lambda x:int("A"*x,16) in python is probably the most straightforward, f=lambda x:f(x-1)*16+10if x else 0 works too, or you could do the following for the infinite version
Given a positive integer n, output all of its anti-divisors in any order.
From OEIS A006272:
Anti-divisors are the numbers that do not divide a number by the largest possible margin. E.g. 20 has anti-divisors 3, 8 and 13. An alternative name for anti-divisor is unbiased non-divisors.
In other w...
It's a script that runs on my laptop, which tunnels everything through a domain name controlled by me, which I was able to get unblocked since I also use it for school stuff
It still has some limitations though. For some reason, whenever a large (or even faierly low) volume of blocked traffic has to be routed through the tunnel, it starts to get throttled, and pretty qucikly the connections start getting soft-closed immediately after opening (and no more data goes through them). I'm planning on doing some experimentation to figure out why this is and how to circumvent it, and if I can find a way, I might try to sell it to people at my school :p
Divisor of a string
Given a string \$S\$, a divisor of the string \$S\$ is when there exists a number \$a\$ so when we write the string \$a\$ times we get the string \$S\$.
For example, the string abcd is a divisor of the string abcdabcd
Your challenge is, given the string \$S\$, output...
@Bubbler there is different vocab for expected running time which is normally averaged over randomness in the algorithm and average case running time which is averaged over random inputs
Polyglot quiz
In this challenge as a cop you will choose two programming languages A and B, as well as a non-empty string S. You are then going to write 4 programs:
A program which outputs exactly S when run in both A and B.
A program which outputs S in A but n...
@lyxal only problem is all your friends and family are gonna be like “yo tony it’s your favorite nephew can i get a job?” Goddamn nepotism. Ruining crime
Welcome to the fifth Language Design Workshop! The general premise is that you can post work you've done or are doing on esolangs and people will give feedback. In short, you'll get to show off our languages and their features, chat about them, get feedback, try out WIP languages, and, hopefully get ideas over the next 24 hours.
I was thinking about an APL except you don’t have operators and functions are first class. It’d be LTR and to pass a function to another function you’d use braces. Opinions?
@mousetail well if there's one thing about bots is that they'll live forever, and that I have my short sad life left (and that's what they're counting on).
I would say multi-language koth's land up bad cuz (length) 100 is a little too much already for python but 100 is like a no-go for c++ (i guess) — Nobody Needs Names28 secs ago
allowing huge programs could incentivize sophisticated ways of picking characters to remove but that would shift things away from actually writing radiation-hardened code and probably also end up making the execution time limit way more relevant than it should be
I dunno... anytime a question about scoring comes up, I keep coming back to, "Are we comparing scores across different languages or not?" And the answer always seems to be "No, definitely not. But also yes."
i think the challenge could work since you dont have to worry so much about being absolutely radiation hardened all over, only outsmarting the other programs :P
Radiation Hardening Koth king-of-the-hill radiation-hardening
The goal of radiation hardening is to make a program still work after you remove a byte. However, what if a skilled competitor is purposefully trying to mess with you?
In this game, each bot will take turns removing one character from ...
A better Hexagony template code-golf ascii-art hexagonal-grid
We once made a Hexagony template without actually knowing it. But after a bit of experience with Hexagony, it becomes apparent that it is not enough; sometimes the source code is too short for the given hexagon, and you get totally une...