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@Frank but I was talking with Snow... you know?
@Braiam I've got lots of snow you can talk to.
@Frank send them over...
And it's a little over a month until the last chapter of FF XIII comes out. Definitely looking forward to that.
You don't mean the Squeenix game, do you?
@Fluttershy Of course I do.
I found them quite fun.
I liked XIII. The sequels shouldn't have ever been made. Especially XIII-3: Lightning's Boobs Grow.
@Frank Just started Episode 14.
@Wipqozn You're about at the end of the SAO arc.
I had conflicting opinions about XIII. But the fact that I didn't finish it should tell you everything.
Yup, that's the end of the first half.
Are they getting rid of "can't control character movement" in the sequel(s)?
> GnomeSlice's fetish is being taken care of while sick/taking care of someone who is sick
@ElfSlice So your fetish is basically germs?
That's disgustingly unsanitary.
1 min ago, by ElfSlice
> Yuki's fetish is fancy cars. Dat tailpipe...
@ElfSlice Better than germs...
> Wipqozn's fetish is robots.
@ElfSlice cc @OrigamiRobot
That explains so much!
> FAE's fetish is fine art.
Really? Out of everything I could've gotten, it's that mild?
> Fluttershy's fetish is bathing/showering with their potential partner.
> badp's fetish is MOD ABUSE.
Not really, but that would've been funny.
@Fluttershy That one at least sounds normal
> Frank's fetish is booze.
> Kalina's fetish is braces.
@ElfSlice Are you sure you didn't accidentally type "LessPopMoreFizz"?
Apparently capitalization matters
> FEichinger's fetish is lesbians.
Well, this doesn't surprise me.
@FEichinger >_>
> Ullallulloo's fetish is muscles/strong people.
Awww... OrigamiRobot's fetish is body pillows. Would've been funnier if it was turtles.
@ElfSlice wait, what
> badp's fetish is fictional characters... quite a few, actually.
@Ullallulloo I have a friend who has that.
@FAE I mean because of the constant calling-me-a-pervert, it doesn't surprise me.
@FAE But... but that's not what body pillows are for...
@FEichinger Oh.
> ElfSlice's fetish is motorcycles.
I just found back a little bag of Haribos in my old shoe so I guess my life is pretty good.
'twas pretty obvious I'd be the one to post with a purely sexual fetish.
enters room
looks at starred list
slowly shakes head
> RedRiderX's fetish is bondage.
> gn0meslice's fetish is video games.
> Unionhawk's fetish is yaois.
What even is that
@ElfSlice male on male hentai
Um. Okay.
@ElfSlice jup, mine isn't much better
Ugh is this really happening?
is this really happening?
14 mins ago, by ElfSlice
@RedRiderX seems so
Most of them are stupid
Oh well I guess it's Sunday night on the Bridge.
@ElfSlice Yes I saw the link
Enters room
slowly backs out again
@Arperum Too late I already tried that
@ElfSlice It says my fetish is snuggles.
@Arperum nooh! Come back
> Arperum's fetish is office work/doing it secretly in the workplace.
You will never escape.
@Blem-baFett That seems reasonable.
@Blem-baFett well, snuggles are awesome
> Gnome's fetish is genuine romance... wow how lame.
@ElfSlice ...
> Arp's fetish is murder.
My... real name one is probably the most opposite thing they could have picked.
> ...is having insects crawl all over them.
@Arperum well...
I'm terrified of insects.
@ElfSlice that sounds horrible o.o
@KevinvanderVelden So according to that site my office work should be full-time murderer.
3 mins ago, by RedRiderX
is this really happening?
@Arperum you say that like you don't secretly dream of that all the time
> GnomeSlice is 95% perverted. .
@KevinvanderVelden During work hours I often conspire multiple creative and painfull murders.
> GnomeSlice are 95% Beautiful
Hm. Those are the same number.
I think we can safely assume this has hit Android Hell levels.
@Arperum Pretty sure everyone does that.
@FEichinger it hit that long ago
This has long ago exceeded normal Android Hell safety levels.
i hear Suda51 is working on the sequel to Gnomoria... it's called "Gnomor Heroes"
Best tweet
@Frank and now I am at the end.
@Wipqozn Wee!
Onto second arc!
> Wipqozn's fetish is robots.
Sorry I just found that one hilarious for some reason
@KevinvanderVelden Now this doesn't surprise me.
I have no idea what's going on with this fetish thing.
22 mins ago, by ElfSlice
@Wipqozn Yours is robots!
20 mins ago, by ElfSlice
> Wipqozn's fetish is robots.
I see.
Wow, that was fast
@ElfSlice fleggedy flegged
@ElfSlice Usually better to link those behind a link instead of oneboxing them so they aren't displayed. The less attention the trolls get and leave behind, the better.
@ElfSlice Sonic flag missiles were deployed.
@FAE Yeah maybe
I actually got an inbox notification about that one because it was on my post.
User is destroyed now too
Thanks @Mana
Mod abuse missiles launched!
Q: R: counting column data in a matrix with resets

davez0rI'm gathering data on how much my cats poop into a matrix: m <- cbind(fluffy=c(1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4),misterCuddles=c(0.9,NA,1.1,1.0)) row.names(m) <- c("2013-01-01", "2013-01-02", "2013-01-03","2013-01-04") Which gives me this: fluffy misterCuddles 2013-01-01 1.1 0.9 2013-0...

> I'm gathering data on how much my cats poop into a matrix
Q: What is the best weapon to indicate walls in Cave Story?

kyrI've been wondering about this, but what is the best weapon to indicate where the walls are for places such as the hidden room in Curly's house or one of the places where you find the puppies? I'm always struggling with finding the walls to either get in or out, so any help would be nice.

Q: Level 51 - Owl icon in top right

slhAt level 51 I saw this owl icon in the top right of my I-phone, and when I click on the owl I got a whole other set of levels to play beginning with Level 1 'Sleepy Slopes' then 'Funky Factory'. What is this new set of levels?

@ElfSlice jup jup, makes sense, better it be in the matrix and not real then on your floor
Hmmm, given that fluffy pooped 1.4 grams on Jan 4th, how do you know he (?) pooped 4 times? misterCuddles pooped once on the 3rd for 1.1g, but twice on the 4th for 1.0g; I don't see the pattern. — gung Dec 10 '13 at 14:36
only works if you have Steam running, though
one quick thing i wanted to leave here, you do not need to say anything about it. i will leave the channel for some time and stick to the dota one if some1 needs scripting help.
have a good night
@Wandang I don't think the question was inappropriate tbh
but I seem to be a minority here
Neither do I. It might have done to explain a little more about your motives in the post just in case though.
Early Michelin Man
He's come a long way
Q: XBOX 360 not booting up after update corrupted files

user65974So I have an XBOX 360 slim that I don't update all the time, I don't have internet where I live, so I have to update it at friend's houses. (Why do you hate poor people, Microsoft?) Someone gave me Batman Arkham Origins for Christmas, but of course to play it I had to update the console. I did th...

Wohoo I finally have the Stormy-Eyed Quality!
@Wandang But was there ever a Meta topic made to address this case?
@RedRiderX nop
@RedRiderX Of course not. Throwing a tantrum and "quitting" is so much easier.
Q: What is the difference between "ef - a fairy tale of the two" and "ef - the first/later tale"?

Memor-XI'm looking to get the ef Visual Novel, on VNDB there's apparently 2 different games for the English version, ef - a fairy tale of the two which is marked as a complete while there are 2 partials, ef - the first tale and ef - the latter tale VNDB calls the game ef - a fairy tale of the two, the ...

Q: Multiplayer on xbox 360 not working

user65955I was going to play minecraft on my Xbox 360 with my cousin it did not work . It just showed 4 green LED lights blinking. This needs fix.

@Lazers ugh
> This needs fix.
Wait, @Frank is fbueckert?
However you spell that
@John Yes.
@John fuckbert, obviously
Oh. Okay.
Or rather, that's why he renamed himself
I really don't know why people have such a hard time spelling fbueckert.
fbueckert fbueckert fbueckert fbueckert. That's even muscle-memory for me at this point.
@FEichinger Hey it's not my fault I only visit the bridge once a day. Sometimes once for two days.
@FEichinger especially given that this is a text environment with auto complete
@KevinvanderVelden It doesn't autocomplete now that it's not a name
@KevinvanderVelden That's why I never remember.
Back then, we didn't have to know how to spell it
It's all F tab tab enter
Ironically, for me it's usually faster to type in the whole name than to Tab-complete and check back whether or not it actually picked the right person.
There are a few names where I three-letter-tab, but that's about it.
Such as @RedRiderX, or @KevinvanderVelden
I almost always tab autocomplete.
It's rare I type out any of your names. Not enough time for that.
I also usually do 3 letters and then tab
@FEichinger Wait so you look at your keyboard while you type? That could be it
I tend to watch the words appear, when I type
@John No, I don't.
@FEichinger Then what are you "checking back" with? o.O
@John I usually don't even look at what I typed.
@FEichinger Then that's what I meant.
I don't look at the keyboard, I look at the rest of the page. Reading what else comes up while I'm typing.
How big is your monitor that looking back down is a problem?
@FEichinger :D?
@FAE Yes, your name is perfect.
@John 17" laptop.
x1080 resolution. If I'm looking at the middle of the page, the input is no longer focused nearly enough to read.
Heck, just four or five lines up in the transcript is enough.
My Lost marathon is about to finish downloading, after 4 weeks and 1 day
I say about, there is 0.22% left
@kalina Lost? Seriously?
You must be really bored.
Did you ... Did you seriously just ... Wow.
It is at least a week of TV, and at most a week of confusion
So ... you are just really bored.
Q: Which house is the best investment to build up money?

Oliver SalzburgIt seems obvious to me that building the generic houses is the right strategy to earn a lot of money. But which house is the best investment?

beats having nothing to watch
see? no fire involved
Sure, at least it passes the time.
how utterly... mundane
Very rad.
Oh wait have I posted this already?
@RedRiderX Someone did.
Not sure if it was you.
@RedRiderX cool
@RedRiderX I want one. o.o
@FEichinger Hah
oh well
it's still rad

Proposed Q&A site for середовище для ефективного пошуку рішень суспільнополітичних проблем. Надати можливість громадянам та громадським ініціативним групам виносити свої ініціативи на суспільне обговорення. Стати довідником громадської думки для політиків.

Currently in definition.

Technology/Programing Projects

Proposed Q&A site for finding people who want to make a project with you. It should not be a site for finding paid developers but finding people who want to develop your project together with you.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for professional discussion about the various topics of the indie sandbox game Minecraft, which has been gaining popularity and has gathered a huge fanbase.

Currently in definition.

Ukrainian Language & Usage

Proposed Q&A site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Ukrainian language.

Currently in definition.

Windows (operating system)

Proposed Q&A site for people who have problems, errors and questions over/with windows

Currently in definition.

> "What to do next? What are the next steps for regime change?"
Q: Moss Covered Chests, do they respawn?

GrohlierI know I am late to the "Pandarian Gate." However, I finally made it to the Timeless Isle and discovered moss covered chests. These things are awesome for a casual gamer like me. Since I started looting them though, I can't find a definitive "they do" or "they do not" respawn. Can anyone shed lig...

Always funny.
Oops that came out large.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Nah.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Naaaah.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
@RedRiderX ...
Are you picturing dirty things again @kalina?
no my mind is innocent and pure
Of course.
@kalina I was gonna star it. Then I realized I'm out of stars :(
one day I shall have a dirty thought for the first time but TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY
@kalina Nope. Not true. Not true at all. You're a liar. LIAR.
I have slept twice in the last 5 hours
@kalina You should've slept for the whole five hours, you know.
if I did that, I wouldn't have enough sleep left for my main snooze
Q: How do you stop boosted exp for traded pokemon?

Aidan O'ReillySo I got the torchic gift in pokemon x and y, and he has boosted exp (I'm assuming that this is because he's considered "traded"). Is there any way I can make him gain exp at a normal rate?

@RedRiderX Couple of days ago
Oh hey found this:
So that's neat.
realizes the truth about @fbueckert
@badp ... what truth?
@badp I hesitate to point out that most truths are, in fact, true.
@Yuki You're not good at hesitating.
FUCK man!
@badp That has very little bearing on the topic at hand.
@Yuki Truth to be told, it's true. But there is truth and there is TRUE TRUTH and then there is stalling.
The Awesome Games Done Quick weeklong livestream event started today, streaming speedruns to raise money for charity.
@FAE I don't give a shit about speedruns, but starred for the exposure. =]
@ElfSlice Not much for them myself either, but I think it's a good cause.
Yeah, also that.
@badp Do you know if anybody has done any Operation Smash speedruns yet? I might watch one of those.
The game was apparently designed to be speedrun friendly. And it's pretty fun also.
@FAE Have you managed to beat Risk of Rain yet?
@ElfSlice I haven't played it a whole lot in the last week.
So not yet.
I've made it to the final level twice, and both times didn't know what to do and got completely overrun like immediately.
Almost made it last game, but there were a bunch of enemies grouped together that just looked like one and I insta-died in level 4
@ElfSlice That can get tricky there.
Have to get to the Bridge, ultimately.
Do you go to the right?
You have to open some doors, yeah?
Yes and yes.
A: How do I join my own crew in GTA 5 Online?

Mahmoud ehwassPut there gonna be a problem if you're nat type is 3 you crateted your own crew maybe no one joined? and if you have members you i'll see then in the pause menu > online> crews> my crew if you have members press join game and you'll heas straight there

how did this get upvoted?
@MBraedley Somebody clicked the "up" arrow above the vote count.
@FEichinger Why thank you.
I lied. A51 can get worse than Shania Twain.
2325 42nd Street Northwest Condominium

Proposed Q&A site for residents and owners of 2325 42nd Street Northwest Condominium in Washington, DC.

Closed before being launched.

@LessPop_MoreFizz I was going to call lies on that, but....yeah, okay you are right.
A: How do I join my own crew in GTA 5 Online?

Mahmoud ehwassThere's going to be a problem if your NAT type is set to 3. You created your own crew, maybe no one joined? And if you do have members you'll see them in the pause menu under: menu > online > crews > my crew If you have members in your crew, press join game and you'll head straight there ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz lmao
@FAE @ElfSlice Risk of Rain any good?
@RavenDreamer Very good, as long as you don't mind doing things over and over, and dying a lot.
...I don't know what to think about that typo.
@RavenDreamer I just assumed it was intentional.
Wisk or Wain
@RavenDreamer Yes. It's quite enjoyable.
@RavenDreamer I like it quite a bit.
@elfslice goddamnit now I am hearing everything I'm the voice of Madeline Kahn's character in blazing Saddles
@LessPop_MoreFizz I... wow.
@FAE Is it hard to keep track of where you are?
@RavenDreamer As in does it get too busy on the screen?
Yes. That's usually my problem.
(And why Beat Hazard is EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was wondering if you saw that one.
@RavenDreamer The number of enemies can get quite high and it can get hectic. I'm not sure what your threshold is though.
Maybe try looking at a LP or something to see if it'd be tenable for you?
@FAE That's a fair answer.
I looked at the trailer, which is why I'm worried.
@Wipqozn So much crap gets proposed tehre that I generally just stay away
@RavenDreamer Positional awareness can definitely make the difference between life and death, especially while you're waiting on skill cooldowns.
@FAE Is it mouse aim + WASD and then specials on QER, etc.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sorry, but that means nothing to me

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