pick ef150cb7360b Se
pick ad81b2620a85 SE
pick 7dadc5899f88 SE
pick 2a03defab77f SE
pick efe741871b21 SE
fixup f37505cac7de f
pick 747430e3c6e8 Se
pick e4dcc461d8ce Se
pick 7af7ba99b0a2 Se
pick 16bd7a101ee0 SE
fixup f72e0b78bf64 f
fixup adf499bee35e f
pick 99a719354acb SE
fixup 9441d6140243 f
fixup 2c4380e7ef35 f
pick 14dbf9217587 fi
pick 4e901a714ce2 SE
> If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably something designed to fool you into believing it's a duck. Don't trust it and shoot it in the face.
I am trying to make a feature in my survival minigame where every once and a while a random player is teleported to a hidden room via command blocks. Inside, players will be allowed to hit one button, then be teleported back to the main arena. Each button gives you different items, and one I want...
This is weird I used some of my Origin points to buy dlc for either ME2 or ME3. but for some odd reason it's not letting me do it anymore. did they disable and discontinue that feature, if so that's stupid.
Because while the ability for Presidents to blow up non-us is great* conceptually, the perpetual state of war in the Middle East is bad for military families
I love this game, but I need to know how I fix the problem crashed.
I play 30 min and the game staying slow, slow, slow and crashes, I searched in the forums but nobody help me.
We have 8 players who want to play the VS Survival mode in Killing Floor 2 on PS4 where half of us are zombies and the other half are humans.
How do we do this?
We tried to set it up last night with all of us in the same PS4 party - but it only showed 6 places in a "squad" and the remaining pl...
@TimStone this is like that one on nucleartakes: "Keep your doctor never happened" "Ok, but like, people will die?" "Have you considered that life isn't fair?"
@GodEmperorDune Eh, it should be the final commit and it'll be merged in. My supervisor knows I'm the one that's been working on this, so I don't think I'll run into any problems as far as credit goes. And I don't think we worry that much about who gets credit for what commit in this shop anyways.
Just thought it was interesting to publish my commit and then see "oh hey, it's not mine anymore". I'm still listed as the committer but I'm not the author anymore because of git black magic.
@RedRiderX No, it involved some fuckery with cherry picking, rebasing, and solving merge conflicts on top of a different commit that the other person wrote (which I also worked on).
I'm currently working with Kaitlin on a blog post that'll serve to announce this company's support for Fight for the Future's Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality. I've done a fair bit of reading on this over the years, and believe this is a good cause - and one worthy of a loud and...
it just that sometimes what seems like someone cheating or hacking is actually them having been so obsessive they have pulled apart everything about the game
The new gym update changes how coins are earned, including a limit of 50 coins earned per day. How does this limit work? Is each pokemon limited to accruing 50 coins per day? Are all my pokemon limited to a collective 50 per day? My teammates keep feeding my Dragonite and she has been at the gym ...
New from me: NASA Denies InfoWars Report Claiming It's Running a Child Slave Colony on Mars