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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody Needs NamesRock, Paper, Scissors... But with a twist... If you don't know how to play rock, paper, scissors; rock, paper, scissors is a game that everyone knows to play and if you don't I'll eat my hat even though I don't have one. But here's a twist. This time, you are not allowed to generate random number...

@NobodyNeedsNames its within /*these*/ which i believe makes it a comment
yah, but I remove the *, right?
Then you can use /*//kdfjakefjkdsfj
There are varous ways to make comments hard to break
4000th answer to this question, hooray — Nobody Needs Names 2 mins ago
and also this is only one strategy and it might not break many other programs
the fact that youre having so much fun trying to break just one program speaks to the supreme genius of this challenge :P
brainfuck might have a very big upper hand at not including (){} and being virtually un-error-able
I don't think the C program is strong at all, just a demonstration that it possible even in a somewhat verbose language
@NobodyNeedsNames You need to produce a valid output too
@mousetail what's the output format again?
The index of the character you want to remove in base 10, a space, then the literal value of the character
why the space and the byte value, ruins all the fun
Purposefully a bit complex so you are unlikely to produce it by accident
Also it forces you to actually read the input
brainfuck program on the way...
im excited now honestly lol
Sad that none of the top answerers are here in chat :(
idk how stdin works though
some confusing characters with no impact ^&%^$&^@!***( {}{}}{)))( SOMEPLUSESFORTHENUMBER0ANDASPACE getinput print0 printspace outputinput
@graffe im on my side account right now, i assure you i am a sock of one of the top users on the site /j
also lol if someone writes a program that doesnt take input and just guesses
... tempting myself with that one actually
Probably won't last very long but would be very funny
@mousetail i mean making it last is an issue of radiation hardening it
scoring is another issue
@thejonymyster If you produce invalid output you are eliminated. So you need to read the source code to output the correct character
oh right! shoot
i was thinking it just had to be in valid form
misremembering, the rule is pretty clear
also "the victims byte" => "the victim's byte"
try break this brainfuck code:

and try not to target brainfuck specifically
@NobodyNeedsNames Just remove the first [ or ], would work for many other languages too
already broken, two spaces in the output instead of one :P
most languages use () or {} right?
@thejonymyster wait really?
@thejonymyster where?
...in the output
@NobodyNeedsNames A solid program could probaly look for all 3 types (){}[]
should be an easy fix though
@thejonymyster in the output, where?
...wait wtf
Seems there is a NULL byte in the output
thought it was a space
@NobodyNeedsNames A program targeting C would probably take a few attempts at that, nicely done
@mousetail what makes it want to take out the "[" or "]" especially instead of the "(){}" that is way before in the program and seem stupid?
@NobodyNeedsNames Maybe it looks for middle values first since most programs have the most useful stuff in the middle
or maybe itd check which ones are actually matching lol (that would be easy to dodge too though)
hmm, then we can add more rubbish in the middle
*/r)({}h#,.[]/ are all suspicious characters but only 4 matter, and they are in the very middle
bf has the advantage of having a lot of characters which are comments for free, but the disadvantage that you cant really do anything if you lose one of your actual characters
@thejonymyster of course: main(){} except it is actually brainfuck
@thejonymyster yes indeed
picking interesting languages for this would also be fun
imagining a hexagony answer designed to survive shrinking hexagon sizes xd
I hope people will try competing even in less competitive languages for fun
revised: tio.run/…
@thejonymyster yah lol
@thejonymyster why? if you take out like 20% of the source code there's no need to "design" to survive shrinking hex sizes
@mousetail me too, and let's hope there are some submissions in Malbalge or how is that spelled
Hi PyGamer
BTW gotta go man, just ping me bunches and I'll be back in 30 minutes
@NobodyNeedsNames hi
this is the last time i post this message:
suggestion: you should totally steal it from vyxal
@thejonymyster done
what's the difference between these?
- χ all
- ψ any and all
jelly has them
idk jelly :P
> Any and all; return 0 if z is empty, or contains a falsey value when flattened, else 1.
> All; return 0 if z contains a falsey value, else 1.
ah i get it
json decode but no json encode?
useful for challenges where json is the input format
@thejonymyster you can blame seggan for that
in Vyxal, May 5 at 16:38, by Steffan
!!/issue Add JSON parse element Useful for JSON-related challenges. Already exists in Jyxal. Maybe make it øJ for parity with Jyxal element request difficulty: average enhancement
we don't have a json encode
right but why not the other way around :P
because the amount of challenges where you need to output json are few
@thejonymyster added
although it doesnt really make sense for a language without any strings
@lyxal yes but its also sort of a thing where youd be doing a challenge where you do need it and going like "why does it have one way but not the other"
but yea fair i didnt consider that
@Seggan explain yourself for I am doing a horrible job
@PyGamer0 would i use Å“t if i wanted split at specific indices based on the index numbers themselves?
or o for split at occurrences
@thejonymyster i think i coped that from jelly, i think its "split a list at the index before the truthy indices of another list"
@thejonymyster can you give an example?
@PyGamer0 unless you mean "Partition y after truthy indices of x. (k)", you got it elsewhere :p
i have this magic number list [3,5,19], and lists X that i need to split at those specific indices
oop found the jelly version
Split list x at occurrences of y.
no wait
that's not it
Yeah Jelly don't indice split
so if it were a string, i need "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv" to become "abc", "de", "fghijklmnopqrst", "uv" or something to that effect
@thejonymyster huh i should add that that sounds useful
yeah, it was pissin me off that js didnt have it when i needed it lol
though tbf that time it could have just been a "split at indices where..."
ok its now assigned to k
what character is that omg
curved k by the looks of it
I thinl
ascii k
oh wtf is that just how it looks in code form? weird
(on chat anyway)
what's cartesian power?
wait i can google that gfsdg
@lyxal Yes
Maybe just plain parentheses would be better than curly braces
@thejonymyster I think we both thought it was ⲕ
@thejonymyster I'm guessing it's a cartesian product only with N copies of the same thing
@lyxal yeah
@mousetail no i was just looking for exponentiation
why is it so far from the other math ops lol
dumb idea: sign preserving exponentiation
(-2)^3 = -8
idk if thats useful LOL im just brainstrorming
reversed concat is fun
and by little, I mean 340 things I stole from a multitude of languages used on cgcc
yes lol
not drooling and crying emote
@PyGamer0 you have capitals and smalls, do you have "both"s
for letters i mean lol
also [a-zA-Z0-9_] and [a-zA-Z0-9] tends to come up maybe
i wish hax were here
but theres nohaxjustradvylf hi lol
yeah gosh dang it nohaxjustradvylf
we never get to see hax anymore :(
it's been years, is hax even still alive?
I actually deprecated hax; they've been replaced by me as of version 1.1.7
i used to be a hacker like you but then i took a 90s computer monitor to the head
alt: noflaxjustradvylf
For LDW, I'm working on RTO right now, but I've got a ton of ideas for future languages to dorp hints about
i should get back to work on my language but everything suuuuucks :D
@NoHaxJustRadvylf please do dorp hints im very curious in the things you make
E.g., I'm working on a Rust library which will contain hundreds of common golfing language operators, which I can use to make a normal SBCS golfing language, catstruct, something new (:o), all at once
ah smart
CMP: Which do y'all think will be finished first? Radvylf's Rust library or vyxal 3?
It'll also handle arbitrary precision numbers and infinite lists, two things I've wanted for my next golfing lang for ages but totally couldn't be bothered to do in JS
oh that reminds me shouldnt we index version numbers at 0
plus it means anything prerelease would be negative
@lyxal I'm gonna guess my Rust library, since I'm guaranteed to get bored of RTO within a week and start on it :p
@thejonymyster Usually we do, right?
> finished
no i mean like
0.x.x for pre-final-release
ok fair yea
im used to games which keep getting releases idk how it works in other software
@lyxal Yeah but once I start on a new project, this being summer and me having no life, I can usually grind it out in like a week of 8 hour days (see Trianguish :p)
also i think this is how we should do version numbers
@thejonymyster I use 0.x.x for the testing/progress builds
I don't version anything because I usually either am actively writing it, haven't touched it in three years, or have three separate and slightly different releases of it in different places
E.g., rSNBATWPL, which has minor variations between the NPM, GitHub, and downloaded-on-my-laptop copies :p
@PyGamer0 do you have all the math constants?
@NoHaxJustRadvylf That seems like a good reason to use versioning
@mousetail That would be a huge pain for very little real improvement
@lyxal A fellow Zerover user, I see :P
@NoHaxJustRadvylf You can automate it
@NoHaxJustRadvylf I suggest you version it every month, version 2022August or something
@lyxal Yeah I've kinda lost my motivation to do much right now but I promise I'll pick it up again in a couple weeks
@NoHaxJustRadvylf NPM should have whatever your latest release was, and github should have whatever commit you're working on (as should the laptop version) unless of course you don't actually push changes regularly in which case start pushing more often
@NobodyNeedsNames That would be really really useless since I usually finish a project in way less than a month, meaning there'd be only a single version, and/or take year long breaks halfway through
@lyxal I don't git
Github is my google drive
@user the scala part is only half the battle - I'm more talking about the painful process of choosing what does what
It's just so I have a way to share stuff with people
@NoHaxJustRadvylf There is your problem
Much easier to version in git
get github desktop at least
@NoHaxJustRadvylf It amazes me that you can make such good software while managing it so horribly
I know I should use Git, but a) it's a pain on a Chromebook and b) I don't really see much real gain from it

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