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00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

@cairdcoinheringaahing i really want to make a joke about the current twitter opinion of (mrs.) reagan rn lol
Whoa, hold up a minute here, countries aren't responsible for crappy people that come out of them
but yeah i love ronald 'aids? lmao' reagan too dw
@Riker Let's keep our jokes family-friendly :P
@Riker throat G O A T
indeed :) (to both i suppose)
Q: AoCG2021 Day 13: Defrag in action!

BubblerPart of Advent of Code Golf 2021 event. See the linked meta post for details. The story continues from AoC2017 Day 14. To recap: The disk is a rectangular grid with \$r\$ rows and \$c\$ columns. Each square in the disk is either free (0) or used (1). So far, you have identified the current statu...

@Riker You can only get aids if your throat game is worse than Nancy, that's the new rule
@user No, but we can happily make fun of a country for producing awful people
also dude now i want in-n-out. i'm flying back home for break in like, 3 days, but i really am craving a groovy burger rn :(
For example: I will, until the day I die, make fun of the UK for electing BoJo
the dining halls on campus are fine and i'll admit to having literally pizza or burgers near exclusively but it just hits different when u got the animal fries :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing bojack horseman notable UK prime minister?????
or is this like, boseph joestar or something like that
Boris Johnson
I mean, Boseph Jiden
ahhhh oh yeah i forgot that dude exists
I wish I could :(
You're welcome :)
false, my burger at in-n-out would never have tomatoes on it. those are an abomination and ketchup is the only good thing they exist for (tomato sauce is on thin ice)
@Riker Dining halls seem so weird to me. I'm in a self-catered accom, which means I live off of 2am instant noodles
@cairdcoinheringaahing Better to happily make fun than to sadly make fun, I guess
@cairdcoinheringaahing i'm in a 'you literally can't not get a meal plan freshman year if u live on campus' campus :) i'm assuming they got really really tired of freshman making really awful meal decisions so
Pretty sure my last meal was a handful of Quality Street, a few Pringles and a pack of instant noodles
@Riker Shit, I've just finalised sorting out accomodation for next year, and I'm basically renting a house with 4 strangers
huh, those are chocolates? just googled 'quality street'
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh wow, y'all redo housing every semester?? ours is the same housing plan for both semesters
No joke, I've met these people twice: once when we viewed the house, and then again when we got drunk together the next night
@Riker Next year, not next semester
@cairdcoinheringaahing that could be us but u playin (at not being enrolled in an american university)
@cairdcoinheringaahing you do realize its' december 12th (13th, depending on time zone) 2021 right?
there's a lotta next year coming up real soon
@Riker I tried, alright :P
@Riker I know, the housing market here is so fucked that I'm considered "late on the scene" securing a house now
an internet friend of mine (gaming) might end up transferring to my college in hte fall actually. we'll see how it works out (just convergent evolution as CS majors in the same general area)
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh jesus, I hadn't thought about that. best of luck homie
I feel sorry for my current flatmates tho, as they haven't even started looking for places, and most places go on to market for twice their advance rates after the new year
@Riker ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have a room in a house that I can afford, with flatmates who I get on with, so it's solid for me
ouch :( have you mentioned that to them?
I just don't move in until next September
@cairdcoinheringaahing income from a job or savings?
@Riker I've asked them about their plans, but they consistently say they aren't worried, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@cairdcoinheringaahing they are about to experience what the youth of this generation refer to as a 'minuscule quantity of trolling'
@Riker My dad has done some financial magic meaning that he loans me my housing + tuition, but as a monthly wage so we pay much less taxes on it, and I pay my dad back, rather than paying a bank back
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh, that's neat. probably more sustainable when tuition isn't measured in the 10s of thousands USD
(google tells me rn it's 1:0.75 for usd:pounds)
Don't ask me the details, all I know is that I get ~£1000 paid into my account as "Income from XXX Ltd." each month and then I immediately pay off my debts to my school :P
Yeah, tuition is £9250/yr, and accomodation ~£8k
CMC: Implement Random esolang :P
on one hand, 'wtf'. on the other hand, 'man now i'm sad'
It used to be free tuition (like 20 years ago), then got raised to £3k/yr (my cousins, ~4/5 years older than me paid that), and then 4 years ago got raised to £9250/yr
@Fmbalbuena thats literally just a stack and has no output i think
so that's just 'implement a stack with push and pop(how deep to pop)'
@cairdcoinheringaahing on one hand, 'ok i'm willing to give u inflation' but that does seem like a hike. idk
My parents were complaining about having to help me through uni, and I had to remind them that a) they got uni for free, and b) they (their generation, not my parents specifically) then turned around and voted to start charging for uni
i'll make u a deal - you pay my tuition and i'll pay yours :)
Hmm, I might want to pass on that :P
@Fmbalbuena why are some commands only in hte page history not the actual current page
okay so output is wash
@cairdcoinheringaahing if it makes it any more concerning - the highest merit badge scholarship brandeis offers is 15k pounds/year :)
ok another random page
CMC: Interpret Sea
hm does anybody on ppcg (besides ais that doens't count) really do problems in undreload? i've looked at it before but never actually looked at how it works
@Riker All of the places I applied to in the states no longer do merit based scholarships, and base it all on financial situation
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh. i only applied for one school so idk how that works out for most ppl
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have found some merit based scholarships, but even a few of those need some demonstrated financial need
Well, idk about anyone else, but I got into NYU, and rejected them after they wanted to charge me $75k/yr for online lectures
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah brandeis isnt as much as that but its close, and it's not totally online but i had 1/4 online classes this semester
I instead settled for a "Maths with a Year Abroad" program, which, assuming I get >70% this year, means I'll spend my third year in either the US or Australia
The scholarships that few people apply to require essays or videos or other things that are hard to make, and the lottery-like ones that are more realistic are applied to by a bunch of people so those are hard to get too
How many scholarships did you guys get?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yo come to boston
I think the closest to Boston I can get is Rochester, NY
@user I didn't really bother applying to many, since i'm just outside of the income cutoff for most of the low income ones (and i'm not quite brown enough for most of hte hispanic/latin@ ones)
Where I can go depends on what partner unis they have
ended up only getting the automatic merit-based one that brandeis has (it's a brandeis scholarship not an external one) plus normal need based finaid
I believe that University of Sydney is an option, which, IIRC, is next door to @lyxal :P
Potentially, I could see Arron plat in person :P
@Riker Oh, that's too bad
What do you mean by "not quite brown enough"? Do they check your skin or something? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah but then all the blood goes to your head and you pass out immediatley
dw, they've got medication and special suits to mitigate that :P
@user nah i'm just not culturally latin@ enough to feel ok taking them in the end. i'm around half mexican by blood but there's ppl who need it more than me /shrug
@cairdcoinheringaahing if by next door you mean a few hundred km south, then yes.
I feel like either my counselors lied when they told us there'd be plenty of scholarships for everyone to get into college without too much debt or my grades are just not good enough. I choose to blame my counselors :P
@user lmfao yeah no that's a lie
@lyxal I'm sure that's considered next door in the midwest here :P
you will have hella debt. great lakes borrower services i get it please stop reminding me via email
@user 100 miles / 162km is next door for you?
100 miles? tha'ts like, a two hour drive?
@Riker I would say that's relieving, except...it isn't :P
@lyxal I was joking, because the midwest is so big :P
thats like the distance from where i live in CA to jtree, where i semi regularly go camping lmao
Feels like you could fit entire countries in there (wait, you can)
@user @hyper-neutrino is that true? Did user ever change their username to joking?
congrats. you've truly achieved the pinnacle of comedy
I did not, but why constrain ourselves to antiquated notions of time?
At some point in the future, I shall name myself "joking". All we need to do now is face backwards in time to say I "was" joking
@Riker I have a theory that lyxal became a dad approximately when these jokes started :P
By finding the first such message, I can pinpoint lyxal's kid's birthday. I already know the kid's first name is Rick or something like that :P
@user you're a bit late for that
oh hey totallyhuman, haven't seen you in yaers
What is Object oriented programming?
@Riker hi
i'll be honest, i'm only active as a result of advent :P
@totallyhuman fair enough
@totallyhuman If you were replying to me, that's how lyxal's joke started
Nov 26 at 20:18, by Jo King
For some reason we get a lot of users attempting to impersonate the mod team (almost always me)

The Best Jokes You Can Make About Moderator Names

Sep 30 '20 at 3:15, 5 minutes total – 17 messages, 4 users, 10 stars

Bookmarked Oct 31 '20 at 5:41 by lyxal

Off-topic, but cool Python library called Deal that does some static analysis and other stuff through annotations and stuff
@lyxal Am I completely misremembering, or aren't you at the University of Newcastle? That's like, 2 hrs drive from Sydney?
which is also 162km away
Of course, Australia is also the size of a continent :P
isn't it.... literally a continent
or are we calling it a large island
That's a trivial drive
you'd really drive that far to see a plat?
I'd drive 5 hours minimum to see you wash Aaron :P
is aaron a car or a pet
Aaron is a plate
who tf is aaron then

3 people live in my cupboard.

Aug 25 at 0:00, 16 minutes total – 80 messages, 6 users, 5 stars

Bookmarked Aug 25 at 0:18 by lyxal

ok then
Aaron's profile picture looks like a plate that lyxal owns
Aug 25 at 0:14, by exedraj
user image
those are the plates IRL
ah nice
no hivemind?
Whatever happened to the TNB wiki?
@hyper-neutrino the first two are the hivemind
nvm wrong link
@user I believe it got abandoned, like so many things we try to do as a site :P
lol yeah
do fandom wikis expire?
Here it is if anyone's still interested

Meme Meme

33 mins ago, 32 minutes total – 42 messages, 6 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by Fmbalbuena

oh i forgot how to spell the subdomain lol
and i couldn't find it with search engine
hey so anyone got any TNB conversations they want gpt-3'd?
Yes, why not some of the bookmarks you just linnked?
because some of those I've already done
@lyxal Pick any date, and select the max number of messages from some random time on that day :P
2016 TNB was very different from current TNB, GPT-3 on past-TNB could be super interesting :P
I see you made a Vyxal gang category lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Different in which ways?
Was TNB generally less immature back then?
@cairdcoinheringaahing give random date and I will
Much less mature
TNB in 2015/2016 was so bad that it got addressed on meta
I find it hard to believe it could be worse than us lol
no it definitely could be
A: Should we have additional room owners?

DennisWe agree with your concerns and that having additional room owners would help covering both time zones and the volume of posted messages. Effective immediately, we've appointed the following users as room owners of The Nineteenth Byte. Let us thank them for volunteering, and may the odds ...

remember how it took us several months to arrange an RO election?
@user It was so much worse
@lyxal 2016-06-15
This might be fun @lyxal
the mods at the time ended up appointing five ROs because they couldn't afford to wait even a week or two for an election
The chatiquette became a thing because of that time in TNB history
Huh, only 2 days
TNB also made it to mother meta for stealth ping abuse back in the day
Question: what is the min rep of being RO in TNB?
none technically
in theory, you can't be an RO without having 100 rep, but mods can bypass that and make anyone RO
i 11'd vyxal bot in the vyxal room
Wait, mods can bypass that requirement?
although it now has 129 rep :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah i think it exists for feedbots originally (or that's what i remember from some mod telling me somewhere)
@Riker Yeah, "We need to talk about chat", and the followup, were the main things that I saw about the problems with TNB in the 2016 era
maybe also to give RO status in q/a comment derived chatrooms
@hyper-neutrino no!
You were supposed to be the chosen one! You would bring balance to the ROs!
pro tip: the proper response to 'lmao mods can do that?' is not 'lmao let's prove it' :P
ok so I tried to move a message to prove it and uh
it failed because I couldn't talk in the target room
I have outplayed myself
anyway sorry for the disruption I couldn't resist the urge to science :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing 12
Not all experimentation is science :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing i think most of the problematic users stopped after getting suspended. 2017-2018 had really immature ppl i remember but not nearly as abd
Fun fact, I was ROed in here before any of the other current ROs, aside from Doorknob (mod) and xnor (in 2016, before I joined the site):
@lyxal Nice, thanks!
@lyxal can you do but the first 200 messages?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i read that as 'in 2016 you were RO'd' and i was like wtf you definitely weren't
@Fmbalbuena probably not
@lyxal but why?
word limits
Oh yeah, in case y'all didn't know, I'm actually cjy in disguise, and have secretly been modding here since 2011
I have a diamond, but its just in white font, so you can't see it
@lyxal okay so the first 50 messages
@user i still don't understand.
maybe consider doing it yourself? not only lyxal can make gh gists
@Riker uh actually, they probably couldn't
Oops, I forgot lyxal actually has to process the transcript each time
@Riker I'm autocompleting these with GPT-3
I think this is the script to do that
oh I didn't notice lmfao nevermind me
@user ofc I'm using a script
@Fmbalbuena It was a joke lol. When someone sends you a link to lmgtfy, it means you could've just googled that yourself
@lyxal No I mean I forgot you couldn't just Ctrl+A the page or sth
otoh it's not too hard to run that so I'm going to be lazy and not provide the processed inputs for you :P
I still have to do a bit of culling tho
because of token limits
> PhiNotPi: Alex R "array" A is an array of arrays because he has so many friends... or something, right? ಠ_ಠ
Not GPT's most coherent moment :P
@lyxal Ah, so GPT isn't free yet?
*completely free
@user no, it's more that it only lets you have so many words per completion
I see
@user can you answer my question?
like it only accepts 2048 tokens (which is maybe ~1k maybe a a bit less) at a time
@Fmbalbuena No, but I can point you to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'mma gon need a specific short portion you want done
because there's way too much there to do all at once
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just chose a random date, I have no idea what happened then
Choose a random set of messages then, let's see if we get comedy gold, boring snippets of code, or comedy heaven material
@lyxal Take as many messages, starting from this that fit
CMC: think the biggest number
Let g(f, k, n) represent f(f(...(f(n)) with k iterations of f. Take g(f, TREE(g(64)), TREE(g(64))) where f(x) is TREE(g(x)) and g is the generating function of Graham's sequence, such that g(64) is Graham's number
@cairdcoinheringaahing one moment
@cairdcoinheringaahing If my calculations are correct, this is at least larger than 3, and maybe even larger than 7
where did the slash dance come from o.O
> "Fountain" has anagrams like Foant
@cairdcoinheringaahing or better the biggest finite number that can print in Jelly by just TREE(9)
slashes and dances in the background
Bravo! I am impressed...I didn't even have time to play today.
> You'd probably be better off saying which letters in particular were good or bad anagrams in that case.
@UnrelatedString Isn't this just Scrabble?

redwolf letters

Sep 16 at 18:57, 13 minutes total – 46 messages, 4 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked Sep 28 at 19:29 by pxeger

@cairdcoinheringaahing on second thought, you might want to avoid that
we've had a fun little omicron cluster here lately
Have you seen the covid numbers in the UK?
@lyxal 84 cases from a nightclub
@cairdcoinheringaahing no
I think we're getting ~3000 new Omicron cases a day
We're averaging 50k positives a day
Yeah, its so fun ಠ_ಠ
with or without lockdowns?
Hell, we dont even have mask mandates
big oof
those end in 2 days here
The closest thing I have to a mask mandate is that my uni requires them on campus, unless "you're eating, drinking, or distanced from other students"
We're so fucked over here, it's not even funny :/
They were going to discuss dropping mask mandates here before omicron hit
damn, maybe i should be more thankful for how we're handling it over here lol
our uni has a vaccine record mandate
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh boy that don't sound good.
Dang it why do people gotta be so impatient?
like sure we've technically been out of lockdown for two months, but it ends for everyone in 2 days
all of our socials do ask that you have proof of vaccination or a negative test, but I go to like 2 or 3 a week and have never been asked for proof
Enforcement seems to always be pretty lax
I think part of it might be because no one wants conflict with an antivaxxer
Students here often go around without masks and usually, even teachers who see them do anything
One sub got reported for not wearing a mask all day tho, I think someone took a video of him lol
@Riker Mine's been "anagrammed" for several months :P
Q: Does Baba Is You belong here?

Dannyu NDosIntroduction Baba Is You is a puzzle game. In this game, a level is a grid that consists of objects and texts, and the objective of the level is to, if there are texts BABA IS YOU and FLAG IS WIN, navigate Baba (a white cat-like creature) to a flag. The fuss is, there are so many variety of possi...

Is there a way to rejoin starred rooms if you are already in multiple rooms?
@NewPosts VTC as invalid, Baba is a sheep not a cat /s
@lyxal golfed by 1 byte: Try it Online!
It would be golfed by another byte if m didn’t error on 0, clearly that is a vitally important bug to fix
@NewPosts good question. i'd argue no, they'd probably belong on puzzling.se instead, tbh
maybe specifically 'solve in min moves'
that could be conceptually similar to but i feel like that's probably still a better fit for puzzling
wait oh the post is for the game as a programming language for existing challenges
that's a really good question
oh my bad lmao
It's 22:00 here
But still
@Fmbalbuena hmmm, lets, see 1+1=2,2+1=3,3+1=4,4+1=5,......., and therefore i conclude that Infinity is big
@RedwolfPrograms oh cool, its morning for me
@Adám oh
1 hour later…
Well, I'm going to formally rescind a few of my criticisms of 1.18
I still dislike it, and what they did to underwater caves I'll be morning for a little while, but a lot of stuff changed in the snapshots that I wasn't aware of
So although I feel like the new caves are a little unnecessary and I prefer the simplicity of the old ones, I can certainly see the appeal and I don't think those are really worth getting mad over
wdym the caves are HUGE
CMQ: What should sublists on a scalar return?
is this contiguous or not
@RedwolfPrograms you can't be morning for too long, because the morning ends at midday!
ok how are these flax atoms
(*mo u rning)
Hint added, it's been two day's and no one's had a crack at it
00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

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