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@OrigamiRobot awww has @Wipqozn been waiting for me?
@FEichinger I think Moffat just tries to fanservice too much. Everything is just RIVER RIVER RIVER ANGELS ANGELS RIVER!
@OrigamiRobot Yes those turned out very badly
@OrigamiRobot fewfdsuf RIVER SONG UUUGGH
@OrigamiRobot I was kinda weirded out how the Angels just randomly appeared in the beginning of the 50th special and then were never mentioned again.
You were fantastic in silence of the awesome, but then moffat ruined you.
@OrigamiRobot I wonder how that's even "fanservice" at this point. I mean, I haven't seen a lot of people who actually like River and the Angels after what he's done to them.
@spugsley Yes, I have huge news! A big announcement!
@Wipqozn TELL ME
Honestly, I liked the Angels in Blink, which was indeed written by Moffat, but they went downhill from there.
This announcement is so huge it's going to blow your mind.
@spugsley Are you ready for this?
@Wipqozn is actually @ElfSlice. Mind blown.
Okay, here it comes: The announcement is that I
he left
@Wipqozn Again? Really?
@Wipqozn is such a drama queen.
ASCII Dalek :)
RTD was willing to try new things and diversify and leave the lore behind a bit.(see: RTD and Moffat dispute over Jack, Torchwood). Moffat adores the lore and can't move past tweaking with it.
@Wipqozn SAY IT
@RedRiderX I guess it comes from the fact that Moffat used to write fanfiction for Doctor Who. Which, honestly, explains so much.
@RedRiderX In practice, it's the exact other way around, though.
@RedRiderX What was the dispute over Jack?
@FEichinger ?
Moffat "tweaks" with the lore so much, he messes it up a lot.
Heck, he can't even keep his own lore making sense.
@OrigamiRobot Having trouble getting a source right now but I think it was that Moffat was initially against the addition of Jack and Torchwood
Much less anything that came before.
@RedRiderX :( I love Jack.
@spugsley He's teasing.
He's been doing it for hours.
@Wipqozn You can either tell us now, or I can never play Monster Hunter with you again.
@FEichinger How is this the opposite of what I said?
@RedRiderX That's the problem with hiring diehard fans to be your writers. They really don't like new things.
Okay, I've done what I came here to do. Back to work.
@FEichinger He's making it out to be a bigger deal that it is. At this rate, you guys will just be disappointed.
@OrigamiRobot Wait, so @Wipqozn is Moffat? Mind blown.
@RedRiderX RTD can make his additions fit in with the legacy - he has a lot of respect for the continuity. Moffat on the other hand adds whatever he thinks may be cool - usually that is an extension of the legacy ... But in turn he just fucks up the continuity everywhere he can.
@FEichinger Yes that is what ends up happening mostly.
Moffat may be much more focused and invested in the lore, but that ends up much more harmful.
@FEichinger Essentially, Moffat tries too hard to make his stuff have hooks somewhere in the rest of the continuity?
And it ends up backfiring on him?
@Yuki I wouldn't even say he tries to have hooks anywhere. The way he explains things is either half-assed or not at all.
He just likes to pick up old stuff, reuse it and make it fit in with his ideas somehow.
I don't care about people changing the lore at all. I care about running a good thing into the ground.
11 was a mess from the start.
oh oh oh
I figured it out
I'm fine with things being left without explanation.
Wipqozn's announcement
This was it.
In fact, I like it when the audience doesn't know every single detail.
I hope it was everything you hoped for and more
@badp Very much.
@Yuki Almost all the new arcs that Moffat has introduced have tried to put a significant part of the old lore in a new light.
Pandorica: relooking at the first 11 series
River: A new view at Time Lords
Clara: Literally everything ever
@RedRiderX The Pandorica Arc messed with a lot of previous time travel constraints.
@RedRiderX That was more returning to how it used to be though.
50th: A new DOCTOR
There are two chests in the Ice Ruins I can't get to!
Although they never really kept it straight later.
TotD: making us look at NotD in a new light
@Ullallulloo Eeeeeeeh
@Ullallulloo Yes and no. The whole "Time Lords exist because exposed to the timey-wimey", yeh. But the part with her DNA and the TARDIS and ... No. Just ... no.
@RedRiderX Wait, wasn't NotD the short trailer/story made for DotD?
@Yuki Oops
There was Night and Name
I was thinking Name
Night was really part of the Day retcon
Q: Can't play Bobsled Bonanza on my iPod

MelinaThis is the only minigame that causes the application to crash; however, this only happens with my username. If I use another username in the same device (i.e. my boyfriend's) he is able to play the game without the application being closed. Has anybody had this glitch? How did you fix it?

Ah. I completely forgot about that because all the specials are <Something> of the Doctor.
Oh, another thing that Moffat runs into the ground: The Doctor's name.
@RedRiderX And well also all of 11's arcs
@OrigamiRobot Yeah that was a really weird fizzling plot point.
@RedRiderX DotD still doesn't really make sense to me. On the one hand, "timelocked" was always known ... On the other he "killed them all" ... And then he also kinda forgot about everything that happened during DotD? What? ... No. That makes no sense. None of that.
@Yuki Waiting for Doctor of the Doctor Where the doctor has to doctor his doctor credentials to act as a doctor for a doctor
@OrigamiRobot I mean, I think we got the point in The Name of the Doctor when he said that his real name didn't matter, it was the name that he used that was important and whatnot. But then he just kept banging on...
@Yuki Except when River told him his name in Forest of the Dead/Silence in the Library.
@Yuki What I never really figured out was why the real name was even relevant at all to anyone.
@BenBrocka That has already happened I think
@OrigamiRobot Rule #1.
@FEichinger The Shakespeare Code
@OrigamiRobot I still haven't watched that yet
@FEichinger Yeah, I thought the end of The Day of the Doctor at least suggested that 11 remembered, but then threw the whole thing off for The Time of the Doctor, with the Time Lords in the crack.
Why am I double posting?
@RedRiderX What? That was season 3.
@Yuki The War Doctor forgot, but 10 definitely knew. Not sure about 9, too long ago, but I'm pretty sure he knew as well.
@OrigamiRobot I have missed a handful of old NuWho episodes because Space is really weird like that
@FEichinger I always thought that it was only the most recent Doctor who kept his knowledge, but time is weird.
@RedRiderX Season 3 was the best season. :(
@OrigamiRobot Huh? Not quite sure where you're going with this.
@OrigamiRobot False. Series 1 was the best. Oh god, I'm a Doctor Who genwunner. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??!!
@Yuki Which still doesn't explain 9 and 10 knowing. But that was my impression as well.
@FEichinger Real names have power.
@FEichinger Oh, you mean the scene at the end?
@Yuki I mean that we knew for a long time that Gallifrey was timelocked. Which means 9 and 10 knew.
I figured that was another Doctor crossing event where the most recent Doctor got all of them together and all the older ones forgot when they went back to their own "times".
Q: Assassin's Creed 2 occasionaly closes silently when autosaving

kotekzotSometimes when I do something that would cause an autosave (loot a chest, pick up a feather, accept a mission), the game silently quits, no errors messages or anything. My PC has a quadcore CPU.

But 9 and 10 can't know, if they both forgot (that is, the War Doctor and 10 forgot).
@FEichinger Oh, that was a different kind of time lock. Or least that was the impression I got from it.
@FEichinger There is a timey=whimey explanation.
@Yuki But the Moment clearly wipes them out - kills them. No timelock. That's why they choose to create the timelock in the first place.
War, 9, and 10 thought they killed all the Daleks and Time Lords by using the Moment which then proceeded to time-lock the events so they couldn't be overwritten.
Because of the timeline trauma from interacting with your own timeline, only the most recent version of your self remembers.
@Yuki I'm pretty sure we had the explanation "they're timelocked, constantly living the same moment in time over and over, so the war can never end - and never escape".
When, in reality, they didn't actually use the Moment. At least not as a weapon, and just ended up teleporting Gallifrey into its own pocket universe.
It's like a kind of timeline amnesia.
That's why the 13 doctors don't all remember saving Gallifrey.
And any attempt to go to Gallifrey didn't work because it wasn't there anymore, which sorta sounds like it was time-locked. When it, in fact, wasn't.
At least that was the impression I got.
It just doesn't fit together.
@FEichinger I didn't think it was a loop so much as just walling it off from anybody getting in or out.
but yeah that's about it.
I just got the feeling that, on the surface, the timelocking and teleporting look like the same thing, when they actually aren't.
I always got the impression that the time lock wasn't the fate of Gallifrey, but the measure put in place to ensure nobody could interfere with the Time War. Galifrey being in a pocket universe being independent of that.
And honestly, it fits with The End of the Time Lords surprisingly well.
@OrigamiRobot Yes this
It's just rather than moving out of the timelock, the Time Lords were trying to teleport themselves out of the pocket universe.
@OrigamiRobot Then 9 and 10 would think they used the Moment and killed them all, would they not?
@FEichinger Correct.
The Moment did the Cup-a-soup thing not the Time lock thing nothing really
@OrigamiRobot Then why did we know about the timelock before DotD?
@FEichinger Because that's what they thought they did?
@Yuki They thought that was all that was left and it kind of was
@Yuki No, in the paperbot's explanation they thought they wiped it out entirely, because the timelock was independent of it all.
I mean, up until John Hurt activated the Moment, he was planning on using it to timelock and whatnot. So when he regenerated into 9, that's what he thought he did.
@FEichinger Because the time lock is independent of the perceived destruction.
From 9 and 10's point of view, they used the Moment to destroy everything and couldn't change it because it was time locked.
@OrigamiRobot So either way, there's a timelock. The only difference being that 9 and 10 thought they just locked Gallifrey in with the Time War whereas War actually got Gallifrey out first?
@Yuki This would make sense.
@FEichinger Instant headcanon.
@BenBrocka you need to get Warframe 'n play with me
@Yuki Pretty much. It explains quite a lot.
All right, lunchtime. Let me know if @Wipqozn decides to stop being a drama queen and tell us what's going on.
There was obviously something because Dalek Caan went crazy by going in and getting Davros.
@FEichinger Clearly, I need to be the next Doctor Who showrunner.
Hopefully, I can't do worse than Moffat.
Although my lack of having being born in Great Britain probably hurts my credentials.
@OrigamiRobot Well, that raises the question: Where was Davros during the timelock?
@Yuki Just leave things subtle.
@Yuki The only difference being that 9 and 10 thought they just locked Gallifrey in with the Time War blew up Gallifrey to end the Time War whereas War actually got Gallifrey out first?
@FEichinger Why does it raise that question?
Q: How to fix Freelancer not connecting to a localhost server?

ZommuterWhen running a Freelancer server and client on the same machine, the attempt of trying to connect results in a "takes longer than usual"-ish message that never vanishes. Firewall settings are fine and I also tried launching both server and client in compatibility modes to no avail.

@OrigamiRobot Because he must've been somewhere that's still in the timelock. And he must've known that Gallifrey is not in the timelock anymore.
Boom done
@FEichinger Gallifrey is in the timelock. The whole War is.
@RedRiderX Thank you.
The Time Lock isn't an instant. It's the whole War.
It's cold out.
@OrigamiRobot Gallifrey was either packed away or destroyed - depending on who's POV you're following - it never got locked in.
That this timeline is needed may show how much Moffat loves to Retcon.
@FEichinger Read timeline plz
@FEichinger The Time Lock isn't "freezing time", it's just rendering events unreachable by time travel.
It's like a time wall
nothing can time travel in or out (except well all those things that did but shush)
@RedRiderX I think that "except well all those things that did but shush" is the basic rule of dr who
@KevinvanderVelden Perhaps
@RedRiderX They got thirteen tardises in there. I'm not convinced the time lock was actually active at that point.
@KevinvanderVelden Doctor Who is basically Deus Ex Machina: The Show
@FEichinger That was the Moment's doing
Getting the Doctors through the wall.
@OrigamiRobot Weeeeell
It's really only Deus Ex Machina when something completely unrelated swoops in and instantly saves a hopeless situation
But yeah that happens
@RedRiderX They only subvert that by saying "we can time travel and also teleport and we'll tell you how it was actually related later"
@RedRiderX That is more or less what the Moment does, if we use it as the explanation for everything there ...
And I'm fine with that.
@OrigamiRobot Heh true
@FEichinger Also true sortof
Are you guys arguing about the logical consistency of Doctor Who?
@Sterno Moffat Who, really. It all largely made sense up until he took over. Then it all got weird and goofy for no reason.
@FEichinger According to fans, the reason is BECAUSE SHUT UP, THAT'S WHY
(i.e., it's about the characters, not the plot)
@FEichinger It's all made perfect sense to me so far.
@OrigamiRobot The words "life" and "hack" don't appear anywhere, so we're cool.
Except for "How can it be a duck pond without any ducks?"
@Sterno It came from a life hacks tumblr. That's double bad.
@Sterno They're implicit at this point.
@OrigamiRobot Well they fell into the crack of course!
Why else would there be no ducks in a pond!
There are always ducks in a duck pond
it's a rule
@OrigamiRobot I've always hated you the most.
There are always ducks in a duck pond.
@Jin pc or ps4?
@RedRiderX This part makes sense: The ducks were removed from existence so nobody remembers them ... But that would mean nobody ever named the pond "duck pond" in the first place.
I was supposed to buy a house today, but on account of cold weather and snow, both the title company and the bank are closed.
@Sterno I know. We were made for each other.
@BenBrocka PC
@FEichinger Yes that's a better way of describing the issue
In other news, I am mentally and physically ready for Dark Souls 2.
@Sterno When's that come out?
@OrigamiRobot March 11.
Unless the PC release date is later, which usually seems to happen.
Too far :(
Q: Can I replace a Philips DG-16g2s dvd drive with a Samsung TS-H943A dvd drive in my Xbox 360?

LypreilaCan I replace a Philips DG-16g2s dvd drive with a Samsung TS-H943A dvd drive in my Xbox 360? I understand about flashing, and I'd rather do the simpler process of removing the circuit board from the Philips and solder it into the Samsung, but I'm not sure it would fit and/or have the same number...

The only thing I have left to do in Dark Souls is beat the bosses which means it's boring now.
Which bosses?
With all this talk about Doctor Who, I'm starting to wonder if I picked the right British TV series. Can I still switch to Downton Abbey?
@Yuki Sherlock?

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