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I'm not touching functional programming in this language with a 10ft pole
it can't be that bad
I think the sum function allows you to do something like that, instead of a for loop, but I blacked out after 3 days of trying and failing with that :P
adv-r.had.co.nz/Functional-programming.html "R, at its heart, is a functional programming (FP) language. "
@cairdcoinheringaahing :)
@graffe *eye twitches*
> na.rm: logical. Should missing values (including NaN) be removed?
For the arguments for the sum function
i guess it's in case you want a one step filter-sum
still weird when you can just use zeroes for that
@cairdcoinheringaahing This seems pretty reasonable to me if I'm reading it right
It's more, what the hell is na.rm?
[na]n [r]e[m]ove maybe?
ಠ_ಠ I hate programming acronyms
Even succ?
Yeah, that one really succs
@cairdcoinheringaahing NaN (Not a Number) remove?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bgil MidolShift code points gradually code-golf Given a string consisting of only letters of the alphabet, shift the first char's code point by 1, the second by 2, the third by 3, and so on. If there are not enough alphabet chars, wrap around according to this string: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKL...

still why would there be a . in it
maybe it means remove nan
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's the North American Registry of Midwives. /s That is a terrible abbreviation though.
@UnrelatedString R has a weird obsession with .s in variable names
why is that even possible
Maybe R was made by a wooden doll that lies a lot and its nose hits the dot key while it types?
are underscores an operator or something
In R, isn't NA the the equivalent of NaN? That could explain things.
I haven't worked in R in a few years, but I thought it used NA for some reason.
@Romanp i think it means Not Available
Would make sense, especially if it is a catch-all for data (including non-numeric ones).
@RadvylfPrograms My favourite is cumsum
posted on April 21, 2022 by celtschk‭

Looping counter Create an infinite loop that outputs lines of asterisks, with each line containing one more asterisk. Instead of the asterisk, any printable, non-whitespace character c...

@UnrelatedString nah, you can have underscores in variable names too
do built-in names always use periods, have a pattern to what's used where, or just go full php and do whatever the fuck whenever
Just got rejected from NHS because
> You did not maintain a 4.5 cumulative GPA as of 16 February 2022.
My GPA is a 5.5 ಠ_ಠ
Maybe you have to maintain a GPA of exactly 4.5 :p
(How much do you want to bet they just added up my grades and divided by 8 to get the average, despite me only having 7 classes)
@RadvylfPrograms Seems likely.
@UnrelatedString From what I can tell, they just go full php
But a 5.5 gpa would give you a 4.7 still even with 1 less class
Yeah. No clue what's up. Worst case scenario I can apparently appeal to the school principal and have him override it, and
Mar 3 at 21:11, by Radvylf Programs
And sometimes it's not about the destination, it's about the bridges you burn along the way
Maybe they use a different scale?
I'm guessing it's some sort of weird unweighted GPA
@RadvylfPrograms Journey before destination...
They actually cited two reasons, the first being that I was missing part of my application, which is even more laughable because it was four pages, and they were stapled together, and I proofread it twice, once with the person who runs the NHS at my school.
My guess is they were just looking for reasons to deny people and found something minor.
I think they're just incredibly confused lol
They get money when people join so I don't think they'd be looking for any ways to turn away more people than necessary
Unless they need to keep their acceptance% down
but it could totally be a system mixup.
Oh, true. Maybe.
I know that's what's happened at a lot of the universities I applied to, since they didn't have SATs to rule people out and a ton of people applied, they became VERY picky and stingy.
Betting on the mixup thing, I'm kind of doubtful they'd pick someone three grades ahead in math with straight As and tell them it's because of bad grades :p
We just hit 13k questions a few days ago
and 31415 starred posts was sometime last week (13th or 15th, I think)
no, 10000pi
Well that explains why I failed trigonometry :p
@Ginger I can't access the campfire
@Razetime @PyGamer0 You both starred my project eglint a few days ago; how did you find it?
> Since the program’s launch in June 2021, more than 35% of newly written Java and Python code on GitHub has been suggested by its Copilot AI.
Is Copilot really that common?
I'm sure at least a few people have committed and pushed lots of randomly generated text from copilot
With the right prompt, it likes to output many many kilobytes of garbage
But this is code
Java and Python
Yeah. In pretty much any copilot-supporting language, copilot will generate lots of garbage that is kind of like code
I myself use it and I must say, quite a lot of my newer code is Copilot
@Seggan I doubt that
I suspect "Java and Python code" means "anything with the right extension"
I think that number's being taken out of context
The only disadvantage of Copilot is that sometimes it gets caught in loops
@tjjfvi are you gonna use .py and .java for anything else?
No way are 35% of people using GitHub using copilot, and even-more-no-way are they writing 100% of their code with it
I doubt people with copilot even write 35% of their code with copilot, and a lot less than 100% of Python devs use copilot
@Seggan I'm saying that if I commit a megabyte of copilot-generated "Java code" with a .java extension, its probably counted as "newly written Java code written by copilot"
Vyxal's probably about 40% copilot
(that's just a guess)
I'm going to try copilot and see how well it works.
i've never actually touched copilot before lol. idek how to set it up; i'd have to look through a tutorial
If it ever lets me through the waitlist
@Romanp it took me 7 months. keep waiting :p
It took me two days.
This feels like an xkcd 978 situation to me
@allxy wat
I just find a bunch of sources linking to one another
I don't even know how that would be measured
@RadvylfPrograms in the blog?
Do they tag all outputs from copilot and then search repos for such snippets of code?
Yeah. Maybe they mean 35% of code is written using copilot, not by copilot?
That doesn't seem feasible
@RadvylfPrograms Anyone notice the "was was"?
@Seggan No, on the open seas internet
@tjjfvi have copilot monitor everything completed then scan commits?
@tjjfvi That's what I just said
But that doesn't seem feasible
I see 30% on some sites and 35% of code on others
But nothing from GitHub itself, just a bunch of sites citing one another for the claim
@RadvylfPrograms Still, how is that being measured? I've been in the technical preview for a while, but only used copilot for a few days before turning it off. Is all of my code written with the help of copilot? If not, how is code written with the help of copilot being tagged?
> Almost 30 percent of new GitHub code is written with AI assistance
This headline seems to hint at my interpretation being right
Did you know that over 10% of all code ever written was written by a neural network?
@tjjfvi Probably just "if this person has installed copilot at some point, and they submit Python code to GitHub, that was written with copilot's assistance"
Any suggestions about what to name my KoTH? "Multiplayer Gunfight KOTH" just isn't a very catchy name. Thought about Mexican Standoff but don't love it.
Maybe with some stats to account for people stopping using it
@Romanp King of the Holster
@tjjfvi Sounds good
@tjjfvi well, in some sense 100% of all code ever written was written by a neural network
So I think the claim has mutated quite a bit. Initially it was 30% of all Python and Java code on GitHub was written by people who had Copilot. Now, on the blog, it's 35% of all Python and Java on GitHub was suggested by Copilot.
@Ginger That's the joke
@Ginger Not quite 100%, code generation and stuff
Don't forget compilers
And earlier code suggestion stuff that didn't use AI
or ml models other than neural networks
@tjjfvi did you know that 100% of all code written was by a machine?
Or people piping /dev/urandom into a file and then running it
@Seggan Did you know that 17% of statistics are made up on the spot?
Did you know that according to statistics, this statement is a lie?
> Copilot has led to a 35% drop in demand for human programmers
@allxy Okay, I have to feed that statement into the oversensationalized news article AI and see what happens.
from the same article, 100% not quoted out of context
@allxy That's because it's a question, not a statement
> Did you know that [according to statistics, this statement is a lie]?
I'd say it's a statement within a question
Also, all statements that refer to themselves are false.
^ and v are mutually exclusive
Oh, are those arrows?
:| that's not a statement
At first I took them as logical conjunction and disjunction
And was rather confused
Oh lol
o/ for now, should probably have breakfast
I trust copilot to write anything but AoC and rotation vectors
some idiot tried to DDOS campfire again
this time with actual bots
I hate it when bots DDOS my campfire
Make your own ffs
it's the wurst
This is kinda what you get for going around advertising your project in random chat rooms
How does one DDoS a campfire?
Last time they got lubricant on all my marshmellows
@RadvylfPrograms well sure
but I maybe fixed it
@forest campfire is my chat website
@RadvylfPrograms also it was just ones on replit, not like 4chan or smth
that would be stupid
4chan doesn't just go and randomly attack websites.
Source: am 4channer.
@forest if they didn't want me to make that generalization they shouldn't have made a reputation for doing so
It's really just /pol/ and /b/ (and maybe /v/) which do that.
@forest 4chanista? 4chanter? 4channeler?
other names for users of 4chan
I'm an /a/non.
oh yeah i need to fuck around on /a/ more
/a/ should be avoided unless you have absorbed their culture.
i've been before and it's kind of a breath of fresh air sometimes in a weird way
if nothing else it helps with appreciating other communities more lmao
As long as you lurk first. :P
Does campfire have a chatroom, or any need for one? This would be more on-topic there as Campfire getting DDoSed seems to be a recurring discussion topic.
(Or is a chatroom to discuss a chatroom too meta)
h m m
if campfire becomes more commonly discussed then yes
but for now methinks it's staying within the 2:1 ratio
it's already common enough that i think it should be moved to its own room (or put into an off-topic room cuz no meaningful discussion ever comes out of it being mention that it's being ddosed again)
@RadvylfPrograms As caird said, the starboard is a user's first impression of this room so generally it shouldn't be covered in bad jokes and spam. What type of messages should I star?
I've never even been in this room when it was on-topic discussion.
Which is a testament to how bad it's gotten.
Was it particularly good before?
@Ginger Good jokes and important on-topic messages
So I hear.
(I am of course a sizable contributing factor)
It was mostly before you showed up
Wait that sounds bad
It started shortly before you showed up
hmm, coincidence?
hopefully not lol
I'm trying to be less spammy and more golfy
I think it's just a perfect storm of CGCC being less active and new users joining
So there was less on-topic stuff to talk about, and people who weren't as familiar with the room's more on-topic phases
well, one of those problems can be fixed by doing moar golf
@RadvylfPrograms and canvas lol
perhaps if we can get new users to be more interested in golf the site will be more active!
Today's assignment: Do code golf and programming challenges
^ pin plz /s
...I was not expecting that to work but okay sure
It didn't work. Someone unpinned it lol
still pinned to me
Oh weird.
...and then someone canceled the stars
cmon that was a good joke
i didn't even realize it was a joke until you pointed it out
was it a joke?

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