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CMC create a complete list of enforceable rules for this site in the minimum number of bytes (in english)
And most "loopholes" aren't interesting interpretations of rules that make answers more interesting
make a deterministic ruleset for this site
They're someone breaking some obvious rule that nobody thought to codify, like this
@RadvylfPrograms I'm okay with that except for the fact that we have to rely on people downvoting them
@mathcat No we don't
Well, sort of, but not really
how so
The downvotes aren't what actually makes it more invalid than not, they're just enforcement of it
Okay well I guess we still rely on that, but ^^^^^^ is evidence that we can in some capacity
And we already rely on this sort of "do what you want but take it too far and we'll downvote you" all over the place
I'd actually like to do a refresh of our loopholes. A lot of them are old. Like what % of our active users were around for ? Yet we have multiple loopholes for . Plus it's hard to tell which answers are high scoring due to simple inertia vs. which are actually well supported by a modern consensus.
and is no longer in use
I think the loopholes are an equal mix of "a list of things that already wouldn't be allowed, but we need to remind people of" and "a list of rules that should really be specified somewhere else"
It would probably be better to just split them into some separate consensus posts and a "list of jokes that are not funny"
shouldn't the latter be in, say, the help page?
is that even possible with se?
^ ^^^^^
can we get an autoarrows userscript
click a message and it posts the correct number of arrows at post time
@Ginger The help page is not a great place to hash out site consensus
@thejonymyster did you mean: makina
@thejonymyster Replies are a much better option over two or three arrows
but we can't reply to multiple messages
so you want us to just reply "yes good" to messages instead of using arrows?
Some girl in my european history hid in a trash can (long story) and jumped out to startle our teacher, but instead of being startled he was just like "I marked you absent" and it was so funny
@RadvylfPrograms but i dont want to ping :o and yea ^^, ^^^
Then pay attention and post the arrows sooner :p
@RadvylfPrograms chat fast bro T_T
@RadvylfPrograms I think I got whiplash from the speed of that topic change
Unless the script also lets you click some arrows to highlight what they point to
that would own actually
well how do we handle, say, emoticons like ^_^?
_ is a word character
guess you could only check arrows with spaces or arrows next to them
@Ginger dont worry about it. it doesnt matter. thats how you handle it
But even for things like ^.^ that would be difficult to tell, nobody goes around clicking emoticon eyes anyway
And the formatting would probably be not too different
handle it by pretending it doesn't exist, I like it
should be the solution in more cases tbh
So uh how did we get from subjective loop holes to arrows?
@thejonymyster Another feature: it'll auto-edit the arrow count if more messages get posted that are in the way
@mousetail loophole no allow
@RadvylfPrograms thats what i meant by "at post time"
I maintain that there should be a synchronized timestamp between the client and server, and the client sends the time the message was originally sent, so they can arrive out-of-order
...that does happen
I have several times sent a message and had another message appear before it
Sure, it allows some abuse (like inserting "my dog died" before someone saying "wow that's awesome") if you mess with the JS, but it makes chat less confusing
@Ginger Yeah I know, this would prevent that
whoops :p
@WheatWizard thatd be nice
The client would send when you sent the message, so even if it arrives at the server after one sent by someone else later, it could figure out that yours goes first
I think Mojang Microsoft does something like that for the MC chat reporting system
Mojang still exists y'know...
I know, but they didn't add chat reporting (at least not voluntarily)
Do we know that?
Do Mojang really seem the type to not only add a feature like this, but then not listen to the instant and overwhelming backlash from the community?
1.17-1.19 were nothing but poorly planned features and failing to listen to feedback
They've been on an extremely consistent downward trend, this is no different
but minecraft was good once! and the people who made it good are the same people working on it today!
something has changed and it's not mojang
@Ginger Guess what? Mojang is owned by Stack Exchange.
Has anyone ever seen Microsoft and SE in a room together? :b
Even when it "was good" they were adding features and not listening to overwhelming backlash.
And Stack Exchange is owned by Cisco, who is owned by Westinghouse, who is owned by the Dutch East India Company
examples please
1.9 was met with a very strong backlash when it came out.
Mojang very rarely listens to feedback, even in the best of updates
(Despite the fact that 1.9 was definitely good)
@RadvylfPrograms who are owned by Google, probably
1.16 getting an extra nether biome and an equivalent to lava boats was a big surprise to me. Mojang changing their minds in response to feedback is rare.
. - .
i only play on education edition but its pretty similar to the real minecraft
I can't play minecraft anymore because they migrated accounts again.
education is just bedrock with some extra features and I despise bedrock
you play java?
yes, like all sane people
Bedrock is perfectly fine. Java does many things better, but everyone's tired of this stupid fight
except for me! I will die on this hill!
one of my friends has every version of minecraft available on his iPas
but that don't matter if mc just... dies
@py3programmer you can edit messages
...and that makes you annoying, along with everyone else on that hill, being elitist for owning a $26 video game
pocket, bedrock, you name it
he has ir
pocket edition (old pocket edition) is legacy console edition, which was a more-or-less exact port of java
as it should be
Uhhh...no lol
They were totally different
@RadvylfPrograms and how dare I have opinions on things
which is why my friend was not playing them anymore
And legacy console and pocket were not the same either
waste of money
huh? I thought it was
well today I learned a thing
Totally different.
Nether reactor core
My beloved :(
oh right
@RadvylfPrograms yes
but I don't want mc to die! I like it!
i couldnt care more about its death
I'm expecting that this isn't Minecraft "dying", it's just bad luck, and probably a ton of external pressure on Mojang.
i think mojang should make a new game instead :-)
In school, if you're a Minecrafter, you're totally dealt as if you're different
@thejonymyster See: Minecraft Legends
like you're doing classic stuff
@Ginger new as in new ip :P
I'm expecting one of the next few updates to be the combat update we've been waiting on, which will be a return to the 1.12–1.16 era
@thejonymyster See: Scrolls (? I forgot the exact name)
@RadvylfPrograms 1.16 was the best version of mc hands down
why am i agreeing with everyone today
hey and btw why is my rep on meta codegolf lower than in codegolf
forge didn't move from 1.16 for something like another two versions
1.12–1.16 was an era of polish. Every update took an outdated aspect of the game and updated it, and made it look good. If 1.20 is the combat or end updates we've been hoping for, it'll be a return to that.
and i dont think mincecraft is made by notch today
nope, he left
@Ginger how long ago was that?
@RadvylfPrograms yep
@thejonymyster no clue
so who said "and those who made it good are still working on it today"
Who left?
[not sic]
@RadvylfPrograms but they sure aren't going to remove the things they added post-1.16
i dont like the very concept of the deep dark
I'm really eager for ten updates from now. If datapacks and edition parity keep going in the direction they have been, we could see a game where modding is built-in and the versions are unified
I shudder to imagine microsoft trying to make modding built-in
@Seggan I actually kind of like it. The big issue was 1.18 is that the caves didn't add anything; it's just more empty space for content, with no content. The deep dark is something
"Unlock getPlayerRotation with the Ultimate Functions Pack for only $19.99!"
@Ginger Datapacks
datapacks are no good
@WheatWizard notch left
They've been steadily becoming more capable, and Mojang has expressed their intentions to make them as powerful as mods
Who's notch?
or markkus persson fyi
that'd be impressive
@RadvylfPrograms in my eyes its the other way around
how would mixins work???
@Ginger They...wouldn't?
how would CREATE work with datapacks?
That's one approach to modding a game, one very very very specific approach
a lot of the best mods (create, galacticraft, etc) involve doing things to the game that I can't imagine mojang will ever make possible with datapacks
I can
i cant use datapacks
Resource packs and data packs combined already allow for insane things
my version of minecraft is very restrictive
school issues
And Bedrock's add-ons or whatever they're called with JS show that they're looking into more powerful scripting than command functions
JS?????? wow
in my opinion bedrock is much easier than java
python datapacks when
JS is more performant :p
@Ginger yeah how are you supposed to make a planet selector with datapacks
@Ginger This should not surprise you, it's literally 20× more performant :p
@RadvylfPrograms Just you wait until 3.11 and Faster CPython q:
@Seggan well now that we know that JS is an option I have no doubt radvylf could do it easily
Speaking of Python versions, what do you think will come in python 4?
assuming it does come
I'm not sure there will ever be python 4
What makes you think there'd be a Python 4
just asking
It's nearly perfect already, I don't think there will be any changes big enough to prompt a new major version
assuming it does come
Maybe symbolic numbers as the default type, continuing Python's trend of getting rid of simpler number types :p
And a better class system
The current version is 3.10 right?
better? like how better
3.11b is in python.org
you can use metaclasses to do all sorts of crazy shit
tio now
All OOP is bad, there's always things you can find to improve
truly the words of a JS programmer
...JS is OOP lmao
(and the worst kind, too)
js is reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaal boring
exactly, your perception of OOP is tainted by using such an awful language :b
I missed a JS class last Wednesday
the grass is greener on the Python side
Well I've also used Java and Rust
but I caught up because I already new what twas
@Ginger not wrong
Java is Object Oriented Everything
Java < JS < Rust, and that's also conveniently most-to-least-OOP
OOP means?
Object Oriented Programming
oh short forms
i hate them
...this is code golf
our whole thing is using short forms
aw shoot
considers leaving codegolf
we talk about normal things here at The Nineteenth Byte
# OOP, 3 bytes
such as: minecraft, loopholes, up-arrow message reference notation, oop languages, datapacks, the ownership of Stack Exchange
and that's just the tip of the metaphorical iceberg
the usefulness of short forms, the references to major music videos, such and such.
> major music videos
complicated math equations,
this is what i see
when i join tnb
any opinions?
of what?
pronunciations of lyxal
ok i couldnt hold myself
that sounds off-topic enough to go in OTTNB
no seriously
i've seen it here
i think
and speaking of pronunciations of lyxal
i just did a text-to-speech with Scratch
and it's pronounced "licks-all"
@Fatalize I rarely answer in Python anymore, because a) usually someone else posts a Python answer first, and b) usually someone else posts a Python answer shorter than anything I could come up with. (Not necessarily the same person in parts a and b.) I'd rather stretch my brain by answering in a language no one else has used.
and I don't like losing
Okay everyone freeze
How can I get (or lose) exactly 1 rep?
It's complicated
Downvoting an answer's an easy way to lose 1
For gaining 1 you need to gain 2 then downvote an answer
Which involves either suggesting a (tag) edit or accepting an answer
downvoting will do
Which is literally the only reason I've got multiple tag edits :p
@mathcat why
look at my rep :P
well I want to get exactly 5000
which you'll have to increase by 10
mhm so now ure waiting for an upvote?
(constantly reloading lol)
@DLosc totally agree. When I joined, I thought there'd be a lot of questions where Python can be used with, but it turns out there isn't many.
broke it
now your at 5010
but I still got a screenshot :P
but who'll see you had 5000?
only you, right?
Personally, I need 13 upvotes to get to 1000 rep
now ure back :P
mathcat, Germany, next to Santa Claus
5k 1 12 62
follow the link and youll get a free RAM download, no viruses and you can see his rep
whyd i get pinged 2 times?
yeah right
his rep is 5010
yeah okay
yeah you see?
i put an upvote
so mathcats rep is 5010
I can now uh approve tag wiki edits I guess?
take that divisibility by 100
@mathcat very powerful :P
yeah but 10k is awesome
ill give you the upvote back :)
hey can someone help me get to 1k?
need 13 upvotes
Don't ask for upvotes btw, while it's usually harmless, it can be construed as voter fraud if done in too large a scale
Post a couple more posts, and you'll get there organically
That's the cycle of CGCC, kids.
ow that hurt @caird
looks like discrimination again
What was the joke though
joke = mathcat gets 1 upvote, he gets to 5k, i want to get to 1k
hurt part = mathcat can get but i cant
The difference is that mathcat never explicitly asked for votes
@py3programmer I'm an equal opportunity disciplinarian, I will tell everyone that what they're doing is voter fraud, whether it relates to voting or not :P
They were also just one upvote away, while you're 13 away
Yeah, don't think we really need to continue with this
I miss new posts, I have thoughts I want to share on WW's new meta post, but they're a bit too informal for a comment :/
I have a question: when I was browsing sandbox, i saw my rep was 860, but on codegolf it was 870.Now they're equal, but before it wasn't, why?
Caching most likely
oh i see
my laptop was bought a year back, but, umm... its not at its best :(
Q: Closed combinations

Athulya RatheeshCreate the code snippet where Input : n is the input Output : The output will be the closed combination of the [] eg: if n = 1 output = [] if n = 2 output = [[]], [] [] if n = 3 output = [[[]]], [] [] [], [] [[]], [[]] [] and soon

hey @cairdcoinheringaahing when i wrote my meta answer to @pxeger's question regarding new users, when you wrote your comment, were you @Zion mycelia adamancy?
those usernames correspond to the same user

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