Just started playing Diablo 3 and can't seem to google this question effectively.
It looks to me like you automatically gain skills as you level, and at any time you can change the choices you made, as you are just setting which one you are currently using, NOT which ones you want to learn. I h...
There are lots of enemies that continually generate mobs until they themselves are killed. One of my favorite parts of this game is seeing how large a kill streak I can achieve. It's a great source of fun, gold, items, and xp. What I want to know is this...
What enemies should I seek out for thi...
I just started playing Diablo (first diablo game for me) and I'm trying to understand what makes my spells more powerful. I know intelligence does but does the weapon I have equipped affect all spells damage?
We know that monsters grow stronger when fellow heroes join the fight against the minions of Hell. I assume (but am not sure) because of the monster buffs it increases the number of unique/elite/champion monsters and with the added help I'm eager to seek them out for the better loot (and the Neph...
The reference I saw to prove your point (in another question) was this, but that page says Hardcore characters do not have access to nor can trade with any softcore characters on the same account. If a Hardcore character dies any items they have placed in the shared stash will not be lost. All items on their person and inventory will however be lost with the character when it dies.
Which implies that hardcore characters do indeed have their own shared stash, and aren't in a bubble
@James If I change region in options, then I get authentification error. If I change back to America and try to play, then I get error. That assets between server and client do not match.
So I'm like desprate to find someone from Europe region with a spare guest key.
By the way battle.net is quite often down today. Is it normal?
And while I am not suggesting you hound them, there is a link on the right 'Play with us' that contains quite a few names of people who are playing Diablo 3, and a handful of them list Europe as being their area of play.
I think most people bought a digital copy of the game however, which I do not think came with guest passes.
Stashes are shared between characters (exclusive to Soft/Hardcore), so any stash expansion upgrades affect all of your characters.
Again: Hardcore and softcore have separate stashes, so upgrading a softcore stash will not increase the items available in hardcore.
How do you define "best"? If you're asking about who is shown to win more often, then the question is answerable. Otherwise, the question is too subjective. — gnoviceDec 24 '11 at 5:19
I think the wording on the page was confusing: It is important to note, however, that Hardcore characters do not share a stash with softcore characters, nor can they trade between each other.
You can read "can't trade with each other" two ways there
I'm surprised they don't have a leaderboard for D3. That's half the fun of hardcore
For some boss fights where the vast majority of the time you're simply beating on a single big baddie, what's the most effective damage spell (and rune) for the Wizard to use per AP spent, but such that they are spending it faster than standard recharge? One might need to move occasionally, but ...
Sometimes when I'm in a game and I choose to leave, I'm given a 10 second wait, with a button to cancel. Other times, however, I don't get any wait at all - the timer shows up and immediately reads 0, and then the game exits.
What causes the timer to pop up? Is there any way I can disable it c...
In Diablo 2, attack rate was calculated in terms of frames. This meant that there were discrete jumps as you broke certain Increase-Attack-Speed breakpoints. In Diablo 3, is there a similar discrete frame-based calculation, and what is the framerate used by the game engine in calculating attacks?
@agent86 I declared war on Japan because I wanted Edo, 'cause it was between Persepolis and....some other city of mine. Japan then took Samara, so I threw in the towel. It was net negative for me. It didn't help that they had better boats.
what kills me is I put up some level 15-20 rares on the AH with 3000-5000 BO prices, before the bottom fell out of the market (the competitors were selling with 10k+ BO prices). Now they're locking me out of selling other stuff on the auction until they expire
@Sterno just surprising to me how much of a benefit I can get from such a small investment. the economics are probably different later on. This just feels... weird.
@Aarthi yeah, you gotta hate when the AI decides that the best spot for a new town is between two of yours. What's more satisfying is to take their little dinky town with poor positioning by culture
@NickT I'm aware of economic theory, my comments are more towards "gosh, I thought the AH broke the game balance somewhat, but I didn't realize it was this bad"
@NickT That seems likely. Looking at the gem list it looks like the top level life leech and +crit chance (amethyst and emerald) probably scale better than rubies. I don't see myself ever using a topaz in a weapon at any level, though.
@Sterno I agree. Prices seem much more reasonable in NM
@NickT yeah, this is kind of a problem... I guess they're assuming people will eventually want to break them down instead of reselling. it seems like once more of the rare plans are found, the interest in breaking down will be greater.
Gems are overpowered at low levels because they have no minimum-level restrictions. You can buy a pretty good ruby for around 10k that has better stats alone than most weapons in the first half of normal difficulty
@spugsley It's not, but it's delicious and filling enough that I might fall asleep at my desk for the rest of the afternoon, making time pass faster so I can go home and play Diablo 3.
There are sometimes champions which are bound together by chains:
In my particular example, their description read: "Vampiric Fire Chains".
What does the effect do?
@IanPugsley One thing I noticed about a little soloing I did today was that the enemies didn't give two shits about my templar. They ran right past him and attacked me anyway.
I don't know if that's a behavior the enemies adopt in Hell or what, but it sucked.
@NickT I'm thinking more along the lines of the really legendary crap at the end of the blacksmithing level tree.
@Sterno yeah, the UX on a lot of these things is crap. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to get my purchases out. Not having an interface besides at the menu is kind of stupid, among other things.
> It's pants... Texas style! These crotchless leather leggings are perfect if you already own pants. Note: To be used as auxiliary pants only. Please do not employ as primary source of leggings.
Quick poll - Can I buy gold at the AH? Too obvious of a question? I feel like a lot of people ask that when first playing? (Since gold farming is so controversial)
@Aarthi if you can wait, I'd suggest waiting until july/august or so, when the back to school sales are on. if you find one on sale, you can generally ask if it will run something in here and we can evaluate.
When comparing a two-handed weapon in your inventory with two one-handed weapons like this:
Are the stats shown taking both one-handers into account, or just the displayed one? Notice that there's no option to compare with the off-hand using the alt-key, here.
There are numerous achievements about completing special events (which are small side quests you can do without impeding on your current quest progress). Also, most if not all include some kind of XP/Gold reward for completion.
I tried clicking on the achievements, but as far as I can tell, the...
I'm starting to get lots of gear with sockets and gems to insert into said sockets. I know you can remove the gems but how much does it cost? I assume it's based on something like the cost of the gear and gem, but I'd rather know roughly how much it'll run me before I go and blow all my money p...
The "Nightmarish" elite mobs have a certain chance to cause a fear effect on the player, which causes him to run away for a few seconds. While I'm running away I'm not hitting the monsters.
Sometimes the chance of being affected is so high that I spend more time running away in fear than actuall...
Covetous Shen seems obsessed with gems but not the other sparkly fashion accessories that make my character absolutely fabulous, so I can't rely on him for a minimum upgrade for amulets and rings. The vendor in the north of New Tristam sold me my first pair of rings, but I'm in act III and I don...
@agent86 i mean, I know i should look for a NVIDIA Geoforce 550 or higher, or an AMD something something, buuuuut mostly I just want a new computer. I'm cool with waiting, though I wanted to know if there were any models out already that people favored :D
@Aarthi the model numbers of the graphics chipsets are so random and useless that it's hard to say. The only real way to tell graphics cards apart is by looking at a large guide that compares their performance to one another, or something similar.
@Aarthi These days I typically suggest Lenovo as a vendor if you're buying prebuilt. Mostly what you're buying is support, as for the most part all the machines come from factories in china, sometimes the same ones ;)
In all the skill descriptions, the numbers are green. In other games, I have seen this used to indicate values which can change, but the skills pages don't seem to have any info on this. In Diablo 3, is this just to make them stand out or does it indicate values that can change? If they can ch...
@Aarthi yeah. I can't really talk about the why's and the how's precisely. Let's just say it's a company as a whole I have no interest in further dealings with.
@EBongo I don't know, it seems like the kind of question that might be interesting. I could see some people potentially downvoting it, but I wouldn't, personally.
@Aarthi yeah, I've found on the whole that people tend to have good or bad experiences with computer manufacturers based mainly on their experiences with support personnel. computers break at about the same rate regardless of manufacturer, but how the mfr. handles it is critical.
@Aarthi It's pretty good, but the video card has started to run hot enough that graphics intensive games will crash or overheat the system after a while
but mfr's have found out that people mainly make decisions based on cost, with brand loyalty perhaps in second place. so, they opt to drive the price down with cheap support
@Aarthi this used to be more the case than it is today, as far as I can tell. I've owned a mix of both and not found the mac hardware to be significantly more durable
@Aarthi haha, possibly. It's my contention that there's a tiny reservoir of happy-drugs in every apple product, which keeps you euphoric for about 6 months to a year. when it runs out, you have to buy another piece of hardware to keep the good vibes going :)