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Is Apple Jack the retarded country one?
@Wipqozn That's good, at least.
The floor jump unlock means you are both ableto jump to this floor, and are able to jump to other floors from this floor.
Q: GTA 5 Online Garage: Can I sell my own expensive cars?

Kellan GoebelI have an apartment with a 10 car garage. I have purchased 6 expensive cars and stored them in my garage. 4 f them I need to sell! I want to buy a different apartment and I don't want to loose the cars I want. How do I sell the expensive cars I have already bought? Is there a garage option for t...

@OrigamiRobot Rarity worst pony
Excluding CMCs, obviously
@Wipqozn As long as you unlock one staircase. On floors like 8 and 9 where there are like 4-6 staircases, as soon as you unlock one, you're golden
@Sterno Correct.
Also today I learned that only 1 of my 12 coworkers know what a brony is
So what we back in Etria called a Muckdile , over at Armoroad they called it an Abyssal Dweller for sitting in the deep abyss, and at Tharsis they call it a Dinogator because that's kinda what it is.
Does WordPress core/plugin updates involve delta patching? I'd say no, but I would love to be surprised
@PrivatePansy WTF
No pony is best pony.
I don't entirely mind images but in the middle of conversations, the sizes can be a bit problematic to making a proper discourse.
@Sterno I see you're a fan of Tom
@Sterno SkyDrift is best pony.
@fredley pinkie pie is certainly second best pony
but rainbow dash is still best pony
@kalina +1
@fredley's script is getting a serious workout this morning
@Sterno Haha, I'm using it too
@Sterno you know that it has phone home code that shares everything you do with the NSA right?
because he's evil like that
@Sterno you call this a workout? There's been like, 5 ponies (not counting avatars)
@kalina Well in that it runs on a computer, yes
Hm. Only just now realized that I actually would've had enough room to name my skyship "SkyDrift" in EO4.
What is SkyDrift?
@Sterno Fight ponies with Waddles
@fredley It's fucking bomb.
@FEichinger Looks like Carmaggeddon with Planes
@kalina we should just shorten that to ∞
@PrivatePansy I don't get it
@OrigamiRobot That's not a pony, that's a pig. I see your game
@KevinvanderVelden too much effort
@fredley It's Waddles.
@GraceNote What's Waddles?
Cream Soda is best pony
The day I'm working on things and not constantly watching this chat is the day you guys are posting hundreds of messages every 10 minutes.
@kalina Sweetcream Scoops
@Powerlord chat is always this busy
@fredley I can make assumptions but in not fully knowing the situation I can only say it's Waddles.
@fredley It's basically a kart racer for planes. Only it's really fast.
I guess it's like they say: A watched pot never boils, but if you take your eyes off of it for even a second, it boils over.
@MichaelDunfield planes are faster than cars: data accepted
To be fair, depending on your interest for walls of images, it may be fine to be absent.
@KevinvanderVelden 5 ponies is 5 ponies too many.
@kalina Worst formatting
Walls of images are best walls
@MichaelDunfield I keep crashing into everything.
@Arperum Are you using a gamepad?
@MichaelDunfield Don't have one. keyboard.
@Arperum Well, there's your problem.
@Sterno jeah but it's hardly a lot for this chat
I'll admit to only half paying attention to chat so far this morning, but is there actually a reason for all these pony images? You guys just seem to be posting them randomly so the entire world can enjoy what you googled.
What's with the image spam this morning?
@MichaelDunfield They're fighting over which pony is best pony.
@MichaelDunfield you sir, have no rights to use the words "spam", "whats up with" or any of the other issues you're trying to raise
@MichaelDunfield Then get me a gamepad.
From what I can tell, @kalina is winning.
@kalina What?
I think this has gone on long enough. We've got a fair number of folks bothered by the walls of images.
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, you're right. Barely any ponies at all.
@kalina such majestic
@MichaelDunfield the amount of stuff you link on a daily basis is NOTHING like random sporadic linking of ponies
@Sterno yeah they've kicked into overdrive haven't they? But 5 ponies wasn't a lot =p
@kalina "sporadic" is relative, I assume.
Now to see how well my boss takes my refusal to accept responsibility for a meeting I knew nothing about.
@fbueckert link your boss ponies
are the mods sleeping?
@fbueckert also known as how fast you should look for a new job?
@Blem I'm right here.
@GraceNote then why all the ponies?
@Blem ponies will be posted regardless of whether mods are awake =p
@KevinvanderVelden It may. Probably not, though; I'm the only one who knows this project, and I haven't had time to properly document it.
@Blem I already gave a second request to stop. If it persists then I'll take action as appropriate.
I am no longer posting ponies
Noting that my request was less about ponies, and more about GIANT IMAGES.
Thus, I am not guilty
This looks exactly like when my toddler tests her limits.
fine I will find small pony pictures
@GraceNote All images are the size (roughly) dictated by the stylesheet?
throws the book at @kalina
@Powerlord the request was to stop posting huge pics!
@fbueckert I wouldn't let that stop me from switching jobs if such things happen a lot, slow down probably. Course I've heard one snippet of something bad happening so I'm not in a position to say anything =p
Ashes of Victory by David Weber
@kalina Are you saying you don't like books?
@kalina Better than your current avatar
@Powerlord not when it's embedded in my skull, no
(I was expecting someone to say "What book?" and had already typed the book name)
@KevinvanderVelden This is the first time it's happened. I'm just irked that they'd take my client's word at face value, and not even give me the benefit of a doubt.
@Sterno "No you can't have another cookie." reaches closer for the cookies
@fredley That pic is already in use by somebody else on the site
Brian Gordon, Maryland, United States
220 1 3 6
@OrigamiRobot swipes cookies from under your nose Hmm look at these cookies I've found!
@OrigamiRobot I'm not eating the cookie! I'm just licking the cookie!
@fredley linking people's profiles who use ponies means that (a) we're no longer posting pony pictures, but (b) we're still posting ponies
See? I'm following your rule!
@Powerlord pff that book only has 500 pages! You can do better than that if you want to throw something
@Sterno She's just using logic and should be rewarded with a cookie.
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, well it was the book I was reading at the time.
Morning, Bridge
@fredley I think you'll find that in that I don't assume one is a dullard when I choose not to spell out the entirety of warnings word-by-word, that one shouldn't take me for one by assuming pedantry is enough to actually avoid action being taken.
@Powerlord all the more reason to not throw it :)
Man, looking through the transcript has taught me that a) no one knows how to spell Fluttershy, and 2) no one knows what Fluttershy actually looks like.
@Fluttershy Yellow pony with wings.
@Powerlord see also his avatar :)
@Fluttershy Fluttershy is third best pony, sorry
@Powerlord It's the "You spelled Twilight Sparkle wrong" argument, though obviously using Fluttershy instead.
Q: Car not showing in Grove street garage

Letobyi just purchased an adder on my phone and went to my grove street garage to find it not in there except my other 3 cars. i had the money so i really didn't care so i tried purchasing another except it told me my garage was full... i left the area, came back and it's still not in there. i can't st...

Actually when does season 4 start? Next month or something?
@GraceNote No pictures since said warning!
@kalina is worst Bridge member. :(
@fredley While I do type fast I took a while to type that one since I was actually searching for an exact quote before I gave up on it.
@GraceNote It was rather contorted. It took a while to fully decipher.
Man, Waddles is the best.
I should change my avatar to Waddles.
@fredley The original quote is very easy to read. I wish I had it and I intend to find it today.
@kalina I would agree, except I'd put Fluttershy where RD is and move RD to the end.
@kalina As a fan of Dr Who I feel you're missing a important pony
@Wipqozn Yes!
@Wipqozn Green Waddles
@Fluttershy well you'd be wrong. Best pony is not a personal opinion
@Wipqozn Wipqaddlot
@KevinvanderVelden I assume she meant of the Mane 6
As opposed to... Dr. Whooves.
@Powerlord irrelevant, IT'S A DOCTOR WHO PONY
@Fluttershy and I thought we were friends!
cries a river
@OrigamiRobot The problem is the question of which picture would I use?
There are so many good Waddles pictures.
@Powerlord Is that what they're called? That's terrible.
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@Wipqozn If you post them al...WTF @NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment
@Sterno You seriously never used the Arcanist? I haven't even unlocked it, but with Wufan handling around in my party it's been pretty convenient.
sets fire to @NOPE
@GraceNote Only as a secondary.
@Wipqozn ...As I was saying, if you post them all here we could totally help you pick.
@Sterno Ahha.
@Wipqozn Top hat Waddles
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Ha
I wonder if I can get mini-oneboxes for A51 proposals.
I think we should open a new site for advice on opening new sites.
@GraceNote By the time I considered making a full arcanist, my sniper was already good at binding, and rarely did I feel the need for AOE binds
@kalina I thought we were friends too! Then I learned my worst pony was your best pony. Now I just don't know what to think.
@Powerlord @NOPE
Since the correct answer is "don't" for 99% of new sites...
@GraceNote You should hold Marc hostage until he changes his mind about mini site link oneboxes next time you see him.
@Fluttershy You learned that ages ago when I first came back to the site with my pony
Everypony should just get along
Though it did kind of make me want to make an arcanist with two snipers for backup, who have bind chasing
@Powerlord That's called discuss.A51.
@Sterno Saves a bit on TP to have everyone hit once a round for four rounds for 10 TP compared to 7 TP for a single hit.
Didn't we just say something about posting big pictures?
Yeah, uh, @Wipqozn, links please.
@kalina Everypony equal, everypony loved?
@fbueckert only applies when we do it, when anybody else does it, its no problem at all
@Fluttershy well, I certainly love Fluttershy, but Rainbow Dash is best pony
@kalina Either that or I wasn't paying attention to that conversation.
Hmm, so apparently I find images of that pig whose name I cant remember to be more annyoing than the ponies
@Wipqozn you have no hate from me, dear kind @Wipqozn
Everyone's favorite MLP song!
@Unionhawk NO
@kalina YES
@Fluttershy Has the magic gone out of your friendship?
@Powerlord Call 1-800-SCOOTALOO for help!
@Powerlord Only for @kalina. She thinks worst pony is best pony.
@Wipqozn This one.
@kalina 1-800-CHICKEN
"I thought we weren't linking craploads of big things in chat"
cc @MichaelDunfield
@kalina I posted a single video.
Is that okay?
you posted a single video this minute, you mean!
@GraceNote True. But I rarely cared to bind except for very specific monsters and bosses, which often showed up singularly
This may well have changed if I'd played endgame
@MichaelDunfield Don't bow to peer pressure.
@GraceNote Didn't see that conversation, sorry about that (cc @fbueckert)
@OrigamiRobot Did you make it to work today?
@MichaelDunfield also, I don't care, I just don't like being singled out for posting ponies when everybody else generates as much noise
@Sterno The fancy thing about TP conservation is that it lets us actually change out of that mindset.
@Wipqozn No worries, dude.
@Wipqozn S'aiite.
@Fluttershy more importantly, did he arrive with his pants on?
@Fluttershy Yes. Sickness was a false alarm.
@kalina Pssh. That's not important.
@Fluttershy it certainly is!
@OrigamiRobot Was it a food-baby?
Pants are overrated
I just spent an hour crafting an email to my boss. I hate confrontation, even through email.
@fbueckert confrontation is the worst =[
@fbueckert I...what?
@fbueckert Should've let @kalina write it.
You are the last person on the earth who I would expect to be afraid of confrontation.
@FEichinger he does want to keep his job you know
@Wipqozn this x100
@kalina Trust me, I would complain about @GnomeSlice's incessant links if I could still see them.
51 mins ago, by fbueckert
Yay. Boss is yelling at me for missing a client meeting I knew nothing about.
@Fluttershy No, not even symptoms of one.
@KevinvanderVelden Well, she does manage to magically keep hers so it can't be that bad.
@Wipqozn While I can see where this is coming from, I think it's a different enough sort of thing.
@FEichinger that is still currently open to extensive director level discussion
@GraceNote I guess what I mean is that I felt EO4 was easier than 3, and often I could one-hit kill monsters, so why bother binding them instead?
@Sterno Must be some bump between where you reached that point and where I am.
@FEichinger yeah, but that is her job, she has incentive to keep it. Poor fbueckert job offers no such thing.
I shudder to think what an unrestrained kalina is capable of
@OrigamiRobot Well that's good. I was hoping you could spend the day playing Dark Souls, but... meh.
@kalina I was more talking about the various previous instances. I'm not even touching that.
@GraceNote It is, but @fbueckert has always come across as the kind of person who is always willing to express his opinion and doesn't care if doing so upsets people.
@GraceNote I think it was around level 40
@KevinvanderVelden no situation has ever required the full momentum of my destructive force to date
Still level 30.
Sorry, and by one-hit, I mean one-round.
@Fluttershy I'm not going to play Dark Souls unless I have someone to complain to while I'm playing it.
As in, start combat, by the end, all monsters are dead, or maybe one still has like a quarter bar of hp
@Wipqozn I'm willing to express my opinion all the time. Problem with doing so at a job, though, tends to have ramifications.
@kalina fairly sure that's why we still have a functioning ecosystem here
And I kinda like my job.
And by level 30 I mean "Only the two who have been in every single party are at level 30, everyone else is 25-28".
@OrigamiRobot That's what the Bridge is for!
@fbueckert Uuuugh. I know you don't mean it the way you write it, but the way you write it is uuuugh.
@Sterno For the most part, this traditionally results from the ability to one-shot larger amounts of folks, if not immediately in one hit then in several hits.
@GraceNote I also have a low tolerance for grinding, so I tend to pick my 5 party members, stick to them, and only respec if absolutely necessary. Which is the main reason I didn't have mains of any of the unlockable classes.
Though they do give you those scrolls to catch a few guys up, which is nice
Kalina lost temper: World ends
@kalina And this is why we keep you occupied. And let you have frequent albeit minor release.
@Fluttershy No, I need someone to hear my rage.
@Sterno Haven't actually seriously grinded yet. I spent one extra day in the Lush Woodlands to shape up for the Berserker King, but otherwise we've mostly kept up by just going forward. We do have goal points we set for what level we want to be but it hasn't become an issue to reach that yet. Which is actually kinda weird but I'm okay with that.
@FEichinger I've also had issues with bosses misunderstanding me, so I've learned to be careful to phrase things better. Sucks when you don't have a good rapport with your boss.
My last one, no problem. I could've told him, "Hey, man, seriously? At least get my side, alright?".
All my previous EO experience teaches me to try and get extra levels early, so for example I was level 12 in EO2 before going to the second floor.
@fbueckert this was the previous boss of your horror stories? :|
And I think I hit 30 before I took down the boss of the first stratum.
Okay, so either one of these or this one (I'd crop out mable)
@KevinvanderVelden No, this was my previous boss at this job.
Although mables pretty awesome as well.
@fbueckert aah that makes more sense
I never would've done that at my last job. I would've just gone, "Had a problem? Fire me. Oh, right, you can't."
@Wipqozn Top hat. If not that, monocle.
@Wipqozn Monocle with cigar or shocked face Waddles
Morning all
@OrigamiRobot Those are the two I'm most likely to decide on.
I'll be honest, though, @Sterno, I'm quite surprised at how early the dragons were introduced in this game.
@TimStone Shocked face is so adorable.
@GraceNote Yeah, but all you can really do is avoid them.
cc @Fluttershy
Weigh in on this, or else.
@Sterno Indeed. But it has such a different impact compared to how it comes in the other three games, to actually see them so early. Some of the dampening may come from recognizing them, I admit.
@ZeroStack morning
I like 2 the most for how it handled the dragons, though I do like that 3 made them the core for level cap breaking.
@GraceNote I'm not sure entirely what you mean, since I didn't get far enough in 3 (or in EOU yet) to see them. I will say overall I wasn't a fan of the outdoor sequences in EO4, and the "dragon flies into your ship, you fall down!" didn't really instill fear. Just annoyance.
@Sterno @GraceNote Games are off-topic!
@KevinvanderVelden et all, how goes it?
@OrigamiRobot Sorry, I'll convert my text to a big image and post that instead
@Sterno Please and thanks.
@Wipqozn Weigh in on what? I can't see replies!
@Sterno Oh, so in reality, the comparison I made to a dragon's breath about Immunize actually didn't help you at all?
@kalina I didn't single you out.
@GraceNote Well, I killed a dragon in EO4, so I extrapolated, though I don't know for sure how similar it is
@Fluttershy Which Waddles picture to use as my avatar.
@MichaelDunfield No one did.
5 mins ago, by Wipqozn
Okay, so either one of these or this one (I'd crop out mable)
@Sterno Which one?
@Wipqozn shocked face.
That's 3 for shocked face.
Shocked face.
@GraceNote The frost one, I think.
@Sterno Hohum. Interesting choice.
4 for shocked face, 2 for monocle, 1 for top hat.
@Wipqozn Don't listen to them. Go with top hat or monocle and you can use the shocked face one to reply with.
Q: Reading Console Buffer / Output C++

IburiduMy question is quite simple, but the solution seems absolutely impossible for me to find. I have a dedicated game server (JEDI ACADEMY JAMPDED), which is a console application. It writes some information continously and I want to handle the data somehow. It would be easy if I could read the outp...

Known in the first game as the hardest of the dragons. Arguably the hardest or second hardest in the third as well.
shocked face
@OrigamiRobot !
@Wipqozn The winner is clear.
That ! is a link.
@Wipqozn Exactly!
What do you think @Jin?
@Wipqozn regarding?
As the one who gave us @Lazers you're opinion is the most important.
2 mins ago, by Wipqozn
5 mins ago, by Wipqozn
Okay, so either one of these or this one (I'd crop out mable)
For my new gravatar.
@GraceNote I'm trying to find the EO4 wiki to make sure I'm remembering correctly.
@RonanForman from what I've heard of the Payday: The Heist soundtrack, I actually think the first game had some better tracks
@Wipqozn they all are good!
I think I chose it because my Runemaster was pimped out for fire damage
@Sterno Do you remember how the fight went?
@Jin You're no help at all!
bacon... lil salty piggy strips
Okay, either Monacle or Shocked Face.
@Wipqozn My plan is best plan and you know it.
@GraceNote Not really. Though reading the wiki for it I'm pretty sure this is the one I did. There was some food you could eat that gave you ice resistance, which was a deciding factor too. But I also see he's weak to volt, not fire, so honestly maybe I'm confused.
@OrigamiRobot that's what I'm thinking.
How often would I use shocked face though? I really like it.
Decisions are tough.
Though I did spend most of the game thinking fire beat ice, so it's possible I chose him for the wrong reason and volted my way through it
@Wipqozn Shocked face isn't handsome.
@MichaelDunfield Which picture do you think I should go with?
@Wipqozn Every time someone blames you.
@Wipqozn The top hat or the one with shutter shades.
The shocked face would probably look the best at small resolutions though
Top hat is too tall
@Wipqozn As a bonus, my plan makes it look like the monocle fell off when you were surprised!
@MichaelDunfield What about the monocle one?
@OrigamiRobot Oh snap.
@Sterno It's not that you may've necessarily been confused - most anyone would assume an ice dragon would be weak to fire.
That's true.
@Wipqozn I don't really like that one for some reason.
Is there an arQAde crew for rockstar games yet?
@GraceNote Anyway, reading it, I'm pretty sure he's the one I killed. Very easy to get to, there was a food buff to help, and an NPC who helps too
So maybe he's much easier than previous games
Also, why does the spot around his eye change sides?
The votes do have shocked face, and I really like it...but I also really like @OrigamiRobot's idea...
@Sterno It could be. Things change, after all.
@MichaelDunfield Because he's a Wizard.
So I was just in an office. There was a poster by the door saying "by the age of 21 the average male has spent 10,000 hourse playing videogames alone".
I killed him before even heading into the post-game dungeon.
I think the first is really where he was the most threatening.
10,000? that seems high.
@Wipqozn The monocle looks like it was drawn in by somebody else.
barely hit the post-game dungeon, stopped playing. Might go back once EOU is done
@ZeroStack Nope
@Wipqozn Well he does have a monocle...
You should hit the EO3 stuff first. Unless you weren't a fan of your party in EO3.
@MichaelDunfield I get the same impression.
Man, @OrigamiRobot, @gnome
@tombull89 For comparison, these 21 years consist of 184086 hours.
Man, @OrigamiRobot, gnome is making a good case for not the monacle.
@ZeroStack at least I can't find a crew with that name.
@5pike I feel like this should change... though are there any other guilds / clans / etc set up in other games for arQAde? besides that google excel that was sent out for D3
EO2 made the Drake more threatening than EO1 but as evidenced by the fact I took out the Drake first with a less-than-optimal party, I can't say I feel he was nearly as deadly an upgrade as the other two got. EO3... honestly I figure he sits in the middle.
@OrigamiRobot Pick a number between 1 and 10.
@Wipqozn Then use the top hat and my plan stands!
@Wipqozn your profile is out of date
@Wipqozn 10 (because that's how I'd rate your face)
@OrigamiRobot d'awwww
@ZeroStack Well, you could make one, if you like. I don't know mow many will join, though.
@MichaelDunfield You'd only give my face a 5? How rude.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Wipqozn 10 (because that's how I'd rate your face)
Did you ignore @OrigamiRobot?
@Wipqozn is a butterface
@Wipqozn No, but you didn't mention that's what it was for
@MichaelDunfield It wasn't, it was a joke.
BAsed on the robots comment.
@MichaelDunfield I'm just glad I didn't say Pi
@KevinvanderVelden I think he wanted an integer
I don't know what to do.
@MichaelDunfield he should've specified then
@MichaelDunfield Square pies would just be weird.
@MichaelDunfield 0, then
@fbueckert can decide for me.
Very round
@tombull89 10,000 hours does seem very high.
@Wipqozn He will pick the grumpiest one.
@GraceNote They probably need a respec, but I liked EO3 a lot. I was near the end of the 3rd stratum
@Wipqozn You really want me to make a binding choice for you? Are you sure that's a good idea?
@OrigamiRobot Waddles is never grumpy.
Problem is, EO4 came out and I switched over. :P
@fbueckert Yes.
@Wipqozn Okay, then, what am I choosing?
@Sterno Ooooh. You're missing out!
11 mins ago, by Wipqozn
2 mins ago, by Wipqozn
5 mins ago, by Wipqozn
Okay, so either one of these or this one (I'd crop out mable)
I blame @OrigamiRobot. If he didn't make that excellent case for the monocle I would have went with shocked face by now.
Are you linking to the playboy site again?
@MichaelDunfield well done!
@Wipqozn NO
@Wipqozn yes, yes he was =p
I don't think 10000 hours is all that high. I have 150+ hours in BL2, and 148 in Terraria. My main WoW character had 150 days play time...
@OrigamiRobot He looks tired, not grumpy.
@Fluttershy I have 450+ in MH3U.
I'm starting to think that one-boxing images is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the internet.
@Wipqozn I said grumpiest. Grumpiest Waddles is still pretty non-grumpy.
@OrigamiRobot True.
@Wipqozn My bad. Although there's no nudity or anything. But I deleted it. Wrong link.
@Sterno I think it would be a good idea to make that toggle-able for so many reasons
If you assume a 'full day' of playing video games alone is about 10 hours of gaming (I think this is reasonable, feel free to disagree) and that the person started playing games alone at the age of 6, they would have played 66 'full days' alone a year.
@Wipqozn There's no monocle and top hat. I'm thinking the monocle is good.
Not sure why you want to stop being a turtle, though.
Maybe I will just stay Turtle.
I like the Turtle jokes.
But the stars are saying I should change. I can't just ignore the stars.
@fbueckert Because Waddles.
The stars are never wrong.
@ken.ganong excepting the alone bit I might have hit that, though I'd say about half of the gaming I do is with other people
Clearly I should make a meta post to get the input of the entire Arqade community!
@Wipqozn Star this if @Wipqozn is not handsome.
@Wipqozn stay with the alot turtle, alot's are cool
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, the alone bit is what makes that seem out of proportion to me.
@Wipqozn I'd prefer if you went with a mecha turtle. With a top hat.
@Sterno Star this if @Wipqozn is handsome.
Maybe @Wipqozn is entirely average handsomeness.
@5pike lol that is the problem though. I doubt it would stick... (+ I haven't been on chat / A:SE in a while, I doubt many ppl remember me - Maybe @AshleyNunn lol )
@Wipqozn DENIED
@Wipqozn It got starred? This is the worst day ever.

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