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Why did they pick just Diamond, Topaz and Rubies for the gems? Does Diamond even exist in-game (I read ruby, topaz, emerald, ameythest)?
Q: What is the best area to farm the Chestmaster 2000 acheivement?

EBongoTo receive the "Chestmaster 2000" achievement, you must open a lot of chests. Chestmaster 2000 Open 2000 chests. I'm sure most will get this achievement eventually, just by regular grinding - but what area is the best to grind if I want to get this achievement as quickly as possible?

Q: What affixes are available on items?

Nick TWhat affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are possible on items in Diablo III? What are the level requirements associated with them (a.k.a. when would I start seeing them drop or available in a store?)

Q: How far ahead can I skip in multiplayer games, and are there any disadvantages to doing so?

BrantAs usual, some of my friends are racing ahead through the story while I'm stuck at work earning a living. Now, I'm aware that you can't join somebody who is playing a later act, but what about joining somebody at a later point in the same act? In Diablo II, you could skip straight from the begin...

Q: How does increased Magic Find work with chests?

AlokI have some equipment that I can swap in as-needed to boost magic find instead of more useful mods. Normally I end up not using the MF pieces much, as I'd rather focus on killing mobs instead. However, there are Resplendent Chests in the game which give several magic items when opened - when does...

Q: What is the max number of sockets for each equipment type?

EBongoSince you can add sockets to an item, it is possible for an item to have more sockets than what it dropped with. What is the maximum amount of sockets that each equipment type can support? Can the maximums be reached on any item (by adding sockets) regardless of it's initial socket count, or do...

Q: How does armor scale with your character's level?

James JiaoLike World of Warcraft, the % physical damage absorbed by your armor differs depending on your character's level, given the same amount of armor. Does anyone know how this works? For example, how many more armor points I need when I gain a level to maintain the same % damage protection against ...

Q: Is there a way to link accounts for Draw Something?

Cody LoftinMy mom just got an iPad for Mother's Day and wanted to know if it was possible to use the same account that she already had on her Android phone with her new iPad. I tried to set it up that way, but unfortunately it created a new account instead of using her old one. She really doesn't want to ha...

Anyone like Best Coast? Listen to their new album (released yesterday) in its entirety at NPR Music
@Wipqozn umad?
kicks Steam
anyone opposed to my 5-step lag tag plan?
@OrigamiRobot you dc'd as well?
@AshleyNunn Agreed.
Damn you steeeeeeam!
It seems like it is a pretty big problem :(
They apparently had an announcement about downtime scheduled for 2pm PDT today but this is well past that
I'm back on
Not I
I'm having like 3 conversations here, Steam >:(
not me
Fine, I'll just use Mumble!
@OrigamiRobot I can't do that right now, I'm already on my guild mumble!
They can come too
@FAE Touchdown!
Man, this D3 download speed is horribly inconsistent.
@EBongo, were the shipping gods kind today?
@TimStone Doing P2P?
...Apparently, yes.
I think it's on by default
30 KB/s <-> 4 MB/s is a pretty big variation either way, heh.
@TimStone there are little giggling demons controlling the throttling on your connection
anybody who is lonely while D3ing, @OrigamiRobot, @spugsley, and I will be hanging out in Mumble while we play
3 mins ago, by FAE
@OrigamiRobot I can't do that right now, I'm already on my guild mumble!
@agent86 Oh the pain they will suffer! shakes fist
She is a party pooper.
@TimStone heeeeheeeeheheheheheheeeee
@OrigamiRobot I'm having important policy discussion, hush you!
and wanting to kick Steam in the face
@FAE i am totally with you there
I should also turn off my computer at some point and swap out my system SSD for this larger one sitting on my desk...running precariously low on free disk space.
@FAE lol! who wants to be in a chat room discussing silly internet policy all... oh, wait...
@agent86 I know, right? Pffft, decisionmaking and consensus.
@TimStone off? wat? computers can be... off?
Electronic nap time.
@FAE yeah. now tell them to STFU so we can decide if a question is on topic or not.
@TimStone but... what will I do while they're... off?!
@IanPugsley Heh you're over here too? I noticed @Beofett's question and was wondering how many other SFF/Gaming cross-overs there were.
I'm always casually surprised at people on multiple SE sites, which is probably rampant stupidity on my behalf.
@dlanod yuup
I'm most active here, Board and Card Games, and scifi
I'm usually in those three rooms (and RPGs and the LoL-specific chat here)
@OrigamiRobot Nope. I lol'd.
user image
@agent86 Indeed, yes they were
@IanPugsley First time I've ventured in here. Usually I only bother with SFF chat, but hang around on SFF, Gaming and SO sites themselves.
@EBongo hooray. I also noticed you won the contest, so double hooray
@dlanod it's very active in here, and usually off-topic (on-topic being gaming), but that's fun
@BenBrocka I would buy this. I do not wear cologne, but I would buy this.
But of course
@agent86 Indeed. I think I'm going for the shwag - going to decide later tonight.
@agent86 Also - see my comments above - apparently Beta questions are counting toward the contest?
At least in some ways...
@EBongo probably a safe bet. will you play tonight? i've got one hand dedicated to a baby atm, but situation likely to improve shortly
Q: Is there a way to lock my skills?

BeofettDue to some... overly enthusiastic mouse-clicking, I have now accidentally removed a skill from my bindings in the middle of combat several times. Is there a way to lock my selection in to prevent me from accidentally click-dragging the skills of my action bar?

@EBongo yeah, new bounties on old q's appear to be counting.
contests are generally based on database queries w/time constraints placed on them, so this isn't terribly surprising
Anyone here build computers?
About to finish buying parts, could use an opinion or two.
Now and again (cc @OrigamiRobot)
Oh, foo.
I'll just link the reddit thread if Chat doesn't like the markup.
it has been a while for me, but I used to run a little company, and had accounts with wholesalers and such
@agent86 In my case, apparently open them up and perform surgery.
@RavenDreamer really good price for that 1TB HDD, actually
Yeah, should be arriving tomorrow! :3
@agent86 I hope to. Still need to put my little one down. Then I'll update.
@EBongo rgr
The drive I'm swapping out is actually a M4 64 GB, heh.
@RavenDreamer looks like a pretty sweet build, actually - good prices
on the subject of the PSU, you might want to consider 700W, but I'd see what various power calculators tell you
@IanPugsley PSU was the last part I picked, and yeah, no idea about how to pick 'm.
@RavenDreamer when it comes to PSU's, I think the wattage on the label tends to be oversold, but the wattage you need is generally less than you'd think
@agent86 I figured the database query was how the contest is run, hence the LoL drama. It just feeds my hatred of the Diablo III Beta tagging policy. A Diablo-3-Beta tag would have fixed that....
@agent86 Which is one of the reasons I picked Corsair - they're vetted as a good brand.
I don't quite understand how a board can prefer a particular brand of drive...
@EBongo there you go again on tagging policy. you'll sleep better if you learn to be zen about tags :)
@RavenDreamer PSUs are hard to shop for
Zen and the art of Site Tagging Policy
Hm. I wonder what PSU I have in this PC right now.
I've forgotten.
Ah, it is a 750 watt.
I'd probably stick with the one you've got spec'ed, and maybe pick up a cheap kill-a-watt meter. run the sys under load and see if you're anywhere close to the rated wattage.
if you're close, RMA the PSU and pick up another, and you get to keep the watt meter for all sorts of fun activities around the house :)
I should think more before typing, I think.
@NickT you in here?
I suppose you could also wait and pull your old 750 watt, see what you're pulling from that, and then buy something appropriate.
the PSU calc I just used is actually at under 500W (486W recommended) - I'd be surprised if you were hurting at 650W for that build
Re: this question do you want it listed by affix or by slot?
@agent86 Nah, selling this one.
was thinking by level
whatever you have though, I can't find a good comprehensive source
@NickT Well, that's the one piece of info I still can't find.
Guess I'll do it by slot.
@RavenDreamer before you buy the rest of the parts? what will you do in the meantime? :P
@agent86 It is slated to be sold. My buyer needs time to scrape together some cash, I need time to build a new PC, so it works out.
@IanPugsley For your pc, or the one I linked?
@IanPugsley Okay, thanks, then.
which is a sucky calc, but so are all of them
but it's not off by 150W :P
So apparently you can get half of a car key wrong. And that's what my auto shop did...
@BenBrocka O.O
Mercedes keys are apparently complicated:
Mine has the wrong metal "blade" one so they had to reorder
...so I can't even fit it on a keychain
@BenBrocka Serves you right for being an enemy of the proletariat!
@RavenDreamer Oh right. <.<
Also, yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz it's only a minor inconvenience
oh finally Steam's up :D
"Diablo 3 servers are full. You have been queued." WHAT!?
@Fluttershy Booooo
Less queue queue more pewpew
@Fluttershy Ummmm... I just got right in.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Lucky... I got disconnected for some reason, in the middle of a dungeon, and then once I stayed in the queue long enough, it put me back outside a different dungeon and reset my map coverage.
@Fluttershy the different dungeon reset map is nothing to do with the queue.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know. It just adds to my rage with Blizzard.
Q: Are stats outside of your primary worth getting at all?

PyrodanteIn Diablo 3 each class has a primary stat that increases all their damage. They also seem to have very minor side benefits such as a bit of dodge for dex, however the amount of dex a barb would need to make this valuable seems to be a pull from focusing on Strength (or vitality). Is there any si...

Q: How can I track "Magic Weapon"s cooldown?

ResorathThe Wizard's magic weapon states that it increases damage by 10%, lasts 5 minutes. However it doesn't give a duration timer near my health orb like similar buffs. How do I know when my magic weapon has expired?

Q: The Jarl's wizard just up and died on me...?

Bigbio2002This is certainly odd... I tried pickpocketing Jarl Balgruuf's wizard while he was sleeping, but got caught. This time, I decided to have my first stay in prison, just for the fun of it. Picking the lock failed, so I slept off my sentence. As soon as I got out, I see some guy running up the steps...

Hm. Is anyone else having Steam issues? I am apparently logged in but no one else is......
I accidentally steam. I'm so sorry.
@AshleyNunn It just thanked me for purchasing a 4pack of a game I do not recall purchasing
@James hm.
Its not in my game library
but I cant see my Gifts to see what it is talking about
No, really, it's awesome when you shut your servers down during prime time, Blizzard!
Dear Diablo team: this isn't beta anymore, you can't apply service packages in the middle of the day.
C'mooooon download.
They say how long they're gonna be down?
@Fluttershy of course not.
@Fluttershy looks like it's just a quick restart
still inconvenient as shit
@spugsley We'll see. I expect there to be a problem with this 'update' and the servers to remain offline for a while. Because Blizzard is garbage.
@Fluttershy I HATE IT
also, you should get on mumble and talk with us :)
@spugsley No can do. Can't mumble after 4pm.
@Fluttershy wtf....why?
Every time
Long day at work, get home, no Diablo 3...
@spugsley Technically not supposed to be on the internet, as I am unemployed and not helping to pay the bill. >.>
@Fluttershy wooooowwwwwww that's so shitty though. What are you supposed to do? Sit and fucking stare at the wall?
@spugsley Play Xbox/watch TV.
@Fluttershy booooorrrrrrinnnnngggggg
@Fluttershy But you're not paying for the cable bill!
@spugsley Pretty much.
@Sterno Servers are down or over loaded?
@Fluttershy I'm sorry :(
@James down
for maintenance
@StrixVaria I don't make the rules, man. Just following them... sort of.
Oh man, I'm just a received bounty away from 6/6 gems! Woooooo
@spugsley Yeah I see the tweet now 21min ago saying they were restarting and should be up in 15min.... now if I do the math.. that means I have been playing D3 for 6min now...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Gratz! :)
@James I know :/ I think it went down in waves. @IanPugsley went down first, and then me and @OrigamiRobot went down 5ish minutes later
@spugsley Must... not... make... comment...
@spugsley Sounds kinky.
@Fluttershy kinky Diablo sounds amazing
@RavenDreamer ^
@spugsley Best way to kill time while waiting for the servers to come back up
@FAE nah. I think @IanPugsley is too grumpy.
I'm sure that was too far XD
@spugsley Think we should save that talk for mumble and not the Bridge, lol
@FAE agree lol
@Fluttershy @Fluttershy Please stop trying to hook me up with @spugsley when @IanPugsley is in the room. kthnxbai.
@RavenDreamer lols!
@FAE Don't bring that into Mumble!
@RavenDreamer Also, ever!
@RavenDreamer Why did you ping me twice? O.o
We meet again, Error 37.
@Fluttershy because it's super important
@StrixVaria have you slept yet?
@spugsley Yes but not enough.
@StrixVaria how much sleep you may or may not have gotten was the topic of our dinner conversation tonight
we were doing some serious math
@spugsley Since launch I have gotten about 9 hours of sleep.
Through various napping and nighttime sleeping.
Usually while the servers were down.
@StrixVaria you're amazing :3
Also is no one else at nightmare yet?
Dear Blizzard: Build a fucking login queue like Riot.
@StrixVaria I'm almost there I'm just started act 4.
@Krazer Act 4 is the best act tied with all the acts.
Time to put some people on ignore before they start spoiling
@StrixVaria I'm really looking forward to it
@Resorath I won't spoil in here.
@StrixVaria I'm mid-way through Act IV and it is boss
That's another reason I vaguely want a Diablo 3 room.
So does error 37 (servers are busy) just mean I should keep spamming my login until it works?
@Resorath Yes.
Which is why:
2 mins ago, by StrixVaria
Dear Blizzard: Build a fucking login queue like Riot.
spamming your login go around beating people in the shins so they'll stop trying to connect
@StrixVaria awesome. Although I bet I'm going to type my password into chat one of these days
I've been pretty nervous about that actually.
I'm getting so good at typing it.
i should change my password to a common phrase just to be safe
like "bananas are cool"
correct horse battery staple
Q: Where are the books that the templar wants from the Tomb of the Skeleton King?

StephenDuring my run through of the Skeleton King's crypt I found books with Loric's story (2) and several from the scribe. The templar I met insisted that if we found any books about his order that they were his. I thought I did a good job of looking around, but I didn't find any books, did I miss th...

Q: What is Mordekaiser's role in team fights?

Jeff KingI do okay with Mordekaiser in early game. However, in mid/late game I have a hard time. It seems like if when I try to participate in team fight I just end up getting focused on an then dieing. The irony is that when I'm not focused on it still feels like I'm barely participating. Currently I tr...

@StrixVaria +1
@StrixVaria I already memorized it.
I heard today that these are the same login servers that WoW uses.
sucks to be playing WoW
(which had login queues for realms btw)
I remember at launch when I was getting Error 37 for 90 straight minutes.
And I still didn't go to bed.
oh shit boys
@FAE :o
I just logged in
(and ladies)
@Resorath Me too!
Is he being diabolical?
Unable to find all of the appropriate game configurations to create or join games. (Error 317002)
@Resorath Ditto
New characters?
I was about to be angry that I couldn't play.
dammit! I can't log in, stupid error
I'm going to the bathroom, and when I get back, this had better work.
well at the least the AH is working
And we're up to error 33
server down again?
Red arrows for America.
Yeah they just took them back down again
@agent numbers You will be disappointed.
@StrixVaria puts on his nut kicking boots
OKAY. I am prepared to kick as many nuts as it takes to play this damn game.
@agent86 I do not recall that being part of the core game play
Unfortunately we've had a few delays in bringing the #D3 servers back online. No ETA yet, please stay tuned.
After their initial 15 minute estimate
GG Blizzard!
Unfortunately we've had a few delays in bringing the #D3 servers back online. No ETA yet, please stay tuned. http://bit.ly/KR1V29
@StrixVaria Son of a...just got done fully installing too, heh.
@James you'd be surprised how many games require me to don my boots of nut kicking, +1 to testicular trauma
@StrixVaria Why'd you say the Act 2 boss fight was so awesome?
I mean, it wasn't bad, but I didn't really see anything special there
@StrixVaria I was actually hoping it had been quiet all day and wanted to get into act 2 today :(
@Sterno Because it was the first time in the game where I got my ass handed to me.
And it was a surprise ass handing to me.
that makes sense
Which made it even more awesome.
You guys know what's great about not playing Diablo 3? When the servers are down, I don't even notice ;)
@Ktash you know what's great about owning a pair of nut-kicking boots? finding people who need their nuts kicked ;)
Error 37.
@agent86 I nominate @Wipqozn.
So, can I just say how awesome Bola shot is?
Logged in..
yup its good
Because... holy shit bola shot
@agent86 lol
@StrixVaria I'd ask why, but this is @Wipqozn, so...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll allow it.
for demon hunter, how many dex = 1crit?
@Jin No.
Crit isn't governed by stats.
@StrixVaria so it doesn't work like WoW's?
i'm trying to find a site that lists all the number crunching
dex = dodge chance
but it's not linear
Magic Wizard Hat
+ 24 Strength
Fun fact: In Diablo 3, when there's networking issues, you can get lore, but not have it count toward the achievements and the only way to fill out many of those entries is to replay the act with a different character.
@StrixVaria so only crit gear give crit?
@Jin Yes, and possibly skills.
dex = dodge, str = armor, vit = health, int = resists
they also givern damage depending on your class. barb = str, monk/dh = dex, wd/wiz = int
@StrixVaria cool thx.
@Ktash 10 year old bash quote? sfw
@Resorath Haha, well, not something I'd read at work
And I'm back in...
@skovacs1 Was wondering why so many of my achievements were borked. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz that happened to me yesterday
missed out on all my Act I cheevos
@IanPugsley Pugly Plz no.
@IanPugsley replaying with my DH to collect the missing ones
@LessPop_MoreFizz sorry, I meant "Acheevos"
@IanPugsley Not achievies? Or 'chievies?
@skovacs1 Achives and onion?
@IanPugsley I think they also come in spicy and cheesy varieties as well.
@FAE would love this conversation.
Eeergh. Cheevos sounds like a subpar snackfood. twitch like dollar store cheetos or something nasty like that
@EBongo, if you get free, hit me up on steam.
If you haven't checked the AH lately, by the way, you can get absurdly good deals on low and mid level gear
Q: Are 2-handed weapons ever worth it?

RachelThe only 2-handed weapons I have seen so far have been at most only a point or two higher in damage than a 1-handed weapon. Why would I ever want a 2-handed weapon instead of two 1-handed ones? It seems like two one-handers will always be superior because you can have two sets of bonus effects.

just do a search by slot for rates with a buyout under 1500 or 2k or whatever.
Just managed a 12 DPS bow upgrade, and a new chest with 8% gold and magic find and 10 dex for a total of 4k
Incidentally, for the Demon Hunter, I love the idea of a character whose actions are literally fueled by a resource called hatred.
@skovacs1 Not so different from Rage!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hatred and rage are different though. Rage is about anger. Hatred is about dislike or despise. Actions fueled by rage are generally thoughtless aggression, whereas actions fueled by hatred are more spiteful and directed.
@skovacs1 True. And reinforced by a secondary resource of Discipline
Q: Graphics card upgrade for an old desktop

AndrewMy desktop is rather old, it has an Asus P5-GPL DDR (1) board with 2GB of ram in 2 1GB cards, an Intel Pentium D 930+ (3.0ghz dual core) and Nvidia GeForce 6200 (on PCI-E x16) graphics. I got it from a relation. I have access to a compatible replacement DDR2 motherboard, and will move to 4GB of r...

Even better, Hatred is used for offensive abilities, and discipline is used for defensive abilities. i.e. control your hatred lest you get killed
@LessPop_MoreFizz I did muchly like that flavor aspect of the DH
@skovacs1 How are you liking the Monk so far?
I'm trying to figure out the next class to level.
@Krazer It's fun to smash many things at once. I've felt a bit squishy once or twice, but that was mostly due to lag and the fact that I only equip armour with magic find.
@skovacs1 I set myself up for a nice massacre bonus, but the lag wound up killing me... lol
@Krazer Exactly. The only times (2) that I died were due to lag.
@agent86 I'm on. I think I'd prefer XBL chat tonight, if you can swing it.
Looks like its down again. I'm running in place again (so to speak).
Nice. I just saw an eyecatch which said "There is no cow level."
Also. I'm still in although I had to leave that instance.
Sheesh, how do I add friends.... I am such a noob
@EBongo The first challenge is having any.
Q: Should I play Empire Earth before AoC?

IsziSo, my earlier problems with Empire Earth and Empire Earth: Art of Conquest seem to have oddly self-resolved. Now, I am wondering whether I actually need to play both games or if I can safely just dive into Art of Conquest? To this end, I have a few questions to help me choose: Is Art of Conq...

Q: Where can I most efficiently buy all items for the "Shut up and take my money" achievement?

EBongoThe "Shut up and take my money" Achievement requires that you buy one of each item from merchants. There are a lot of items on the list that my class doesn't use, and I am unfamiliar with. Is there one vendor, or a short list of vendors I can go to in order to buy one of each of these items typ...

Q: Whats the shortcut in Diablo 3 to show item to a party without dropping it?

ermanI saw people show their items to party ingame on stream... I think it's really useful shortcut. Does anybody know?

@skovacs1 Let's assume for the sake of argument, hypothetically, that there is a giant list of them, linked from this page....
@EBongo bottom right is the friend button thing
Its on the char select screen and the in game screen
@EBongo Then click on the lower right corner where there's the silhouette of a person's upper half (there should be a 0 near it). It will bring up a page with a large Add Friend button.
Click it :)
@James It's actually on every screen. I'm in-dungeon and there it is.
@James @skovacs1 Thanks. I find the over utilization of icons in this game a little irritating. Soon I'm sure it will all gel.
@skovacs1 That would be the 'in game' screen :)
I am just not sure if its in the auction house or what not
@EBongo On second glance, it's like a men's room symbol.
@James I've seen it on every screen of this game that I've seen. I'm playing so I was typing too quickly to be picky about it.
@Krazer Also, to give you an idea of how much the monk smashes things: I ran into the skeleton swarming tomb deal and got a massacre of 98.
Halfway through, I regret this undertaking
A: What affixes are available on items?

Raven DreamerThere are different magnitudes of identically named effects so a level range of affixes doesn't make the most sense, since the "level" of the affix can vary, and it is much more important what it appears on. If you want to know the individual tiers in addition to which affixes appear on what, che...

I'm pretty sure playing D3 constantly has made me delirious at this point
How would you know?
I'm not delirious yet, must mean I should keep playing.

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