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in Root Access, 13 secs ago, by djsmiley2k
startup.vbs runs startup.bat runs store.vbs calls store.bat runs sync.bat, sync.bat runs each file in ./scripts/ in turn
sounds like an init system
and it's from startup.vbs
I think someone just badly reinvented sysvinit 35 years late
...in Visual Basic for Scripting and DOS Batch files
how hasn't @djsmiley2k caught fire yet
Well, they have stopped typing
Proximity to@kalina (I mean, they're both british, close enough)
Also I forgot her exact name so I just searched for "sets fire to"
(I mean I remembered "sounded kinda like kathrina" so I wasn't that far off)
I think me and @Arperum have taken over @kalina's burnination duties
@KevinvanderVelden Pretty much.
@KevinvanderVelden a-ha! I knew that metal was satan praisal!
@Yuuki as someone who actually shuts their electronics down everyday this still doesn't make sense to me
because every time I go to clean my keyboard my computer is already on .-. (I don't want to turn it off, you turn off!)
Rebasing (15/18)
it's one of these days
@badp screams in horror
pick ef150cb7360b Se
pick ad81b2620a85 SE
pick 7dadc5899f88 SE
pick 2a03defab77f SE
pick efe741871b21 SE
fixup f37505cac7de f
pick 747430e3c6e8 Se
pick e4dcc461d8ce Se
pick 7af7ba99b0a2 Se
pick 16bd7a101ee0 SE
fixup f72e0b78bf64 f
fixup adf499bee35e f
pick 99a719354acb SE
fixup 9441d6140243 f
fixup 2c4380e7ef35 f
pick 14dbf9217587 fi
pick 4e901a714ce2 SE
I've currently got a giant diff list on this file that will be potentially fun to merge later on
For values of potentially fun meaning completely unfun
"Britain says Fox bid for Sky risks giving Murdoch too much power" - reuters.com/article/us-sky-m-a-fox-idUSKBN19K1D9
People really need to stop watching fox news
@Wipqozn I saw a picture of a newsstand that just had a sign that says "WE DO NOT SELL THE SUN HERE"
@Yuuki this is me
Except Sky and Sun are 2 different words so these things are only tangentially related through Fox
Look it's 3:30 on thursday my brain is currently operating at 27% capacity
@Unionhawk the smaller the commits you make the less pain while merging
why do you think I have 13 commits
We'll be merging an entire branch at the end of it and I think TFS merge looks at file diff not individual changesets
But idk actually
you have already lost
stealthily migrate everyone to git
There's like 29 different environments
because that's just how we have branching-ish set up
As in, actual robots not remote controlled weapons like in robotwars
I can realistically split this into 2 changesets, but I'd like to keep all the "move all the components on this screen up 20 pixels" in one changeset
you have so lost everything forever
I think most of my companies problems could be solved if we made it so that trains cannot be physically stopped by any means.
Including breaks?
@MadMAxJr what if you just made it impossible for trains to move
hell, let's reach a compromise
No it will still respond to controls, it just needs to no longer be impacted by external forces.
no acceleration
moving trains move. stationary trains station.
Throw the switch, flip on the 'I Like Trains' song from youtube, go to destination.
Problem on the track? Train don't care, keeps going.
Vehicle on the track? More like metallic fragment rain.
@Unionhawk I'm so sorry
Maybe trains should just perform space folding to arrive at the destination.
@MadMAxJr train derails, goes in the air before going down? Not a problem, it'll come out the other side
The train is now an unstoppable metal land worm of destruction.
@KevinvanderVelden There's a reason why those judges wear shinguards.
So we gotta throw a ramp down somewhere, hotwheels style.
This is way more awesome than Snowpiercer.
We're going with the much smaller changeset that will be simple to merge for now until they tell us that they don't like how it looks
Which I'm predicting will happen so shelveset
> If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably something designed to fool you into believing it's a duck. Don't trust it and shoot it in the face.
@Yuuki Someone played too much NES.
Q: How to /give tipped arrows in Windows-10 edition

The Mattbat999I am trying to make a feature in my survival minigame where every once and a while a random player is teleported to a hidden room via command blocks. Inside, players will be allowed to hit one button, then be teleported back to the main arena. Each button gives you different items, and one I want...

Dear amazon. Sell me an SNES mini already
Just put on your eyepatch, buy a parrot, and emulate it
I don't have any working USB controllers and I'd like to support the official release of StarFox 2 if possible.
And I don't want to jump through hoops to make my PS4 controller talk to a Pi.
@MadMAxJr my ps4 controller worked perfectly with Pi with a usb cable
no hoops whatsoever
Your 2nd point is valid, but as to your first, a USB controller is certainly cheaper than the mini
it even worked through BT, but for some reason was somewhat laggy
ps4 controller works like any dinput controller, there's absolutely nothing special about it
@KevinvanderVelden kalina?
@Dragonrage RIP @kalina
@Lazers2.0 My guess is you can't. Not sure what the feature parity is right now.
@MBraedley well one is cool and has mods and the other is well programmed
So there's very little feature parity
@KevinvanderVelden Well, more specifically WRT the features that are required for a solution to the problem.
"well programmed" is the only feature of the win 10 edition
@MBraedley Sssh, I wanted to be snarky
I care not about your context
@KevinvanderVelden I will not stand for your snark, good sir!
Well then you can sit
I will not sit idle either!
You don't have to be idle, there's a computer right there
I hate it when the winforms designer just decides it wants to not work
there it goes
cc @Ash @GodEmperorDune
And I guess @Wipqozn because of that title.
Q: EA Origin Points use for dlc purchase

cpup100This is weird I used some of my Origin points to buy dlc for either ME2 or ME3. but for some odd reason it's not letting me do it anymore. did they disable and discontinue that feature, if so that's stupid.

Oh shit what
We're repealing the 2001 AUMF?
Oh man. Tomorrow I get fiber internet. Goodbye 28 down / 5 up speed.
2 hours ago, by Tim Stone
Shockingly a provision to revoke the AUMF cleared a House committee hurdle today
But still!
What's AUMF?
@MadMAxJr Welcome to the future! It's great!
Sounds like a word used to express devouring an entire cake in one bite.
2 hours ago, by Tim Stone
Authorization for Use of Military Force (against Terrorists)
Symmetrical gigabit internet
Basically Congress's way of declaring eternal war without actually declaring war.
i.e. the "President can go to war as long as it's against terrorists!" law
@MadMAxJr Oh, you are in the future. I only have 150 down, 50 up (although faster down speeds are available).
@TimStone wait why would the republicans do that when Trump is in charge?
are they actually worried he's going to fuck something up?
I mean to be fair they've yelled at him for fucking things up
Because while the ability for Presidents to blow up non-us is great* conceptually, the perpetual state of war in the Middle East is bad for military families
It's bad for the world maybe
@TimStone no i get why it is good for everyone except politicians
(*not actually great in any way)
but this house is not prone to humanitarian moves
I mean it's passed comittee apparently
as far as I can tell
I don't know
@GodEmperorDune Yeah but it's hard to cast military families in a bad light
Paul Ryan will probably just have an intern sit there erasing the printed text with an eraser to get rid of it
or something
@TimStone they still haven't fixed the VA
"Whiners, complaining about being in war for the last decade+"
@GodEmperorDune AFAIK that's actually receiving attention at the moment even if it's not Fixed
and Trump is saber rattling North Korea, Iran, and all of NATO
@TimStone that's good
@GodEmperorDune This House is not prone to human moves period.
Follow @LeoShane for VA-related news
But as mentioned it only cleared committee, it'll likely get GOP-stomped on the floor
@TimStone Well, according to Fox News, we're all going to die anyways so why should we care about sending soldiers to die all over the world? /s
they already put the "muslim unless you're family or in business here" ban into place
Okay I just threw a pint glass into the sand. Did I glass it? Is that how this works?
@Yuuki Yeah this was an actual take today in case anyone thinks he's kidding
@MadMAxJr yes
@Avery which dumbass wanted to watch sand glow?
Fuller quote fr Rep Mike Duffey: "While it is very politically strong to say people will die, the reality is we will all die at some point"
@TimStone dafuq
Q: Broforce Crashed Every Time

Igor PaivaI love this game, but I need to know how I fix the problem crashed. I play 30 min and the game staying slow, slow, slow and crashes, I searched in the forums but nobody help me.

Q: How to play VS Survival in Killing Floor 2 with group of friends on PS4?

BaronGrivetWe have 8 players who want to play the VS Survival mode in Killing Floor 2 on PS4 where half of us are zombies and the other half are humans. How do we do this? We tried to set it up last night with all of us in the same PS4 party - but it only showed 6 places in a "squad" and the remaining pl...

Good. You had me worried I had to superheat the desert or something.
@TimStone this is like that one on nucleartakes: "Keep your doctor never happened" "Ok, but like, people will die?" "Have you considered that life isn't fair?"
@GodEmperorDune It was about the Republican healthcare bill and how we shouldn't care how bad it is because we're all going to die anyways.
@MadMAxJr yup
we need bigger glasses though
to fit into trump's bigly hand
@MadMAxJr Unless it's this in which case no
Trump will make a deal for the Shinigami eyes, but instead it shows the dollar values for people, not their remaining lifespan.
I looked at those hydro flasks last night. Seems nice, but not sure I need to replace my RTIC.
I should call rob and check in tomorrow shouldn't I
@MadMAxJr good refrance
I really liked that series when it came to Cartoon Network. :P
Well, the 'Adult Swim' block cartoons anyway.
Our uniforms are nowhere near nice enough to be compared to the Nazi regime.
@Yuuki Donald Trump is a fascist
@MadMAxJr What I would give for a nice stylish Hugo Boss jacket instead of this cheap Mexican-manufactured red hat.
However you do have me worried if the Trumpler Youth Brigades become a thing.
I've been saying that since August of 16
Twitter exploring ways for users to flag fake news: report http://hill.cm/A4hV0by https://t.co/TAqV9fc4KM
Oh god no
Noooo no no
inb4 alt right trolls shut down legit news sites with swarming
Twitter is so bad at everything this will be terrible
i still don't get why they rounded the profile pics
was that really the most important thing to be doing?
It's because they're horrible
Q: Ps4 controller blinking light

JoeHow do you connect 2 not connected ps4 controllers. Both of my ps4 controllers are not connecting to my playstation so how do you connect them.

In touching tribute to Samsung Note 7, fidget spinners burst in flames http://reg.cx/2tda
@Yuuki now you're playing with LARGE BAGUETTE
cc @ash
Yes good :D
I'M A LIVING TESTIMONIAL: DONATE TO THE @EFF!!! http://eff.org/helpout
@GodEmperorDune I approve.
@TimStone \o/
but mcmansion hell won't use zillow images moving forward so not fair use?
notch, what the fuck?
Uhh someone seriously borked the EFF site |:
WSJ: Republican operative sought Clinton emails from Russian hackers and implied he was working with Mike Flynn http://on.wsj.com/2tpLF6A
mmm that's the good stuff right there
@TimStone yeah, something isn't right there
Yo, a foam javelin STRAIGHT TO THE FACE and keeps holding the shield
@TimStone Yea, that one would have definitely been a kill in the real thing.
@Yuuki they're good spartans, bront
@GodEmperorDune Well, those are testudo shields not aspis/hoplon shields. So Roman, not Greek.
@Yuuki meh, the romans stole it from the greeks anyway
lol at all the states telling Kobach to pound sand
Huh. I did some weird git black magic fuckery and now my feature commit is owned by someone else.
The fun part is that it's the one I've been working on for the past week, almost two.
@Yuuki git goofd
Cherry on top of the sundae is that I'm pretty sure it's now owned by someone who no longer works here.
@Yuuki time to bribe your git admin
@GodEmperorDune Eh, it should be the final commit and it'll be merged in. My supervisor knows I'm the one that's been working on this, so I don't think I'll run into any problems as far as credit goes. And I don't think we worry that much about who gets credit for what commit in this shop anyways.
Just thought it was interesting to publish my commit and then see "oh hey, it's not mine anymore". I'm still listed as the committer but I'm not the author anymore because of git black magic.
@Yuuki Did you accidently use someone else's credentials?
@RedRiderX No, it involved some fuckery with cherry picking, rebasing, and solving merge conflicts on top of a different commit that the other person wrote (which I also worked on).
Q: How to animate armor stands using command blocks in minecraft

RoweidaRoseHow do I animate armor stands using command blocks? i cant use youtube so please tell me without videos.

@RedRiderX unless enforced by the server you can write a commit and name it as being from whomever you want
(and most servers don't enforce anything like that)
@KevinvanderVelden Huh I guess that is true
Anyway bed o/
Also my old roommate was here
I'm sorry, I mean a pile of steaming Fantastic Four movies.
user image
cc @GodEmperorDune @Wipqozn
@Yuuki hue
@HazyKingdom Madtree's new seasonal Entropic Theory is very good, I'd sub that one in Truth's place if you haven't already made efforts to acquire it
It's a result of several iterations of experimental ipas similar to how knowledge was developed
It just released today so this Intel is coming to you live
@Yuuki I'll reserve judgment for now.
> A family in the US says one of the smash=hit toys caught fire as it was charging its Bluetooth speaker in their home
I'm sorry, what?
@Yuuki so kinda like Superman where in Jesus came from the moon rather than another solar system
@SaintWacko i would have had a similar WTH response until i read more
> To recap, different companies now make fidget spinners with Bluetooth speaker connectivity – and apparently some of them don't do it very well.
@Memor-X Yeah, I hadn't gotten there either
now it's WTFRH? why do you need Bluetooth speaker connectivity in them in the first place?
@Memor-X Sorta not really.
@SaintWacko It's important someone made them as obnoxious as possible by making them make extra sound and be IoT!
Q: Net Neutrality and Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange

Shog9I'm currently working with Kaitlin on a blog post that'll serve to announce this company's support for Fight for the Future's Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality. I've done a fair bit of reading on this over the years, and believe this is a good cause - and one worthy of a loud and...

wall hacks in cod
got videos now tho lol
When you're aiming perfectly, at someone who's just spawned in, behind a wall, and hasn't moved
so you hit them the moment they come out from behind it... it's a bit hard to justify
@djsmiley2k so are they shooting though the wall?
they follow people, as if they can see them, perfectly
until they come into sight, and immediately kill them
which is fine, if you saw someone walk behind said object
but when that persons just spawned there
how do you explain it..... and then it happens multiple times
@djsmiley2k are the spawn points random or set?
if they're set then 1) does the set spawn point get determined by where you died and 2) can this be predicted by a human
@Memor-X random
and no generally not predictable
@djsmiley2k yep, probably a hack then
the only predictable way is if you have someone covering every spawn point, can see people spawning, and immediately shoot them
the vid will be up tomoz
the spawns are based off a number of things
but this didn't just happen at spawn time
i saw him get me, when i was behind walls not moving, UAV wasn't active, etc
There was no way tro know where i was. yet he was targetting me, through the wall, perfectly
anyway I'm off to bed, cod is dead for now, sigh
it just that sometimes what seems like someone cheating or hacking is actually them having been so obsessive they have pulled apart everything about the game
oh yah I know that
but this wasn't that
you don't follow someones head, perfectly, from behind a wall, jumping, crouching and all
Q: How does the coin limit work?

yoozer8The new gym update changes how coins are earned, including a limit of 50 coins earned per day. How does this limit work? Is each pokemon limited to accruing 50 coins per day? Are all my pokemon limited to a collective 50 per day? My teammates keep feeding my Dragonite and she has been at the gym ...

New from me: NASA Denies InfoWars Report Claiming It's Running a Child Slave Colony on Mars http://www.thedailybeast.com/nasa-denies-that-its-running-a-child-slave-colony-on-mars
Ah yes the President has good normal friends
@TimStone wait, who could possibly be....
> A report on Alex Jones'
oh right
wait, doesn't Alex Jones support the idea that we never made it to space?
We faked the moon landings but have a child slave colony on Mars, yes

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