Mmm, so lyxal can walk. I have narrowed down your identity to only a few billion people :P
I also know that you have colorful plates, walk upside down, and are a flower. Using this knowledge about you, I will soon doxx you unless you give me 1000000 USD
@cairdcoinheringaahing I dislike high rep users, their always correcting my spelling and grammar and all. I mean, its my message, I can say whatever I want, your not the boss of me!
If I had been mod, I would of blocked all pedants from stack Exchange
if they meant to post it to main they'll do it themselves
i don't want to migrate it if they weren't actually ready (although it's already sandboxed so... idk what else they could've wanted other than to post to main)
Fun fact: my uni accommodation provides a "safer sex and drugs box" containing all the things you need to be safe with drugs/sex. Can you guess what's in it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Just reuse them, what's the problem? When I was a kid, our entire college had to share one condom between us. Y'all keep using and then throwing them away, smh
We'd handle it quickly enough here that it wouldn't be too much of an issue (we have a mod active and >6 10k+ users), but it'll still attract attention
Ok I get the message. Flagging is basically a nuclear bomb and moderators = nurses? 1000 nurses rush to the nuclear bomb to see what’s happening and… oh it’s a joke flag
flags are to indicate a message is offensive/rude/spam and needs to be immediately removed, and calls on everyone with 10k reputation to take a look at it
well that diverted the conversation, so let's instead talk about Code Golf and Coding Challenges Stack Exchange as we always do in this very on-topic and focused chat room