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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

okay this shouldnt be happening
You know you're screwed when java doesn't recognise itself
@des54321 java 16(7)...
if anything, use the socket interface
yeah screw it im writing my bot in python and using the socket interface
hmm also seems the JSON example links got deleted...
youre using JDK 17, whats the matter with you
on my end its 16 :p
welp python time
@des54321 yeah, to run the controller just edit this to your bot and execute ./gradlew runShadow. dont even need intellij
17's LTS, it's better
hold on I re-opened the java bot, and things seemed to clean themselves up, so no more fucking with websockets for me!
you dont even need websockets
just pushed a python example to the repo
@Ginger can't believe it kept my zalgo username after all this time
so wait @Seggan If your bot is sitting somewhere on the left side of the pyramid and it moves LEFT, is that the same as DOWN?
im sorry, i messed all my directions up
all directions are absolute
so if my bot is at the X, and moves UP, it actually stays on the 3 level?
more clearly, does it move to A or B when moving UP
@OldSandboxPosts? More like NoSandboxPosts amiright?
different note: I've been watching a playthrough of a game called Patrick's Parabox and now I'm dreaming of infinities and epsilons and recursion.
patricksparabox.com for the actual game site btw
@Ginger the /shruggie command is broken lmao
Can't believe I almost left a private field public on a UML diagram
@Seggan I love your KOTH. Very clever and interesting setup!
@RadvylfPrograms imo, we've settled down now. A lot of the things you're referring to were happening in the months just after the sudden surge of new users due to LoTM. I don't think any of us knew exactly what we were doing.
That's sort of what I was thinking, since y'all have been a bit better behaved recently :p
Only took everything breaking internally to fix it
I realized about halfway through that conversation that all of the problematic examples I had were from a long time ago
to quote hyper:
> before we knew it, too many cooks spoiled the broth
This might be a big ask, but honestly I don't think the flags really fit Vyxal anymore. Your summary of why Vyxal exists already differentiates it a lot from the competition, and makes it clear it's not just about golfiness. The flags almost feel like Ash's modifiers: a feature added early on that no longer fits the language but is hard to get rid of.
Since last I heard of Vyxal is about to be totally reimplemented in Scala and big changes are being made, maybe it would be a good time to reflect on whether they're needed. It's a big part of why I'm still kind of unsure about my feelings on Vyxal (since there are also a lot of things I like about it).
"about to be" is a bit of a stretch
the way things are going, the start of that is months away
flags are helpful and sometimes necessary
maybe the number of flags could be cut back a little bit
Well, I'm not saying get rid of ones like the timeout flag and the ones for formatting output for readability, but removing cheaty or uninteresting ones
@RadvylfPrograms if you wanted to, you could help contribute to those big changes
@lyxal Yeah
Like, I think even flags like j are fine, they just need to be reworded a bit. Instead of printing a string with the list joined by newlines, it prints the array, just with a different representation.
@allxy like we could get rid of MmṀ seeing as how those were mostly for changing range generation when ranges started at 0
So you can use j in a challenge that accepts lists as output, but using it for ones that want a joined string would still need an actual join operator in the code.
I think input-transformingis absolutely necessary, output-transforming is meh, program-transforming is mostly necessary
i like the idea of going ham on output formatting flags simply to spite challenges that demand formatted output
I think it should be made more clear that they're transforming a representation of the input/output into a datatype Vyxal can use. Allowing it to be either the literal string "[1, 2, 3]" or the list [1, 2, 3], for example, feels like you're getting double use out of an otherwise perfectly fine tool for providing input.
@lyxal We have a large amount of darkish blues already
37 messages moved to canvas
Dammit this always happens lol
Right as I clicked "choose" to move it to the canvas room the message loaded in lol
words like indices and vertices always look like they need an i after the c
but they don't and that's always trippy to me
like indices is pronounced like there's a second i but spelled like someone managed to fit themselves inside some dice
but it's just the plural of index
it's latin
pronounced horribly
why tf would you pronounce "latin" as "horribly"?
dumbnut not knowing how to speak smh
oh hey it's funny number day
hehe nice
It's also Hitler's birthday
So overall it cancels out
gosh fricking dang it
counterpoint: its also the birthday of George Takei, aka Sulu from star trek
CMP: Is an ellipse a circle that's been vertically squashed or horizontally stretched?
well it's one of them
because a circle is an ellipse
so is it squashed or stretched?
well with no thanks to you, I have concluded it can be either
on the contrary
it is a circle that has been rotated and you are looking at it at an angle
rotating a circle doesn't do anything
It does if you rotate it on the z/x axis
That's getting too complex for my basic level analogy
my basic level analogy I wanted to use as an introductory sentence for a pagraph
My watch just congratulated me for being active
I'm buttering bread
And then planning on being inactive again
Thank you Samsung very cool
Cursed idea: Compiling tinylisp to typescript types
Hm... you can express integers in binary, I think...
Okay, implementing the Y combinator in typescript
Gave up, then found this
Wait, is that for functions or for types? I can't tell :P
1 hour later…
A bird pooped and it landed on my hand yesterday.
My disdain used to be ideological
Now it's personal.
just unfroze this room again
(from the Roman numerals question)
i love how small the loaded transcript is after all that got moved
yesterday, by pxeger
You seem to be very adept and finding chrome bugs
like there's half a page to scroll up
There's something going on with the accuracy
...i hope i used the right == there
Now this is a new area of magic formula - intentionally losing accuracy to get what you want
Maybe a side effect of floats???
Okay WTF
Firefox/safari think it's 2112/2, but Chrome agrees with Python in thinking that it's 3104/4
I think it might be to do with constant folding
that would make sense
The V8 compiler is evaluating 9**50 at compile time, but x**50 at runtime because it doesn't know what x is at compile time?
and the constant folder would some way or another compute it differently
That explains a lot, but seriously wtf
is there something in Math or something for computing large powers correctly on the premise that ** won't
There's bigints but that defeats the point
def sublists(x):
    # sublists: return all sublists of x
    sub = [[]]
    for i in range(len(x) + 1):
        for j in range(i):
    return sub
CMC: Find the bug ^
Probably an off by one error?
Oh no, it should be j:i
@UnrelatedString is there a Math.pow?
that's what i was asking, hoping one of the js people here would know
but i guess i'll look it up lmao
@pxeger yep
@pxeger what the shit
okay the standard says something about exponentiation being approximated by the implementation, so this is some behavior allowed but not prescribed by the standard (hence the inconsistency across browsers)
> Because pow() is a static method of Math, use it as Math.pow(), rather than as a method of a Math object you created. (Math has no constructor.)
Why does this need saying?
probably there by default for all static methods but yeah what
@UnrelatedString There's Math.pow which is identical to **
presumably the reason a folded constant comes out differently than runtime evaluation is a choice to use a faster approximated exponentiation where performance is more likely to matter
still fucking weird that that's a thing though
> Blaze Fireball will deal knockback on impact (MCPE-82421)
I'm glad I didn't get 1.18.3 earlier
I've been affected by this bug
I assumed it was a feature lol
> Changed the spawning logic for Iron Golems and Cats
I really hope this doesn't frick up my iron farm
i was about to say that a good proxy for quine properness is how trivially it can be modified into a metaquine but then i realized some if not most print-this-function functions probably print themselves formatted a particular way instead of as the exact string they were defined with
plus single expressions considered as full programs could just have whitespace or other nops added lmao
it seemed like some huge insight into a way to phrase the idea that something needs to encode more than itself by having something else not encode itself but yeah no
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrMake a PDF look scanned popularity-contestimage-processing Do you know the situation where you have to print some document, scan it and send the scan back? Let's automate that! Your task is making a program that, given some input, makes it believably look like it was scanned. A few people have do...

And k should be from base
@lyxal something more useful for d?
@lyxal ok nice
@PyGamer0 grade down?
gr does that
From my experience, grade up and reverse doesn't always act the same.
@RadvylfPrograms When your server reboots while a node.js script is running, will any event listeners in that script be called before it ends?
@lyxal example?
@lyxal square root?
@PyGamer0 vyxal used to have grade down implemented as grade up + reverse but then there was a challenge here where it wasn't producing the same results as Jelly and APL
@PyGamer0 ties
if you have equal elements grade up + reverse would reverse them but grade down would maintain their relative order afaik
Managed to get firefox to crash so hard that CSS animations stopped
> since the current version of mathematics(v42.1 at the time of writing) supports simultaneous assignment
what lol
> gigamatresses
> While this isn’t terribly helpful from a modelling perspective, we think it shows the right kind of attitude.
> We also make available a public copy of this repository which almost compiles.
> For the sake of brevity, all code comments, variables and function calls have been helpfully removed and replaced cross-platform, universally compatible ascii art.
@PyGamer0 What does "next function" mean?
@allxy `+ pushes + to the stack
Okay, cool.
How exactly does the syntax for registers / ; work?
@allxy 3AAA+ gives 6
3A puts 3 in A
Okay, cool
3 .number3 ;number3 ;number3 +
I'm confused now
.<name> stores into name
Okay cool.
;<name> recalls from it
Why the two ; then?
@allxy typo
{{`+/}`#b%} .average
Okay, cool
So sorta Kish
i want to implement this in C
and the style will be this ;P
Please don't become Arthur Whitney
Write code that other people will understand
And that you in five years, will understand
Trying to implement your lang spec in Vyxal
Parsing is ... hard
Q: How to write a python program for calculating shanon entropy for given data?

sanai have a given data set to calculate shanon entropy in python. dogfood catfeed wintercharm lovebirds

@allxy wait you are trying to make it in vyxal?
Pretty much everything's transpilable, I just need to do a little parsing to handle ;. The rest can be done with regex
The disappointment one feels when they realize that the new question is not a challenge...
dont look at the commit message
Doesn't really matter
Is this windows line endings to unix line endings?
@PyGamer0 What's drop in your spec?
tfw people who uunderstand it think it's more of a scam
@allxy k's _, 1 1 2 3,,_z returns [2,3]
aka: 1_1 2 3 -> 2 3
-1_1 2 3 -> 1 2
Oh, so indices. Okay. Looks like 1-indexing?
it drops n elements
2_1 2 3 4 → 3 4
So positive is from the start and negative is from the end? Okaty
> Okaty
@PyGamer0 What's bi?
@allxy vyxal's parallel apply
Wrapping in a list or pushing both?
Or, wait... is this with functions?
51 mins ago, by PyGamer0
{{`+/}`#b%} .average
So pushing both, gotcha
@allxy did you finish?
Stopping for now, can't figure out how to b without some cursed eval shenanigans
@allxy what do you have so far?
@allxy i add an example program: gist.github.com/PyGamer0/…
Q: Shortest possible code to generate the table used for calculating

LanceGiven this table and algorithm: /* Using a de Bruijn sequence. This is a table lookup with a 32-entry table. The de Bruijn sequence used here is 0000 0100 1101 0111 0110 0101 0001 1111, obtained from Danny Dube's October 3, 1997, posting in comp.compression.research. Thanks to Nor...

Idk if it's appropriate to edit tags and VTC but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sup guys
Hows everyone?
Noice 4 mods online
grinding ELL lol
@RadvylfPrograms what's going to happen to SE Nitro: The Comic? I'd hate to see it go
argh idk how to make a reshape function
@lyxal did you get yourself banned from campfire?
the banned file has an entry in it
I can't tell who it is because it stores a hash of the IP
I did accidentally get muted
does that count?
if you got kicked for spam then yup
you should be able to rejoin
not kicked
just muted
(bear in mind it's broken rn)
okay it wasn't you
I don't know who it was then
try reloading, it should work now
Immediantly muted
feeling good
lemme try kicking you
looks like it worked?
Hmm, ATO's TLS certificate has expired, but Firefox still lets me connect to it
@allxy So, that's actually a problem I've had in the past. It depends how the script is run. If it's in a screen session, it dies instantly, but if it's daemonized or whatever, it gets a SIG-something-or-other and has 10s to finish up tasks
@Ginger I don't know. I might start drawing it again over the summer or something.
I lost all of my old saved background images and stuff though, when I moved over to this chromebook, so it'll take a bit more work than I'd hope for
in flax, 6 mins ago, by PyGamer0
@RadvylfPrograms I saw daemonized as demonetised for a moment and got really confused
can't believe you got striked in the terminal
this is like that time I got claimed for amogus drip
@Ginger also wow am I really that bad that you assume it's me as the first suspect?
CMC I have a python dict where both the keys and values are integers. Write code to print the dict exactly in the standard format but with the keys ordered by value.
My python so bad now cuz i nvr code so long
@DialFrost this is a coding site!
@graffe Something like ato.pxeger.com/…
@RadvylfPrograms /srs for a second - why red and why a wolf? There's a multitude of colours and animal species out there, so why that specific combination?
Well, red was my favorite color when I was 7. Wolf because wolves were my favorite animal when I was 7.
And you've kept the same username for like 10 years?
fair enough
I was actually purplelion24 initially, then redwolf24, then redwolf10105 for my xbox gamertag, then redwolfprograms in 6th grade for my domain
@pxeger I like it
@pxeger you can’t “execute” on an iPad it seems on that site
What happens when you click the button? Nothing at all?
A: Should we make a room for TNB's off-topic discussions?

Radvylf ProgramsMake a room for off-topic discussion I support doing this, over using rooms for individual off-topic discussions. My reasoning is: Quite often, the off-topic discussion isn't really to do with a single topic. Making a whole room for, e.g., a 20m conversation about a typo someone made, just makes...

@pxeger it turns gray and the circle just keeps spinning
It changes color and the buffering circle goes round and round as if it is doing something
the result is never returned
@lyxal yes, that
@graffe are you using safari or something else?
because I tested in duckduckgo and it doesn't work
Chrome on ipad
but I think they are all the same under the hood on an ipad
doesn't work in safari on ipad either
All browsers on iOS have to use Safari WebKit because of Apple's policies
That's why there's no iOS Firefox
@pxeger Wait what
I have Firefox for Mobile or whatever on my iPhone
Oh there is
but that's why it doesn't use Gecko
Anyone here used reinforcement learning?
Yes, on my cat :p
I am trying to learn how to solve optimization problems with it but am stuck
@RadvylfPrograms :)
Maybe it’s impossible :)
the fun part about the barbershop is the part where they get the warm towel. The non-fun part about the barbershop is the part where you smell like the shaving products they used even after a shower
imo at least
Hey wait why did YouTube decide they needed to make the like button animated when you tap it on mobile?
Tf kinda pizza are they eating over there?
Can we still move messages into frozen rooms, or do I have to unfreeze the bakery next time we get spam?
Lemme test it
Ugh, can't move it
Can you move messages into Gallery rooms? I've occasionally wondered that
what is a gallery room?
@pxeger Only if you can talk in the room
@PyGamer0 A room where only approved users can talk
@PyGamer0 A room where only specified users can talk.
E.g. JHT or The Bakery
@pxeger similarly, I believe you can move messages into a private room only if you can talk in that private room, and I don't think you can move messages out of private rooms
But an RO could just make the room public, move the messages out, and make it private again, surely?
Oh wait only mods can make rooms private (and presumably only mods can make private rooms public)
ROs can make rooms private
Only mods can make rooms private
I believe tho that any RO of a private room can allow anyone access
I made a somewhat useful program in my new esolang!
P p
R p p - 0
R 1 0 2 -
R 2 p 1 -
L 1
L 2
B 0 s
R s s 10 --
R 10 p - 12
R 10 p - 11
R 11 p - 12
R 1 p - 1p
R 1p 12 1 2
It makes a button that toggles which of two lights is on
is there a turing machine esolang?
Well from a certain perspective all (TC) esolangs could be turing machine esolangs with a bit of work :p
But there are turing machine code languages, yeah
@RadvylfPrograms link?
this message was originally sent in CGCC's mod chat
1 message moved from The Twentieth Byte
@PyGamer0 search on esolangs.org
to be fair I am a mod so idk if that makes a difference
@PyGamer0 Here's an example of an answer: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/48698/79857
@RadvylfPrograms why isnt it runnable?
CMC: Use this, compute the factorial of the input. The input is already on the tape.
use any base you like..
can I use base 0, where there are no numbers, so a factorial function is a noop?
@lyxal yes.
I suspect a unary Turing machine would be easiest, but IDK the algorithm. Maybe remove one bit from the start, up a counter, multiply it by the result, then repeat until done?
use base 2
copy the number to another location like: 1010|1010
decrement the right number, multiply with the left
^ do above until right number equals 1
@Romanp ^ like that?
Yeah, although I was figuring base-1 instead since it's easier to multiply.
i search base 1, i the first result is sexual bases oof
@Ginger @RadvylfPrograms this is dead lol:

 The Nineteenth Processor

A room to plan and create The Nineteenth Processor, a redstone...
Introducing my new electrical-circuit-based esolang, SPDT!
single pole double throw?
It's based around relays
SPDT relays?
there should be a DePDeT, deca pole, deca throw switches :P
@PyGamer0 How'd you guess? :p
@RadvylfPrograms i used the power of E
where do i run it?
no tio? :(
@RadvylfPrograms mah gawd
Added docs to the gist
that's cool
^ Online interpreter for it
You can make any of the 8 main logic gates with one or two relays
Gotta take a test now though so o/
CMP: Opinions on tuitions?
For what? Private (grade) school? Public colleges? Private colleges?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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