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is there a smart way in code to download a manual and convert it to pdf? I would like to do this for docs.dgl.ai/guide/index.html
just those 8 chapters
pandoc? idk if it supports html to pdf, it should i guess
@PyGamer0 I am not even sure how to download the 8 chapters in html
Ctrl+S or dev tools or wget/curl
@taRadvylfsriksushilani It's the recursive part that I am not sure about
I don't want to recurse on the many menu items on the left
They shouldn't recurse, right?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani sorry to be dim but could you tell me what the curl or wget line is that I should try please?
I don't know the format of the page since it's blocked on my wifi, so I can't, sorry :/
I wonder why it is blocked??
@PyGamer0 do you know how to do this?
hello there
Q: Biggest katlani noun dictionary in 400 bytes

ta Radvylf srik su shilaniKatlani is a constructed language being designed in chat. In this challenge, your goal is to print the largest dictionary of katlani nouns possible in 400 bytes or less. Task In 400 bytes or less, your program should print a list of katlani nouns. You can choose to output them as a list/array in ...

@GingerIndustries hai ita
@NewPosts [insert witty response]
todo: make an APOL Programmer joke
@Anush pandoc is a converter
i think i used it ONCE
pandoc supports html
@PyGamer0 thanks but how would I get all of the 8 chapters downloaded so I can use pandoc on it?
CMQ how can I download all 8 chapters of docs.dgl.ai/guide/index.html so I can then pandoc on it?
@Anush one sec
@GingerIndustries thanks!
@Anush github.com/dmlc/dgl/tree/0.7.x/docs try downloading that
@taRadvylfsriksushilani hey I made one of these
@GingerIndustries should I git clone it?
@Anush if that works then sure
@GingerIndustries I am trying to work that out :)
@GingerIndustries I did git clone github.com/dmlc/dgl
I then go into dgl/docs
where there is clean.sh
I can run that
pip install mxnet?
if I do that I now get bpa.st/BJUQ
This one is better:
user image
@Adám that indeed is better
@Adám that is much much better
I am going back to wget as that didn't work
how can I recursively download this website docs.dgl.ai/guide/index.html but only get pages whose url starts docs.dgl.ai/guide ?
user image
Apple programmer
ok cracked the first part!
wget -r --no-parent docs.dgl.ai/guide/index.html is the answer
@pxeger lmao APL <=> apple
Yay! 15k rep! I can now...protect questions .-.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani nice
@taRadvylfsriksushilani exactly 15000 rep
Q: Please predict pumpkin planting plans' potential problems

Wheat WizardYou are going to be planting pumpkins soon, and you are preparing your supplies. Pumpkins come in all sorts of sizes and have their sizes written on the seed bag. A pumpkin that is size n will grow to be n units wide. However pumpkins need their space. If a pumpkin is stuck between two other...

that's an excellent title
> Test cases
> ​
thank you Wheat Wizard, very cool
i believe you can just make every pumpkin grow as far left as possible and scan left-to-right (or equivalently grow as far right as possible and scan right-to-left)
not sure
I don't think you can.
[0,3,0] doesn't work, unless I don't understand the algo.
Well "as far left as possible" would stop at the edges of the list
as far left as possible = as far left as is valid
Ah ok I see.
Doesn't make it any less interesting
yeah it's not uninteresting. just thinking of an approach
Ok you scan left to right. Yeah I see that works.
@WheatWizard the steps could be represented as:
it might still be golfier to brute force
[2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2]
[1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
@hyper-neutrino cause that's how we do it here at Pode Polf Cack Gxchange
Is there a way for me to create a chat room for a discussion with another user who doesn't have a chat profile yet?
@Neil I have 3 questions: What is Slice, Map and Push in Charcoal?
(I'm not sure if he is sleeping)
@Adám What happened "What people think I do and what I actually do"
Charcoal's map is just a regular map.
@WheatWizard I haven't learned Python map
ooh just realized that I casted 1005 votes! (probably nothing special but still)
@Fmbalbuena It takes a list and a function and applies that function to every item in the list producing a new list of the results.
map (+1) [1,6,3,4] = [2,7,4,5]
@DLosc i don't think that's possible; you can make a room and link it in a comment or something like that
IIRC mods can force create chat profiles by superpinging the user by their main profile
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, that's what I ended up doing
@Fmbalbuena Slice works like python's list[start:end:step] syntax.
@PyGamer0 Yes.
And Push?
@DLosc ?
also how am i joining TNB at the perfect times
like i got pinged
@PyGamer0 I like both, and I think each has advantages.
@Fmbalbuena Not sure.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NonlinearFruitTDG - Test Driven Golf popularity-contest Our company requires unit testing before code can be deployed to production. Unfortunately, my code is written in esoteric programming languages, none of which have test runners. Please help me get to production! Input Source code written in language X T...

I'd been getting two lunches instead of one from my school cafeteria for the last month or so, since they cut the amount of food in each one in like half, but they finally caught me :(
The amount of food they gave us in kindergarten is higher than the amount we get in high school
The state requires the lunch food be healthy, but the way that the law works, it's not based on the serving size. So instead of making the food have half as much sugar and salt, they just cut in half how much we get.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ಠ_ಠ
what kind of a school is this
That leads to the rather humorous situation where we weren't allowed to sell cookies at the school store because of their sugar content, so we found a company with smaller cookies and sold them in pairs
@GingerIndustries Public school, in Texas
The US, and Texas especially, doesn't really do education very well
Nice job beating arnauld redwolf
This is the same state that gives us four hours to do our 40 question standardized tests and doesn't let people leave early if they finish
And that passed a law that made it illegal for schools to require masks
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that's 6 whole minutes per question!
@taRadvylfsriksushilani okay what the rgksp
And the one that organised redwolf's latin class
Well, that's the school district, not the state
@emanresuA okay I haven't heard this story
My latin class is...it's a very long story
@taRadvylfsriksushilani good thing I've got nine lives to hear it in
I sense a long message
A long, multi-part message
Gather round, golfers. Today we shall hear about the Saga of Redwolf's Latin Class
unrelated but incredible idea: Get @lyxal to put evey starred message in this room into GPT-3 and make it generate some more
so we can have a look at TNB in peak form
Redwolf is typing
@mathcat's movie thing vs. the Saga, which will win
@GingerIndustries @mathcat's movie
the Featured Presentation will begin shortly. Please turn off all phones, computers, laptops, and children and remain in your seats. All 200-foot lead spheres must be left outside the theater for the duration of the movie. Please do not expose popcorn or film to the light of the screen or projector. Thanks, and we'll start in a moment.
it's been 2 minutes, I'm beginning to become concerned
*15 minutes, sorry
Well, our latin teacher last year got her PhD in something or other around the end of the school year, so she got a new job over the summer. That happened to line up with a huge shortage of teachers, meaning that my high school didn't have any latin teachers this year. Well, not too much of an issue, the district managed to get Zoom set up and had the latin teacher from the next high school over teach us. For about two weeks, before he resigned for unknown reasons. (1/6)
He was the second-to-last latin teacher in the district, and the other one presumably already had far too much work to be able to teach us. So, we spend a little while having basically nothing to do. At this point, switching to another Spanish I was an option for most of us, but since we'd already taken Latin I, it'd mean we wasted that class (since your foreign language credits need to be in the same language). Only one person decided to switch. (2/6)
The school managed to find an online self-paced thing. Things seemed fine for about a week, but then we started doing assignments. Or at least, trying to. The online thing used a different textbook, that taught things in a totally different order, at a totally different pace. So, its Latin II was nothing like our Latin II, and as a result we were (and are) totally unprepared for it. (3/6)
It expects us to know all sorts of stuff that we just didn't know, and without a teacher, we can't ask questions about stuff. So I still just stumble through the assignments, using a latin dictionary and lots of guesswork to figure out what anything means. None of us have any clue how to do stuff. A while back we all got together and compiled a list of issues we had with the course (4/6)
and brought those to the district. Some time later, they responded by buying us Latin II textbooks...the ones the district used, not the ones the online class used. And we already had an online copy of the correct textbook. And after that, they figured they'd done the best they could, and they haven't contacted us since. There are 15 chapters we need to complete during the year, (5/6)
and the most anyone has managed to do so far is 3. And we're halfway through the year. Some of the people in the class are juniors or seniors, who need to pass this class in order to graduate, and right now our average grade is about 10%. So yeah.
hopefully they waive it for ECs
yesterday, by ta Radvylf srik su shilani
And if they don't, I'm kinda wondering if not providing us a teacher and then failing all 10-15 of us would be grounds for a lawsuit
@GingerIndustries Lyxal's done this with individual pages of the starboard before
GPT-3 can only take so much text as a prompt though, so using all 31k starred messages wouldn't be possible
@GingerIndustries Nobody can beat SE Nitro. he he he. (except Butter. Even Nitro likes Butter)
I am hopeful about the movie, except for the Stickman scene. I have no idea how I could animate it.
@mathcat no that was for Latin Saga
@mathcat Butter, eh? Good thing I've got GingerBot then
@GingerIndustries Oh no, does this mean we have to add "Redwolf's Latin Class" to the TNB wiki?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yup
@mathcat so you're telling me it isn't 100% xkcd-style art?
what? no
it's just some animation combined with screen recordings of webpage editing
@mathcat nice
well we are all awaiting the movie
Fun fact: The world will end at 11.30 pm ET with the first round of FIFA 16 played over the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
or so says GPT-2
But I think i have a good plot
@mathcat exciting
@GingerIndustries I think FIFA 21 was already released...
Major Plot Hint: It has to do something with this random song I found on the internet
GPT-2's opinion on the best programming language:
The best programming language is not JavaScript (and that's why I am here), but Javascript.
⦕ಠ_ಠ⦖⟆. That was the disappointing cat face I was searching days ago.
I'm looking for some fake hate comments on a Sandbox post (for the film). Any ideas?
What's the relationship between the hater and the hatee?
Is the hate about the sandbox post itself, or more directed toward the OP?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani sandbox post
"This post would get lots of upvotes in 2013."
@mathcat hey I made that
Ugh my laptop's about to die, and this time there's not someone with an extension cord nearby :(
@GingerIndustries yeah
It will be a dangerous journey
You will have my sword
And you can a cookie: 🍪
Mission successful!
Too late lol
Can somebody ping me so that I can read the HTML of the SE inbox?
@emanresuA what are you talking about
@mathcat funny message
not working
hmm... what would be a good way to replicate that
You mean being pinged on main?
getting an inbox notification
@mathcat hM
one sec, I got this
Go into settings and enable instant notifcations, then have someone ping you here
@mathcat leave the room, I'll send you a message
my solution is simpler
Or just wait 15m after being pinged without clicking the green thing, I guess
@mathcat ping test
@mathcat pingy ping ping
I have to leave all rooms
@mathcat guess it worked tho
Peilonrayz is in both this room and the CR main room at the same time
@GingerIndustries nope
@taRadvylfsriksushilani i'll try that
there is an impostor among us
@mathcat ping
@GingerIndustries Peilonrayz is also a moderator on CR... even more sus
kay, last test
@Peilonrayz what is going on here
@mathcat ping
don't make us bring out SE Nitro, impostor
uh mathcat
I got an invite for Lyaxl, Vyaxl, (IDK you guys name things weird) yesterday... just reopened the tab :)
I just asked GPT-2 what SE Nitro can do
@GingerIndustries Even SE Nitro cannot beat mod powers :P
and uh
Se Nitro can:
1. ৈ০৪৭ো০০... ৚০৓ৗਾ৙৒ী... ৒০০০(৭ ো க஼਼্,ৱৗ஼ৱઍ৮৿... ம৯঍నਧ਩... ல১�৕ਜ఩ఢక... ౕధ఍ి਽ు... లౕూ ాతతి(తలౕశీీ లటూଦత ణత෍`త෍`���... ଲ౓ଊଦବଦ... ଲ౅ଚ଺଺଺�
They have a "disable SE Nitro" button on the mod dashboard :P
Things SE Nitro is weak to:
1. GingerBot
2. Moderators
@GingerIndustries wow
@cairdcoinheringaahing NO
@mathcat that's my second try, the first one was in Chinese
I got a message
something about POPPER TO PIPIN
@mathcat I am simply the best, aren't I
We sent an agent to investigate SE Nitro. This is all we got back.
Se Nitro can:
1. ????.??: ????.?? |???:
2.                       |????: ????????? ??:?:  ???????
3.                       ????.??: ????.??: ????????? ??:   ?       ????????? ????????? |?????:
6.                       ????¤?: ????½?:?????:  ????¤
7.                       ???? ?????: ??????????:  ????¤?
8.                       ???? ?????: ?????: ??????:  ????
9.                       ???? ?????: ????? ??:  ????¤?
10.                       ???? ?????: ????? /??: ?????: ????? : ?????????
It's not very helpful.
@pxeger nice, thanks
can I delete the comment?
it doesn't improve either :/
I'd add more but I don't want to flood chat
put them in a gist?
@pxeger I am
@pxeger Ummm, ctrl-c somehow didn't work, sorry
you want another ping?
yes pls
Got it, thanks
Se Nitro can:
1: ˚·(˚·)-2:
Nitro(o)s =
(o-)nol =
2-oO-nol - 1oOs = O(s)ol = O(O)-ooO
Nitro(o)s o o o o o (œi) s n a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u z w x y z s

" (őo)s n l a b c d e f g h i j k l m n O(s)o =
It seems SE Nitro is a powerful hallucinogenic drug
> œi
smells of jelly
or worse ig
"2D-printed in 3D for better readability!"
yes exactly this makes sense
if you want part of it in a quote you need it in two separate messages
> makes the entire message a quote I think
okay, i'm 1/4 done with the film
@user I have approximately zero friends, except someone I wouldn't say I know that well has helped me quite a lot while I've been recovering from cancer
@Fmbalbuena Slice returns part of an array or string. It's like Python's [:], in that Slice(a) is a[:], Slice(a, b) is a[b:], Slice(a, b, c) is a[b:c] and Slice(a, b, c, d) is a[b:c:d], although the tricky part is making Charcoal use the right number of parameters, and you can't do a[b::c] either, which is annoying
@Fmbalbuena Map evaluates an expression for each element of an array or string; the expression can refer to two additional variables which represent the value and index respectively. The result is always returns as an array; use StringMap if you want the results to be concatenated into a string.
@Fmbalbuena Push simply appends a value to an array.
Well, Latin II time :/
I'm back
@user it's pretty lonely here at the far end of the world
@user Idk why it feels like bragging to say I have multiple friends irl


2 days ago, 6 minutes total – 11 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 2 days ago by Ginger Industries

oh yeah, it's all coming together
@GingerIndustries see also:
yesterday, by pxeger
my version of rickblock: https://www.pxeger.com/userscripts/rickblock.js
@pxeger cool
(did I get you?)
I didn't run it, but looking at the code again...
nice try
No, but my email address is [email protected]
Wait, did that ping you?
@GingerIndustries you don't need to run the code to get rickrolled
@emanresuA nope
@pxeger I am confused
I spent an unreasonable amount of time on that rickroll for it to not work
what browser?
maybe it doesn't work on mobile
Wouldn't it be easier to just 300 to the rickroll page?
Firefox 95
@pxeger ò󲬹´¹³¬³³'¬¹¬³¬³¬¹³ v12.44
(Because I don't want background window rendering disabled)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani so it works for you? No, because I think it's funnier and more of a jumpscare
@pxeger jesus it worked that time
flowers.m4v really?
I opened it and rickrolled myself
@emanresuA does it work for you?
@emanresuA lmao I thought the filename might have been an unnecessary touch, but it worked
@emanresuA Is this a problem?
Your <main id="theContainer"> has display:none
@emanresuA it's supposed to have that
the onmousedown handler removes it with theContainer.style.display = 'block';
@pxeger No, it's blocked for me, but I was assuming you used some sort of autoreload or something
Oh I see
I didn't click
I thought everyone would click on it at least accidentally
damn :(
I have been thinking all day about a question I had in exam. I know intuitevely that it is true, but I am not able to show that a X ~ Binomial n=L, p=1/2, and L~Poisson(lambda), is equivalent to say that X~Poisson(lambda/2)
I know it works from a technical perspective, because I tested it
(Btw onpointerdown catches both mouse and touch events)
oh I forgot about touchscreen
@JavierMorenoSepena Can't you use the tower law to show that?
But that is for Expectation, not for distributions
but expectation = lambda for a Poisson distribution
I got stuck, trying to find the marginal for X, after getting f(X,N)
Yeah, but that doesnt proof that X is following a Poisson, just its expectatio no?
The MGF might work, given that it uniquely identifies the distribution
I literally had my last probability exam last week, I never have to think about it agian, why am I thinking about it? ಠ_ಠ
Hahaha you will never abandon probability
deterministic math > all other math
@cairdcoinheringaahing but that's only true some of the time!
@emanresuA that doesn't work because videos aren't allowed to play on pointer down
(to prevent autoplay hacks just from scrolling)
A: From code to golf (Cops' thread)

Fmbalbuena!@#$%^&*()_+, 13 bytes * 4 steps = score 52 3130<202(^+@) Try it online!

^ Who can crack?
Can you post a random message to prevent the deletion?
Q: Perl: eval a packed hex value passed through any level of ssh

Ole TangeTask Make code given on the command line that takes a hex value as input and evals that in Perl. Like this: perl -e 'eval pack q/h*/,q/072796e6470222458656275672370202d6f62756020222b302072796e6470222478616e60202f6e6560202771697020247f6020246f602029647e2c5e622/' With one more restriction: Your co...

@Peilonrayz hmm yes Vyaxl, my favourite golfing language.
I suppose that makes me lyaxl
Truly wonderful
Oh no... Sorry for saying your name is weird D:
I mean... it is weird :D
But then most people's names here are weird.
@DLosc Weird names? I can't think of an example
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, take mine, for instance. That D-L consonant cluster is really weird. It doesn't even have any good anagrams! =P
@Peilonrayz nah it's fine - it's a result of ipad keyboard mashing anyway
@lyxal I've been wondering is Vyxal based on your name? Cause... they're so similar
Oh cool, ty
In fact, running lyxal in Vyxal has a bit of an easter egg: lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=lyxal&inputs=&…
@Peilonrayz I'm that uncreative that I named my esolang the same as my username but with a different first letter :p
Because I really couldn't think of anything better lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing imagine using the old site
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I search "vyxal" and that's the first interpreter that comes up
You should use duckduckgo then
the new site comes up first
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol
@Neil That's good to hear (and I hope you're doing okay now)
@user well, I've done all the chemotherapy (which is really nasty stuff)
I expect to have to do regular tests and scans for the next four years though just to be sure
help me why this don't work
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