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Q: Standard Car customizations

user55876I recently customized my standard car for franklin ( dodge charager, don't know what its called in GTA) and spent a lot of money on it. I saved it in the garage and i'm afraid to take it out and go do missions and lose it. will these customizations be lost if i lose the car at any point or will i...

I'm listening to the long version of the Breaking Bad theme tune all week in preparation for the last ever episode of Breaking Bad
@kalina Last ever? Good. Then I can start watching it.
breaking bad theme tune performed using only equipment you'd find in a meth lab + a guitar
@Lazers too much GTA V
@spyder That's to be expected.
Once GTA Online is up an running, there will be even more questions.
@spyder this was covered pretty much lastnight
let me find the thing that was said
GTA V is basically responsible for doubling our site visits this week
@spyder hey its me!
11 hours ago, by Jin
Big uptick in mobile traffic to @stackexchange last week because of #iOS7? Nope, #GTAV https://www.quantcast.com/gaming.stackexchange.com http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/grand-theft-auto-5
check the quantcast link
@kalina hello :)
Q: Unable to pan the camera East enough in Euro Truck Simulator 2

3venticNow that I have the DLC for ETS2, I would like to explore the new areas added, however, I cannot seem to pan the map far enough to the East as it will just snap back to Wroclaw as soon as it gets past it. (See the image) If I zoom completely in, I'm able to go just a tad further than the image...

@kalina do you miss me already? :D
@kalina forever_alone.jpg
poor you, such a hard life
is it hometime yet
@kalina Yes
Oh wait
don't tease
School time soon
user image
Q: How does the Workshop's vehicle repair feature work?

galacticninjaThe Workshop's 'Real Workshop' upgrade's bonuses are described as: Real Workshop - Automatically Repair Body and Tire damage for vehicles parked overnight. Construction Expertise - +100% Construction Rate. REQUIRES TOOLS EXPERT. Questions: If I have the Workshop's 'Real Workshop'...

yay I have stars to assign to people
@kalina Commence the star baiting ponies!
that is hilarious
somebody actually selling "blue sky" influenced candy
@kalina Heh... I bet there are some instructions of how to make candy like this yourselves...
@5pike Hm, yeah it is not caustic soda... Yeah. It should be acid. Yep, sure that is it.
@5pike Caustic basic reaction is now added. OK you got any soda around? Add it.
@5pike Fuck me, we needed those cooks. I'm going with hydrogen.
@5pike Looking at this site... Says acid is used in this step... We got muriatic, right?
@5pike I'm just guessing at this point... These internet descriptions are iffy.
In other news
NCIS is back on!
well, tonight anyway
so I will get to watch it tomorrow
is there a reliable way to have a steam account based in USD if I'm in the UK, and just use it to gift games to my main account when the exchange rates are favourable?
(doubt such a question would be on-topic for the site, would it?)
I don't know
@TZHX Mhhh... what comes to mind - virtual machin with steam, that uses a VPN with an American IP....
@5pike It's against the rules of Steam
@spyder this would be why the question is questionable on Arqade
it doesn't mean that people don't do it though
nobody here works for Valve, we won't get into trouble for discussing the idea in chat
@5pike they base it off billing address which is the problem.
@TZHX can you not paypal on steam?
@5pike so even when I connect from the US, my account is still European.
@kalina Yes, but Paypal still needs a billing address doesn't it? and that needs to be linked to the card.
also, Steam doesn't validate your card details in a way that cross references the address
since the address my card is registered to is different from the address Steam has
and I've never had a payment failure
ok, I didn't know that.
I assumed it verified the address with the card issuer at least once.
@kalina are you sure?
@Blem I don't see why you should
openly admitting you do it might be another thing, but stopping people from discussing the idea is censorship
@Blem Is it against their TOS to discuss this
@5pike how should i know? I don't read ToS
Valve's TOS has no impact on what you do outside of the service, while implementing what we discuss may not be allowed, there's nothing wrong with discussing it.
@kalina Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto @kalina the things that are @kalina's. Btw, I prefer not to break the rules.
It would be the ToS for the stackexchange chat that would apply to discussing it here
And it looks like it's probably a bit too much effort to bother with for £8/10 a game saving.
@TZHX Yeah, probably.
I was going to look something up but totally forgot what it was after all this ToS talk
I would think Steam uses the issuer number of the credit card to determine where in the world you are buying from, it ignores IP and address
@TZHX basically you need a US credit card afaik
I'm in a lecture about how SE works
@fredley just mod abuse the speaker
I've got my gaming.SE shirt on
@fredley And somehow you're not the speaker?
Considering Supermanning it
@fredley gaming or arqade?
as soon as he goes for a live demo... bam! His profile picture is a sloth.
@fredley the technical details of how it works, or the basic "post question, read answer, ignore comments"?
@badp Do this, do this now.
@badp can you modabuse profiles on other sites? Because that would be hilarious
Ask a stupid question the moments before he does the demo
@fredley actually... but no I won't :P
> What did [speaker name] have for breakfast today?
This is why I need to be a mod
@PrivatePansy and the post has an answer too
Edit the title of what ever question appears at the top of his profile.
Merge his account with @kalina
@fredley Best idea
@fredley ?
Changing it to a picture of him, taken right now would be funnier
oh right
@fredley I'm sure, that this would make him freak out
why would you be in a meeting about how SE works?
UX conference
SE is good apparently (die mobile chat, die)
@fredley Ah so that's why that undefined bug in Brick breaker is still there runs
@fredley bring this up while they're discussing how good the UI is
fscking horrible mobile chat
@fredley Take a picture of him, send it to me, I'll put a mana head on it!
@arp I would meatstare you right now if I could...
@fredley you like staring at meat don't you
I like starring meat
what site is he showing you around at the moment
so I can ask a question like "Whoever is doing that stupid conference with Tom Medley, you're a sloth"
Some Pearson knockoff of SE
@fredley Awww shucks
localhost :-(
right, I have now upvoted every payday 2 question
time to move onto the next tag
@kal super cereal
@fredley hey I need my electorate badge back
600 votes with a 40 a day cap is annoying
BRB asking 1 000 Payday 2 questions
@kal just upvote all the minecraft questions next
@fredley I'm going to downvote all of your questions
it doesn't say "600 upvotes"
@kalina: do [train-simulator-2013] next
I'm not upvoting questions for games I don't play
I can't evaluate if the question is a waste of time without game experience
I told you, it's unfair for me to ask speed-warp questions
It will turn into an exercise of writing documentation on how to play the game
Me too
also, due to my honesty, I now have an additional 1k rep I need to gain to catch up with you
and I'm not going to help you widen the gap
you can however upvote my honesty on MSO if you're feeling generous
I sense downvotes incoming
Q: I am broken: post-undelete reputation issues

FlykSpecifically FAO Tim Post I guess, but this is probably going to relate to any StackExchange account that has previously been deleted and then put back together by the kind people at StackExchange. I appear to be the victim of an issue which has given me the acceptance bonus for all questions th...

it was an interesting issue
Yes. You are Flyk on MSO
I am Flyk on the whole of SE except Arqade and chat
VVVVVV, Shuggy, Gateways, Time Gentlemen Please, Escape Goat for $5 on GOG: gog.com/promo/super_5_promo, or get 60% off on any individual game
Q: Rage of bahamut registration and login link

Prachi GuptaI am in great need of Rage of bahamut registration and login link. I am being googling it since long, yet unable to reach at some valued point. Please reply asap with details.

I can feel myself wasting away
isn't it late for breakfast anyway?
@TZHX it's never to late for breakfast.
I eat breakfast at 11am
Q: Do other civilizations pay for roads you build in their territory?

JimmeryIf I build roads in a friendly civilization, are they just free, or does that civilization pay for them, and if they do pay for them is it possible to encumber their economy by filling their nation with roads?

Q: How to dig through an aquifer

ArperumWhen embarking on a site with an aquifer you have to get below the aquifer to reach stone. Is an aquifer like an underground river where you can dig around? Or do you have to go through the aquifer? I can't mine any of the damp stone that it exists of/covers it.

what time is it now?
@TZHX 1:17PM
Lies o' clock
Q: Attila the Hun gets Battering Ram bonus on Rocket Artillery?

JimmeryIve been playing as Attila the Hun and initially I enjoyed the use of the battering rams and their +200% bonus against cities. However I am now much further on and all siege units I build also have this bonus. I was under the impression that this bonus only applies to battering rams, however Ive...

and of course, morning (Universal Greeting Time)
Still Lies o' clock: it's afternoon.
@fredley Not in Universal Greeting Time.
What tz is UGT based on?
If it's UTC you're full of lies
whatever time the person making the greeting is in, I believe.
@fredley its based on whether you're coming or going total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html
> Now, instead of spending time figuring out what time of day is it for every member of the channel, we spend time explaining newcomers benefits of UGT.
Sounds about right
@PrivatePansy there's only one pink thing in there!
@PrivatePansy The poster is disturbing.
Q: What benefits do the different copilots bring?

RobotnikBefore starting the game, you can scroll through the list of available copilots to choose to have on your mission. By default, we are paired with Xavier Thomas, or 'X-man', seen below: There are a few other copilots to choose from, and their textual description tends to mention their markmansh...

@PrivatePansy I find the whole thing disturbing.
@PrivatePansy actually my room isn't blue
in fact
I don't think anything in my room is blue
@kalina it is all white... and padded!
@Blem no no that's my... ahem... guest bedroom
for my victims close friends who are trapped in there before being set on fire visit
@kalina because she might has.
which makes it even more disturbing.
@PrivatePansy ಠ_ಠ
That poster is just wrong.
@kalina bah missed it!
@Blem your loss
@Blem You didn't miss much
She said something to me.
I'll never know what that something is
@PrivatePansy It was a question related to the picture
but not really important
@PrivatePansy Do you really want to know?
It could... it could be tomorrow's lottery ticket number! Or the fact that @kalina is actually my real father!
@5pike Clearly.
Ok, but I will delete it in 30 seconds after posting, so read it
If I remember correctly
Not earth shattering...
Well, at least I now know @kalina isn't my father
@PrivatePansy She might has mentioned something like that, but I don't remember exactly.
4 hours ago, by Arperum
> So you have to ask from mother, "Who is my father?" And if she says, "This gentleman is your father," then it is all right. It is easy. Otherwise, if you makes research, "Who is my father?" go on searching for life; you'll never find your father.
@Arperum My life... is now complete
Time to eat...later
G'morn all
mornings @GraceNote
whatever @5pike said I said was a lie
I am innocent and angelic and I would never say something like that.
Also the pony in the middle has a squiggly white streak in her hair
looks... suspect
@PrivatePansy slander
< innocent
on judgement day I will be asked why I'm waiting in the queue and be granted instant entry
@kalina It is not slander when it is true!
just like most nightclubs with a fancy dress policy
@kalina Entry to what? Most religions have there hell being all firey...
@kalina Isn't that just the gloss?
I'm not going to speculate on what it is
@Arperum Sounds like heaven for our pyromaniac here :P
MeatStare @kalina
ಠ_ಠ @fredley
@OrigamiRobot I saw you die to an audience just now-ish.
@kalina why did you repost that comment?
I'm just taking every Party Time I can regardless of difficulty
it's "up to three" and "at least four" with the mastermind skill. Without the mastermind skill there is a very high probability that the third call will fail. — kalina 2 hours ago
because it was wrong first time
since you can't fail the first two even without the perk
what did it say the first time, I didn't notice a difference :o
first time mentioned something about the first three calls all having a chance to fail
Aha ok
A good strategy to build up.
@GraceNote What game is this? Elona doesn't have multiplayer doesn't it?
Elona has a netchat client that announces... well, primarily deaths.
@GraceNote oh, I thought that happened in a dream of yours
I've been having some particularly odd dreams of late but nothing I've written down, alas.
@GraceNote Oh so that chat thingy on the bottom is what happens to other players?
@Arperum It announces when another player dies, when another player makes a wish, or when things happen to the NPC adventurers in your game.
Announcements like finding artifacts or that someone completed a quest and earned some fame, those are adventurers in your game.
@GraceNote I assumed it was all local.
9 am is canceled, best day ever
@Unionhawk Wait what?
@Unionhawk Thank God. I hate that time.
@GraceNote that sounds like a pretty damn long dream.
also, since it was a dream, you don't have to end the plot with "the hero then wakes up and... it was all dream!"
as the hero got garbage collected at the end of the dream.
@badp Unfortunately, while we determined the locations of most of the dungeons, I woke up at around the end of the second dungeon.
@GraceNote aww. You missed the bouncy worm thing.
world's most efficient upgrade
14 servers upgraded in 17 seconds
@OrigamiRobot I need your expertise
I'm not even sure what my expertise is
Is that a sloth?
@kalina Be careful you don't get replaced by a tiny shell script
@badp I'd say yes.
It's got claws, it's probably meant to be a sloth.
@PrivatePansy I am irreplaceable, a tiny shell script doesn't have my amazingly friendly personality, adorable smile or office morale boosting abilities on Fridays
...wow, someone ran into a {snail} in the forest.
@kalina Yes, well, you'd think your co-workers would get tired of you licking their faces someday
@PrivatePansy I'm glad you said faces
@GraceNote How terrified do I have to be? because right now I'm not.
           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
I love getting Bugmails like this in my inbox
@Arperum At the end of the day it's still a snail, but enemies are like items. In the same way you have normal equipment, <miracle artifacts>, and {godly artifacts}, you have normal enemies, <boss enemies>, and {bad ideas}.
@GraceNote So just a rare enemy basically?
Much stronger version.
bounces off walls
Pretty rare, though, yes. I've only run into two wild superbosses thus far, and one was in a whole room full of the same enemy type. Actually pretty nasty because that enemy is like, level 65.
Ah, it's 60. I was close.
Dammit @kalina stop messing my rep up with your buggy account.
@OrigamiRobot I'm done with it now
and it didn't mess up your rep
Yes huh
$posts = get_posts(array('tax_query' => array(array(
	'taxonomy' => 'series',
	'field' => 'slug',
	'terms' => $set->slug
Oh WordPress...
@PrivatePansy I've found the problem
^ problem
)))) - It's like I'm writing Lisp
@kalina Yes, thank you Captain Obvious
@PrivatePansy NP, always glad to help
I am so hungry.
I have nothing to eat in my apartment and I need to leave for work.

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