@RedwolfPrograms I remember having to copy network drivers from my desktop to my laptop by IR because it had no other connectivity on it. (this was back when I had a) a laptop b) a desktop with IR)
@Fmbalbuena Yes, good for you :-) If you had left the challenge in the sandbox a little longer, you might also have avoided all the follow-up questions on the post. Oh well, lesson learned for next time.
100 rep for the first answer to One OEIS after another using a language that starts with I
This challenge was started 4 years ago, has more than 300 answers, but none of these answers uses a language that starts with I. After my Zephyr answer, I becomes the last initial letter that has not been u...
Hmm, it's not sock² that's the problem. I've been using it here at home for the last hour or so, and I've forgotten multiple times it's enabled. Seems the school wifi is the issue.
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah, I'm playing music rn and there's no stuttering or anything. Couldn't even get TNB or Reddit to work reliably when I was at school.
Wonder if that's them trying to filter stuff, or just an extremely slow filtering system
yeah I figured that we should stop overspecialising for just fizzbuzz, and start overspecialising for more challenges :p (that's a joke please don't quote this out of context lol)
@Razetime Yeah, there's a lot of assignments... I think I have the yank in the best place given the current program structure, since it's the operand of a unary operator, which saves two bytes instead of one (z:...(^z) -> (^Y...))
Currently trying some ideas with map. It seems like maybe a language such as MATL could profitably use an identity matrix to format the code-with-spaces, but I have a feeling that would end up too long in Pip.
AI Misalignment is basically drug addiction for robots
It's actially a fascinatingly similar scenario: a reward function (in humans, dopamine) being tricked by finding an unintended way to optimize the returns
Okay, I gathered 25 different challenge ideas from previous AoC events. I guess I'll write up those into concrete challenges under a separate meta post. — Bubbler16 mins ago
Originally from caird coinheringaahing's idea, I thought about how we could do it this year with such a short time before December, and I decided to gather some ideas from previous AoC events. (There's an explicit permission from Eric Wastl, the one who runs the AoC event.)
As I found 25 potentia...
You are given a still of a series of balls falling in a 2D grid. This grid is surrounded by immutable and unbreakable walls so all the action in contained within them. Your task is to determine what will the state of the scenario be after gravity does all it's work.
Elements inside gr...
100 rep for the first answer to One OEIS after another using a language that starts with I (claimed)
This challenge was started 4 years ago, has more than 300 answers, but none of these answers uses a language that starts with I. After my Zephyr answer, I becomes the last initial letter that has ...
Gosh dang it
I shoulda made a quick vyxal fork and called it iyxal
Create a program that outputs an aimanted Noisey ascii screamface:
Reference implementation
Challenge Rules:
All face part types must remain visiually Distinct while animating the screamface, observing the following implementation of Noise:
Allow background characters to overlap the outer peri...
@AaroneousMiller Of the 3 I tested, this is the only one that correctly identifies 0 as neither positive nor negative. Both the Vim and Zsh answers treat it as positive
I don't see why the sandbox revamp wouldn't have worked
And it's a super cool idea, we have tons of great sandbox challenges that will never see the light of day
We could start with some near-finished ones for the first few days of december, to give us some extra time, but we've still got multiple weeks to prepare
This could totally work
The sandbox has thousands of challenges, many of which are good, and many of which will never see the light of day. Cleaning up 25 of these and adding some winter theming on top shouldn't take too much work, especially since we can work on the later ones throughout early d...
Remember, we're not writing 25 challenges in two weeks, we're writing one per day, with two weeks of additional time at the start. We can overlap tasks.
Even an especially rough challenge can't take more than two weeks to clean up, plenty of time for it to be one of the later ones.
We already have policy in place for adopting abandoned sandbox posts, so I don't know that we need an event dedicated to it, but at the same time that's also not a reason not to do it
@RedwolfPrograms I think "cleaning" the sandbox shouldn't be the aim of this project - is the sandbox really unclean? The aim should be finding the diamonds that got left behind in order to have some good challenges, not in order to clean up
I don't think regular expressions are the best way to extract data from a binary cryptographic protocol. The Client Hello message includes 32 bytes of random data that might match your regexp. — dlundquistFeb 21 '14 at 6:35
Dang, can't find any Node libraries that do SNI-related stuff. Trying to debug sock², and seeing what connections are doing what would be useful.
@nitsua60 you mean you think you remember an extant PPCG challenge that is contained within this comic? Or the comic contains something which has potential to be a challenge?
CMC: Given a list of sunrise and sunset times, output the number of days the times cover, where a day ends only at a sunset after a period of at least 12 hours of daylight.
Plan my factory
"Factory games", such as Factorio, Mindustry, and Satisfactory are my favourite genre of video games, and the way I play them involve a lot of ratio calculations to make sure the factory is running as efficiently as possible.
Given a list of recipe specifications, and a desired pr...
(This is my first time posting here so suggestions on how to improve the question are greatly appreciated)
For this challenge, you must output ASCII art of the language abbreviation (file extension, etc.) or the language name. For example, the abbreviation of Javascript is js, Python is py, 05AB1...
Obligatory "I love Worldbuilding.SE" quote of the week:
> If my intuition is at least somewhat correct, our hero will, in their reference frame, be immediately bathed by cosmic microwave background blueshifted to deadly energies, as well as quite a lot of hydrogen atoms (also blueshifted to ridiculous masses), as well all of Mars's atmosphere in their path all at once. Since c-1e-24 is higher than the speed of nerve impulses, the good news they literally won't know what hit them. They simply cease to exist as a coherent structure.
they say it's to "protect small content creators from targeted downvoting" but I don't think that's ever been a major enough issue and it's really just to protect corporations and large revenue-producing channels like 5MC that only produce shitty at best and dangerous at worst content
and since you can no longer gauge if said content is harmful or not because you can only see likes (and of course large channels will have more likes even if they have horrible +/- ratios) it's harder to avoid it
also now's a great time to scam people cuz you don't have to care if you get downvoted into oblivion anymore