@Aarthi yeah, all in one's tend to sacrifice for their form factor; you're going to get less computer per dollar spent on the whole. I think in some cases they're actually most of a laptop glued to the back of a monitor.
@OrigamiRobot I like that question since I had the same question. The question about green text is a little unclear, and I wouldn't have expected it to answer my question, so I prefer the monk-specific one :)
@OrigamiRobot I'd like your question a heck of a lot better if it asked "How do skills scale?" and maybe as a side note asked if that's what the green numbers were, rather than "What do the green number mean?" The scaling seems like almost an afterthought on your question
@OrigamiRobot When I say "I'd like", I mean as a dupe target
@Aarthi yeah, I think it's going to be like that with me and a MBP; the place I'm starting at is placing an order for a bunch next month or something, but the new one is supposed to launch about then; probably get stuck with an old one
As it is you have to read his question, follow you yours, get the answer to yours that yes, indeed, green DOES mean skill scaling, and only once that's answered does it become a dupe
@OrigamiRobot The answers to your question answers "Why are numbers in skill descriptions green?", and it is not clear that it might also answer "How does Transcendence scale?"
@OrigamiRobot If the answer to your question had been "Green numbers are just a color they like to use so that numbers stand out. it means nothing" would yours still have been a dupe?
I think questions should have to be dupes, not answers
But I also don't care enough to keep arguing. If you find 4 other close votes, rock on :)
@Aarthi but why does the shiny monitor have to be part of the computer? or why does the computer also have to be shiny? that's like buying a hammer with a cute pink handle ;)
Critical Mass is a wizard passive:
Critical Hits have a chance to reduce the cooldown of your spells by 1 second.
Do you know what is meant by "chance" ? It is probably something like an increasing chance over time that decrease every time it triggers, because if it was a flat % chance it would ...
"What does the color mean?" and "How do skills scale?" are two separate questions which happen to be related ("Green means it scales... sometimes... only not really, it really just means it's a number")
@NickT In Act 2 of nightmare, my build lets me sacrifice 6-8 zombie dogs in a fight with a champion pack or unique, and if anything is left standing by the end, they have only a sliver of health (unless they have an extra health affix, in which case they usually aren't as much of a threat)
I don't really get the WD skill set... half of my abilities are things that keep things away from me (pets, slowing darts, slowing AoE) and half of them require that I'm way up close.
@StrixVaria I'm not having that problem (yet). I suspect it will become more of an issue in Hell, or possibly even Act 3 of NM, but so far the build is quite effective
@OrigamiRobot I guess it's your question, but I thought it was a better question being one about the green text, since it was the same question as one I had. Its not as good of a question asking if green text scales, because of course it does :)
@OrigamiRobot I just thought asking "Whats the point of the green text" was a good question, while asking "do numbers in skills scale/change" seems kind of obvious...
@RonanForman does your dad know about your *Glock-wielding* out-of-wedlock child? He'd be so disappointed in you. lookit you, just another statistic :( sadfaces. FTFY
@OrigamiRobot I really like the question. Until recently I even had no idea green numbers can change, so I really want some canonical answer that will sort it out for me
@StrixVaria I've got the rune on it that releases a giant bat, and that can pretty well clear a hallway or line of guys out in a couple of hits, esp with the buff
So I have found that these pages are needed for progressing crafting to grandmaster and illustrious. I have also been able to discover that in nightmare difficulty you get the pages, in hell you get the tomes and then in inferno you get the Tome of Secrets.
What I am looking for is areas where I...
I want to change my minecraft name to be able to connect offline with friends on a mac and I am doing so at the moment with this command:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft
- Djava.library.path="bin/natives"
net.minecraft.client.Minecraft "YOURNAMEHERE"
It has been w...
I've been playing through Hell mode on Diablo 3 for the better part of a day and have come across 3 Treasure Goblins. On all the lower difficulties you can either stun or disorientate him to cancel the portal. I've tried doing everything I can to stop him on Hell mode, though, and he still travel...
What is the range, in yards, in which you can perform a melee attack? Not including, of course, stuff like Deadly Reach.
(it is my understanding that weapon type does not matter)
@Beofett Your's and @Michel's posts both have good basic looting rules tailored towards the crafting items. I am much happier with that info than I am with the buy it from the AH answer :)
They wanted to make sure there were no "ideal" farming spots because they didn't want people to feel like areas that might otherwise be fun to play in weren't "optimal uses of their time"