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@FallenAngelEyes Rather high.
Made for a fun bike ride.
Q: New Gaming Giveaway Round 1- Go get 'em

Seth RogersWelcome to the New Gaming Promotional Grant Round 1! All users with at least 300 reputation are eligible to receive one free game from Gaming.SE. This round's featured games are Final Fantasy XIII-2, Soul Calibur V, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and The Darkness II. The catch? Simple - ask 8 ...

It's been 5 minutes since the deadline!
Why don't I know if I've won :(
@StrixVaria I've got eight.
@GnomeSlice Your clock is fast.
Although I'm not quite sure how well-equipped our community is to answer 8 in-depth questions about Soul Calibur V...
@StrixVaria Computer clock.
i.e. Internet time.
@GnomeSlice Your time server is fast.
@StrixVaria Mine shows 8 minutes, also.
@Tristan Now it would, since it's been 3 minutes.
Anyway I guess I'll just impatiently refresh my e-mail every few seconds or something.
@StrixVaria ... well played.
@StrixVaria Will they post the winners?
@Tristan He was rather ambiguous about whether the winners would be in the topic, but they will get e-mails, so I figure that's more reliable.
At the very least he should post when all the winners have been notified so that I can have some closure if I wasn't selected.
What's my steam username? Is it my display name? Or the account name? I always forget which one I need to use to log in.
@GnomeSlice It's not your display name.
Steam is all sorts of screwed up, though. My account name is "zxqamf", my profile is at "/StrixVaria", and my display name is "Invader Skoodge".
@StrixVaria You should suggest that...
@ArdaXi Ugh I hate biking in the snow
@GnomeSlice I believe people can still search for you by your display name though, but doing so would just turn up anyone with the same display name
@ArdaXi: Biking in the snow is pretty hardcore.
@Wipqozn A friend of mine hit a patch of black ice on her bike one day and got a concussion. <.<
@GnomeSlice Yours is GnomeSlice.
@Wipqozn I was trying to log in.
@Ullallulloo No it's not.
@FallenAngelEyes I first read that as "I hate bikiniing in the snow"
@Tristan well shit
I figured it out, at any rate.
ah, okay
@Sterno I didn't want to say anything, but me too.
@Sterno ...that's not even a verb...
I verbified it!
@FallenAngelEyes You can verb any word.
@Wipqozn The ironic part is, she got a ticket 3 days prior for not wearing a helmet. So, she had a helmet on when she was concussed.
I need to stoppp buying gammeeeeessssss
@GnomeSlice You and me both... Which is why I'm hoping I get a grant. <.<
I just bought Pineapple Smash Crew.
And I want Oil Rush, but my bank account can't handle the load.
@GnomeSlice Your Steam ID is, at least.
Ah fuck! There's a Pixeljunk game on Steam!
@GnomeSlice Yup!
Highly recommended
I played it a lot on PS3
x_x But... but I was going to stop buying games...
Wow, good job @FallenAngelEyes.
@GnomeSlice What game is it? >.>
@Wipqozn Hm?
@FallenAngelEyes @gnome is all like "I need to stop buying games :(" and then you're all like "BUY THIS GAME! IT'S GREAT!"
well it is!
@Tristan PixelJunk Eden.
Hmm... I will investigate.
@FallenAngelEyes I agree, and @gnome should buy it! but still!
I had like $60 in my paypal, but I'm still trying to decide if I want to buy the twitch AfterEffects plugin
I also don't know what game we are talking about, but I won't pass up the chance to troll.
@FallenAngelEyes How's the soundtrack?
@Wipqozn A vote for Wipqozn is like a vote for trolling GnomeSlice.
That's a platform I can stand on.
@GnomeSlice Pretty good imo
@StrixVaria He's got my vote!
Does this have a horrible title now? O.o
Q: How do you zoom out?

NorlaIs there any way to zoom out the camera in DotA 2? I've found my ideal aspect ratio - and holy crap, is the resolution terrible if you're not on the right one! Even with the right ratio, I feel like I can't quite see enough of the screen, especially in the vertical direction. Any tips?

@FallenAngelEyes I don't think so...
Making Comics

Proposed Q&A site for artists, writers, comics makers, on all supports, with all narrative styles!

Currently in definition.

@FallenAngelEyes I would've been tempted to put "in game" at the end, just to make it different from any other how do you zoom out question, but in the end I don't think it matters.
Okay. No more games.
Q: How do I scare the pants off some henchmen?

splattered bitsIn Batman: Arkham City, to earn The End of the Line predator challenge's Scare Tactics medal, you have to Appear out of nowhere to surprise a terrified henchman. What are the best techniques to scare enemies? I can't frighten anybody. They're never surprised when they come around a corne...

I have so many games I've bought recently I haven't even played, and I keep seeing such awesome new ones
And shit, I don't have enough for the AfterEffects plugin any more.
@GnomeSlice I'm like that but with books.
@GnomeSlice I blame Steam
I'm like that with everything.
I don't even really read, but it doesn't stop me from buying books for no reason.
@Lazers if I was one of those thugs, and batman was silently dispatching my buddies, I'd totally piss my pants if he showed up right behind me
@GraceNote I certainly hope so.
@GraceNote yay for long answers!
Hah. 'Penetration'.
What the hell is wrong with me.
You're @GnomeSlice, what isn't wrong with you?
I'm amazed by the number of generic baddies in Arkham City who seem to think they have a real shot of taking down Batman in hand-to-hand combat. They're always "Come and get it, Batman! I'm going to mess you up!"
Ignoring the stacks of unconscious bodies littering the rest of the city.
@GraceNote Is that the game were you can stick barrels/grips anywhere you want on your weapons?
@GnomeSlice Not technically anywhere, but it can get absurd, yes
With enough pieces, you can have upwards-facing barrels in front of the main gun's barrel
@Sterno yeah, I think there's probably some point where the body count is like ~15 on the ground where I'd be like... uh... y'know what, batman? I'm just going to shout "OOF" and then lie here on the floor real quiet, and then go grab some frozen yogurt after you're gone.
@agent86 WHA-BAM!
@agent86 Maybe that's why everyone locked in Arkham City is so pissed. No frozen yogurt stands.
Man I wish I could remember the endless question I had from Tomba!
@Sterno this is cruel and unusual punishment.
I would get ALL the rep!
Ultimately, I'm just happy that is now solidified to exist.
@GraceNote Do you know if they'll post the grant recipients?
@Tristan When we select them, yes
@GraceNote kk That's all I was wondering. I think Strix was wondering, as well.
Hey @Wipqozn can you do me a fave and not abbreviate my name "FAE" in comments, because I don't get notifications then. I've had a few people do it now and then I run across the comment weeks later on happenstance and never realize the person wanted to ping me.
@FallenAngelEyes Will do, but I didn't mean to ping you.
@Wipqozn I know, but using "Fallen" or my whole nick may be better, at least not on chat, because of aforementioned comments issue :)
@FallenAngelEyes mhm yeah I understand.
I deleted my comment and made a new one in which I included your full name AND I pinged you. So it's like this whole thing never happened! yay
@FallenAngelEyes can we request a name synonym?
@Wipqozn So much yay...
@OrigamiRobot Don't think you can :(
@GraceNote Are you familiar with the Ys games?
Looks interesting. Worth checking out?
Erm... there's a lot of Ys games.
I just think the gameplay looks fun.
That makes me chuckle, in a good way, though. At any rate, pick a starting point and try it out, would be my recommendation
Eee, they're all for different platforms.
That's... kinda why just saying you want to just jump in is kinda... big, y'know?
Man, now I kinda wanna change my gravatar to Sinistar. It would look awesome when I enter chat.
@GraceNote I don't give a shit about plotlines or anything, if that's what you mean.
It's similar to Final Fantasy - there's a lot of changes to the system here and there across all of the releases, so I can't necessarily give a rating on the series as a whole to someone who is entirely new to the entire series.
@GnomeSlice That isn't what I was looking at
How do you reference a tag (so that it looks like a tag) in a meta post?
The syntax is [tag:X] or [meta-tag:X]
No problem. ♪
Interesting, my nomination video has 2 dislikes...
(an no likes)
did we have a ruling on whether or not it's OK to post powerlord's comments to meta on my own? Should I continue to wait?
@RonanForman why dislikes? boo on dislikes.
@agent86 I'd think he'd have done it by now if he was going to.
@agent86 I wouldn't post his comments. But you can certainly bring up the topic yourself.
You don't have to mention him at all. I'm sure he'll make his opinion known.
I'm kind of of two minds on the subject - I'd like to get it off my chest, but I also don't want to make the issue/drama any worse.
@agent86 I totally understand. I'm just saying, if you want to bring it up, I'd just bring it up without mentioning him or his specific comments at all.
It's definitely an issue I'm curious about, completely unrelated to the elections. Pretty much all of my SWTOR answers have been a mix of personal knowledge + web searching
@bwarner yeah, I'd like to address his statements though. I don't know how I could do that without mentioning them.
I could rephrase them, but then I'd feel like I was putting words in someone else's mouth
or creating strawmen.
@agent86 I think the issue of answer rot is a 100% valid concern, but "Google answers" aren't the source of the problem. I don't even think they are necessarily a problem at all.
Seems like something that could be addressed in the Town Hall Chat, or in an "Ask the Candidates" meta post
Q: Is it really acceptable to ask questions that are already easily googled?

YellowMegaManI just saw this question here on Gaming.SE: Terminology: Gosu? The term "Gosu" is explained with a very quick Google. The first hit is Wikipedia's own page on the term (which the first answer here inevitably links back to). Is there really any benefit to encouraging this type of question here -...

There's also that related issue. Some answers are simply too large for one person to have personal expert knowledge of
(like all the datacron locations in SWTOR)
they're easily google-able, though clearly someone didn't bother
@agent86 I think its perfectly reasonable to phrase your thoughts as answers to general questions, without making it feel like you're attributing those questions to someone. I think that is pretty common on meta.
@Sterno Related, but not the same. The concern is more over questions that are subtle/complex if you know the subject matter deeply, but are being provided Googled answers from those that don't
@MarkTrapp Probably true. Powerlord's comments weren't really specific enough for me to know exactly what he had a problem with
When we become the #1 site for game facts we wont have this problem.
@Sterno I might be projecting, though. It's happened on a number of occasions on my questions; just had a "I never played the game, but here's a 30 second Google search" answer on an question the other day
@MarkTrapp well, my response is kind of long and it has implications beyond the current elections.
@MarkTrapp Yeah, I've seen those. Or the ones who don't even bother with the Google search and post a random guess. I've never seen @agent86 post answers like that though, and he was specifically targeted. Granted, I haven't read every single answer he's ever written.
@agent86 And sorry, when I reference you I don't mean in any way to imply that all your answers are googled (not that I'd care if they were).
If the level of depth isn't what's wanted from a google, then don't upvote it.
@MarkTrapp To be fair, you asked a question that was impossible for anyone to legitimately have an answer to at the time (barring a Japanese import version where the answer might not be the same anyways)
@Sterno yeah, I've earned a reputation for it, and I inadvertently encouraged it. I'm at least partly to blame, although I hate being singled out.
In that case it seems OK to say "This is what is known so far, I'll change it if I learn otherwise"
@bwarner A question that's hard to answer doesn't deserve incorrect or bad answers; questions can stay unanswered for a couple of days.
I believe it was Jon Skeet who said it was OK to post a guess as long as you made it clear that is what it was.
The goal is to convey expertise, not random information. That's what the rest of the internet is for.
@RonanForman So, I completely forgot what my photoshop request was... =\
I'd rather have a provisional answer that uses the information available at the time then no answer at all.
This is only really a problem if people are voting for the answers that are googled.
Vote with your upvotes people.
@RonanForman And even then it's only a problem if the answer sucks
@RonanForman They are, which is part of the problem. Not to say that @agent86 is doing it at all, but Powerlord's complaint is that agent86's reputation largely comes from Googled answers that people are upvoting without knowing any better.
Exactly, so its not the fault of the googlers at all, it's the people who vote for them.
And obviously you should be willing to be downvoted for guessing without reasonable background, as happened in today's Diablo 3 question.
Q: What are the best weapon to use in MW3 survival mode?

iraSenthilI have started playing MW3 recently and have completed 13 rounds in Resistance map. I have been using Assault Riffle ACR 6.8. What kind of weapons I should use for survival mode where I can get more bangs for my buck?

@agent86's rep isn't from googling, it's from research there's a big difference.
@RonanForman well said
Yay for research!
@Sterno I always say things well. or really badly.
@RonanForman There is, but voters aren't making that distinction. To go back to the FF13-2 question I was referring to, an answer that was Googled ("researched" if you will) got 3 up-votes, even though it was incorrect. Who are these people up-voting it?
@MarkTrapp The source of the answer should be irrelvant. Good answers should be upvoted, bad answers should be downvoted. This whole thing about googling answers is just a distraction.
As I've said before, I think the only problem with "Google answers" comes from the larger problem of First Answer Wins
@MarkTrapp It's not research then, research requires at least 2 distinct sources.
people upvote fast answers and then those answers get accepted and nobody ever checks the non-accepted answers to see if they are better
@MarkTrapp This is why I don't really upvote answers on games I don't play. It's hard for me to discern stuff like that.
"Nobody" meaning average users
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, but that's a problem with the site as a whole, and not just googled answers.
A: How to clear "Storm the Sheep" on extreme in Defender's Quest?

NommyI found it pretty easy using all level 20 troops (with level 22 librarian), using some of the advice from previous answers. The sheep ate it just past 1/2 way. The general strategy was to follow the sheep with 3 unboosted ice mages for the first 1/4 of the path to build up slow debuff duration, ...

@OrigamiRobot Counter-example!
Unless it's extreme in one way or another (really good or reeeeally bad)
@Sterno He did say "Average" users, and I agree with him.
@Wipqozn Thats my point. Singling out googled answers will not defeat the problem.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, exactly: I try to do the same
@Wipqozn The guy who changed that answer only has 163 rep, and changed it a few days after he'd accepted one
@FallenAngelEyes Exactly, even if people post it in chat saying they should have more rep.
We almost need a way to further incentivize keeping answers up to date.
@MarkTrapp Assuming you're talking about the New Game + question, that answer was deleted within a couple of days, so it looks like the system worked itself out pretty quickly.
@Sterno I don't think @OrigamiRobot was saying it is always the case, but it usually is.
@Wipqozn Oh, fine, beat down my optimism! :P
@RonanForman Yeah, you could easily write out an answer that's long, detailed, and looks good but is still wrong. If I don't play the game, I can't know that by looking at it for an objective judgement, so I don't vote one way or the other in that case.
@Sterno then he is an above-average user
@Sterno You obviously haven't worked in IT :P
Do we have examples of incorrect answers that have never been corrected or contradicted? Presumably not, since the reasonable action to take would then be to fix it.
@bwarner There are a lot of outdated minecraft questions.
@bwarner It did, but counter-example: lots of views, 10 up-votes, comment saying "this isn't helpful, you just quoted the official guide", and no deletions
@bwarner I can give you at least one incorrect answer that got upvoted 9 times. Note that this answer was never right.
It seems more Googled, misleading answers stay than are deleted/updated
@OrigamiRobot I'd say there is a difference between "outdated" and "wrong". Outdated answers were correct at one point.
@John But then it got corrected.
@Ullallulloo By me, but it still has a score of 7.
@Wipqozn I agree, but they both need the same action.
@Wipqozn I agree there, but that's probably the bigger problem.
@OrigamiRobot I agree, I just want to emphasize there is a difference.
Alright, so who is going to bite the bullet and write up a meta question about this? :)
@Sterno I assumed @agent86 was doing that right now.
Unless he is still deciding if he should wait for powerlord.
@MarkTrapp Presumably somebody found it helpful, even if you didn't. It seems presumptuous to assume that there are all these people that are just voting with no justification. And it certainly doesn't seem like that answer is wrong, just maybe doesn't contain the detail you would like.
@John Which one?

Googled answers discussion.

26 mins ago, 25 minutes total – 85 messages, 13 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 4 secs ago by Ronan Forman

@MarkTrapp Statistically, or just anecdotally? I think there's going to be a good amount of confirmation bias unless you actually run numbers somehow.
@bwarner Think of it this way: would an answer that quoted the StarCraft II promotional site be acceptable in the tag?
A: Why does my character skin keep reverting to a naked girl?

WingdaemonWell, if you're a premium user I wouldn't know why, but the Anjo Caido (pirate'd) Launcher (the force update one) gives you a naked girl skin for fun. Also some hacked/cheat clients do it too.

A: Where is the castle?

WipqoznDirections Here is the path you need to take: (There will be a gate blocking your path directly above here for now) (there will be a monkey here, you will need to give him banana's which are part of the trade quest) (there will be a bush over the steps) ...

My answer is another example. I got quite a few up votes before another user pointed out I made a pretty vital mistake.
The answer I linked couldn't be more wrong.
@MarkTrapp Acceptable? Yes. Helpful to some? Maybe. The best possible answer? No.
I have no clue why anyone would upvote that other than "sounds funny".
@John But you don't know the real answer.
@Ullallulloo I know that that isn't the real answer.
A pirate launcher that changes the local skin sounds reasonable.
I've used that launcher for ~7-8 versions now.
And it doesn't do that.
@Ullallulloo What number am I thinking of? > apple > that must be right as you don't know the real answer.
I think we need a good way for users to identify outdated/incorrect information. Especially on questions that already have accepted answers.
@John Interesting, but seems like kind of a niche case. I would guess people were upvoting for the idea that the answer might be that you are using a pirated version, rather than based on the specifics.
@bwarner This is all anecdotal of course, but it's recognized as a problem by a number of people. We could all be mistaken, but odds are, we're probably not. The issue is a perception problem: if the site doesn't have good answers, people leave. So even if the statistics say—if you could even demonstrate it through statistics—most answers are well researched and objectively correct, if people perceive Gaming.SE's answers (in a specific tag, per se) are bad, that should be considered an issue
@RonanForman I didn't say that it's right, it's probably not, but it sounds plausible, and no one else knows what could cause it.
@MarkTrapp Do you perceive that? That Gaming.SE generally has bad answers?
@bwarner But if you take out the blatantly wrong part of that answer, there's not much left. "Well, if you're a premium user I wouldn't know why" "Also some hacked/cheat clients do it too." doesn't sound like much of an answer to me...
@Ullallulloo This. This is a problem. It's probably not right (I actually know it's not right), but people upvote it anyway.
@Wipqozn oh, I'm listening and considering the options. I'd prefer that someone who feels strongly about the issue write it up rather that I.
@John If you didn't tell me otherwise, I'd say that sounds very likely though.
@Ullallulloo I think that's his point.
@Ullallulloo I agree, but people shouldn't vote on what sounds likely.
I think it would be a conflict of interest for me to write the question - people could say that I'd painted it in the wrong light. One scenario (that I didn't much care for) was using powerlord's previous comments on the subject as a starting point.
@bwarner I think Gaming generally has good answers. But it also has a weakness, in the form of fast, Googled answers that wind up being ultimately incorrect or misleading. Some are caught and removed/updated; many are not. I think most would recognize it as an area for improvement
@Wipqozn Yeah, I was talking about the middle part about it probably being wrong.
Most wouldn't know that.
I do agree that's a problem though.
I've definitely upvoted answers that I didn't know for sure were correct, but looked plausible and were well-written.
@bwarner If I'm a Googler and stumble upon a bad Gaming.SE answer, I'm probably not going to go through the site and try to assess the general quality of answers, though. I'm more likely to just leave and find a better place based on that one bad answer. So it's important to minimize the problem as much as possible
@MarkTrapp What ever happened to that Giza Necropolis project you were doing?
@Sterno Plus, if you see that others have upvoted, you think that they know. =/
@MarkTrapp I have no problems with this statement. I take offense only when people say that this is the sum total of my contributions, and begin to judge my answers based on their perception of how I reached my conclusions. This is what is happening to me now.
@Ullallulloo Probably true. Though if I ever see a comment that says, "No, this is wrong" I wouldn't vote on it
@Sterno Yeah
@Ullallulloo Leading to a very dangerous mob mentality.
@John Which is why I try to refrain from that.
@agent86 Whether or not it's a fair charge, it doesn't really seem appropriate and sounds more like axe grinding than raising a legitimate issue. I suggested bringing it up in the THC as a way to talk about the general problem and get all the candidates involved to stop it from being a personal attack on you and make it into something more constructive
@Ullallulloo Good. More people need to do that.
@John Gaming likes funny answers and questions. Look at stuff like any of the "classic" questions, like the corpse question or even the Fable 3 one asking where to find lesbians which has a ton of upvotes that are probably just for having the word "lesbians" in it. :P
@RonanForman I didn't think I was producing high enough quality content, so I've put it on hold indefinitely until I can.
@MarkTrapp I see what you're saying. I don't know that a one line answer in THC is going to dispel this, though. I don't know what the right way is, honestly.
@FallenAngelEyes Yes, and I'm kinda in agreement with the blog that this isn't always a good thing...
Q: Is Call of Duty 4 Online Multiplayer canceled?

JakeRow123I'm on a PS3. I tried to play COD 4 multiplayer a couple of weeks back and I couldn't. When I click Multiplayer and then Find Game I get a "Downloading Game Settings" message on the screen that never goes away. I just tried playing again now and same thing. Did they cancel (depriciate) online ga...

Q: Czech top-down racing game

svickI'm looking for a freeware Czech top-down racing game that I played in early 2000s. You were able to choose cars from different groups (called A, B, C and D) based on speed. And you had to unlock the higher groups. In at least some of the tracks, you were racing through a village, which was acco...

@John Funny != upvote. Quality answers == upvote.
@MarkTrapp You should start again on a server and get a group of us to help, it's be faster and probably higher quality.
But lots of people like upvoting for laughs.
@Ullallulloo Though as an example, yesterday (and again earlier today) I linked what I thought was an underrated answer for Defender's Quest. After linking it here it went from 3 votes to 11. I doubt the 8 people in here who voted it up have played the game and knew if it was right. But it made a decent argument and was very well written
@FallenAngelEyes Which is how it should be...
Okay, now I'm curious: What is the Giza Necropolis project? (@MarkTrapp @RonanForman)
@FallenAngelEyes And I see this as a problem when they're upvoting stuff that's wrong.
@FallenAngelEyes it's my observation that upvotes and answer quality are not necessarily correlated. For any number of reasons.
@FallenAngelEyes As John says, it doesn't always work out that way based on the community's votes.
@John I agree. It's the same problem, just a different branch of it.
See: Yahoo! Answers
@MarkTrapp well, that's awesome.
It is, I'd love to help you make it, and I'm sure there are many others that would too.
@Ullallulloo Indeed, which I think is vastly unfortunate.
@MarkTrapp That is really cool.
@Wipqozn this
@MarkTrapp Can we please?
@RonanForman I wanted it to be a personal project in building mega-structures in Minecraft and video production; more of a "it's the journey, not the destination" type of thing
@MarkTrapp It'd just be lots of smaller journeys instead.
While I want to help, I don't think I'd really be any help. :P
@MarkTrapp I can respect that. :) I wish you luck!
Thanks :)
I'm not much of a builder in Minecraft, myself. I like exploring and spelunking, mostly.
@RonanForman A more practical, selfish issue with making it collaborative is that—due to my interests lying elsewhere for the time being—the project would likely be done long before I could get back to it, making it no longer my project :P
@MarkTrapp I wasn't suggesting we do it without you, I was just offering help if you ever wanted it
What's the Giza Necropolis?
That's not what I asked
@GraceNote It explains in the first video, and at the start of every video.
@GraceNote The three pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the valley temples, the Queen's Pyramids, and thousands upon thousands of tombs littering the Giza Plateau. The whole complex is about 1.4km x 1.4km square
@MarkTrapp Gotcha
@RonanForman There were a couple of things I had in mind for "build days" once the project got further along, like building out all the minor tombs. That would've been tedious to do alone and to film
@RonanForman I might take a gander
@MarkTrapp I'm subbing to your channel because I've always found the pyramids and Egyptian mythology fascinating and I really wanna see that when you're done. :D
In exchange, though, check out a fun puzzle thingy a friend of mine made
@FallenAngelEyes Thanks; it still might be a while yet :P Skyrim and <insert other major RPG release of the quarter here> consume all free time
@LessPop ain't here, you can say the name
I wish this cold or whatever would quit.
Not while I have something to say about it! Ohohohohohoho!
@GraceNote :O you are the one who got me sick?! in addition to badgers and wolverines, you have intercontinental ballistic virus buttons?!
@GraceNote Wow, that's pretty cool.
@GraceNote That is amazing
@agent86 I have a lot of free time, and a lot of resources.
Though not nearly as much as the guy who made that puzzle thing. I'll forward your feedback to him, I imagine he'll like it.
I love Myst. I actually started trying to learn D'ni when I was younger. >_>
@GraceNote I can see. Holding a person's health hostage seems quite... depraved of you. Well played, well played.
@FallenAngelEyes while I've played all the myst games, I tended to suck at them. Puzzles were a bit too obtuse in some of the games
I have trouble visualizing some of the solutions, especially in riven. Oh god, riven. That one part at the end with the little balls made me want to cry. thank gamefaqs for walkthroughs these days.
We should do a series where we make weekly minecraft puzzles, (simpler that that one) and give out 'prizes' to the people who solve them first.
@agent86 I'm pretty sure I still have random pieces of paper with notes and scribbles on them trying to work out the puzzles, haha.
@FallenAngelEyes my wife is/was a big fan of the series, we've played most of the games as a team
still we get stumped quite often
okay, internet gaming hive mind
what games do you know of that have featured this song?
I know of one, but someone who heard it said they'd heard it elsewhere in a game soundtrack.
just the first part, the "promenade"
@GnomeSlice I've always disliked these kind of things, about "men vs woman". They are basically just stereotypes, which don't apply to the common case at all.
@Wipqozn I identify with it.
@GnomeSlice Yes, some people will, and others won't.
It depends on a lot of factors.
Who broke up with who? How long was the relationship? How does each person handle break ups? How does each person handle depression (non-clinical)? et cetera
Gender really has very little to do with it.
In my opinion anyways.
@Wipqozn Gender has a lot to do with it, but you're right that a lot of things do.
I just had my first ever job interview.
@GnomeSlice I hope you remembered to wear pants.
How did it go @gnome?
Well, I think.
Down to 12 candidates now.
@GnomeSlice Good to hear.
What was the job for, if you don't mind me asking?
@Wipqozn Did Ronnie get kicked out?
@RonanForman No, Tom Wijsman withdrew.
@Wipqozn Why?
@Wipqozn Video editing for a project being done by the applied research people at my college.
@RonanForman Negative feedback would be the best way to sum it up.A lot of people expressed concerns in the comments over his lack of activity on the site until elections.
$1 on Indievania.
Me not having any such concerns is a good thing then.
Can anyone who said they liked my nomination video give it a like, only people who didn't like it voted.
I think that bar misrepresents the actual feedback and it annoys me.
@RonanForman Done.
@RonanForman Extra Credits?
@GnomeSlice What?
@RonanForman Did you do it in the style of the Extra Credits videos?
I don't actually have audio right now.
Q: What does it mean if it shows a question mark over the Steam Cloud icon?

UllallullooLooking at my games in List View, I noticed that it shows a question mark over some of them with whether or not they support the Steam Cloud. What does this mean?

@GnomeSlice Which is in turn in the style of zero punctuation.
@Wipqozn I guess I should feel good that nobody (other than me) has said anything negative about my candidacy.
@OrigamiRobot ooh, tempted to pick on you now, but that would be mean :P
@OrigamiRobot I do not support you for mod (negativity achieved)
@OrigamiRobot Beep bop boop, robot.

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