Don't worry John Kasich, you can still be a beloved multi-term governor. You know, depending on if there are term limits on that in Ohio. I don't actually know.
@Fluttershy Of course, I just think it's funny that they could potentially be shooting themselves in the foot if Clinton wins and starts putting forth more extreme liberal options
@Fluttershy Would you be down for some co-op Dragon's Crown? I'm really itching to get back into that game. No pressure if you'd like to focus on other stuff :P
I want to add my favorite youtuber Aphmau to my world on my pocket edition on my iPhone but I don't know how and when I think I've figured out how I don't know the information. Can you help?🙁
I accidentally sent an email to a client with my personal company email instead of our overall support email and now this client emails me specifically about everything :|
Is there a way to view hit/hurt boxes of characters / projectiles / environment objects in Overwatch
Much like in CS:GO where you can use a console command to view the hit boxes of player.
I feel like this would be useful to see due to varied character model and projectile sizes.
Any insight i...
In one of the patch notes of Euro Truck Simulator 2 I have found the following:
Hired drivers are more efficient when equipped by good truck
I couldn't find any specification for this statement online.
What exactly is a "good truck" and which stats make it such? Does a large cabin increase p...
I play minecraft for the ps4 and wanted a few things is there anything out there like mcedit that I can use? If there is where can I download it and how do I use it? One other thing is there any to convert a 360 world to ps4? I know this is a lot of questions I just want to say thanks for all tha...
I keep getting kicked/disconnected and my internet is fine....
I don't have control over this and I'll be getting a penalty? I stay in games, wether I lose or not. But they really need to fix the whole disconnected situation. I can't control that...idk if its the game crashing or WHAT!?
Discuss ...
I'm runing a small server (at 1.8 at the moment) and I'm thinking about upgrading to 1.9 or 1.10.
But the most important thing: I dont want to have any kind of "cool-down".
Is there any way to remove it in Vanilla [without mods]?
Might there be a better way than this:
The one thing I like about the original question is the fact that, for all one might call it an attractive title, it's both the most sensible and most direct title possible for the question.
Dragon's Crown is a sidescrolling beat-em-up. The later part of the game revolves around doing alternate versions of earlier stages, many of these are more challenging and some contain (from what I recall) timed parts. If I just play solo, will I be at any significant disadvantage?
When you breed a new generation, it's possible to end up with more than one in a litter. These extras are considered packmates, which you can use to distract enemies or help you hunt. Is it possible, after losing one or more packmates after a big fight, to consume their corpses to gain calories a...
Dragon's Crown is a sidescrolling beat-em-up. The later part of the game revolves around doing alternate versions of earlier stages, many of these are more challenging and some contain (from what I recall) timed parts. If I just play solo, will I be at any significant disadvantage?
Man there are lots of professional athletes who get caught doing stuff like Doping. I guess I just don't get it. Why risk everything? Isn't the effect kind of ambiguous anyway?