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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

It's coming.
just got the notification
finally, now I can sleep well at night
@GingerIndustries @cairdcoinheringaahing @RadvylfPrograms @DLosc @user and everyone else interested:
Lol you actually did it
You didn't think I was going to?
Jan 3 at 4:43, by user
I would like to torture my parents tomorrow >:)
I found just the video for you... X^D
Also @lyxal bold move to include copyrighted material... whatever will you do if you get demonetized? :P
@DLosc jokes on you - it got claimed immediately
Not surprising
Hi; just curious if I can submit to [kolmogorov-complexity] with this thing I’ve been making github.com/PrinceKomali/IntegerForest
it’s not Turing complete but it prints strings in a weird way; don’t know how it fits in with current regulations
can anyone check my chalenges
in sandbox thx
@Komali As long as the interpreter on GitHub works, you're good. Interesting language!
Thanks! Maybe I’ll do the 900th hello world!
Or am I too late….
TIL typescript's cool
Gaze in horror at my chaotic neutral PvZ strat
Symmetry is for the weak
And starfruit + spikerock is incredibly OP
VyxalBot just starred flax .....
@lyxal was that you, or did the bot do it by tself?
also vim-apl has more stars than flax lol
the bot doesn't have any abilities on github, really
other than posting issues and such. and receiving webhook events
make it sentient
@PyGamer0 I do a little trolling
It's funny - I'm sitting on a bus right now, and no one would have any idea that there exists a video of me screaming into my phone for 5 minutes and 43 seconds
Somehow, it almost gives me a sense of being better than everyone else on this bus.
I doubt they've released that much loud noise themselves
Amount of loud noise recorded by a smartphone is an unambiguous measure of human achievement
Why else would 15 people star a petition for me to do such an otherwise questionable thing
Being 20 minutes early to a lecture got me feeling like big yeets yo
CMQ: How to pass 20 minutes without looking like an idiot
Stare at your phone
Already doing that
Listen to caramelldansen 5.7 times
If I was going to go down the music route, I'd have just listened to some of the worst beats ever created #23
But I'm bored of music too
Lukewarm take: Homeschooling is absolutely idiotic and should be illegal
Why is it idiotic?
(All of this from a US perspective but) parents absolutely are not qualified to teach every subject, even if they had the best interests in mind. From what I've heard and experienced, Homeschooling is typically chosen by parents so they can indoctrinate their children with religious, anti-science, anti-government, racist, politically polarized, or otherwise biased information.
And in the US, there is essentially zero oversight for homeschooled students. There's often not even a way to verify the students are learning anything at all, let alone whether or not what they're being taught is accurate
School also provides exposure to differing viewpoints and cultures, which even ignoring the typical demographics and viewpoints of parents who choose homeschooling, is very important and not going to be provided by homeschooling
And sure, sometimes people are homeschooled by competent parents who just want to provide the best education possible for their children. But I still think that's problematic. It's only really viable for those who can afford to have one parent stay home 24/7 (and of course, those who have two parents in the first place), so it has the same segregation-by-another-name effect as private schools.
And I'm not saying that to imply that parents who choose homeschooling are opting into that basically-segregation, since I don't think that's necessarily true. It's more that instead of providing funding and regulation necessary to make public schools better, federal and state governments just give people options...options which can only be exercised by part of the population.
There are those kids who can't physically go to school
E.g., the majority of school funding comes from local property taxes, rather than being equitably distributed across the state/country. Or, giving students the ability to choose which school they go to, which leads to a snowball effect where different demographic groups are associated with different schools.
@emanresuA That's a special case though.
And there can still be oversight required rather than just giving parents free rein
It'd still be home schooling, but not Homeschooling
can anyone check my sandbox posts
most of them have got downvotes
and no comments
which is new
These seem to almost all be plagiarised
You can't just copy someone else's challenge
It's fine to take the concept of the challenge, but you've taken entire paragraphs, the structures of the challenges' bodies, and in some cases it seems like just a direct copy-paste.
@lyxal i totally forgot about those holy shit
a friend showed me a few a couple months ago but we were somehow hanging out in person and my memory is completely offloaded into discord message history
> APL provides many powerful operators (and a
large number of new symbols), allowing complex
computations to be written in a compact program but at the cost of poor readability
Looks like my lecturer is a heathen
reminds me i'm in a machine learning class this semester and every time the professor makes a point of calling the iverson bracket the "indicator function" i die a bit inside
...also reminds me for some reason he notates the kronecker delta as y
forget what name he uses for it but it's really disorienting to see it written as y
@NewPosts @WheatWizard Why did you delete this? Because people kept answering invalidly?
Also I just realised my answer is invalid for another reason: if the forbidden word is 1 2, and the RNG generates 1 1 2 2, then it will remove the inner 1 2 but end up with 1 2 from the outer bits, which is still forbidden
(actually there were only 2 answers, so probably not because people kept answering invalidly)
Another bus full of nerds who haven't ever released a 5 minute screaming video
The superiority is real
CMQ given a text file, how can you compute the average line length from the bash command line? (Obviously the more golfed the better)
@lyxal Imagine what he'd think of Vyxal
I know right
Maybe should have been CMC ?
@emanresuA here were my notes on another topic:
At least Vyxal has #2
About that...
We have a few duplicate ops and )}]; but aside from that, there's pretty much one thing for everything.
@graffe Zsh, 27 bytes: set `wc -ml`;<<<$[$2/$1.-1]
should work in Bash too, if you change <<< to echo
@pxeger wow I don’t know zshl. It doesn’t look like bash but maybe it would work?
@graffe cat f > vyxal vLṁ ea
Requires Vyxal installed
@graffe if you want input from a file, change wc -ml to wc -ml<my_file
@pxeger your tio has bash but execute never terminates it seems
@graffe can't reproduce
What does <<< do?
but it only works in zsh, not bash
it's 2 bytes shorter than echo
Does execute work for you?
@pxeger actually, this doesn't work in Bash, because it doesn't have floating-point arithmetic
@graffe yes, works fine
try a hello world in Bash?
@lyxal what?! APL is very readable.
Everything is readable to those who understand i
Except maybe Malbolge
Why do people pretend that APL is readable (other than because they're paid to)? It objectively is not very readable to people who don't know APL, whereas Python looks a lot more like pseudocode and a lot more like English, so it is objectively more readable even to those who don't know Python
@pxeger looks at people who dont know english
@pxeger everyone agrees but for some people it’s just fun to code in APL
I'm not gonna deny that it's fun lol
TMN is not readable to people who dont know math.
Sep 1 '21 at 20:29, by user
caird would say Jelly is quite readable, DLosc would say Pip is readable, Leo would say Husk is readable, even though they're all unreadable to people like me
TMN is also inconsistent at times
sin²(x) vs sin⁻¹(x)
@PyGamer0 what's TMN
traditional math notation
@PyGamer0 that seems consistent
TIL Typescript and <script type=module> do not go well together
@StackMeterPlus how? in some places i see sin⁻¹(x) being used for csc(x) but some places its being used for asin(x)
And there's arsin, arcsin and sin't
it makes me go arrr*sigh*
@StackMeterPlus sin²(x) means (sin x)² while sin⁻¹(x) means asin x.
So what does sinⁿ(x) mean‽
(At least how my maths class does it) (sin x)^n for positive n
@DLosc Congrats on 30k!
@pxeger I just wanted to put a freeze on it and come back to it later when have time to handle it.
@Adám what is an Asin
inverse of sin
@PyGamer0 i think it should be asin only that equals sin^-1
@StackMeterPlus Would sin⁻²(x) be (arcsin x)² then?
@Adám yes
sin^-2 = (sin^-1)^2
OK, but you also agree that f²(x) is f(f(x))?
then .... then ...
How about if f(x)=sin x? What is f²(x) now? (sin x)² or sin sin x?
@Adám i'm not sure
and there we have it
the beauty of APL
my goodness, this site has really influenced me. I now take objections against APL as personal attacks
what has my life come to?
we should do the code golf bignum bakeoff
1024 bytes to make the biggest number possible
no extra restricions
@pxeger Small little python scripts looks readable. But that python is particularly readable overall I think is a bit of a myth extrapolating from that. Python sort of falls apart quite a bit under the burden of it's syntax as you get into bigger more complicated stuff. Production python looks nothing like pseudo-code and often other languages that are considered "less-readable" than Python are more readable at scale.
Of course APL more closely resembles the output of /dev/urandom than a computer program at any scale, so ...
@WheatWizard what does /dev/urandom do
@StackMeterPlus console.log(1/0) unbeatable solution
@ophact just print "inf" - no math required
@ophact i am going to have to make a few edits to my idea
Yes, I'd recommend that
@StackMeterPlus It outputs a stream of random bytes.
@WheatWizard is any language readable at scale?
Whenever I peek st the code for a big project, i am immediately confused, even if it’s java or Scala
I think languages can be more or less readable at scale. It really is a relative measure.
Readability is subjective really
I think for example that golang is a lot more readable at scale than Python is.
To a random stranger, ₁ƛ₍₃₅kF½*∑∴ looks like someone managed to press random keys on the unicode part of their keyboard
but to others, it makes complete sense
and to others, it kind of makes sense, but not fully
When I'm talking about readablity I'm really talking about "How easily could a stranger to the language, but familiar with the concept of algoritms and code understand what this means?"
Obviously if you are immersed in a particular language for long enough all the quirks are smoothed over to you.
@WheatWizard that's what I meant by "to others, it kind of makes sense, but not fully"
that's the category of people who know code, and could maybe guess, but wouldn't get it right
I have no idea how anyone that hasn't worked with whatever that is could ever have any idea what that means.
I mean obviously this is not objective, but I think this is a terrible example.
In your opinion, does readability depend on context?
What do you mean?
Does knowing what something is solving make it any more readable than just seeing code?
I don't think that really matters.
because knowing that ₁ƛ₍₃₅kF½*∑∴ is FizzBuzz means you can look for the parts where 100 is referenced, where divisibility checks happen and where things are applied to each item
but if you didn't know that, you'd have no clue what it was
I feel like you are getting really caught up in the specifics of things.
maybe it's too late for me to be discussing things like this
I might head out for the night
early morning tomorrow anyway
And no knowing that is fizzbuzz does absolutely nothing to help me. I think you are really overestimating how readable whatever that is.
@lyxal is kF 100
@lyxal how many characters are in the right place
Is ƛ 100?
also no
@StackMeterPlus what do you mean by that?
@lyxal are k and/or F in the correct answer for "what part of ₁ƛ₍₃₅kF½*∑∴ makes 100"
100 ɾ ƛ
    n 3 Ḋ [
        n 5 Ḋ [ `FizzBuzz` | `Fizz` ] |
        n 5 Ḋ [ `Buzz` | n ]
; ⁋
Try on that snippet instead
the original snippet is the result of extensive golfing, so it probably wasn't the best example
@lyxal just a thought: is it the 100 that makes the 100 in that snippet
(credits to hyper for the snippet btw)
Q: What are the worst notations, in your opinion?

user2330With which notation do you feel uncomfortable?

i have new rules to stop this:
*updated rules to the BigNumBakeoff+*
must be deterministic (no x += random(randint(1, 100000) while random.random()
must print a number, in any base (or a string representation of such) - if in a confusing base, then 1) it must be able to represent ANY number, and 2) you must explain how to convert it back into base 10 (+1 brownie point for a program that does this)
must terminate provably in finite time (aka no x += 1 ad infinitum)
output must be finite (no infs or nans)
there we go: loopholes closed
@GingerIndustries can i put this in r/ihadastroke
@GingerIndustries almost
*greeting word
hello reddit
please censor my username
i will attach some links to my accounts on other programs when i hit 1K 111 rep
@lyxal I can help you with that, one sec
9 hours ago, by Radvylf Programs
Listen to caramelldansen 5.7 times
19 hours ago, by Ginger Industries
Aug 22 '21 at 19:58, by user
@pxeger I have infinitely many legs, for I am God
19 hours ago, by user
What is a head? Do legs cease to exist when you do crunches?
Feb 15 at 13:33, by Ginger Industries
how big is a loaf of bread
Feb 15 at 13:54, by PyGamer0
presenting a diagram of an onion:
Feb 15 at 14:15, by ophact
this long and unproductive discussion has given me the idea for a code-golf challenge.
Feb 7 at 19:19, by ta Radvylf srik su shilani
What's your order? 37mm machine gun? Life sized gummy bear? Non-rechargeable iPhone battery?
Feb 7 at 19:28, by Ginger Industries
I am not ordering heavy weaponry through UPS redwolf
Jan 19 at 17:54, by Ginger Industries
@mathcat good thing I came prepared with an AntiAntiAntiAntiAntiRickroll
I'm going to stop now.
ping me if you want more
Fun fact: If you write 0 to /dev/urandom it reverses entropy
petition for @GingerIndustries to make a youtube video of @GingerIndustries screaming for 10 minutes :P
@PyGamer0 no voice reveal sorry
Today's Unicode Character of the Day is Ł.
rocket league sideswipe is broken
any J experts in here?
@chunes i dont think so, probably look in apl.chat
CMQ: What's the syntax for spoilers in SE posts?
nvm figured it out
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ginger IndustriesPage Selector I'm making a page selector for my super cool terminal-based blog program. In order for it to fit correctly into the design, it has to have some constraints. The page selector can only display a certain number of characters at a time due to the constraints of the UI system. If there ...

@lyxal I genuinely don't know why I watched all 5 minutes, 43 seconds of this, but this is the greatest thing I've ever seen :P
Also, I now very much just want a video of you reading off starred TNB quotes for like an hour :P
@GingerIndustries Due to the way that /dev/urandom works, typically seeded by temperature and user inputs, it'll bring the room the computer is in down to absolute zero and electrocute anyone who touches the keyboard.
There's actually a prototype power plant in Germany that uses a /dev/zero > /dev/urandom laptop to generate 16 GW of power, by bolting wires to a corpse and throwing it on the laptop over and over again
@GingerIndustries how do i run /dev/urandom
> The top 10 percent of a high school class shall not contain more than 10 percent of the total class size.
Hmm yes this floor here is made out of floor
@emanresuA Thanks! This is actually my second time above 30k--I got there briefly at the beginning of this month before awarding a bunch of tinylisp bounties. I expect I'll reach 30k a third time after awarding my Best of 2021 bounties. :D
@lyxal wohoo
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think I know your intention
@PyGamer0 I initially read this as "What are the worst nations, in your opinion?" ಠ_ಠ
@DLosc lmao
@RadvylfPrograms lmao
@RadvylfPrograms lmao
user's opinion of vyxal:
Aug 17 '21 at 12:36, by user
@mathcat lmao
@DLosc Monaco. They know what they did :P
@RadvylfPrograms we are quoting that a lot now
> Vyxal is [...]ass
- user
were was that script which showed the mosted quoted tnb messages?
In my bash history
@mathcat greatest use of square brackets since lists
> # using the python keyword global is bad practice.
you can't tell me what to do
@GingerIndustries qué
@GingerIndustries your bad
23 secs ago, by mathcat
you FOOL
Okay "ass" is my new favorite chat search
I forgot that
> mathcat, if you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
3 mins ago, by mathcat
When you try to make a joke but it backfires on you.
now your also bad
flax is bad
yep :P
oh ....
lol gottem
lol gottem
(To be clear, I am 100% joking. I have nothing against flax. :P)
@DLosc you are not JoKing, you are DLosc!
(Yes, I know, I'm not JoKing)
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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