Katlani is a constructed language being designed in chat. In this challenge, your goal is to print the largest dictionary of katlani nouns possible in 400 bytes or less.
In 400 bytes or less, your program should print a list of katlani nouns. You can choose to output them as a list/array in ...
You are going to be planting pumpkins soon, and you are preparing your supplies. Pumpkins come in all sorts of sizes and have their sizes written on the seed bag. A pumpkin that is size n will grow to be n units wide. However pumpkins need their space.
If a pumpkin is stuck between two other...
i believe you can just make every pumpkin grow as far left as possible and scan left-to-right (or equivalently grow as far right as possible and scan right-to-left)
TDG - Test Driven Golf
Our company requires unit testing before code can be deployed to production. Unfortunately, my code is written in esoteric programming languages, none of which have test runners.
Please help me get to production!
Source code written in language X
I'd been getting two lunches instead of one from my school cafeteria for the last month or so, since they cut the amount of food in each one in like half, but they finally caught me :(
The amount of food they gave us in kindergarten is higher than the amount we get in high school
The state requires the lunch food be healthy, but the way that the law works, it's not based on the serving size. So instead of making the food have half as much sugar and salt, they just cut in half how much we get.
That leads to the rather humorous situation where we weren't allowed to sell cookies at the school store because of their sugar content, so we found a company with smaller cookies and sold them in pairs
@GingerIndustries Public school, in Texas
The US, and Texas especially, doesn't really do education very well
the Featured Presentation will begin shortly. Please turn off all phones, computers, laptops, and children and remain in your seats. All 200-foot lead spheres must be left outside the theater for the duration of the movie. Please do not expose popcorn or film to the light of the screen or projector. Thanks, and we'll start in a moment.
it's been 2 minutes, I'm beginning to become concerned
Well, our latin teacher last year got her PhD in something or other around the end of the school year, so she got a new job over the summer. That happened to line up with a huge shortage of teachers, meaning that my high school didn't have any latin teachers this year. Well, not too much of an issue, the district managed to get Zoom set up and had the latin teacher from the next high school over teach us. For about two weeks, before he resigned for unknown reasons. (1/6)
He was the second-to-last latin teacher in the district, and the other one presumably already had far too much work to be able to teach us. So, we spend a little while having basically nothing to do. At this point, switching to another Spanish I was an option for most of us, but since we'd already taken Latin I, it'd mean we wasted that class (since your foreign language credits need to be in the same language). Only one person decided to switch. (2/6)
The school managed to find an online self-paced thing. Things seemed fine for about a week, but then we started doing assignments. Or at least, trying to. The online thing used a different textbook, that taught things in a totally different order, at a totally different pace. So, its Latin II was nothing like our Latin II, and as a result we were (and are) totally unprepared for it. (3/6)
It expects us to know all sorts of stuff that we just didn't know, and without a teacher, we can't ask questions about stuff. So I still just stumble through the assignments, using a latin dictionary and lots of guesswork to figure out what anything means. None of us have any clue how to do stuff. A while back we all got together and compiled a list of issues we had with the course (4/6)
and brought those to the district. Some time later, they responded by buying us Latin II textbooks...the ones the district used, not the ones the online class used. And we already had an online copy of the correct textbook. And after that, they figured they'd done the best they could, and they haven't contacted us since. There are 15 chapters we need to complete during the year, (5/6)
and the most anyone has managed to do so far is 3. And we're halfway through the year. Some of the people in the class are juniors or seniors, who need to pass this class in order to graduate, and right now our average grade is about 10%. So yeah.
Se Nitro can:
1: ˚·(˚·)-2:
Nitro(o)s =
(o-)nol =
2-oO-nol - 1oOs = O(s)ol = O(O)-ooO
Nitro(o)s o o o o o (œi) s n a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u z w x y z s
" (őo)s n l a b c d e f g h i j k l m n O(s)o =
It seems SE Nitro is a powerful hallucinogenic drug
@user I have approximately zero friends, except someone I wouldn't say I know that well has helped me quite a lot while I've been recovering from cancer
@Fmbalbuena Slice returns part of an array or string. It's like Python's [:], in that Slice(a) is a[:], Slice(a, b) is a[b:], Slice(a, b, c) is a[b:c] and Slice(a, b, c, d) is a[b:c:d], although the tricky part is making Charcoal use the right number of parameters, and you can't do a[b::c] either, which is annoying
@Fmbalbuena Map evaluates an expression for each element of an array or string; the expression can refer to two additional variables which represent the value and index respectively. The result is always returns as an array; use StringMap if you want the results to be concatenated into a string.
@Fmbalbuena Push simply appends a value to an array.
I have been thinking all day about a question I had in exam. I know intuitevely that it is true, but I am not able to show that a X ~ Binomial n=L, p=1/2, and L~Poisson(lambda), is equivalent to say that X~Poisson(lambda/2)
Make code given on the command line that takes a hex value as input and evals that in Perl. Like this:
perl -e 'eval pack q/h*/,q/072796e6470222458656275672370202d6f62756020222b302072796e6470222478616e60202f6e6560202771697020247f6020246f602029647e2c5e622/'
With one more restriction: Your co...