who should I pick as a barbarian? (and with every ...

@Sterno I'd recommend all his vids, honestly, they're really good. He does his own sort of storyline thing through the show, so that stuff may be a bit confusing if you watch it out of order, but if you don't care about it then you can just skip those parts
@Lazers I was going to ask this question :(
I will have to console myself with MORE DIABLO
error 30006? NOOOOOO
So how long is Diablo 3 on normal difficulty? Seems a lot of people are done with it already but not sure if short or people just took the week off...
@MarkTrapp My friend who took an extra extra long time to gather lore and explore the dungeons fully finished in about 24 hours
Excellent. Had to finish a major project this week so I haven't seen anything other than the "waiting for character list" dialog; plan on playing through this weekend
@MarkTrapp normal is probably around 15h, I'd guess
@OrigamiRobot I didn't want to wake you up :(
also, I need to eat
Ian is bringing home food
@spugsley I said to call me!
@OrigamiRobot :( can I please eat first? I don't feel good cause I'm so hungry :( :( :(
I only layed down because I assumed you would wake me up!
@OrigamiRobot :(
So much frowning!
@FAE because of the hunger and the sad :(
@spugsley Make Ian get you something you can easily eat at the PC
@FAE I'm getting honey chicken and wanton soup :) mmmm
@spugsley That sounds very awesome
@AshleyNunn it's amazinggggg...well, except that it's probably terrible for me. Thank god for fat pants!
@spugsley giggles Hey, as long as it is tasty XD
I think me and a firend are getting pizzzzza
666 profile views! dablo pls
does a happy yay pizza dance
@spugsley that sounds so good
@FAE you should come and eat some with me!
except you are far away ;.;
@spugsley I totally would if I were there ;_;
@spugsley This is where we need to invent ways to have food sharing through the internet
@FAE so sad :(
so we could be like SOUP PARTYYYYYYYYYYY
Now I want soup
@AshleyNunn I feel like @OrigamiRobot would say, "That's disgusting and doesn't mean what you think it means"
@spugsley ahahaha I can totally hear him saying that in his tone of voice
@FAE hahahaha
@AshleyNunn it's his twisted robot mind.
@spugsley silly robot
@spugsley he claims to be a gentlerobot
@FAE he's mad at me because I want to eat before I play Diablo
@spugsley You need like a soup iv
@AshleyNunn The problem is then you could not taste the delicious
@AshleyNunn yessss it would be so warm and delicious
Man I really want to try that soup now
@FAE I am right there with you
@spugsley You should be feasting on the sweet souls of your enemies anyway.
@FAE I am!
@OrigamiRobot (and anyone else interested in AH mechanics...)
A: Can I abuse the Auction House to "increase" my stash size?

agent86Yes, you can store things in the auction house's Completed tab. Armor and weapons have a 5-minute "grace period" when listed, so you can list something and immediately cancel it. This will put it on your "Completed" tab, and then you're free to leave it there indefinitely. When you get to 50...

@OrigamiRobot I have two words to say to you and those two words are "pesky R's"

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