I have an apartment with a 10 car garage. I have purchased 6 expensive cars and stored them in my garage. 4 f them I need to sell!
I want to buy a different apartment and I don't want to loose the cars I want. How do I sell the expensive cars I have already bought? Is there a garage option for t...
So what we back in Etria called a Muckdile , over at Armoroad they called it an Abyssal Dweller for sitting in the deep abyss, and at Tharsis they call it a Dinogator because that's kinda what it is.
I'll admit to only half paying attention to chat so far this morning, but is there actually a reason for all these pony images? You guys just seem to be posting them randomly so the entire world can enjoy what you googled.
@fbueckert I wouldn't let that stop me from switching jobs if such things happen a lot, slow down probably. Course I've heard one snippet of something bad happening so I'm not in a position to say anything =p
@KevinvanderVelden This is the first time it's happened. I'm just irked that they'd take my client's word at face value, and not even give me the benefit of a doubt.
@fredley I think you'll find that in that I don't assume one is a dullard when I choose not to spell out the entirety of warnings word-by-word, that one shouldn't take me for one by assuming pedantry is enough to actually avoid action being taken.
Man, looking through the transcript has taught me that a) no one knows how to spell Fluttershy, and 2) no one knows what Fluttershy actually looks like.
i just purchased an adder on my phone and went to my grove street garage to find it not in there except my other 3 cars. i had the money so i really didn't care so i tried purchasing another except it told me my garage was full... i left the area, came back and it's still not in there. i can't st...
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@GraceNote It is, but @fbueckert has always come across as the kind of person who is always willing to express his opinion and doesn't care if doing so upsets people.
@Sterno For the most part, this traditionally results from the ability to one-shot larger amounts of folks, if not immediately in one hit then in several hits.
@GraceNote I also have a low tolerance for grinding, so I tend to pick my 5 party members, stick to them, and only respec if absolutely necessary. Which is the main reason I didn't have mains of any of the unlockable classes.
@Sterno Haven't actually seriously grinded yet. I spent one extra day in the Lush Woodlands to shape up for the Berserker King, but otherwise we've mostly kept up by just going forward. We do have goal points we set for what level we want to be but it hasn't become an issue to reach that yet. Which is actually kinda weird but I'm okay with that.
@FEichinger I've also had issues with bosses misunderstanding me, so I've learned to be careful to phrase things better. Sucks when you don't have a good rapport with your boss.
My last one, no problem. I could've told him, "Hey, man, seriously? At least get my side, alright?".
@Sterno Indeed. But it has such a different impact compared to how it comes in the other three games, to actually see them so early. Some of the dampening may come from recognizing them, I admit.
@GraceNote I'm not sure entirely what you mean, since I didn't get far enough in 3 (or in EOU yet) to see them. I will say overall I wasn't a fan of the outdoor sequences in EO4, and the "dragon flies into your ship, you fall down!" didn't really instill fear. Just annoyance.
My question is quite simple, but the solution seems absolutely impossible for me to find.
I have a dedicated game server (JEDI ACADEMY JAMPDED), which is a console application. It writes some information continously and I want to handle the data somehow. It would be easy if I could read the outp...
@GraceNote Not really. Though reading the wiki for it I'm pretty sure this is the one I did. There was some food you could eat that gave you ice resistance, which was a deciding factor too. But I also see he's weak to volt, not fire, so honestly maybe I'm confused.
So I was just in an office. There was a poster by the door saying "by the age of 21 the average male has spent 10,000 hourse playing videogames alone".
@5pike I feel like this should change... though are there any other guilds / clans / etc set up in other games for arQAde? besides that google excel that was sent out for D3
EO2 made the Drake more threatening than EO1 but as evidenced by the fact I took out the Drake first with a less-than-optimal party, I can't say I feel he was nearly as deadly an upgrade as the other two got. EO3... honestly I figure he sits in the middle.
If you assume a 'full day' of playing video games alone is about 10 hours of gaming (I think this is reasonable, feel free to disagree) and that the person started playing games alone at the age of 6, they would have played 66 'full days' alone a year.
@5pike lol that is the problem though. I doubt it would stick... (+ I haven't been on chat / A:SE in a while, I doubt many ppl remember me - Maybe @AshleyNunn lol )