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00:00 - 19:0020:00 - 00:00

@Mayube how to access user account password for your site?
I tried using the forgot password box but the captcha didn't load
Yeah that one
You don't :P
Aw dang
I linked my discord account for nothing
Creating accounts on people's personal sites is a hobby of mine
Like I once made an account on HN's site while that was still a thing you could do
I started implementing discord/github oauth because I was gunna make a tool for random weekly programming challenges between a couple of friends, and a tool for timed delivery of sealed messages, but like all projects I never got around to them
You uh don't actually keep the discord data do you?
pretty sure all it keeps is the oauth token, and I don't know if I even got that far
I'lll check the db
yeah there's only 1 user and 1 token from 2019, so it didn't store anything from you :P
@RedwolfPrograms IMO you risk failing in the middle that way, and I don't want to risk it. There are many gem-likes in the sandbox but assessing if it is actually a gem takes time
@Mayube ^
grumble grumble made me SSH into my server for nothin'
Listening to people's soundcloud is also a hobby of mine.
Which is what I'll be doing a little later
oh god my soundcloud is quite old
@Mayube wow holy crap I didn't know you were twitch famous
err.. define twitch famous lol
my old twitch account has ~500 followers because I used to stream music production like 6 years ago
549 to be exact
And 550 when i can figure out how to open it on the twitch app
I mean I don't stream anymore and if I did it'd be on my new account, but I won't stop you :P
@Mayube obviously
> last streamed 2 years ago
@lyxal if/when I eventually get around to making user accounts work on my site, I'll be sure to let you know ;)
Very cool
Can't wait to add it to my list of obscure socials
alright, back to trying to host TIO
Enjoy stalking my socials @lyxal :P Lemme know if you like the music
I am having a code comp later
hmm.. nim says it should be in the standard package repos for Fedora, but Fedora disagrees
maybe it's only in 35
@emanresuA ofc it was me lol i'm just trolling
Oh lol
Although I spent half an hour trying to find ACE vulnerabilities in the bot's code :(
oh wtf it's actually only available in Fedora 33
do I downgrade Fedora again or update the scripts to use choosenim?
@emanresuA wait you actually did lol
well i appreciate it but nah i just signed in to it cuz i was going to test something
@Mayube Seems like it's easier to install an extra package from somewhere instead of potentially having to do that for a ton of Fedorta-35-only ones
> Fedorta
the crappy-off-brand version of Fedora
Alongside Urbuntu, Debiam, Rad Hat, and OpenSUSSY
I prefer Wingdows
Marc OS
What about ZimbabweDollarOs?
Vanadium OS
Vanadium is such an underrated element I swear
@lyxal I prefer WinDOS
Michaelsoft Binbows
It's not what most people think
It was a computer parts store in Japan
The name is actually a pun, off of a Japanese word, meaning something like "cheap" or "bargain" or something
Ah, I see you watch Nick Robinson as well
I was about to post the video
No, just that video lol
I was kinda halfway expecting you to have seen it, given that about 60% of the videos I mention here someone else has seen lol
@Mayube is that the one where he pores over Google Street View to find it?
also, YouTube isn't sure I'm over 18
he has a lot of equally odd deep-dives into various things, like who voiced the uncredited narrator in one of the super monkey ball games, or where this weird official sticker of pikachu from Detective Pikachu comes from
@Neil yeah and he's super sad that he couldn't actually go to japan this time
Oh and he had a couple of videos about this one time McDonalds Japan used Nintendo DSs with a "McDonalds training game" to train their employees, and the McDonalds-branded matte black DSs that came with it
Oh, that was him?
and a series about the Dominos Japan X Hatsune Miku app, and him tracking down the president of Dominos Japan to talk about it
@RedwolfPrograms 貧乏? probably not exactly considering it means poverty
i was implementing the Jelly decompression algorithm in Java, i must say, Dennis is a genius
wait no it is lmao
that's amazing
@Seggan i got 17 upvotes and 1 downvote and 16 total in my question. i think i'm reaching you.
mine got 18 by now
@Seggan ok. but i got 2 close votes. and you?
@Mayube why i got 2 close votes?
and 3 is needed.
to close. but why???
pretty sure it's 5 votes to close
@Fmbalbuena because a lot of things had to be clarified about the challenge in the comments, and those clarifications haven't been edited into the question.
@Mayube I clarified. right now.
@Mayube i have a question: can unvote to close? (without voting to reopen)
CMC: Determine what this is
@Fmbalbuena Not unless you voted to close and are retracting that vote
(Warning: Laggy)
@emanresuA that's a graph
@emanresuA this is mathematically elegant graph.
*looks like
It's what happens when I try to do maths instead of messing around.
@emanresuA a fever dream
@Mayube @lyxal How to link question?
@lyxal do you like making golfing languages?
However I find I can only focus on making one at a time
@Fmbalbuena just copy the link lol
but how do you make diccionary?
@lyxal do you find a question what makes string diagonal example:
abc outputs
@emanresuA but i'm finding a question
what is related
Q: Diagonal Alphabet

StephenGiven no input, your task is to generate the following: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t ...

Close, but with a hardcoded input
but i mean if the input is 1y then outputs
I love how every time I listen to a certain song on YT it classifies it as a different genre
It's gone through like ten of them now lol
I think so far it's included pop-punk, rock, hardcore, post-hardcore, emo, and some others that don't make as much sense and/or are just trivial variations of the others
Which like...there's overlap, but make up your mind lol
@RedwolfPrograms not strictly correct but i've seen it called a cartesian product
@RedwolfPrograms imagine listening to songs that actually get genre'd
I am back after a long time of inactivity and I am recently learning J
its actually really fun to learn J
@RedwolfPrograms Ooh two new ones: punk rock and heavy metal (which it definitely is not lol)
@UnrelatedString yo wow
@UnrelatedString is the input format that flexible?
sure hope so
op has looked at it and the only complaint is that i completely forgot to put the program on the first line verbatim
which is going to be... costly
@UnrelatedString i came up with something for 10 (put ;@⁶ḤḤ¤W;ç on the next line) but surely you can get better by restructuring it
i haven't actually examined how your solution works
i haven't either
@UnrelatedString haha lol me too
@hyper-neutrino i think i'm just going to have to resort to not outputting as a list of lines
anything else i try refuses to work
that could work
never thought I would write ¹⁷
wait no that isn't indented what am i smoking
absolutely hate what i have now
maybe there's some fold i can do
so now it only loses to stax by one byte
ok i have an idea for a tacit language
but i am worried that i will make another jelly clone lol
there's many ways to do tacit systems
avoiding jelly's system should not be hard
how weird would it be for a semi-python-like language (designed mostly with practicality in mind) to not have any operator precedence at all
like a+b*c would just be (a+b)*c
ik languages like J don't have precedence but that's cuz it wouldn't make much sense with the tacit structure IMO
@hyper-neutrino lets just use right to left
a+b*c == a+(b*c)
@hyper-neutrino J is from APL and APL was definitely RtL before it was tacit
oh, interesting
removing operator precedence could help basically any language tbh
@Razetime so tacit came way later?
when J came so did tacit
@Razetime the problem is i dont know jelly's system
@PyGamer0 there's a chatroom where everyone wants to teach you about it
so go there :)
@Razetime JHT?
but i want a document (or a webite) that shows diagrams of how the tacit system works
now that is an interesting idea
@cairdcoinheringaahing thoughts?
i'd be interested of doing something like that
could go well with my cheat sheet on the site
i find diagrams easier to understand
that sounds cool
you might be able to repurpose the stuff from the bqn site
@Razetime you mean this?
there's an "explain" feature here: mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/try.html
holy the explain feature is very cool
function names must start with a capital letter.
@Razetime oh
why is that a restiction
BQN has a context free grammar
by enforcing that it doesn't have to do work in order to find out what your code does
oh so if a function can be named anything, BQN will need to parse and eval to know if it is a value or a function
but if the function has a restriction it does not need to do that
it already knows
@Razetime it just shows which is evaluted first
it does not show how the primitives are applied
it's easier for the interpreter adn you can decipher what the program does at a glance
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
i learnt javascript :P
@PyGamer0 there are a few of those in lynn's tutorial
@UnrelatedString link?
i think it's both on the tips page and the github wiki
never mind there's only two diagrams lmao
@UnrelatedString actually i already saw those diagrams lol
for(let i=0;i<25;i++)alert(i)
ok imma go play karlson
i want to solve a cmc
@PyGamer0 Good job, although your javascript looks a little like Python.
@emanresuA thats how i write my C
if i write C
Although alert is a very golfy way to get output, it's also painful.
@PyGamer0 CMC: 452
(From a car numberplate)
am i supposed to output 452?
I'm sure we can do better than that
I can't tell you immediately, but 452 is smaller than 2 bytes, so there has to be a way to do it in some language in 2 bytes. Right..?
Vyxal can do up to 356 in two butes
@emanresuA wow butes
You know what i mean
jelly's short int compression requires 3 bytes and can encode from -31349 to -100 and 1001 to 32250, so wouldn't help here :/
apparently i made a base converter
Print452Lang, 0 bytes
@hyper-neutrino implementation
@lyxal hacks flags
(Outputs in base 452)
CMC: Print 20434i exactly as it is.
CMC: Print {⍵ * ⍺ + 34} exactly as it is.
@PyGamer0 Try it online! for 6 bytes in keg
tried ı20434 in jelly and forgot the imaginary unit is j in python
⁽MṢ;”i works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CMC: Find the most bizzare when taken out of context message here.
I just wrote the horrendous `(\\[`\\])*([^\\]\\(\\\\)*`|[^`])*`?, then realised `(\\[\\`]|[^`])*`? does just fine :P
i don't even want to think about how many backslashes you had to type to make that markdown work
oh wait, not actually that many? huh. i thought you had to escape backslashes
Nope :P
(Trying to understand Jelly's "parser")
ah. have fun
I suppose it doesn't need a very complex parser as there are no structures of any kind, only quicks, atoms and syntax stuff
And how those relate is just inferred by the interpreter
It's more of a tokenizer than a parser, really
it would still help if it wasn't all like 5 regexes
I spent five minutes trying to figure out why a modified regex wasn't working and all I needed to do was use non-capturing groups.
I actually managed to successfully modify Jelly's parser!
nice! I'm surprised the original unmodified one even works half the time
Backticked strings actually work, with proper escapes and everything!
Great, now I'm going to need to think about how to merge it all.
CMC: Given positive integers d and e, with d>1, output 1 + d + d^2 + ... + d^e
The codepage is going to be... interesting.
See, I'm using Vyxal syntax, except for Jelly arrays, but deferring to Jelly chaining rules, and using Vyxal builtins.
Downvote denial: given a list of up and down votes, the original viewing time, and which (if any) is your vote, show the current total given the following rules:
1. The result of your vote on the total is always displayed. The remaining rules only apply to other votes.
2. Votes before you viewed the post are summed but the total is set to zero if it would be negative.
3. After you view the post you see the cumulative maximum of the cumulative sum of votes.
Example: There were two upvotes and one downvote before you viewed the post and voted. There was then another downvote, two more upvotes
Is this a userscript?
Somehow, I have less builtins / syntax stuff to keep from Jelly than the amount of Vyxal builtins / syntax that become useless in the context of a tacit language.
you could warp chaining semantics to operate on a stack
That's... too cursed to even think about.
Also I'm trying to keep it half Jelly, half Vyxal - and doing that kinda nudges it towards Vyxal a lot.
you could store running value as top of stack, monad left/dyad right as second from the top, and dyad left as third from top
and any operation on anything that isn't tos just peeks it so there's no difference until you actually use stack builtins and then it just goes to shit
Nah, that sounds too complicated.
Also I've decided I'm going to use Vyxal flags 'cos why not.
(* at least the ones that make sense in a tacit environment)
You literally copy+pasted two of my messages :P
@UnrelatedString Does Jelly have any sort of 'replace' function? If so, how?
Oh, I see, that's clever.
it's only single character replacements though
for anything more than that you have to defer to split and join stuff
or python eval
@emanresuA yes... but I didn't want to name you ... hope thats ok?
It's fine :P
I just saw that 'Is this a userscript?' message on my 'other rooms' ticker an my meme-sense started tingling
Me when I saw this: There's a fly on my screen!
@AncientSwordRage seems more like a chrome extension to me :p
Mfers been complaining about flags and loving JS since 1812
(for legal reasons that's a joke)
1 hour later…
@emanresuA wow
even i thought the same
@AaroneousMiller I have a picture you might be interested in
and with that, it's time to be a [[BED SHOT]]
who knows
@lyxal ()/
CIC: Make a CMC generator (like AICMC)
Wjat's the I stand for?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i have a problem.
What happens the bounty if the question is closed
You can't close a question with a bounty
@user ok. i'm willing to bounty.
Cool-looking language: Effekt. Haven't looked at it too closely, but it seems to basically have first class support for effects
@Fmbalbuena Bounty which question?
my question because the users does not give attention.
@user this does not look cool
The fact that it looks like Scala is a good part of why I liked it :P
@user Koka is another language with similar ideas
This one? Looks pretty nice, I'm always surprised to see companies researching cool stuff like this
I actually didn't know it was a Microsoft project
So is Lean, I think
Huh, the Effekt docs say it was inspired by Koka (some syntactic sugar, at least)
@user Lul
We have a feed to post bountied questions, by the way, it's just kinda slow
5 minutes to post?
idk, it varies
You haven't answered Dingus's last comment, by the way
Q: Write a Stack Exchange compliant brainfuck explainer

FmbalbuenaYou are to take a string representing a piece of brainfuck code, containing only printable ASCII characters ( to ~, ASCII 32 to 126) as input and output an explanation of that code, formatted to be compliant with Stack Exchange markdown. That is, the explanation must satisfy: Each line has an a...

@user speak of the devil and he shall appear!
Ooh, nice, I've been trying to reach him for days
Hey Satan, you there? I need to sell my soul, idk if it's in the best condition but it should be worth something, at least
bruh the devil's lazy af
Are you the devil? Is that all I get for my soul? :P
@user no, this is cool binary lambda calculus program.
Very cool, but you don't have to ping people specifically if it's something you're saying to everyone
@Fmbalbuena *bitwise cyclic tag
my little brother's shirt has the HN on it
my guess that hyper-neutrino made it or it came from hackernews
7 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
CMC: Given positive integers d and e, with d>1, output 1 + d + d^2 + ... + d^e
@PyGamer0 I can do it in 26
Using the geometric series formula thing?
I got 27 but I assume you have a trick with ~ or the like up your sleeve
@LeakyNun 25 bytes
Isn't it d*d**e?
@pxeger I said 21 bytes for the first attempt but it was actually 23 initially. Anyway now it's 22
@user i just did what my tiny brain thought
Which mobile browser allows you to change fonts?
Safari lets you, in reader view, at least, I think
is there no android browser that allows changing of fonts?
well 'time to make one'
CMC: Print graham(input)
CMC: list all the Unicode characters that are basic outlined rectangles
@pxeger ?
@pxeger I think somebody's hacked into my keyboard and changed all the number keys, because I meant 25 not 22 lmao
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FmbalbuenaOEIS A049190 your task is to print all numbers of this sequence. is separated by newline, is separated by space or separated by comma. the first few numbers are: 1, 3, 5, 59, 245, 2491, 235253, 127756731, 330567489269, 258479716298484155, 36823182192123209878050549, 255764121170542963442093532991...

@pxeger I was wondering how you gotd that lol
@user fix my sandbox post.
@LeakyNun Pip, 7 bytes: $+aE,Ub (9 bytes in Pip Classic)
@Fmbalbuena Instead of starting a bounty to stop people closing your challenge, why don't you instead clarify it, as I and others have repeatedly said?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah i know. but i can't find a way to clarify. what i do?
Nov 17 at 11:57, by caird coinheringaahing
@Fmbalbuena I'd rephrase it as "The explanation for each character will be provided as input. You may choose how to associate each explanation with it's character (for example: dictionary; mapping; list where the first element corresponds to +, the second to -, etc.), but it must be consistent" Then add some test cases with other explanation texts
2 days ago, by caird coinheringaahing
@Fmbalbuena I'd suggest you clarify that there will only be 9 "explanation" strings given, and that answers may choose how to associate each command with each inputted explanation string
You can use that exact wording from the first if you'd like
@cairdcoinheringaahing but users alaways don't print the code at the top of STDOUT. what i do?
@Fmbalbuena I don't know what you mean
If you mean that there are answers that don't fit the output format, you don't have to worry about that - just let the answerer know its invalid in a comment and the OP will fix or delete it. The reason your challenge has gotten close votes it because of the confusion around the input format
caird the old TIO link of this is TIO
@Fmbalbuena And lyxal fixed it? That's perfectly fine
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing i found 4 answerers what forgot to output. only 6 do correctly.
just tell them they're wrong then and they'll fix it
doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, it's a simple mistake. i've seen a question with 15 invalid answers and only 1 undeleted one
@hyper-neutrino what question?
I just went through all the answers, and they all look valid to me?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah because i said all invalid answers.
@Fmbalbuena don't remember
@Fmbalbuena link
@Fmbalbuena Then there's no problem right?
@cairdcoinheringaahing there no problem
@Fmbalbuena What you just added, "where the first element corresponds to >, the second to <, etc.", still isn't clear. What order are the remaining elements? Just putting "etc." doesn't explain it, because I don't know what are +-.,[].
@pxeger the first line is brainfuck Description of ">", second line is brainfuck Description of "<", etc.
you've literally said exactly what pxeger already said isn't clear enough
I'd suggest saying that answers can choose how to associate each brainfuck command with each explanation
@cairdcoinheringaahing ok i will do.
I doubt Fmbalbuena is doing this intentionally, but the bounty is stopping the question from being closed - should it be removed to allow the community to finish reviewing it properly? I could close the question but I don't want to act unilaterally since there are still 2 votes remaining.
I don't see anything wrong with leaving it, as it looks like Fmbalbuena's trying to clarify the post at least
I'm not personally a fan of using bounties for clarifications; that should be edited in to the post (what happens once the bounty ends?), and the question can always be reopened after it's actually clear enough so there's nothing wrong with closing it while they're fixing it, but I see what you mean though.
@hyper-neutrino Ah no, I didn't mean they're trying to clarify it through the bounty, but that they're trying to clarify the input confusion atm with editing
@hyper-neutrino I used bounty to draw attention.
not clarifications.
@hyper-neutrino Do you get it?
00:00 - 19:0020:00 - 00:00

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