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New job place came by, said best they can do is match what I currently make.
is it a better job?
ie would you be happier there?
@GraceNote just to clarify, what are the rules about linking back to arqade/the bridge from an external resource? we have an unofficial discord server (called ArqadeUnofficial) that we use for voice chat in games and wanted to link back to the bridge/arqade as a way to recruit new users to the site
@TimS. After the clusterfuck I just dealt with, guaranteed.
No special rules. We're a site on the open internet, I don't really know that you really can put real rules on where people put a URL to somewhere.
@Frank If you're leaving for a place where you think you'll be happier I'd do this.
Honestly, even if you took a bit of a paycut, if you're goign to be a lot happier, it's worth it.
There's obvious etiquette points like, don't make yourself out to be official or anything.
@GraceNote ok, we just didn't want to be misrepresenting that we were sponsored by the SE network or anything like that
But that's less a rule about the linking itself and more about, making yourself look official.
@GraceNote yeah we're not using official logos or anything like that
Linking itself isn't harmful in that kind of situation - only how you frame the link.
Which, again - less about linking, more about "looking official"
cool, that's good guidance. Thank you
@GraceNote sorry for the late reply, I was driving. We were wondering if it would be okay to post a like to gaming.se in the discord server @GodEmperorDune setup for the bridge to use. We weren't sure on the policy on that.
Oh. @GodEmperorDune already started explaining. Late again
@Dragonrage we just clarified it, lol
no worries
cc @twobugs
@Wipqozn I completely agree, a pay cut is worth being happier... I've done that before, and I don't regret it at all
I have as well
I work at a job that pays probably 25% less than I could get elsewhere because the people are awesome and the schedule is super flexible
apparently i missed quite a bit in the 5 hours i was sleeping
@Sterno The people are great. Management and the client are the shitty aspects.
Like...the client blowing up on me because I questioned the existing process for a department.
@Frank Sounds like your path is pretty clear. Trade horrible for new, and be happier for the same pay.
The new place is also unionized.
@Frank \o/
or is that a bad thing from your point of view?
@GodEmperorDune good and bad.
@PrivatePansy I mean, so you have to do it, right?
Good in that I can't get fired without screwing up insanely badly, bad in that I'm used to super large raises, and that's hard to get in a union.
This is... Fallen London's end-game storyline. And end-game is quite literally true.
In the old version of this story at least, there is, at some point, an option that will delete your account from the game
@PrivatePansy What is this?
@Unionhawk This is canon.
TFW you get rep capped before you even wake up
Ah, a nice lunch stroll and I killed people in Hearthstone
@Sterno In general, when Fallen London tells you not to do something, it's probably best not to
The game doesn't usually go out of the way to stop players from doing foolish things
Oh, and of course there is no going back. You can't savescum out of this game
Thanks for the answer @GraceNote!
Is there any character in particular you really enjoyed?
I play elf
So far I've played Amazon a decent bit, but I kind want to start a new character cause it's been a while
Elf looks neat. I tried Sorceress but the magic system felt weird to me initially
Also Miracle Rogue is really fun to play in Hearthstone
Today will officially mark the beginning of people confusing Minecraft 1.10 with 1.1, just like they did with 1.7.1 and 1.7.10.
Why am I drawn so strongly to the first option? Why?
Dammit that's right
@Unionhawk ugh
@Unionhawk They should take the Windows 10 approach and just call it Minecraft 2.0. It's not like the version numbers actually mean anything anymore, no?
@PrivatePansy People will probably expect a major change from "2.0"
Why is 1.10 and 1.1 a thing v.v
@Waterseas semantic versioning
Yeah, that isn't north up...
@Waterseas 2.0 is usually reserved for a major change
So 1.10 seems a little goofy at first, but it makes sense
That's what 1.0.1 is for
Dwarf is super fun and probably one of the better solo classes
@Waterseas That's for very minor changes
So skip 1.10 and go to 1.11?
@Waterseas People now confuse that with 1.1.1
@murgatroid99 ... which has very little use for a video game
You are back to square 1
Generally, incrementing the last number means "we fixed some bugs", incrementing the middle number means "we added a new feature", and incrementing the first number means "we made a major change to how the game works"
@PrivatePansy Eh, I think it makes perfect sense for a game
At least, that's how I'd interpret it in the context of a video game
@murgatroid99 github has a great guide for naming
2.0 would be a major new release, like an expansion
Semantic versioning describes the stability of APIs
@GraceNote Dwarf is a class?
@twobugs This is how Elite does it
1.10 is an incremental update to the 1.X series
@murgatroid99 they didn't even go for 2.0 when they completely dropped the singleplayer part... wait tho that was before "launch" right?
@Chippies In Dragon's Crown, yes
So why would skipping 1.10 and going from 1.9 to 1.11 be an issue?
@twobugs can I be a human dwarf?
> 1.1.1
@Waterseas what is your problem with 1.10 then?
@Waterseas Technically, it wouldn't, except you'd have people saying "where's 1.10"
@Chippies No
@twobugs that's no fun :(
I'm sorry
@Chippies Dwarf being a class surprised you but Elf didn't?
@badp I thought you could still play Minecraft single player
@murgatroid99 yes, but it still spawns a multiplayer server?
Because it looks like a trailing 0 in a decimal number @Badp
@GraceNote I came back and that was the only one I saw on the screen :P Didn't scroll that far up
Kind of
nvm redirects to semver.org
@Waterseas well 10 also has a trailing 0 in its decimal expansion
Technically there isn't a difference between a singleplayer instance and a server.
Practically, there obviously is
it's how decimal works
@Badp I'm not sure what you mean, just the number ten?
Anyway, thanks for the advice @GraceNote
No porb
@Unionhawk no wait
they used to have just singleplayer
then they added in multiplayer as a completely separate thing
then they completely scrapped singleplayer and kept the MP infrastructure
so even in single player, you're using the multiplayer implementation
I am aware
That happened around... Release 1.3 I think
yes, so there is a difference both technically and practically (it's "heavier")
Guys! I know! Just call the new version 1.a
Holy shit he's right
@Unionhawk yeah if you're ever going to have a "major release" of your game, then this sounds easily like one
@badp Meh
@PrivatePansy it'll be confused with Minecraft Alpha version 1 tho
@PrivatePansy What do you do after version 1.z?
hex can't save you on this :(
@twobugs \alpha
or 1.A
@twobugs 1-zee? are you insane? clearly this was a base 16 joke
@twobugs Hopefully come up with a major release after 36 minor ones?
@PrivatePansy "How should we make Minecraft versioning less confusing?" "I know, lets add letters"
because otherwise you can just go for base emoji
@Unionhawk I'm case blind
@PrivatePansy base emoji best base
@monchéri pls
remembering all your names is getting hard
USB 3.1 Generation 2
@twobugs I aM sO vErY sOrRy ExCePt NoT bEcAuSe ThIs DoEs NoT AcTuAlLy BoThEr YoU So AcTuAlLy I aM vErY hApPy FoR yOu RiGhT nOw.
@badp Minecraft 1.☺️
(I had to switch to my phone to type that. I hope you are happy)
so very happy
@PrivatePansy I'm not
I'm ecstatic
Q: What are the secret achievements in Day of the Tentacle?

Thomas WellerI have bought the remastered version of Day of the Tentacle (DOTT) via Steam. While I completed the adventure, I have not unlocked all achievements. And, unfortunately, those achievements are secret, so I have no idea which jokes I was missing. What are the secret achievements of DOTT remastered...

Q: Is there a way to enable the console?

RetrosaurIn other games like Source-based games like CS:GO or TF2 or UE3 games like Dirty Bomb and Unreal Tournament I am able to enable the console in order to set binds, or play with commands to test specific features or practice in gameplay. In Overwatch itself, is there a way to manually enable the c...

Try switching to version 1.📟
@Unionhawk 💩
Warcraft: The Future of CGI cool video to watch about work they did here on the movie.. (~20 min video)
I APPRECIATE THIS MAN https://t.co/6s5VnlKm4h
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's how that works
Q: How to use CanPlaceOn in Minecraft for certain block variations?

NioneI want to make a lever that can only be placed on polished andesite, but as andesite, diorite and granite are all variations of stone, I can only find this that works so far: /give @p lever 1 0 {CanPlaceOn:["stone"]} I'm asking how to make the stone it can be placed on stone variation 6, none o...

well that made me :)
@ardaozkal :/
blast from the past
Jul 15 '10 at 19:37, by C. Ross
reaction from the past
wp creator, well played.
off to eating
Q: Recover name of creator of minecraft world

GazhgulI have my minecraft folder with the client and a lot of savegames on my old hard drive, but I dont remember my username and I cant recover my account without it. So is there any way to get the name from the save files?

This change fills me with existential dread. I mean, it's objectively correct, but the system was fine for 3 years with the code as it was.
Naturally, this code has no unit tests.
@Sterno It's worse when the unit tests are wrong.
Q: Which characters are unique to which version?

YuukiWhile I know that the playable characters from Birthright are, for the most part, not playable in Conquest, what about Revelations? Do you simply get all the characters from both sides in Revelations or are some characters only available in one of the three versions?

I was code reviewing some code today where something had been mocked wrong, and so the bad code was passing.
@Ronan Actually, fair point. First thing I did when inheriting this project was run unit tests, which at the time did exist. 68% of them failed. I considered fixing them, then noticed that in many cases the ones that were passing shouldn't even have been passing.
It was at that point where I simply deleted them all, because wrong unit tests are worse than no unit tests
@Sterno Why was it Value == null in the first place?
@Yuuki No one knows
The places this property was used themselves don't seem to be used, so...
Actually, I take that back. A few places that were using it and themselves are used were using !HasValue when they really should have been HasValue (had it been correct)
Like, they knew it was broken, but said "Fuck it, we'll just reverse the bool and keep going"
This is why we can't have nice things
Stuff like this makes me want to go home early and play Overwatch
There's a what now?
> According to Cassondra, Boaz runs a pretty tight ship: moderators like Cassondra handle public outreach while the site’s dozen or so editors, who primarily know each other from running the page, produce between three and five memes per week.
That seems incredibly small.
@Yuuki cc @tex on a lecture on how making memes is hard
coming up with original quotes is not easy
@LessPop_MoreFizz i am so upset that they used a hyphen instead of garlicky and buttery
You can't make this shit up
@Yuuki 3-5 times a dozen editors is 36-60 memes per week
you should be happy by how conservative I am on my own memythos
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I thought it was 3-5 between all of them.
I'm still not done milking @twobugs' MUSCLEPHARTS
@LessPop_MoreFizz i read it as a collective 3-5 memes per week
@Sterno here, have some backstory: buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/…
@Yuuki They're garlic bread memes. More than 0 seems incredibly large.
yesterday, by Unionhawk
> The internet is fucking weird.
also the fact that the original joke was not only transphobic but also a reference to dropping nukes on japan...
Q: Test for player at x and z but at any height

MatthewI am trying to test for if a player is at a certain x and z, but not a certain height, and I can't find anything that says how to do it. Here's what I have: /testfor @a[x=-50,z=79,r=1] The problem is, it's only true if the player is standing on the command block, and I need it to be true if the...

I really want soem garlic bread with cheese now, and I blame @LessPop_MoreFizz.
Meh. The guy who posted it sounds like a douche
"I want to offend people to get more views on my facebook page!" is a very dumb sentiment
remember: Garlic Bread Guy Knows Better About How You Feel About Yourself Than You Could Possibly Ever
@twobugs short term gains, long term harms. that's what its all about
I will stand by my argument that only wanting two pieces of garlic bread is fundamentally against the page's founding vision
@twobugs how can a person only want 2 pieces of garlic bread?
@twobugs if the joke will offend people, they should either add more garlic breads or just not post it..
@ardaozkal adding more garlic bread would just offend different people.
@ardaozkal they wanted something offensive to drive traffic
@Dragonrage They could just be very large slices of garlic bread.
It's only working because we're talking about this. I blame @LessPop_MoreFizz
@GodEmperorDune yes, I read the post.
And now I, too, want garlic bread.
@Sterno I have not once given any traffic to this dumb Facebook page.
Here, instead, have a picture of the sandwiches I made yesterday:
@Wipqozn hmm, possibly, but that still wouldnt prevent me from wanting more. I may restrain myself, but I would still want more garlic bread, especially if it was good garlic bread
do those sandwiches involve garlic
goddammit @sterno
you always were part of the problem
@Sterno Is that dempsters bread?
dumpster bread?
@Wipqozn I don't know what that is so I'm going to go with no.
@Sterno oh looks likt it's a canadian brand only, it's bread.
mfw your most starred repo is a troll project...
@twobugs Followup question, is only wanting two pieces of parmesan dusted breadsticks acceptable when it is served instead of garlic bread or do we burn the establishment down for lack of garlic bread?
Now I want a garlic bread grilled cheese sandwich
@MadMAxJr That's outside of the scope
I can only think about Garlic Bread right now
Imagine if you had a super power that allowed you to spawn garlic bread.
@twobugs are you going to change your name to @twogarlicbreadslices now?
@Dragonrage what about teleporting garlic bread?
Q: How can I change a block breaking time?

DaQuijiboI want to change the time it takes to break a block, so a dirt block will take about 5 seconds to break with hand, or a diamond ore would take just a second to break with hand. I don't want to use any texture packs or mods. Is this possible in vanilla minecraft?

Q: Minecraft Pe on two iPads, unable to connect

RudiI have this strange issue where I want to play with my son and we can not connect the two together. So my son with a newer iPad starts up Minecraft and launches into his world. Then I press play and wait for his world to show up. This often works and often doesn't. When it doesn't we both shu...

@ardaozkal i think creating it would be better because people dont always put enough garlic on garlic bread
@Dragonrage he is already two Bread Und Garlic Slices
I'd make a further reference about garlic bread that has transitioned to parmesan breadstick, but that would be in poor taste.
@GodEmperorDune well played
If I cannot kill a vampire by being within 500 meters of it after eating garlic bread, there wasn't enough garlic on the bread.
I think the amount of butter used on the garlic bread is a balance issue and should be addressed by the developer.
Huh. I guess Watch Dogs 2 was revealed?
I never played Watch Dogs but it didn't sound particularly fun or enjoyable
Watch Dogs is what they wanted to be able to make every year when Assassins Creed is in the off-season.
I think yearly releases really need to stop. They're not sustainable
The Watch Dogs tech demo was really neat but then I heard the gameplay wasn't nearly as open as the tech demo made it out to be.
From what I understand the really impressive E3 demo they showed was mostly faked
@twobugs nah, if you can't work 80 hours then get the hell out of gamedev /refrance /s
Watch dogs was actually pretty fun
@Waterseas yeah, I liked it
was a bit too buggy, but still fun
Got a lot of hate from those who didn't play it
Python's implementation of JSON's complaints about trailing commas are the worst
@badp According to json.org, trailing commas aren't allowed
that is still the worst :(
@badp following the spec is the worst?
Personally, I would prefer my parsers to accurately complain about syntax errors
no, the spec is now the worst
Make trailing commas mandatory! Now there's a solution.
@murgatroid99 what if they sometimes swallow the exception, sometimes not, and sometimes crash 10 minutes later with an entirely unrelated stacktrace?
here is the full list of problems that is solved by not allowing trailing commas
thank you
@GodEmperorDune I've already stated that I don't like PHP
There are people who like PHP?
there are people who like perl
@Waterseas i wouldn't really call them people
@badp Most individual syntax rules don't solve problems by themselves
Perl is still better than PHP
Ah, we're arguing about programming languages again?
Here's the list of problems that are solved by removing options in your syntax: parsers are more consistent, incorrect parsing is easier to catch
actually it's far easier to allow trailing commas than not
Having an optional comma increases the opportunity for some parser to do it wrong in one way or another
@badp If we're parsing using a CFG or something it's about equally easy either way.
@Waterseas they have entirely different intended usages
should you write the equivalent of a shell script in php? hell no
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, one's used for programming.
@GodEmperorDune yes
I'm talking within the context of what they're intended for obviously
People do that
@murgatroid99 fair point, people do but it is a terrible idea
People with PHP web servers will write their cron jobs in PHP
Well. That just got interesting.
@GodEmperorDune Using PHP is a terrible idea period
The new job rescinded their offer.
@murgatroid99 i think that is well established
steam openid logo changed
And I just gave my notice.
@Frank Why?
@fbueckert Well, that's unfortunate timing.
Did they rescind after a contract was signed?
@StrixVaria Apparently, they decided to go in another direction.
@StrixVaria Nope. No signing.
Apparently entire corporations are now trolling @fbueckert.
@Frank maybe your company will counter?
@Frank :(
Meh. Hate my client, got tons in savings.
I can take a bit of a vacation while I look.
But my notice said it was because I took another position, so I ate some crow and told my boss that it was rescinded.
Oh no.
Oh no no no.
@Frank my notice has always been very bland. I resign, my lastday will be X, etc
Is this...@LessPop_MoreFizz...linking an incremental game?
@LessPop_MoreFizz this was posted weeks ago
@GodEmperorDune He's just come up for air.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah. Winnipeg's a small IT crowd, though. It is bound to get around.
lately there have been very few things to review. you guys must be getting faster at reviewing stuff
So, whatever. I hate my client enough to have no job rather than deal with them.
FactoryIdle was a good idea implemented poorly
@Dragonrage It's election time; people are showing off.
@twobugs new event is out in adcap (yes i remember you don't play) its video game related andthe mechanics are interesting
I was gonna ask, it sounds like a better theme
oh i didn't reaize you start with one of everything
lol and i just won the arqade badge
@StrixVaria that he will never actually play!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Meh, I didn't play that one either.
Wait I found a use. Subliminal Shi  t  t S h S  S S   t  S  St  i t t h h S i  h  h   t i i i i h h  i  i    Sh h t t iS                   t
@LessPop_MoreFizz are you the @sterno of incrementals?
I don't even know what that means.
So when is it appropriate to flag a low quality post vs voting to close right away?
look who decided to follow me (founder of Atari ofc)
@TimS. if you have a close reason, VTC
if its just a meh quesiton, downvote
@GodEmperorDune I'm specifically talking about flagging vs VTC
or is there really no reason to flag once VTC perms are granted?
There's always a reason to flag. The mods get bored and like it when we flag things to keep them busy
nice try @LessPop_MoreFizz, but I'm going to eat healthy tonight, despite you tempting me with garlic bread,.
That sounds half trollish though Sterno.. :)
@TimS. to get the marshall badge
not sure if trolling, etc
no garlic bread with cheese and a calzone to make sure I get up to $10 for delivery since I'm lazu for me tonight!
@Waterseas it got a lot of hate for not delivering what was promised at E3
aka too lazy to buy garlic spread at the store
Wait I thought you were foiling @LessPop_MoreFizz not allowing him to succeed
and the graphics settings on PC were deliberately dumbed down (while screwing up the performance for some reason), even though the better graphics settings were still in the files

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