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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

hyper is da suspaghetti
@RedwolfPrograms it's all about learning how to shitpost in a way that people will play along really
And lyxal is a master of shitposting :P
Feb 28 at 1:12, by caird coinheringaahing
Cause you are a walking shitpost machine :P
Mmm, so lyxal can walk. I have narrowed down your identity to only a few billion people :P
I also know that you have colorful plates, walk upside down, and are a flower. Using this knowledge about you, I will soon doxx you unless you give me 1000000 USD
@RedwolfPrograms it's been 2 months
@hyper-neutrino smh imma call your manager
The pasta must be really cold by now
It took me a while to come up with a funny response
Worst. Delivery. Service. Ever.
@RedwolfPrograms Well, tell us what it is then :P
It irks me that there's so much green here, and yet I can't stop myself from posting annoying, useless messages
@user I...I already posted it?
18 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
@hyper-neutrino Pretty odd request...sure you're not the im-pasta?
...That was the joke
I meant that you're "funny response" wasn't very funny
1 hour ago, by DLosc
that joke
    o  <- my head
   / \
^ but with redwolf
@RedwolfPrograms Did you change GRT?
amogus wrapped back around from not funny at all to ironically funny to not funny at all again
@user *your
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, why?
I just got back from a night out and had 18 tabs open for /close/61932
@hyper-neutrino :) Your annoyed by that, aren't you?
do not tempt me
@cairdcoinheringaahing Weird, not sure what the issue is
But no changes were made
It was working last night, closing the tabs after a given amount of time
@cairdcoinheringaahing I dislike high rep users, their always correcting my spelling and grammar and all. I mean, its my message, I can say whatever I want, your not the boss of me!
If I had been mod, I would of blocked all pedants from stack Exchange
*the object that belongs to you
*should of
Ugh, eye refuse too needlessly correct my grammar
@cairdcoinheringaahing Take youre posh British English and sho... nevermind
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can it not be migrated?
if they meant to post it to main they'll do it themselves
i don't want to migrate it if they weren't actually ready (although it's already sandboxed so... idk what else they could've wanted other than to post to main)
There should really be a warning for questions matching certain keywords posted on Meta
would be cool if sites could set keywords to warn the user if they try posting with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@user It should be posted in the Sandbox, and we can't migrate it like that
not sure if it'd work great
@cairdcoinheringaahing it already is in the sandbox
To make matters worse, the OP seems to have just left to steal candy from puppies or something
Maybe a warning for ?
@hyper-neutrino Isn't that already implemented to some extent?
@hyper-neutrino They can
@RedwolfPrograms +1
Not sure if we can do that with our metas though
Fun fact: my uni accommodation provides a "safer sex and drugs box" containing all the things you need to be safe with drugs/sex. Can you guess what's in it?
Anyway, gtg for now o/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Air
@RedwolfPrograms wait actually
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm guessing that the obvious guesses aren't correct?
@user Nope, really annoying how we opened it and suffocated on the CO2 that filled it :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing nothing that actually helps with the point of the box
@RedwolfPrograms Depends on what the "obvious guesses" are
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hmm, I'm gonna go with matter
Please tell me your university doesn't give you boxes of antimatter
It did have matter in it :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Probably condoms/clean needles, I guess
clean needles is "obvious" to you??? :P
It had condoms, lube and a pamphlet about how to safely take drugs :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing If it's going to be something dumb, maybe a pamphlet saying "The best way to stay safe is to abstain from sex and drugs"
@cairdcoinheringaahing Redwolf is local drug dealer confirmed?!? /s
@cairdcoinheringaahing That sounds sensible?
Kind of, but they gave a flat of 5 people 2 condoms and 8 packs of lube :P
well you only need one per 2+ people :)
wait 8 packs of lube. that ratio is a bit peculiar
@cairdcoinheringaahing well you know what they say... Sharing is caring
So we can be very slippery :P
well if you have any excess, depending on the type you can extract some lidocaine from it
Oh cool, safe sex and drugs at the same time :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing Just reuse them, what's the problem? When I was a kid, our entire college had to share one condom between us. Y'all keep using and then throwing them away, smh
They also gave us this huge poster showing the results of mixing basically every pair of "drugs"
@user ...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Fun fact: don't mix meth and coffee, that pairing is classed as a "caution"
@cairdcoinheringaahing Don't a lot of STDs also spread via shared needles?
@RedwolfPrograms Blood
@RedwolfPrograms take notes. Caird has done an excellent job of getting chat to discuss a random topic
@RedwolfPrograms Maybe, but a uni isn't going to actively give us needles
Like, they also didn't give us shot glasses :P
@user just use socks
@lyxal and get onto the starboard, talking about that random topic :P
@RedwolfPrograms no, they spread from namespace usage :p
@user Just do it at night, that way the sperm is asleep
Thanks TNB, I learned more about sex here than in three years of health!
@cairdcoinheringaahing However, heroin + LSD is apparently an "upper", so feel free to shoot up and take a tab, cause that's a positive :P
...Isn't LSD enough?
@user When a mommy code golfer and a daddy code golfer love each other very much....
@cairdcoinheringaahing Flag as sperm
@user I'd imagine so, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@cairdcoinheringaahing They create a very tiny code golfer?
That's the ultimate goal :P
Six sperm flags are enough to automatically delete a post
Golf your bytes and your size
@hyper-neutrino someone should do this IRL but with all the drugs on that table :P
for science
Yes, for science
@hyper-neutrino Well, you know what minecrafters say, if you drink white stuff, it'll cure all your problems :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, you know what minecrafters say, if you d r i nk whit e stuff, it'll cure all your problems :P
@user Unless you’re on HARDCORE difficulty or HARDCORE <Fundy $2000 cursed difficulty> difficulty
There's a lot of drugs on that table :P
wake up babe new scrabble board just dropped
@hyper-neutrino @rak1507 ^^^^ Scrabble drug edition!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Y'all, if you mix LSD and LSD, you get LSD, wow :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh, you'd think you'd get LSD^2. Drug math is weird
of all the messages in the past half hour that's not the one i'd expect people to say "stop" to :P
@hyper-neutrino babe, that is a nice scrabble board :P
I think it’s time to stop
Or else I flag this message
if you seriously want us to stop we will (and refer to the pinned message)
Flags are sort of the nuclear option, asking people to stop, is, per the pinned message, the best way
@Wansen If you're feeling uncomfortable, we can stop with the drug/sex talk
but don't abuse flags
They alert every 10k+ user on the network
Wait what
(10k+ reputation)
Once you hit 10k they send you a rifle and a fancy uniform. When you flag a message, we arrive at your house within minutes, hundreds strong.
We'd handle it quickly enough here that it wouldn't be too much of an issue (we have a mod active and >6 10k+ users), but it'll still attract attention
Ok I get the message. Flagging is basically a nuclear bomb and moderators = nurses? 1000 nurses rush to the nuclear bomb to see what’s happening and… oh it’s a joke flag
Is that what you mean?
Kind of
Flags are only used for really bad messages
flags are to indicate a message is offensive/rude/spam and needs to be immediately removed, and calls on everyone with 10k reputation to take a look at it
Oh, okay, imma go rest now. mi
Otherwise, just talk to the people in the room
Okay @caird
well that diverted the conversation, so let's instead talk about Code Golf and Coding Challenges Stack Exchange as we always do in this very on-topic and focused chat room
Y'all, I'm struggling to golf this Jelly program to add two numbers together, any byte saves? Program is +
So, have we golfed any particularly code lately?
@cairdcoinheringaahing -1 bytes in jquery. have you tried using jquery?
( was gonna link to the comment under the 0 byte hello world that this was posted under, but it's gone :( )
Is it worth marking this as , now that this has?
yeah i think that'd make sense
Stop chatting and go watch manhunt
It's just started
Which manhunt?
Minecraft manhunt
Guilty pleasure, ngl :P
Petition for Wadzee to be the 6th hunter when they get to that point :P
@RedwolfPrograms ngl, this would be so cool (also ridiculously stupid but still)
In order to reach users in more remote areas, at 20k you're given a parachute and a 3 week paratrooper training course
depending on the situation some mods might show up within seconds but we usually just keep our snipers aimed
@lyxal Ooh nice, they're in the 1.18 snapshots :P
BREAKING NEWS if you have 1m reputation you are given access to remove users (very joke)
Jon Skeet has the ability to nuke one user, of his choosing no questions asked, once a year :P
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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