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@thejonymyster JavaScript + infinity + epsilon when? :p
@RadvylfPrograms FYI, the Vyxal Bot is doing a law degree to convict you for crimes against programming languages.
i can;t go back to jail
@RadvylfPrograms how many fonts will I need to install to use it?
It comes with a font that uses ligatures to turn every program into a single character. Its name is Timy. We like timmy.
@emanresuA no, arrays can't form cycles in K
(Not really)
@RadvylfPrograms You don't really like Timmy? :(
@RadvylfPrograms +50i rep to anyone who does this in Haskell
Imaginary rep?
I feel like this isn't the first itme
... nvm?
@user Haskell, 24 bytes: data T=T[T];a=T[T[T[a]]]
though it interprets the task using the internal representation, not the built-in equality operator
T can derive Eq, but a==a is an infinite loop
@Bubbler where is input
For arbitrary n, 41 bytes: data T=T[T];f n=iterate(\x->T[x])(f n)!!n
@thejonymyster just noticed that I read only half of the problem lol
:P ok thats understandable lol
2 hours later…
@Bubbler golf \x->T[x] to T .pure?
seems to work, yeah
Do you even need the space?
And if so, could someone explain to me why?
well heres the error if you dont
Loaded package environment from /opt/ghc_env
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /ATO/code.hs, /ATO/code.o )

/ATO/code.hs:1:25: error:
    Not in scope: ‘T.pure’
    No module named ‘T’ is imported.
1 | data T=T[T];f n=iterate(T.pure)(f n)!!n
  |                         ^^^^^^
yargs: execvp: No such file or directory
if that offers any insight
CMC: Given an array of dice (integer arrays), return the ratios of how likely each is to win
(if there's a tie, it counts towards all winners)
Damnit I just realised it's impossiible to deal with ties, nvm
with [1, 2, 2, 3] wouldn't the answer be [1/4, 3/4, 3/4, 4/4]?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Never mind
4 hours later…
@emanresuA i think without the space it thinks T is some module and the pure function is inside that. If it were lowercase it wouldn’t be a problem (but constructors can’t be lowercase)
@Bubbler nice, I’m so impressid I’ll five you 500i rep
It doesn’t use the same object in memory though right?
@user fiverr but code golf
@lyxal Only programs under five bytes accepted
In theory it might be possible in older versions of Vyxal
Where lists were mutable
Can the PCRE regex [A-Z_a-zÀ-ÖØ-Ýßà-öø-üþ∆⍙Ⓐ-Ⓩ][\wÀ-ÖØ-Ýßà-öø-üþ∆⍙Ⓐ-Ⓩ]* be golfed further?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerQuantise a list code-golf array In music production, quantisation is the process of "aligning" recorded notes to the beat, to remove the variability caused by imprecise human playing. In this challenge, we will implement an abstract and approximate version of quantisation, representing notes as r...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BjopThe least amount a steps a chess pice can reach a position I have previously posted a challange: smallest number of steps for a knight in chess. Now I would like to go a stap further by adding the possibility to choose you pice. If you place a pice on any square of a chessboard, what is the small...

1 hour later…
@Adám (?!\d)[\wÀ-ÖØ-Ýßà-öø-üþ∆⍙Ⓐ-Ⓩ]+ ?
@Neil No, that includes the - in -hello
@Adám Try it online! or am I missing something?
@RadvylfPrograms im loving the colons. colons are the best
CMQ: should we create a lyal for common languages like vyxal? cuz i missed out on the vyxal lyal and want it to be done... or make old langs back again for lyal
@Bubbler each die is itself an array of integers
@emanresuA how would it not be possible to deal with?
@thejonymyster (or at least i reckon thatd make more sense lol but i guess it could be just n-sided dice)
Let's unstar this , this is from a week ago
Aug 24 at 12:04, by Ginger
Welcome to the sixth Language Design Workshop! The general premise is that you can post work you've done or are doing on esolangs and people will give feedback. In short, you'll get to show off our languages and their features, chat about them, get feedback, try out WIP languages, and, hopefully get ideas over the next 24 hours.
Oh wait we cant
CMC: given a positive integer N, output the list of positive integers <=N such that there are an even number of distinct ways to represent each integer M as a sum of only elements of the list <M (with duplicates allowed)
@NumberBasher But I can :p
@thejonymyster example: for N=1, output 1 since 1 has 0 (even number) ways to be written as the sum of [] (there are no positive integers in the list less than 1), for N=2, still only output 1 since 2 can be written as 1+1, (1 being a member of the list), so that's 1 way to write it (odd number) so 2 isnt included
@NumberBasher why though? It would have fallen off the starboard naturally
@RadvylfPrograms hmm...
i certainly dont see it on the starboard
@lyxal it STILL hasn't minutes before
I think usually we remove time specific stuff like that just to not clutter things up
oh did it just get removed :P
@RadvylfPrograms we usually unpin, we don't remove all stars though
@RadvylfPrograms and not to mislead people esp. since its nearly wednesday
it's just that the starring frequency of messages has been low lately
@lyxal remove from starboard?
@lyxal yeah that's a good point
@NumberBasher you can either unpin or remove all stars
Not too long ago it would've been pushed off naturally within like, 24 hours
There is some precedence for star-clearing when star frequency is low
the lower starring rates are probably due to the lower rates of off-topicness
because there isn't as much starbait anymore
which is really a shame given that's what I've been practicing for the last 2 years :p
i love saying things are <x> bait. i see some weirdly complex keymash and i call it esolang bait
@lyxal this feels like starbait
What have you been practicing? producing starbait?
theres a fine line between "this is obviously star bait" and "i saw the word star so i starred it"
As funny/meta starring messages about stars is, you don't need to star two messages on starring things :p
@mousetail yes
I know I'd tailor a lot of messages for maximum stars back when off-topic was prevalent
Yea I'll pesonally Sun any incorrectly starred messages
I almost feel like we should allow slightly more off-topic discussion here, it's getting a little boring discussing Code Golf 24/7 :p
@lyxal it is now 4 lol
@RadvylfPrograms true
@RadvylfPrograms Yea, need to keep the balance
@RadvylfPrograms we gotta learn to surf both off topic and on topic together
Q: Solving an easy Sudoku in increasing digit order

Kevin CruijssenIntroduction: I'm old-fashioned and still read a physical newspaper in the morning while eating my breakfast. Although I don't like Sudoku that much, I do solve the Light-complexity ones, which are extremely easy. With these, I always try to solve all the numbers using only Hidden Single (with a ...

oh woah that got posted
that was... unexpected
godspeed i hope it turns out to be interesting lol
hi @UnrelatedString
@thejonymyster it seems that those are strongly intercoupled - the off-topic room doesn't get much attention either, because not many people are checking it specifically for off topic stuff
honestly, I don't think the levels of off-topicness were too bad actually
Like sure there'd be a few conversations occasionally that needed moving
but probably not that many to warrant a new room
i actually think offtopicness is ok for tnb
unless it is like spam or clutter or 1000 messages of the same topic
But not too much off topicness
Some off-topic is fun discussions of off-topic stuff, like the peanut butter discussions. I like those. But quite often the off-topic discussion was streams of thought, clear and unfunny starbait, or TNBlogging that's not really relevant to anyone else
i draw the line personally at "am i about to start a conversation that isnt on topic" and if so i post it here
@RadvylfPrograms (And I am guilty of all three of those :p)
we need a tnb tumblr that we all have access to
@NumberBasher Long discussions on a single off-topic topic are better than short, pointless bits of clutter IMO
so we can microblog at eachother
@thejonymyster We need a TNB twitter where all messages are limited to 19 bytes
(o_o)/ {hi twitter)
Should I make a userscript for this
lol a userscript for what exactly
help, bees are back
@RadvylfPrograms which is why it said clutter or ...
I can stop working on Twitch for a few hours and implement TNBwitter
It would use a chat room as the back-end, like CoC
i mean counting to 19 isnt so hard
Well yeah but that's boring
Having a feed and following and stuff is cool
oh i see what you mean
@thejonymyster you're right. Counting to 3 is the hard part!
@lyxal thats why i just do three lots of five and then... oh wait
also haha funny gaben
thank you thank you I'll be here all week :p
i feel like someones trying to sell me something
Challenge idea: English x Your lang polyglot. Your program must also pass some grammar checker with no warnings but also do something useful in your programing language.
that's always fun to think about
langs with arbitrary tokens pass for cheap (except maybe incident good luck lol), 2d langs might have some advantages as well, not sure what else works
langs with single char commands also have a similar advantage to 2d langs but without the ability to control flow away from difficult stuff easily
According to this quillbot.com/grammar-check print("hello world") is perfectly valid english
thats messed up that they dont check for capitalization
actually what is that site
i typed print m sala just testing to see what would mess it up, and it offered to fix it
and it turned it into m sala print
now its not complaining
m sala w e print andg => print andg m sala w e print andg
:thonk: :thonk:
sorry i didnt realize but that trailing space is significant
SunSIp i good at this I hope
Inform 7 would be great
Need more golfs in inform 7
Hmm yes
excellent paraphrasing
@lyxal Imagine if it actually managed to create shorter equivalent code
apparently I can't get to that website but check this
set the last variable to "Hello, World!"
and now
whoops forgot to shift return
@NumberBasher Wouldn't work, inconsistent capitalization
Looks like what we've learned is that computers are not very good at checking grammar
screw it
change "Hello, World" to "hello, world" lol
At least that one site is terrible
@thejonymyster neither am I sometimes. Guess that makes me a computer too. Beep boop or something.
Aren't we, just like computers, rocks tricked into thinking?
they're minerals! goodness mousetail.
@Neil My bad. Going back in my log, I see that it was perfectly correct all along. Thanks.
grammarcheck.net/editor This site suggests print(" hello world") for some reason
... I don't see how this improves the grammar at all
maybe it wants spacing
Spacing should come before the ( no?
not after the quote
grammarly is better
I wouldn't require a comercial product for a challenge
its not neeccesarily commercial
set the last variable to "Hello, World!"
and now
Grammarly ran hundreds of checks on your text and found no writing issues.
Check back in when you’re ready to write some more.
tbh i feel like it might be more reasonable to just.. write up a grammar
Hmm nice
for the challenge
@thejonymyster True
Actually I don't think the challenge works anymore
1. for internal consistency
2. so people arent at the whims of the ever fickle machine
Any rules would feel too arbirary
No, base it on english
but just like... very simple english
@RadvylfPrograms uh CoC got frozen lol
why lol lol
allow people to add to the grammar if they can justify it
@NumberBasher it was forced to be frozen because it was breaking chat rules or something like that
in Chat-on-Chat, Jun 21 at 23:31, by Cesar M
It looks like this room has been primarily used to have encrypted conversations that regular folks can't have access to without installing a user script. Private messaging is not a service we offer on the platform. While anyone could technically check the content of yalls message by installing the user script, we don't want to have users needing to install a script to be able to participate (or read) in a chatroom.
Maybe I should make it caveman english. Subject Verb Direct Object. No conjugation
see there you go
hm, you might need a dictionary unfortunately
"which words are verbs"
this sucks i want funny grammar challenge
is "can" a verb or what
There are word lists available on github, including data about their role
@NumberBasher Both
Can can can? Is a valid sentence
as in the "can" in "Can a canner can a can like some canners can can a can?"
don't ask me which
what about buffalo
"James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher"
wikipedia show me the forbidden sentences
i.e. James, while John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had a better effect on the teacher. (obviously)
@mousetail aight i guess that could work
still a bit depressing :')
Someone in our class named harry was unfortunate enough to learn in grammar class what his name meant
> *Cao ni ma - 草泥馬; cǎonímǎ, "a horse made from mud and grass"/"mud-grass horse" for 肏你媽; cào nǐ mā, "fuck your mother", used in mainland China similarly to "fuck you" in English.
@mousetail alternatively: have the solver invent their own grammar, and score them on said grammar :P
my grammar checking function:
@thejonymyster Interesting, but how to objectively score the grammar?
@mousetail Simple! You just (mumble mumble grumble something something...)
Ah yes, all clear now thanks. Great suggestion
Btw it's funny how half the starred messages are from the last hour now
that's how it's alwlays been
@mousetail you sure?
only half?
Well the ones that are actually useless and only you starred will soon be gone at least
quick make 10 alts and star the messages to prove your point ( do not do this)
Get banned from TNB Any%
Been there, done that:
Nov 30, 2021 at 14:32, by Redwolf Programs
@mousetail true
@RadvylfPrograms Hmm, that seems to be by someone named Redwolf. I thought he had no relation to you?
@RadvylfPrograms been there, done that:
Jun 19, 2021 at 2:02, by Redwolf Programs
Apr 27 at 12:58, by Redwolf Programs
Redwolf: Good morning.
Lyxal: Good morning.
Razetime: Good morning.
caird: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
@user Oh...um...he's my...long lost twin?
We share a brain though
as you can see, your honour, it is 100% canonical and in-character for my client (user) to say "MORNING MOTHERF*CKERS"
That was back in the hivemind era
You all still feel like a hivemind
@mousetail only on Wednesdays though. Never on Mondays and definitely not on Fridays
Thursdays are a maybe
@lyxal I really appreciate the pro bono work you do bro
better call lyxal!
@mousetail You mean we all have the same opinions? Because TNB certainly feels like several distinct individuals (and some socks) to me
@lyxal "hi I'm lyxal gaming. Did you know that you can golf your programs? The spirit of this site says you do, and so do I. I believe until proven shortest, every answer on this site can be golfed. And that's why I fight for you TNB!"
@RadvylfPrograms That's what Off-Topic TNB is for. It's wild in there
@thejonymyster js, ## bytes: spoiler
Q: Polyglot Quiz (Cops' thread)

Wheat WizardThis is the cops' thread of a cops-and-robbers challenge. The robbers' thread can be found here In this challenge as a cop you will choose two programming languages A and B, as well as a non-empty string S. You are then going to write 4 programs: A program which outputs exactly S when run in bo...

Q: Polyglot Quiz (Robber's thread)

Wheat WizardThis is a robbers; thread. For the main rules to this challenge see the cops' thread In this challenge robbers will choose a cop's vulnerable or safe post and try to figure out a pair of languages such that they print the correct results for the 4 programs. When you find a solution post an answe...

Cops and robbers posts are OP for rep since you get double points
Well, more liek 1.5×
Since the Robbers post usually gets fewer
my first real cnr submission, hopefully not illegal
@RadvylfPrograms Python 2, 62 bytes: def f(n):a=[];x=[a];exec"x=[[x[0]]]+x;"*~-n;a+=[x[0]];return a
Also TIL that the exec trick doesn't work in Python 3.
@mousetail This sounds interes
I see what you did there
@DLosc I mean, it's technically possible, but it almost never saves bytes; e.g. def f(n):exec("x+=[[x[-1]]];"*~-n,d:={'x':[a:=[]]});a+=[d['x'][-1]];return a
Right, you have to pass an extra argument.
Anyways, I spent too much time thinking on this...
Python 3, 60 bytes: def f(n,a=[]):g=lambda m:m and[g(~-m)]or a;a+=g(n);return(a)
I'm thinking about making a blog
please do
@RadvylfPrograms The Red Howl?
@RadvylfPrograms If you do try to cover less than half the screen with adds
CMQ: if X implies (X implies Y), does X imply Y?
im trying to approach it formally but i dont have the background for it :P
I don't think so?
If you don't know how to decompose the expressions, you could just go through all 4 of the cases and see if they match
@RadvylfPrograms Even less since I rep-capped from another post :P
I guess it's just confusing because I can clearly reason that if (x->(x->y)), and you have x, theres no way not to get y
but if you dont have x, x might not imply y, but that seems vacuous :P
@thejonymyster Yes.
Using the Haskell type system as a proof assisstant under the Curry-Howard correspondence is a weird flex but ok
yeah im not gonna act like i understand it but sure :P
by "weird flex" what I really mean is "very cool hack"
my only other crack at why is "if x, then the statement holds easily, if ~x, you can get x->y for free via principle of explosion"
that's valid
@pxeger i may be a little bit chronically online, i read that initially as emotional validation
you're valid ♥
oh wait no you're a tumblr user
@WheatWizard not to bug you for a million years, but can i ask what the "f g x = g x x" is?
explain as technically or looseley as you want
Under the Curry-Howard correspondence, iff you can instantiate a type, then the equivalent of that type as a mathematical statement must be true
So f g x = g x x is just some valid function with the type f :: (x -> (x -> y)) -> (x -> y)
thank u :-)
and the fact it exists means (x => (x => y)) => (x => y) must be true
Note that the other way around is not necessarily true though. Haskell's type system is constructive so it doesn't really work with things involving negatives (unless you make it using some tricks), and so proofs by contradiction cannot be made in Haskell.
As an example of a type you cannot prove in haskell without shenanigans is ((a -> (forall x. x)) -> (forall x. x)) -> a Which is just a weird way of saying double negation.
@pxeger what about in c++ where you can mutate things and do dark magic?
(I know curry howard covers that too but never understood exactly how)
i dont know c++ but i would assume that "mutate" happens after "instantiate"
I don't know much about C++ but I'm gonna guess its type system is probably unsound anyway
Most practical type systems represent inconsistent logics.
Inconsistent means you can prove any statement.
@lyxal Did you know that you have bytes? Meta rules say that you do, and so do I. And I believe that until proven otherwise every Jelly, 05AB1E, and Husk answer is beatable.
How are things?
It's all too horrible for words :-) trying to get my oeis sequence posted so i can use it in a challenge
do any langs have a "greater than or less than" operator
@thejonymyster Yeah !=
(In some dialects of BASIC, it was literally <> instead)
@forest != != <> :P but fair answer
@thejonymyster Was <> not the same?
I thought it was the non-equivalence operator.
i guess what i mean in more depth is
is there a lang where not all values are comparable, and there is an operator that checks if two values are related such that one is greater than the other
idk how else to phrase it better but surely theres a way
Do you mean foo(a, b): a < b || a > b?
yeah exactly
that, but as one operator
which i guess wouldnt be useful in many langs
How is that different from foo(a, b): a != b?
Either way, if a and b are equal, it returns false, otherwise true.
itd be in a lang where a and b can be not equal but not have one be "greater" than the other
Oooh I get what you mean.
yeah but its not really practical the more i think of it
but im still curious if any langs have a separate operator for it
itd imply some weird things about the language
Some things can be compared for equality but not ordered.
yeah but i cant think of when youd use <> and not != either way
For example complex numbers.
Well in BASIC, <> is !=.
No idea about other languages.
@WheatWizard right that was another thing i thought of but usually you just use magnitude, and if not, <> would be a bad way to "find out" if youre using complex numbers lol
@WheatWizard Sure, and there are languages that would throw an exception if you tried to compare two numbers like that, but that's them failing the comparison, not the comparison evaluating false.
Yes, so <> imposes an extra restriction on the types.
Just like liftM2 does the same as liftA2, but requires a stricter type.
In mathematics, especially order theory, a partially ordered set (also poset) formalizes and generalizes the intuitive concept of an ordering, sequencing, or arrangement of the elements of a set. A poset consists of a set together with a binary relation indicating that, for certain pairs of elements in the set, one of the elements precedes the other in the ordering. The relation itself is called a "partial order." The word partial in the names "partial order" and "partially ordered set" is used as an indication that not every pair of elements needs to be comparable. That is, there may be pairs...
when does <> return true for complex numbers btw
in a complex number system, is 1<2 still true
In a complex number system, there is no such thing as "1" or "2" on their own.
ah, so 1+0i </> 2+0i
In fact, i == i is false.
No definitely not.
i does equal itself.
yeah that seems drastic
@WheatWizard sqrt(-1) = sqrt(-1) is false though?
It depends on what sqrt means here.
well sqrt(-1) having multiple solutions isnt the same as i being multiple numbers
I thought i = i was undefined.
why would it be?
regardless, what would <> even be useful for? "are these elements able to be ordered"? i guess that could be useful but i feel like you should know that while writing the program already :P
Probably not much, but liftM2, which I mentioned earlier is in the same situation is useful.
*able to be ordered and not equal to eachother
which is even more useless xd
clearly we need an <=>, which would at least tell you if one of your arguments is NaN :P
For example all monads must be applicatives, so you need to write both definitions. However sometimes its really easy to just write the monad definition, so you can do that and use liftM2 to fill in the applicative definition for free. liftA2 despite being more general can't do this since it is reliant on the applicative definition itself.
But regardless, partially ordered sets are a thing.
And <> is useful for them.
(OK it looks like I was thinking of comparing two complex numbers, oops)
@forest square both sides, -1 = -1?
CMM: should we repost Interpret Brainfuck to be a little more clear, loose, and up to date with current standards?
that's a first
@Seggan that seems ill advised; -i = i, square both sides...
@thejonymyster but were talking about sqrt(-1)=sqrt(-1)
-i and i are both the square root of negative one :P my point is that squaring both sides doesn't guarantee they stay equal
not rigorously anyway
A: why is $\sqrt{-1} = i$ and not $\pm i$?

egregThe square root function doesn't return two values for positive numbers, or it wouldn't be a function. It's a fact that, if $x$ is a positive real number, there are two real numbers whose square is $x$. The positive one is denoted by $\sqrt{x}$, so the negative one is $-\sqrt{x}$. In this way t...

you should see the question it's a dupe of :P
i dont care :P anything to prove my point
@Seggan yes
@Seggan I would say yes. "The program is read from a file" is pretty onerous for a lot of esolangs.
As in, no language I've ever created can do it. :P
ill meta it
reading from a file is easy: just paste the contents of the file into...
thejonymyster has been muted
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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