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> Some comments have stated that a requirement for being on-topic is that someone must be able to understand the question, run the code, reproduce a problem in the code, etc. without purchasing the game.
But this is clearly incorrect. There are lots of proprietary programming environments which require purchase of tools, developer licensing fees, etc. to participate in, and questions about languages in those environments would still be on-topic here even some or most of the community would have no way to validate the question, never mind answer it.
Yeah, like mathematica. This is between puzzle games and actual coding.
After sounding out my thoughts here, I think the questions about HRM would belong on Arqade as it is a puzzle game
It's basically "Do you think this is a puzzle game" or "do you think this is a tiny cute thing you program in"
@AshleyNunn it's a puzzle game with the pieces being programming functions
I mean, it's still a puzzle game :P
Ultimately its still a puzzle game
We've allowed Computercraft for pete's sake
you could say you are programming in it, but in the end it's still only a puzzle game
I think that we should allow it.
I never said we shouldn't :) I'm just like "hey this is an interesting thing, do we possibly want to suggest we are the place for said interesting thing"
so it took me about 7 hours to finish way of kings. I feel like I should've been able to finish it faster, but I am not totally annoyed by it, because it's such a great book
I've checked the game, and well, I think that we can suggest it. It doesn't feature a complete language, so the possibilities are considerably finite and it is just another puzzle game afterall.
in case you interested, it has ~387k words. so that puts me around 850-900 words per minute. I think @AshleyNunn would still beat me though
Post your top 3 OW played heroes here!
@AshleyNunn the only thing I can see is that instead of "optimizing the code", we would provide the asker with a "optimal way to complete the level". Which really is the exact same thing, but if the asker doesn't understand that you can't "optimize the code" when there's only one or two or maybe a few possible ways to complete the level, it could be a problem
@Dragonrage Last I checked I'm at 900-1000 average but I don't super pay attention to it to be honest
this sentence was very badly structured as I wasn't quite sure what I was gonna say as I was typing it out
@Retrosaur bastion, bastion, bastion
@Retrosaur mei mei mei, duh
@Retrosaur hanzo, 76, zarya i think. not actually at home to check
@Retrosaur Junkrat, Lucio, Genji
@Chippies Yeah, I can see that - if the game is bounded more than the language it uses is, that might be problematic, but then again if they want to optimize it within the game, they have to stick within those boundaries
@Retrosaur lucio, mercy, Reinhardt
@Uni is the MVP
D.Va Junkrat Roadhog follow
if i actually played overwatch i would most likely main mercy. i am better at medic type stuff than anything else
S76, Bastion, Torb
tbh I used to main mercy.
@Retrosaur how is your left mouse button surviving? :P
@Dragonrage hanging on for dear life
Her pistol is good, her heal is good.
I don't get OW
why couldnt' Mercy just ask to get a copy of Dva's gun
I mean, D.va's gun is far better than mercy's pistol
Would it hurt to even ask
@Retrosaur i doubt it is at smashed up as my right mouse button is from playing LoL
@Retrosaur mercy has a decent pistol, and she doesnt really use it that often
I can get triple kills with her pistol just fine.
@Retrosaur D.va actually has a copy of Mercy's, but being a gamer, she overclocked it.
@Unionhawk are you sure she isn't over.... no forget it, someone wont get the joke.
Q: What is Lumerico up to?

RetrosaurOn the map El Dorado, attackers are escorting a truck to the Lumerico plant for unknown reasons. Lumerico is believed to be a power providing plant that apparently has plenty of plants elsewhere in the world and the nation itself, after all the skybox shows plenty of similar pyramids scattered t...

3 downvotes lmao
Guys, I think I'm addicted to cycling now.
@Fluttershy cycling is fun :)
and healthy
unless you are cycling steroids
I am not cycling steroids. :P
how are we to know?
and do moderators have to pee in a cup?
what if they are on suspension-enhancing drugs?
probably should have thought about this last week
I have to pee in a cup, but not for Arqade moderation purposes. More for work purposes. :P
Anyway... I rode my longest single-session distance today! \o/ 12 miles at a 13mph average pace.
@GodEmperorDune how good is VEEP
Odin Sphere LE is here :) Beautiful game
I hope the T-Shirt fits!
@Retrosaur I'm just speculating here, but it could be because Blizz hasn't really said much about it yet. The latest thing I can find about LumeriCo is this fake news post about them building a nuclear power plant in Dorado.
@twobugs So much waaaant. Between this and Mirror's Edge Catalyst, I'm not sure where to put my money when I have some!
@LessPop_MoreFizz its great
@Fluttershy I was excited for Catalyst but I'll probably wait since it's getting meh reviews
I'll be streaming Odin Sphere this weekend so @AshleyNunn can watch :)
@twobugs Eh, I wouldn't call it meh reviews. Polygon gave it an 8, and I find I tend to agree with their reviews more in general than, say, IGN.
@GodEmperorDune the profanity. Oh the profanity.
@twobugs yesssss :D
so @AshleyNunn @LessPop_MoreFizz any ideas about lazers 2.0?
Why can't you use imgur or something that doesn't require an additional userscript?
because imgur is banned in turkey
@ardaozkal wat
so much wat with erdo
@ardaozkal fun. :(
arda@arda-Inspiron-3542 ~/Desktop $ python test.py
facebook.com. 39 IN A
twitter.com. 6 IN A
t.co. 15 IN A
instagram.com. 30 IN A
reddit.com. 24 IN A
imgur.com. 584 IN A
imgur.com. 153 IN A

arda@arda-Inspiron-3542 ~/Desktop $ python test.py
facebook.com. 77 IN A
twitter.com. 29 IN A
t.co. 30 IN A
instagram.com. 59 IN A
reddit.com. 221 IN A
first one is google DNS, second is Turkish official DNS. You can see that i.imgur is banned
ofc on pc everyone changes DNS, but we don't have much luck on phone (I recently revived my VPN tho)
(also try accessing ) python source for those interested
I'm supposed to get a package today, but at about 1pm today, it was still in Indiana. I'm not as hopeful as I was last night :/
@Ktash Aww :(
I know. And it has Zootopia in it and I wanted to watch it tonight
watch with us
on 11th june
@Ktash Double aww :(
@ardaozkal Well, I won't be able to. I'm traveling. Otherwise I may have popped in
@GodEmperorDune I don't know shit about lazers. That's an @badp question and not an anyothermod question.
How to override another person's answer who answered earlier
step 1: say the same thing but reword it
step 2: add irrelevant comments and filler info
step 3: downvote the other person's answer
did I get all the steps right?
@Retrosaur If this is about the basketball achievement thinger, the downvote there is definitely unwarranted. :\
Another night of no mount! :(
Hmmmmm. Am I willing to spend three bucks to see the steaming pile that is Warcraft?
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is an insult to Ali
@twobugs no it's an insult to Harambe.
Kimbo could take Ali in a fight!
(I don't actually believe this and am just being contrarian.)
But honestly, Ali in his prime v. Kimbo in his prime would be a hell of a thing to watch.
@LessPop_MoreFizz From a review of the movie:
15 hours ago, by Private Pansy
> "Presented in garish 3D so vivid that viewers can practically feel the movie losing money in real time"
The same reviewer also called it the Battlefield Earth of this decade
@PrivatePansy Oh... oh wow.
> “Warcraft” is a once-in-a-generation disaster, one of the most ill-advised and ill-conceived studio films of this modern blockbuster era, but you have to give Universal some credit for trying.
@PrivatePansy I'm aware. It looks awful.
> At a time when films of this scale are defined by safety and defenestrated by compromise — at a time when blockbusters are rigorously engineered to appeal to the broadest possible audience — Universal went all-in on a summer movie so niche and nerdy that it makes “Willow” look like “Lord of the Rings,” and “Lord of the Rings” look like “Masterpiece Theatre.”
If I didn't have this 'free' ticket I wouldn't even be thinking about it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It really, really does. But I'm probably still going to see it.
(That said, it's making buckets and buckets of money in China. It will turn a profit and a sequel will be greenlit.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz My inner conspiracy theorist says that the Chinese censors block foreign movies that are actually good to allow its domestic animation industry to grow
And now I shall go and find facts to back up my bias!
Warcraft movie looks decent and is supposed to be enjoyable if you like Warcraft
@twobugs If this is the case, I will probably enjoy it.
A local KFC outlet accidentally locked five customers inside when closing for the night
@PrivatePansy worse things have happens overnight in a fried chicken restaurant.
The Brown's Chicken massacre was a mass murder that occurred at a Brown's Chicken restaurant in Palatine, Illinois, United States, a northwest suburb of Chicago, on January 8, 1993, when two assailants robbed the restaurant and then proceeded to murder seven employees. The case remained unsolved for nearly nine years, until one of the assailants was implicated by his girlfriend in 2002. Police used DNA samples from the murder scene to match one of the suspects, Juan Luna. Luna was put on trial in 2007, found guilty for seven counts of murder, and sentenced to life imprisonment. James Degorski,...
So I just got to the first "kill your Nohrian siblings" chapter in Birthright and I can't do it.
guys, halp.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst, or Odinsphere HD?
Not "it's tactically difficult and I can't do it", but rather "I don't want to kill that person".
@Fluttershy I heard Odinsphere is good.
The new Mirror's Edge has gotten mediocre reviews. Not sure about Odinsphere
@Yuuki Same. But I was a huge, huge fan of the original Mirror's Edge. ;-;
@PrivatePansy Odinsphere's getting pretty good reviews, I think? But, yeah, I know Mirror's Edge is getting kinda middling reviews, but the Polygon review was promising!
@Fluttershy Biggest complaint I've seen about the new game is the open world structure
Yay 77-21
This district has elected john Boehner since the beginning of time, so
@PrivatePansy See, I feel like a game like Mirror's Edge could only benefit from that. Especially because one of the biggest complaints about the first one, aside from the terrible combat/gunplay, was how linear it was.
@Fluttershy The new game has no gunplay, but more combat
Faith has actual combat moves now
Not unexpected
@Fluttershy According to the Ars review it's a good idea in theory, but in reality all you do is follow the red "runner vision" line around to the objective marker
@PrivatePansy Hmm...
The new visual is also not as good as the old game's
It's prettier, but its far more cluttered and thus less useful
The original was quite parsimonious in its use of colors, which make for very striking visuals, and more importantly, make paths easier to identify when running
Erm. Is it common for employers hiring interns to ask for their salary expectations at the end of the interview rounds before informing them whether they're successful?
Because this feels like they're picking between candidates based on the lowest salary
@PrivatePansy Odin Sphere is 10/10
All VanillaWare games are
Beautiful 2d beat em upo
@twobugs Counter point: Dragon's Crown.
I think I might just stop my campaign here and pick up Revelations.
@Fluttershy Yes, that is a Good Game
Erm, anybody?
I'm kind of anxious here. First internship and all that.
Well, speaking from my paltry two intern-ish experience, I got asked for both.
But I just mentioned that it was negotiable or whatnot.
Granted for both those positions, I was kinda the only person being considered.
So the scenario is probably completely different from yours.
Oh okay. I got through all interview rounds, but they didn't actually confirm anything
Which is why this feels very... awkward
Like as if I'm not really their first choice
@twobugs The gameplay was fun enough, I suppose. The character design was absolutely garbage. <_<
Or maybe that's just my anxiety talking
@Fluttershy It was their weakest player character designs
I appreciate the idea but I think they went too far with the overthetopitude
I'm glad you admit it's a good game because I'd have to change my vote otherwise :)
Man, playing Borderlands 2 with someone a bajillion levels above you so they can keep you from constantly dying makes the game so much more fun
@AshleyNunn Tell me you're an Axton main :)
....I might have picked my character based on the fact she's pretty....
So it's the Gunzerker
prettiest merc on Pandora
@AshleyNunn The Siren?
Salvador <3
@PrivatePansy Yep
She's pretty :D
Not as pretty as my bae Salvador
Probably true
I didn't really like Blands 2 much. 1 was cool though
@twobugs You monster. :P
But really, the gameplay was fun. It was just really hard for me to get around the character design. :(
@AshleyNunn This is why I picked Axton.
I didn't really like the Blands 2 characters as much. I think I tried Axton and Zer0
@Fluttershy Oh, he is man pretty :D
@twobugs Never played the first, but I do like the entire aesthetics of the series
So re: linking back to here from Discord - as long as you don't make it sound SE endorsed or official or whatever and you don't use the Arqade name/logo (like no calling it the OMG OFFICIAL ARQADE BRIDGE DISCORD YAY etc), use your judgement, it should work out okay
Neat, it looks like Fallen London is gearing up for another Kickstarter
Sunless Sea was so disappointing though
It was okay. I don't think a rogue lite was the right genre, but it was pretty neat
I found it hard to play and to understand
@AshleyNunn It's called "ArqadeUnofficial" iirc. That's okay, right?
Hmm, late-game galactic wars in Stellaris are getting tedious. There's only two federations left (of any significance) and each side owns roughly half the galaxy. My AI allies tend to send ~90% of their entire military power to follow my biggest fleet - which would be fine, except my biggest fleet cannot be everywhere. The warscore barely moves because for each big win this snowball of a fleet makes, the enemy can make several smaller wins.
@Fluttershy I think so :)
Also, because this war was started by an AI ally that was was president of the federation, winning this war provides me with zero benefit, losing will cost me valuable resources in repairs (if not lost systems), and is currently going to last my entire presidency (during which time I have no power to end the war by demanding offering a fraction of the demands)...
1 hour later…
@AshleyNunn i linked back to the bridge from the discord readme channel. We can remove it easily if it becomes a problem
@PrivatePansy ?
@GnomeSlice stephen universe memes it seems
(It's Steven Universe)
@PrivatePansy 50/50 chance
Now I understand how this site works, thanks to Timelord
It's not about the quality
It's about making your answer look fancier than another person's answer
@Retrosaur if he's violating site rules, mods should take care of it
@PrivatePansy beautiful
@Wipqozn you are the worst, so you got my vote!
Are third party mods always disallowed in answers to questions?
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen No, not as far as I can tell
I guess as long as it's not against the ToS of the game.
Oh wow, they dropped Marshel's requirement from 1000 flags to 500
@PrivatePansy Wasn't it always 500?
Or wait, was it flag weight of 500 back in the bad old days?
I can't remember
@fredley Quite sure it was 1000
@PrivatePansy 'forcing child to obey parent's curved borders'
Yeah, I certainly remember it being 1000 on Stack Overflow.
@fredley Wasn't the max flag weight of 500 reached only asymptomatically - ie. impossible to actually reach 500?
@PrivatePansy Yes
I did it tho
on SO
it took literally months
Each dismissed flag set you back 10 points, and gaining a point took dozens of flags.
I got to 499 a couple of times, only to have a dismissed flag set me back
Bad times.
Another explosion
In Mardin, 2 dead, many harmed
More details: attack was done to Main Police Dept of Midyat County of Mardin. Main police depts in Turkey are huge FYI. They were trying to get in to explode near buildings, but they failed and exploded at security.
Or did I get it mixed up with Steward?
Oh, right. Steward is for 1000 reviews and can be given more than once
Marshal is just 500 helpful flag, given once
Not sure how did I managed to get it twice then?
Or did they change that
Lazers pls
Oded pls
Oh, yeah, it's just a bug
I thought they actually lowered the numbers and gave out badges
@PrivatePansy They forgot to check if you already had the badge when awarding the badge afaik
Hey I read this today dwarf fortress 41% towards simulating life pcgamer.com/…
is the game really that vibrant? I never played it myself due to its obnoxious graphic, but I am curious.
I've tried to play a couple of times, but fell of the learning curve cliff, it was just too complex
@fredley I am curious, what makes it so complex? Is it the behavior of the sims(dwarfs)?
@BlueBug Basically, it tries to simulate everything
@BlueBug The fact that it's simulating '41%' of life, and that the interface is unbelievably complex.
From geography and history and culture on the macro scale to individuals and their emotional states, thoughts and body parts
@fredley The interface isn't that bad. It's a bit like vim
@PrivatePansy It's more like emacs tbh
@fredley Complex doesn't give an adequate idea. "You need to be used to read memory dumps" does.
do dwarfs have a complex AI then? Like do they act like real people?
Yeah, true, more like emacs in its extensive use of modifier keys
@BlueBug Sort of. They do have emotional states, relationships with other dorfs, physical needs, etc.
And each individual have complex character
(as an example)
It's like rolling up a DND character, but instead of rolling for ~6 stats you're rolling for ~200
@Blem Thanks for your support!...I think lol
Also @blem you need to start playing Overwatch with us instead of with whoever else it is you play with. WE're cool too.
@Wipqozn It even says it on your campaign poster.
That's a... very detailed virtual personality.
@BlueBug yes; they have likes and dislikes... they have an emotional state... if they see things they like they get happy. if they see things they dislike they get sad.
if they see horrible things, like death, they get depressed.
if you break their stuff they get angry.
if they get too angry they throw tantrums.
do they have concept of "sight" then?
Has anyone ever heard of Sociolotron?
@BlueBug Line of sight? Yes
The description reminded me of the descriptions in that game for level of detail
if a dwarf dies where another dwarf can see it, the other dwarf will get sad or disgusted or horrified or whatever.
Sounds very computational intense to have sight for 200+ individuals.
Except about different subject matters, obviously
From adventure mode
@BlueBug it gets pretty expensive.
@BlueBug The game is very CPU intensive
especially when you factor in animals
A lot of forts die not because of having too much !!FUN!!, but because they're too slow to play properly
farm animals that need to graze, poultry that lay eggs, pets.
And cats that explode
dwarfs can adopt pets, then you can't let the pets die or their owners get sad.
cats will kill vermin and make dwarfs happy. cats will also breed out of control
@KutuluMike Cats also adopt dorfs. This is very realistic.
@KutuluMike Can dwarfs neuter cats?
you can neuter the males
@KutuluMike No? I thought you have to butcher the kittens before they adopt a dorf
@PrivatePansy neutering is new, I believe.
@fredley *isCloneable
Hmmm, the wiki doesn't have anything
its called gelding.
i'm pretty sure you can do it to cats
I wonder what kinda rig it will take when Dwarf fortress is at 100% life simulation
Oh, nice
it also simulates health to an insane detail.
When it reaches 100% simulation is that when we realise we infact are in a giant version of dwarf fortress ourselves?
in combat, you can lose limbs or digits, or organs
@badp Not necessarily
@PrivatePansy truf
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen If you're playing on Steam, you can try F12
The Buddha plays Dwarf Fortress for the feds
@PrivatePansy Yeah, that worked, thanks. The noise is kinda disconcerting though. Bit like a laser.
> Incidentally, gelding can occur through combat as well. Attacks aimed at the lower body can cause "a gelding strike" for the same effect.
oh yeah, the other thing it has is a complex engineering system.
wind or water or manual power generation drives axles and gears
Q: How to launch Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator in Stereo 3D

w1ld.b0arHow to launch Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator in Stereo 3D? Side-by-side, Over-and-Under or any other type that can be watched on a 3D TV. I saw some videos on YouTube in Stereo 3D and screenshots and stuff of people doing it, but none of them explained how to launch game in S...

Q: Why does my dog keep killing me?

George GibsonRecently, I was playing Nethack (doing reasonably well) and has a little dog as a pet. However it suddenly attacked me while I had low health, killing me instantly. It had been tamed for several levels, and I'd fed it well, giving it all corpses and sometimes more. What is the reason for this st...

Q: Can't printscreen at all when Skyrim is active window

Peter David Carter-PoulsenTrying to take a screenshot in Skyrim because I'm at the Saarthal part of Forbidden Legend, and there's a gate I don't know how to open. I want to post the picture here to show where I'm at. When I press alt+printscreen it does nothing at all. Is there a built-in screenshot feature in Skyrim, o...

And also minecarts and siege weapons
You can designate and construct fairly complex looking rooms and structures
Do minecarts still make really good weapons?
he's taking advantage of the fact that when minecarts hit a wall, their contents go flying out.
so he runs full minecarts into walls and flings the stone down on top of the invaders
it's not very efficient :)
Mn I never did get back to DF. I blame society, as usual.
Ah okay. I remember when minecarts were first introduced players noticed the minecarts themselves make for very good weapons when aimed at enemies
I've been thinking of buying Hearts of IRon IV though.
Because of their high mass and momentum
Ah, it's still possible
go to 6:00 or so in that video to see the end-goal
oh, right, if you have a way to accelerate it it becomes a battering ram
poor troll took a gold bar to the spleen
@KutuluMike I was an adventurer just like you, until...
Q: Can the Event Ball be inherited through breeding?

RainMakerWhile breeding pokemon, the child pokemon generally inherits the mother's type of pokeball (excluding the Master Ball). For example, if a mother caught in an ultra ball has a child, the child will be in an ultra ball as well. But, there is a special type of pokeball known as the event ball which ...

Q: What are the voice lines for interactions between all heroes

S.WesselsI often hear interactions between different heroes, so far only in the beginning section of each match. An example would be tracer interacting with Winston. I want to know which hero's can interact and what they say to each other. I've heard a few voice lines but I can't accurately note them do...

Q: Wizard dialogue options 2 and 3

PhilIn Soda Dungeon I reached Dimension 10 and are about level 1370 but I still can't see the last two dialogue options of the wizard. The first one is Warp, the others only show ????. How do I unlock them? Maybe by byuing CUSTOM and M.CLOCK? Thanks!

yey dwarf fortress minecart shotguns ftw

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