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what exactly did they do? they were complaining about golflangs and custom code pages right? or was it something else
We generally don't discuss suspensions after they're in force, but, I'll freely say that the actions and language chosen by that user was a violation of the Code of Conduct, and so they were suspended
As I'm sure you can imagine, abusive comments and posts have been deleted
One could say that over the next few days, it'll be rare to see that kpop manifesto anywhere
I'll see myself out
4 hours later…
@DLosc I was gonna say the same!
Sometimes at like an organized community event where volunteers are eg ushering at the door, I'll break that rule and use their names because it adds to that air of familiarity. But that seems different cuz sometimes you feel like you're "supposed" to know them, and you can tell with some volunteers that they want to meet and greet people, and are likely very aware of the name-tag they made and donned for that particular position.
It became quickly apparent to me that it must be weird to have people call you by your first name, especially when they likely forget they're wearing name tags. So I just greet name-tagged people with a smile and generic greeting like anyone else.
(That kinda overlaps with handwritten name tags at parties, where you'll be obvious about looking at their name tag before greeting them, and will introduce yourself in the same breath. Like "Makes a show of noticing/gesturing to their name-tag while standing in line for appetizers I'm Avi, you must be Mary. It's great to finally meet you!")
So service workers I feel like are different cuz it's part of their uniform, they don't choose it, they forget it's there, it's not an authentically familiar environment, and it's one-sided because you don't have a name-tag (and you're not about to introduce yourself to the checker).
On the other hand, it's a place I frequent (eg coffee shop), I'll make a point on the second or third time, once the person recognizes me and we kinda smile back and forth of introducing myself and asking them their name. And then I definitely use it, though I have to get them to remind me once or twice in the future, usually.
Then again, I'm really tall, so people start to recognize me pretty fast. If I was someone else I might wait until the fourth or fifth time, I'm not sure how that works for y'all.
I got irrationally patriotic there for my state. Honestly, when I went abroad (to the UK) I just started introducing myself as from California, instead of from the US.
sorry @lyxal for the wall of text and your bleeding eyes
My eyes do not bleed :p
They bleed an aqueous solution, saline in response to my soliloquy.
They are quite dry and tired :p
2 hours later…
@lyxal 5 eye drops in each eye administered to lyxal.
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString Phew, I'm a few thousand miles away.
What is the best SE site for asking a question about air quality conversion?
What is air quality conversion? Either DIY or physics probably
@mousetail converting between different measurements of air quality
@AviFS i was born in new york but lived in CA for most of my childhood, and honestly i definitely get more patriotic about brooklyn than the bay area. but yeah california is great if you ignore the natural disasters
It’s hard to be patriotic about my state with some of the recent legislation
And technically I was born in CA, but my parents moved when I was two months old, so
3 hours later…
I'm compiling CMake 3.26
this was definitely a good idea
One of my favorite things is when people are patriotic about a place that actually kinda sucks, so they just make that part of their identity. Like with Texas, everyone here knows it's an awful place to live, but they're still all patriotic, so it's like "yeah heat doesn't bother me because it's always 105°F in my state", same with the weird weather, long distances of driving to get anywhere, etc.
I don't understand how people are so proud of cities and states
Countries, I kinda get, but smaller regions don't usually have that much that's special about them that you can't find elsewhere in the same country
Actually, I take that back, some cities and states do have things that are somewhat unique to them
Being proud of cities makes sense, more so than countries IMHO
To me it's states/provinces that make the least sense
I'm against the concept of states/provinces within countries in the first place tho
Some things don't really make sense to arange at a country level depending on the size of your country
I disagree. Region boundaries tend to be pretty arbitrary, so while, e.g., it makes more sense to regulate corn production at an Iowa-level rather than a nationwide-level, you're still going to have multiple regions/states having to make similar legislation
And when you have anywhere from 5 to 50 separate regions all regulating things that don't depend on geographical location (self-defense laws, cannabis legalization, etc.) you get a confusing matrix of inconsistent laws across the country
For a few of them there isn't strictly a law at the federal level, but there's some kind of "you don't get as much federal funding unless you have this as a state law", so it ends up being a thing nationwide anyways
If states/regions were to purely regulate things which happen entirely within their boundaries, like internal infrastructure improvements, it'd be slightly better, but those still have economic impacts on the country as a whole
@RydwolfPrograms They are not arbitrary in europe, they are often old kingdoms and share a culture and accent
Well yeah no they're rarely arbitrary-arbitrary, but from an economic/legislative perspective, there's no reason why people with a shared culture and accent within the same country need the ability to make laws for themselves
aaaaaa wrong room
Like "no no no we're only allowing self-defense in your own house if you speak with a trilled rhotic"
Same language is relatively important though, it's hard to work with laws that are written in a language nobody in the area speaks
Some laws only make sense at a regional level
Things related to organized crime, alcohol, drugs, infrastructure, water managemente tc.
I'm moving from python 3.10 to python 3.11
@mousetail Why would organized crime, alcohol, or drugs be managed at a regional level?
Because the approach depends entirely on the culture of the state
Also anything related to nature of course
and as for infrastructure, most of that is either at the city level, or is big enough that the whole country should be involved as it'll have economic impacts for them too
Not nececairly, not every road crosses a state border. And what about things like canals that don't even pass through any cities
And water management doesn't make sense to subdivide into regions unless your state borders happen to match the watershed boundaries
@mousetail Those still have economic impacts on the rest of the country. And even if they didn't, a canal in the north of Wyoming isn't necessarily going to have much more impact on the south of Wyoming than the north of Colorado
We have seperate province system that matches watershed boundaries
I'm fine with that, because there's a good reason for doing so. But having provinces based on regional culture dictate drug law is like having the watershed provinces dictate gun control
Even in the US drug and alcohol enforcement is primarily at a national scale
And the US is crazy about doing things at a state level
the us wasnt formed by starting from a country and subdividing it; it was formed from subdivisions uniting for certain things
US is too much for sure
there is a middle way though
@Seggan That's true, but doesn't mean it's a good thing
@mousetail What would it look like?
First of all the country government has first responsibility, state governments only have power explicity delegated
1 hour later…
@lyxal I would upvote that if it still existed…
Thamks, Stonk Exchange
Stack exchange chat is doing great on mobile. I can either see the text box at the bottom, or the room switcher at the top, but not both
It’s also possible to get in the middle and see neither
The bar at the top also enables you do do things like star or reply to measages
or.. edit it when you misspell “messages”
Good job guys. How did you mess this up
@RydwolfPrograms weird, I only see one monologue (assuming you're referring to the duplicated "true"s)
SEChat jank strikes again
So I can kind of get it to work. The “frame” including the top bar and the text box is one scroll, and the chat itself is a second, longer scroll inside of it
As long as part of the frame is on-screen, I can make it work. If I get stuck where only chat is visible, I have to refresh
Wait there’s another scroll within the top bar. wat
You can’t upload videos to chat can you
gifs work
You may be able to load animated pngs if you host them externally, since you can't upload them on imgur
it’s a screen recording so whatever iOS stores that as, probably MOV or AVI
You should be able to convert that to png
imagemagic can do that
…on iOS?
There're some conversion tools online that are somewhat good
CloudConvert has worked well for me in the past
I’ll just send it on the discord, that’ll be easier for me
I didn't you you where on iOS, but yes that would make things difficult
Ok that bug is kinda funny
It’s actually pretty annoying but yeah
the fact that the drop-down scrolls is pretty funny
And just like that, it seems to be back to normal
the drop-down still scrolls though
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@RydwolfPrograms well at least you won't be able to accidentally move the messages there from here :P
unless SE chat allows you to move messages to the same room, but I doubt that
I think I've tried
It seems to just silently error

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