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@cairdcoinheringaahing looks complicated
@Seggan It's not simple, but it's surprisingly not as complicated as it looks
E.g., implementing basic gap-filling logic can eliminate most tiles for each test case. If the gap is surrounded, then you just look for tiles that, when rotated, have the same edge numbers
It's more difficult when the gap is on the edge or a corner, but even then, you can still restrict yourself by the edge numbers fairly easily
the customary lag
@cairdcoinheringaahing Didn't you post this once already?
No, I posted this:
Q: Score a 1 player game of Carcassonne

caird coinheringaahingCarcassonne is a tile-based game, where the objective is to construct Roads, Cities and Monasteries, in order to score points. The game works by players taking turns to draw and place tiles to construct a landscape, then claiming roads, cities and monasteries. An example landscape is: There ar...

Oh, I must've seen this draft in 2020
Also that, it's been in the Sandbox for 2 years
Random idea: use extism for a TIO-like site and write each language as a plugin to the system
Doesn't it need WASM though?
Not all languages compile to it, right?
yes it does
the possible choices atm are rust, go, c, zig, haskell, assemblyscript
> Add a flexible, secure, and bLaZiNg FaSt plug-in system to your project.
Why the troll case?
you forgot the italics
I like rust, I like wasm
Is it because practically every project out there claims to be blazing fast?
and it actually fits the TIB model pretty well, as each language can be loaded separately
@Bubbler Daring today, aren't we? :P
@Bubbler todo
inb4 someone writes an IDE where plugins are extism plugins
You can probably sorta do that now
Make one plugin that just uses extism
Sorta like that LSP plugin IntelliJ has
2 hours later…
That's not very nice of them
How did no one stop them before they got to that point?
I resent being slapped by github
that reminds me I need to renew my student status
ive still got half a year on that
the IJ ultimate that goes with it is nice
mine "expires" in 14 days
but I can just apply again and they'll renew everything
I just got my free student pack
Now I'm a certified PRO
Ight I've submitted my student renewal
@user this actually used to mean something lol
Now it's just slightly better stats than the free tier
I waited years to get the student pack
GitHub wanted a school email but my school would block any emails from other domains, so they could never verify it
Back when I first got it, private repos weren't free for everyone, so the free pro status actually helped
Now you can do that regardless of studentness
Oh that's good, I thought they took away privileges from the pro tier rather than making the free tier better
@lyxal And free copilot (although it's buggy)
@user They made free tier the same as pro teir but with less resources a month (like actions hours or codes paces stuff)
That makes sense
"Babe, listen, your obsession with group theory or whatever is getting out of hand"
"CATEGORY theory, not group theory! What's cool is that category theory actually connects group theory to..."
"Listen, you've told me this a thousand times. I don't care. Your love for functors and monads has come at the cost of your love for me."
"What...what are you saying?"
"I...I want to be your cogirlfriend. I think it's for the best."
the student github thing is mostly useful for copilot tbh
Too true
@RydwolfPrograms Monads > gonads
monad implies single
1 hour later…
@Ginger cool now let us all switch to codeberg
I'd be happier for GitHub if they weren't such a scummy company.
@forest what did they do? i need more reasons to switch to codeberg :P
@PyGamer0 Their DMCA policies are regularly abused by the Chinese government to censor dissidents and criticism of their president, given how much Microsoft is in bed with China. People usually don't associate GitHub with censorship, but... They're pretty awful.
And, of course, their support of ICE.
They also have a tendency to remove security-related software and PoCs as "hacking", but coincidentally only if it targets a Microsoft product...
... bruh
idk i feel like there's not enough reasons to switch for me personally
like i obviously see that the company isn't great but the product itself is just better than the competition AFAIK
@Jacob If you're already using it, then there's no reason not to keep using it (as long as you back up your repos), but if you're setting up a new project, it's probably a good idea to host it somewhere else.
@Jacob Eh, I really think all they should be is a git server with a web interface.
well, github has integration w vercel, netlify, etc which are all services i use
i think there are bitbucket integrations also but i want nothing to do w atlassian
also github has really easy ci/cd and i dont want to deal w husky or anything like that
Well, if it works for you... As long as you're not using it simply because it's the de facto standard.
@Jacob Remember when GitLab tried to delete all the inactive repos?
no, but i havent been in the space for all that long
maybe 3 years
@emanresuA Wait what?
Did they start running out of space or something?
bruh gitlab is like the 5th search result for "gitlab"
@forest What would you recommend? (for someone whose not as paranoid as you)
Self-hosted or?
@forest Nothing wrong with using something because it's the de facto standard. If something is the standard, it'll likely have better documentation, lots of questions on SO, better integrations, etc.
wait apparently that gitlab thing was like last year? how did i not hear about that lol
@forest Not self-hosted, but something where I don't have to worry about my private repos being used to train AI or whatnot
@user GitHub has serious ethical problems, so it should take more than "well that's what everyone uses".
Yeah I meant in the general case, when the only differences in your choices are how popular they are
my dilemma is that i'm too lazy to learn git but too dependent on it to not use it
i've never used the git CLI in my life lol
@user I don't really use git repos like that, but I do think GitLab is probably better. Although the git program itself can actually run a web server (although that's self-hosted).
I like GNU Savannah. There are probably non-self-hosted instances out there, but I haven't checked.
it would be great if there was a service almost identical to github but open source and owned by a nonprofit
There probably is. I just don't know enough about those kinds of services.
i know there are similar git hosting services but it would be great if there was one with the same support/integrations and community
There's probably some github-like blockchain startup thingy ughhhhh
blech gross
@emanresuA few understand
> 3. c4 e5
Bricks are in order
@forest It is nice that you can have self-hosted GitLab instances
@user Yeah it is, I just don't need all the features GitLab provides like bug tracking and the like.
The downside is that someone will decide to host an instance on their old laptop and make everyone else use that
@emanresuA CMV: Git is blockchain
No it isn't.
Distributed? Check. Stores hash of previous commit? Check. Poorly understood by people? Check.
It uses hashes but it's not a blockchain. A blockchain is a very specific cryptographic construction.
They're joking
Oh thank god.
lol yeah
Can you make a blockchain using Git, though?
Ah, looks like you can't
Some people on SO seem to disagree
Q: Why is Git not considered a "block chain"?

PaebbelsGit's internal data structure is a tree of data objects, wherein each objects only points to its predecessor. Each data block is hashed. Modifying (bit error or attack) an intermediate block will be noticed when the saved hash and the actual hash deviate. How is this concept different from block...

idk if the term "blockchain" has come to mean different things since then. Only been 4 5 6 years though
I'd recommend watching 3blue1brown's video about blockchains if you want to understand them more
@user not your keys, not your code
Unless all merkle trees are blockchains, it's not a blockchain.
I accidentally closed this tab right after seeing the word "blockchain"
@RydwolfPrograms Reading TNB's starred messages is my preferred form of entertainment.
This room really does have the most amazing starboard, by far.
@Jacob GitLab
@forest Checking it has become my nightly ritual.
We're currently at 32222 starred messages. Whoever posts the 33333rd starred message (req: 3+ stars) will recieve a +100 bounty from me.
That might count as bounty fraud. :P
It's been done before
Apr 9, 2021 at 23:16, by caird coinheringaahing
Chat Mega Challenge: There are currently 28530 starred messages. I will award a +100 bounty to the user who posts the 30000'th starred message, so long as it has 3+ stars
That was a looooonnnnngggggg time ago
2021 was a long time ago?
What was the 30000th starred message?
The "all stars" page isn't even in order :/ I don't know how to easily tell
oh yeah does the order ever smooth out once you go far enough back in time
Not yet on page 7 at least
I think this might be starred message 30000
Jul 8, 2021 at 6:11, by Redwolf Programs
I personally like the reminder I'm not a robot, I forget sometimes
it doesn't feel like only a year and a half ago that emanresu's name was backwards
,,, wait I thought Eman was just some weird Australian first name. I might be blind
codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/257057 Is this model Turing complete under Recursive many-one reduction(aka halting problem of Turing machine can be converted into halting problem of this model using a Turing machine that always halt) if each movement depend on placement of boxes in a range?
near the you
@Simd hi
@mousetail Technically truish
@mousetail no, you're mousetail
Mice are not known for having great eyesight, especially their tails whose ability to sense light is little to none
Oct 2, 2021 at 13:40, by pxeger
CMA: One of its legs is both the same!
Oct 2, 2021 at 13:40, by lyxal
that's the 30kth starred message...
Oct 2, 2021 at 13:40, by pxeger
oh shit lmao
And it's a classic joke as old as time how fitting
The one joke my grandfather knows
halfway through scraping the starboard to confirm :P
No need to
Photographic evidence
Wow your PFP was terrible back then
(Not nearly as bad as mine from that time though)
@mousetail Intentionally so
What is with all the pronouns next to the names?
probably a userscript that extracts them from chat bios or something
Glorfindle (or however you spell it - that mod who mods a lot of sites) made it iirc
It's amazing that we need to write scripts to avoid misgendering people nowadays.
I remember the days when no one cared what type of naughty bits you had on the internet.
Those are also probably the days when the internet was still fragmented
Which seems to have been a good thing
isn't glorfindel also that one dude from lotr
i don't recall tolkien being prone to ending elves' names in -le :P
@UnrelatedString idk never read lotr lol
okay my scraper claims it's
Oct 1, 2021 at 20:22, by DLosc
If we do have an arms race, it's clear that lyxal has already won ;)
The irony of talking about wanting a fragmented internet on a major centralized site
@mousetail There's nothing that could prevent SE from being moderately decentralized.
It's never going to happen though
@mousetail I'm not saying I'm wanting it, I'm just saying that there's some sort of sentiment among some that the internet was better when there wasn't big social media
Even codadict is set up in a centralized way
@UnrelatedString fr
@mousetail The internet was never 100% decentralized, but it wasn't nearly as sterile and boring as it is now.
i just sorted by ids so it's predicated on the assumption that ids are assigned in ascending order :P
Email is the only thing normal people use that is still 100% decentralizeed
@UnrelatedString but you see, that doesn't account for the order things were starred in
i don't think that's even possible to access :P
@UnrelatedString That's probably more accurate, Lyxal's method would order by when it was first starred. But post order is more important IMHO
@mousetail Eh, not really. Using a non-standard domain makes it very hard to send and receive emails.
like is it even stored
@forest I've done it several times, it's a pain but possible
About 75% of the emails I send arrive now
It's actually been better lately, I think my domain is more trusted since it's a bit older
When I first set it up it was like 10% but that was without even SPF or DMARK
@mousetail how tf does applying sunscreen make your email address domain more trusted?
And why does it have to be in Denmark?
Spammers aren't allowed in Denmark, so going there and applying high-SPF sunscreen is the proper way to prove that you aren't a spammer and get your emails accepted.
Ah I see. That makes sense
In case you are at least 1% curous, email natively has no real authentication, you can send a email "on behalf" of anyone. So that led to many different conflicting standards of detecting if a email ~actually~ came from the person it claims to be from. There are basically 4 such systems:
1. Reverse DNS. Really simple, if the IP that send the email has a reverse DNS of the domain name, it's ok. Very convenient but often people want to use a different domain for a mail server, or more servers are hosted on the same domain.
Fun fact: This is why text records on dns are called SPF, (Sender Policy Framework) because that was their original purpose
Which is a bit confusing if you use a SPF record for DMARK or any of the others but backwards compatibility is fun
Huh, that's actually unironically interesting
Is DKIM what you're thinking for number 3?
(Also it's DMARC, not DMARK)
6 hours later…
Q: Best Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Move In the prisoner's dilemma, two partners in crime are being interrogated, and have the choice to either betray their partner or stay silent. If both prisoners betray each other, they both get 2 years in prison. If neither betrays (both stay silent), they both get 1 year in prison. If...

@NewPosts Brute forcing all 2^n combinations is the only resonable way to solve this right?
@forest Obligatory reminder that your genitals do not define what your gender is
And probably the reason for that was rampant enough sexism that you could reasonably assume someone was male
Or at least pretending to be male to avoid the sexism
sudo rm -rf **/*ism please
RIP futurism, lyricism, socialism, and optimism :p
Also, pessimism, which creates an interesting middle ground
But no realism either
And despite the chaos of the situation we can't even turn to absurdism
It's ok I ran this in the /var/biases folder
If moral relativism is gone, does that mean there’s a way to be objectively good?
@mousetail why not delete the whole folder then? Why only tge isms?
Well we could tell if we didn't lose utilitarianism
I'm biased agains poisonous plants
I'm biased against touching hot stoves
I wouldn’t really consider those biases
In a more general sense they both are, and the first definitely is
Mmm ok
How about/var/prejudice?
Bias is like a heuristic, making a decision that (you think) correlates with something important but doesn't directly effect/imply it
@user Only the relativism is gone, we still have moral
something here ain't right
It's probably one of those utterly useless manually updated status pages
"We where too busy fixing the issue to update the status page"
hey @pxeger do you mind if I use ATO's API for OLIMAR v2? I've decided that RTO is probably not the best thing to use right now
Because there is no RTO right now? :p
maybe :b
Q: 2022: a year in moderation

JNat As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on the web: We designed the Stack Exch...

> Escalations to the Community Manager team: 3
I bet at least one of those is the AoC naming issue
> Posts locked 1
That was me :D
what was it?
> Comments flagged: (moderators) 1
@NewPosts jnat ma boy
wow, must've been quite the comment
@Ginger The redirect to codegolf challenge
I locked it while I went through and did my comments and edits so that no one got in my way while doing so, then unlocked it
Wait, actually, I did that in 2023, never mind
What is "Posts bumped"?
Community occasionally "bumps" older posts with no upvoted answers
There should be a split between "the community members" and "the community user"\ IMHO, they are very different
Hey, Community is one of us
1 hour later…
@NewPosts I unprotected a question for the first time recently. Don't remember if it was 2022 or 2023, tho.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Rydwolf ProgramsOptimize your score on a biased multiple choice test In a multiple choice test, sometimes, by chance, multiple questions in a row will have the same answer. Some of my teachers dislike this, and will change questions to ensure there are never more than \$n\$ of the same answer in a row. In this c...

1 hour later…
Wanted to get 6 gold badges before this point but alas
@mousetail that's a pretty tall image :p
@mousetail Now get 6,666 rep on StackOverflow at the same time ;)
IDK what happened
@DLosc Hmmm my scores on both sites are very close right now
Would need about 398 more rep but it's so hard to gain rep on SO
I wonder if there exists a code editor that runs on a server and has a web client
Why would you want a server?
The Github thingy right?
so like you edit the code on a website and pressing run executes it on the server
@RydwolfPrograms kinda, or replit
I want to not have to use replit anymore, because it's a monumental pain in the ass to do certain things with it
so it'd be nice if it were possible to host my own replit
I think you can host vscode and access it remotely
github codespaces works right? i havent tried it
That's the same thing except not self hosted
probably something like this
Gitpod works well too
GitHub Codespaces + devcontainers = amazing
i dont want anything to do w self hosted im sorry
Luckily Ginger wants it not you
fair lol
Ginger + Jacob hivemind? :p
oh no
oh no
@mousetail yep. ive done that with an acquaintance's address (with their permission ofc)
> Answers flagged: 680
At least a third of those were me
Sep 2, 2022 at 22:45, by emanresu A
Just realised I may have singlehandedly caused the election
@mousetail welp you just passed me in rep
4 hours later…
TIL that 0**0!=1 in some programming languages, or at least is undefined. I'm infuriated.
Zero to the power of zero, denoted by 00, is a mathematical expression that is either defined as 1 or left undefined, depending on context. In algebra and combinatorics, one typically defines 00 = 1. In mathematical analysis, the expression is sometimes left undefined. Computer programming languages and software also have differing ways of handling this expression. == Discrete exponents == Many widely used formulas involving natural-number exponents require 00 to be defined as 1. For example, the following three interpretations of b0 make just as much sense for b = 0 as they do for positive...
Q: Build javascript object with default values

Bruno PeixotoI want to build a function let objectBuild = (arg_1, ..., arg_n) => {// Instructions} with fixed key list [key_1, ..., key_n] and its default value dictionary {key_i: default_value_i}. In a more refined case, there is a list is_optional, which design may be a list of boolean or string values (I a...

i thought it was already bad
> Mathematica and Macsyma simplify x^0 to 1 even if no constraints are placed on x; however, if 0^0 is entered directly, it is treated as an error or indeterminate.
how did it get worse

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